Is it actually possible for John McCain to actually be older than his mother?
I suppose the idea was that by sitting McCain next to his mother, he’d appear younger by comparison, but it doesn’t come off that way. Hope they give this ad a lot of play.
Did his mom spend any time as a POW?
“GOP convention leader quits, citing Myanmar ties
“ST. PAUL, Minn. — The man picked by the John McCain campaign to run the 2008 Republican National Convention resigned Saturday after a report that his lobbying firm used to represent the military regime in Myanmar.”
(Fair use quote from Seattle Times.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another Republican tyrant-coddler falls flat on his face! Hey, didn’t the Republicans tell us they were sacrificing our money and sons in Iraq in the name of democracy?! This would be funny if it wasn’t so rank. Notice McCain didn’t sack him, and the guy didn’t quit until Newsweek outed him. Waaaaaaytagoooooowingputz!!! Fucking hypocrites!! Hell, it is funny!!!
Mildred Loving, Civil Rights Pioneer, Dead At 68
In June of 1958, she drove with her fiance to Washington D.C. to get married because it was illegal for mixed-race couples to marry in their home state of Virginia. After returning home and moving in with her parents, they were awakened at 2 a.m. by armed sheriff’s deputies surrounding their bed and shining flashlights in their faces. “That’s no good here,” the sheriff said of their marriage license, before bundling them off to jail.
The Lovings, with the help of the ACLU, sued the state of Virginia, and the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Virginia anti-miscegenation laws on the books since 1691 were unconstitutional.
Mildred Loving died last week; her husband was killed in 1975 by a drunk driver. Because of them and the ACLU, police no longer break down bedroom doors in the middle of the night and drag people to jail for falling in love and getting married.
Yes, we’ve had tyranny in America; and there’s a conservative, ACLU-hating, anti-Constitution element that would bring back midnight police raids and perhaps even slavery, if they could. We must remain vigilant forever.
Oh yeah, one more thing: The Lovings are survived by a son and daughter (another son is deceased), 8 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Up yours, sheriff.
And God bless the ACLU and brave people like the Lovings who refuse to let tyrants hiding behind badges and guns push them around.
The ACLU fights for freedom, and against tyranny and oppression. Meanwhile, GOP lobbyists work for brutal dictators.
When their limp arguments run out of steam, the last-gasp desperate “Hail Mary” gambit of our resident trolls is to bluster, “B-b-but the Democrats are just like us!”
No, we’re not! We’re not even from the same universe as you alien puddles of primitive slime. You Republicans are pathetically unique.
David Postman writes in today’s fishwrapper that John McSame will headline a Bellevue fundraiser this week. Cheap seats start at $1,000 and the dinner costs $33,100 per person. Not exactly a populist event. And WSRP won’t get any of the money — it seems GOP strategists don’t consider Washington a “battleground” state.
Maybe, but John has more hair than you Goldy, so tread lightly.
re 6: And McCain’s mother has even more hair than McCain himself. That does it. I’m voting for John McCain’s mother.
This is the sum total of the McSame campaign with respect to his age.
Show his mother.
Pelletizer, you stupid rabbit, back then the ACLU was a decent organization.
Fast forward to 2005 – ACLU supports NAMBLA, an organization Daddy Love smiles at.
Fast forward to 2006 – ACLU takes up the case of illegal immigrant who rapes and kills a woman.
Fast forward to 2008 – Well you all know the stories…
@1 All mothers are prisoners of their children.
Today is Mother’s Day, but I don’t have a mommy. She was run over on Greenlake Way East by a Republican s.o.b. in a speeding SUV.
(sniffle) =:-C
@9 “ACLU supports NAMBLA, an organization Daddy Love smiles at.”
Wrong, you dumb shit. ACLU supports NAMBLA’s free speech and free association rights — for the same reason they supported the constitutional rights of the neo-Nazis and other unpopular groups: Because we all have exactly the same rights, and if they don’t have any rights, then neither do we.
Are you really this fucking retarded? (Don’t answer; you’ll only further embarrass yourself.)
@9 (continued) “ACLU takes up the case of illegal immigrant who rapes and kills a woman.”
Do tell. I don’t know anything about that case, but I strongly suspect if we delved into it, we would find that it has to do with supporting constitutional rights, not supporting rape or murder. Constitutional rights such as:
Due process
Presumption of innocence
Right to a fair trial
Right to an impartial judge and jury
Instead of shooting from the hip, you should do a little research first, so you don’t make a public ass of yourself quite so frequently.
I suppose next you’ll tell us that everything was love-and-kisses between the ACLU and rightwing troglodytes like you back in the 60s when the ACLU was fighting against Jim Crow laws. You, of all people, puddinghead … if you know what I mean … associating yourself with the anti-ACLU crowd.
@9 “Fast forward to 2008 – Well you all know the stories…”
Well no, we don’t know what you’re referring to … we’re not fucking mindreaders. Not that a mind* as dense as yours is legible under any circumstances.
* Dignifying a mass of inert protoplasm with an appellation it doesn’t deserve out of charity
Liberals can’t remember last week let alone a couple years back.
Pelletizer – stupid is as stupid does.
Can you read? “Pelletizer, you stupid rabbit, back then (50s-60s) the ACLU was a decent organization.” Now it has disintegrated into something more heinous.
Back in the 60s I was in middle school dumb stupid moronic buddy.
So Pelletizer you can read about your illegal alien friends – with the latest illegal acts first.
Of course with a history like the dems have you can understand why they would want to forget. hehehe
Pelletizer, when do illegal aliens have constitutional rights since they are not US citizens?
Golly Pelletizer, I didn’t see the ACLU helping the Blacks in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. No hue and cry over that.
Puddy avers: “Now it (the ACLU) has disintegrated into something more heinous.”
As in “more heniously decent”, or “more decently henious”? Please do explain. Your age in the 60’s is no excuse.
@20: Yes. We are a nation of laws. Republicans tend to forget this.
Hey Pelletizer – I guess you also forgot this headline: ACLU Chapter President Arrested for Child Porn.
Puddy didn’t forget…
ProudofHisASSness@22: See 24.
Stupes, the ACLU supports your right to be a total freaking idiot – which is exactly what you are.
Example: you accuse Daddy Love of pedophilia without any proof.
But you have a right to be that, as long as you don’t physically harm anyone and the ACLU will defend that right.
@21: Since the experiment was kept secret, how can you ask such an idiotic question?
@25: That is your “standard” of proof?
Try again. This is amusing.
24 – Is the ACLU defending him?
There have been many pedophile priests in the Catholic Church.
Does your stupid logic apply to the Catholic Church?
You’re such a loser.
Come on, bootlicker. Strut you stuff. Show us your dazzling “smartness” about the ACLU.
@17 The ACLU today is exactly the same organization fighting for exactly the same constitutional liberties as it was in the 50s and 60s.
I do question the ACLU – after all, they did stand up for one of the biggest cowards, crooks and criminals in the USA – Limpdick Rush Limbaugh.
The Three Pillars Of Conservatism
1. Cheap Labor
2. Ripping Off Consumers
3. Using Government As An Instrument Of Repression To Prevent Economic And Social Reform
Why did an adult male that uses an avatar of johnny deep legally change his name to daddy love?
If daddy love was an entertainer big deal what his name was. Google daddy love seattle, not an entertainer. It says on a social networking page he plays guitar, but hell, headless also plays guitar.
Why don’t you take a shot at explaining what daddylove means? Daddylove refuses to expplain, which is his choice. After all, the ACLU defends nambla so daddylove does have some rights.
And if you are so opposed to unfounded charges of pedophilia, when are you going to speak up against those that insist Puddy, myself and all the other trolls are child rapists? Your faux indignation is a partisan joke.
@20 “Pelletizer, when do illegal aliens have constitutional rights since they are not US citizens?”
This may come as a shock to you, puddinghead, but they have exactly the same constitutional rights you do! In other words, they’re entitled to a lawyer, a fair trial, the presumption of innocence, a jury trial, and all that other good stuff.
I won’t bother to explain why because the effort would be wasted on an idiot like you who can’t even grasp the basic concepts of a Dick and Jane book.
@21 “Golly Pelletizer, I didn’t see the ACLU helping the Blacks in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. No hue and cry over that.”
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was conducted in secret until leaked to the press in 1972, at which time it was immediately terminated.
Nice try, puttybutt. You lose. Thanks for playing.
@35: “This may come as a shock to you, puddinghead….”
Fat chance. He is too busy remembering to forget all the forgotten rememberings that he remembers, but has not forgotten, or yet perhaps has remembered when he is not forgetting.
This loop has frightening implications for the thought process.
@24 “ACLU Chapter President Arrested for Child Porn.”
So was a GOP legislator in Maryland. Hell, maybe those two guys are even fucking buddies! They deserve each other.
For details, look up “Robert A. McKee”
@34: Does Sidney love his mother? By your reasoning, merely asking the question constitutes “proof”.
Wingnut logic at its finest.
@32 Yeah, that’s the downside of the ACLU — they think everyone has constitutional rights. I say to hell with that! Round up Republicans and execute ’em without trial!*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter joke. We should only do that to Jane Balogh’s dog.
Speaking of Jane Balogh’s dog, the last thing that mongrel will ever see is a veterinarian smiling at him as he taps the syringe … I’d pay $10 to watch that stupid dog being put to sleep!
Is the ACLU defending him?
There have been many pedophile priests in the Catholic Church.
Does your stupid logic apply to the Catholic Church?
You’re such a loser.
Ah that is nothing compared to number of child sex predators we have in the public screwls. Of course the teachers union protect them, I guess they have to earn their money somehow.
34 – Stamm, you are nuts. Nothing you just said there made any sense at all.
BBGOP called you some names? Oh poor baby.
I don’t take orders from silly authoritarian trolls.
It’s not an endorsement of anything anyone’s said here – it’s a rejection of you and your pathetic agenda.
Attention Pudster: There are a few clauses in the ol’ “it’s nothing but a god-damn piece of paper”*** Constitution that refer to “persons” instead of “citizens.” Sorry about that, sonny.
And I am still mad at the ACLU from back when they decided to defend Ollie North, well-known thief and crook. Something about a “fair trial” which they believed he couldn’t get.
*** President George W. Smirky McFlightsuit Bush.
43 – To be more specific, silence is not an endorsement of anything anyone has said here.
If it didn’t make any sense how did you know I wanted you to explain something. Do you even red what you write?
Okay, at least you’re trying to clarify what you wrote. I guess you did read what you wrote.
Ah that is nothing compared to number of child sex predators we have in the public screwls.
Here’s some fantasy from the cur:
and here’s the reality:
Eat shit cur!!!
So, what’s Hillary gonna do after Obama sews it up for the Democratic nomination? I’m thinking she’d make an excellent Veep for McCain. After all, she’s the equivalent of Richard Nixon in high drag, she just chooses to wear pantsuits instead of the evening gowns preferred by drag queens.
She’d make a perfect compliment to the smug, crony-capitalist McCain, and that ticket would beat Obama-Whoever easily in November.
@49 I seem to recall you were a wingnut recently? So now you’re wishing Hillary on your party’s presumptive nominee? With Republicans like you, the GOP doesn’t need Democrats … you shmucks are capable of imploding unassisted.
Mother’s Day is meaningless to Republicans. They don’t have mothers. They were raised in caves by wolves.
From Real Clear Politics:
General Election
McCain-Obama McCain-Clinton
Obama +3.2 Clinton +4.6
Eat shit wingnuts!!
Roger @ 50:
I seem to recall that you’re a failed scumbag attorney asshole guvmint-dependent jerk rodent. How’s your respiratory disease, Rog? Hope it causes you a hard time breathing, particularly when you’re spanking your monkey while wet-dreaming about Hillary.
Too bad you’re in love with her, ’cause she’s finished, A-S-S-H-O-L-E!
ESAD, rodent!
PS- I’m not a Republican, shithead.
I’d rather have Obama than McCain if it means Hillary is finished.
@ 42 Dog you are a shameless liar. What do you know about the public school system. Note I said “know”, not repeated talking points.
I have years of experience, volunteering in classrooms, serving on the PTA board, and the bad apples are few and the dedicated folks who care about children’s education are many.
@ 42 Dog you are a shameless liar. What do you know about the public school system. Note I said “know”, not repeated talking points.
I have years of experience, volunteering in classrooms, serving on the PTA board, and the bad apples are few and the dedicated folks who care about children’s education are many.
05/11/2008 at 4:50 pm
I trust the opinion of the 40% of parents who pass up free public education in Seattle way more then your opinion. Seattle public schools suck. Of course anything liberals run suck so what else is new.
Dogs are known to copulate with their own parents and offspring…not to mention their owners’ legs. For Jane’s mutt to be barking anything about sexual mores is absurdly lame.
Indeed most of the segregationists the ACLU and others were fighting in the 60’s called themselves Democrats, but the political landscape’s changed a bit since then. Not that we’d expect any of the current crop of Republicans to understand. They’re still trying to repeal the Magna Carta.
Lying Dog @ 56- so you’ve quickly moved from all public schools to Seattle Schools. I know of my district, not Seattle. Lord knows they have problems, but then they also have an elected board. Most of the issues I read about, and I take all I read about with a grain of salt, stem from the Board.
Care to back down further, cowardly cur?
I’m not a Republican, shithead.
And you’re paddling upstream on a river called denial.
Fucking clueless idiot wrote
Then you and your other ASSWipers stop asking me to comment on things Republican or conservative. Maybe I’ll be silent too jackASS!
DEAL Pendejo?
And fucking clueless idiot: Where have I ever supported Catholic Pedophile priests?
Time and Date Stamp.
Come on MOFO! Put up or shut up!
Pelletizer: Show it to me in the Constitution. You are wrong in many things.
Article and paragraph. Illegal Aliens are covered.
Artfart actually said something I agree with missed by Pelletizer in his civics class
After that they started losing their way Artfart.
The hipsters have taken over the asylum and it is really sad. Goldy why are you shamelessly playing into the ageism BS? That just damages the credibility of our side. Doesn’t matter though because Obama is going down in flames when the youth vote doesn’t actually turn out like the hipsters are expecting in the general.
I think for the first time in a long time I might be compelled to not vote in the general. The way the Obamaniacs have so viciously trashed Clinton it has really turned me off. Obama is great but its his supporters I can’t stand. Pissy, whiny, politically naive, and hypocritically sensitive to any criticism whatsoever. That basically sums up the whole lot. We are voting POTUS not an American Idol star.
Lying Dog @ 56- so you’ve quickly moved from all public schools to Seattle Schools.
Yeah which happens to be the largest school district in the state numbnuts. Yes it’s the worst case scenario, but it seems like public school advocates are scared of opening up to the free market. We can do better than what we have now.
evasive dog- you skip the part about the elected board. I once had an elected official tell me electeds have the right to make dumb decisions. The same applies to voters. When I bought my house, I chose a school district where my kids could go to public school and get a good education.
Those who live in Seattle have a voice in how their schools are run, They can choose to either leave the district, continue to support the status quo or move.
Of course they are doing that. I don’t feel too sorry for the citizens of Seattle, they vote liberal so of course they will have a shitty school district,transportation, police protection ect. It’s a prime example of how liberal guvmint doesn’t work.
I might be compelled to not vote in the general.
That’s coming off as pissy, whiny, naive…..
Then you and your other ASSWipers stop asking me to comment on things Republican or conservative.
Never asked for your opinion.
Go ahead Stupes. Bark some orders at me. Order me to denounce HL.
Command me!
Where’s the tally at?
Where have I ever supported Catholic Pedophile priests?
You must because you haven’t denounced the Catholic Church like you’ve denounced the ACLU for one of its people being caught with kiddie porn.
Such is the nature of your logic.
No one wants to put words in your mouth. If the words of headless don’t bother you don’t denounce him.
Excuse me clueless idiot@71, but somehow your words don’t ring true based on what you write later:
You claim silence is okay for you, yet, you continue to ask me to command you. Being the clueless idiot savant you are, there is only one thing you do well. That’s being a moronic, clueless idiot.
You always contradict yourself later in a thread. You are like Steve, don’t remember what you wrote above.
Truly the mark of a clueless idiot.
In less than a month, clueless idiot forgets what he says: “Never asked for your opinion.”
Veni vidi vici
Thanks for playing…
clueless idiot: I have a text file of your blatherings. It gets longer and longer and longer each day. I can’t call them PuddyFacts because nothing you write would be useful in any document discovery…
No one wants to put words in your mouth.
Non sequitur. Does not follow.
Like I said before: silence towards the orders of the troll is not an endorsement of what anyone has said.
It is more likely A REJECTION OF THE TROLL!
73 – Another non-sequitur. More idiocy. You wingnuts are always barking orders. Always telling us to shut up. Can’t you tell I’m making fun of you?
If we don’t follow your orders you fantasize about executing us. See Anne Coulter.
See the chatty, scatty right winger on the NR cruise.
Clueless idiot still the liar.
You said:
Only an idiot would give you a pass and trust me I am not an idiot…
You are!
clueless idiot: still living his life vicariously on left-wing Moonbat! lunacy sites to make his silly leftist points…
Mainstream ASShead, mainstream. Use something form the NY Times Corp – Boston Globe, NY Times, etc…
Stupes – you don’t condemn the Catholic Church for supporting pedophile priests like you condemn ACLU. You don’t call any Catholic right wingers “NAMBLA” like you and your other wingnut bros do to Daddy Love.
You don’t denounce Mark for calling Obama a “jigaboo”.
You don’t denounce MTR for calling SJ a “kyke” or a “hymie”.
You are a racist and pedophile enabler.
A house divided cannot stand.
How does it feel to have your crap served into your silly face?
Let’s hear that tally again. Is it five or six out of 70? I hope it never grows higher. We should not take orders from you.
You’re keeping a file on me? Ooooh I’m scared!!
clueless idiot:
You don’t denounce Mark for calling Obama a “jigaboo”. didn’t read it. You could be making it up like 75% of your BULLSHITTIUM here.
You don’t denounce MTR for calling SJ a “kyke” or a “hymie”. I have it on good terms SJ would rather be called that than a pharisee
Thanks for playing…
BTW clueless idiot, I think headless lucy called me and PacMan worse names from Sept 9 – 15, 2005. Then over two years later tried a tacit lukewarm apology…
Ooooooo jigaboo…
Remember jesse jackson called NYC “hymietown”.
Marvin, Somewhere in the ASSarchives clueless idiot wrote this:
Yet he is always giving orders. How clueless is that?
It’s right here fool!
We don’t take orders from you because we see right through your silly agenda!
As long as you keep serving up crap, I will serve it right back in your face.
How can someone be scared of their own blatherings unless, or course, their blatherings demonstrate the clueless idiot they are everyday and in every way?
No clueless idiot, I just show the world why I dubbed you HAs clueless idiot.
86 – Do anything you want fool. Just makes you look more silly, if that could be possible.
Gotta go.
clueless idiot@85, I have to go now as I have work to do. Isn’t it time you cleaned momma’s bathrobe with all the slobberings you leave on it?
But in closing for this segment… you forgot the commands you give all the time…reread post #74. I know you forgot it already…
Veni vidi vici
Thanks for playing. Go back to your lefty cesspool. Go drink some warm lefty man-made white sticky kool-aid from those favorite web sites you visit everyday. It’ll do your single celled mind some good.
88 – LMAO!! I don’t take orders from you.
It must be so frustrating that we refuse to dance to your silly tune.
Not frustrating at all, the truth is you do dance to our “silly tune.” You’re just clapping on 1 & 3 and not getting it.
Well, we can’t be “just clapping” and dancing at the same time.
More importantly, it’s even more entertaining watching you folks trying to figure out whether our polyrhythms are constant 1/8th note or constant measure. (Which, by the way, is why your contributions often resemble the sound of one hand clapping.)
Sorry to hear you can’t dance and clap at the same time.
Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?
90 – So you are admitting the existence of a “silly tune”, a right wing agenda that you are pursuing through your trolling behavior.
Thanks for playing.
Sorry to hear you can’t dance and clap at the same time.
Oh, I can dance and clap at the same time just fine. I can walk and chew gum at the same time. I can rub my belly and pat my head at the same time. I can even shove a flugelhorn up your ass and play “Taps” on it at the same time.
By definition, however, if one is just clapping, one isn’t doing anything else.
clueless idiot, you couldn’t dance the one step, let alone any tune.
So when I tell you to go to your cesspool of left wing web sites and you say you don’t take orders from me, does that mean well see a new clueless idiot, one who actually researches something and can get through a week without AVCR?
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, didn’t think so.