The King County Republican Party celebrates the anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s assassination tonight with their annual Lincoln Day John Wilkes Booth Day Dinner. And who better to deliver the keynote address, than the GOP’s most ruthless character assassin, Karl Rove.
The reception with Rove starts at 5:30 PM, but the King County Dems are organizing a welcome party of their own at 4:30 PM, outside the Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center, 17620 International Blvd. in Seatac. Bring a sign and a loud voice, and help us give Rove a big, WTO-style* Seattle welcome.
Carla over at Loaded Orygun makes note of yet another dishonest righty accusing me of “inciting violence” with my “WTO-style” reference. Yeah. Right.
Anybody who took part in the WTO protests knows that they were largely peaceful, orderly, and well organized. The violence was incited by a handful of self-described “anarchists” and facilitated by a stunningly incompetent reaction by the Seattle police, who at first refused to step in and stop the anarchists, and then later overreacted by tear-gassing and arresting peaceful protestors and innocent bystanders.
Righties like Ted and the Orb should understand that words do indeed have consequences. Continue to convince your paranoid readers that unarmed liberals like me are seeking to incite violence, and eventually some nutcase might try to take us out preemptively.
Wingnuts use asterisks when they say “sh**” on a blog so they can accuse liberals of having “potty mouths” and pretend they’re civil. Cute.
They kill, torture, lie, steal, and bully. We swear. I say we’re a good deal more civil than they are.
And a reminder: The handful of anarchists responsible for the violence and property damage at WTO were RIGHT WINGERS. Anarchy is an absence of government, and anarchists are people who believe in no government, which is a fundamentally RIGHT WING point of view. It’s not liberals who are for the idea of people being able to do whatever they fucking please! Those anarchist assholes wearing ski masks who smash windows and burn flags are you philosophical cousins, wingnuts — and YOU own ’em. You’re all a bunch of fucking troop haters.
Ooooh wait … I’m suppose to say, “You’re all a bunch of f***ing troop haters” so I don’t offend your tender sensibilities!!! Well, f*** you, troop haters!!! And don’t forget to pet your armad****.
Roger Rabbit has posted 100% of the comments on this thread! If you think Roger Rabbit posts too much, eliminate the Republicans! When there are no more Republicans, there will be no more warmongering, hatemongering, torturing, lying, stealing, and bullying; and Roger Rabbit will have nothing to post about, so Roger Rabbit will go away!
Remember — eliminating Republicans gets rid of Roger Rabbit!
Well, eliminating Roger Rabbit doesn’t sound like such a bad idea.
Another cold day. Would damn moonbats stop talking about global warming already. You are jinxing the weather.
They kill, torture, lie, steal, and bully. We swear. I say we’re a good deal more civil than they are.
04/14/2007 at 12:26 pm
And we will continue killing terrorists. If the terrorist would only kill liberals then it would be counter productive to eliminate them*. As long as they are killing soldiers (republicans) we have no choice.
* Since liberals are pussies and can dish it out but cant take it…I was just kidding about killing liberals
@6 You know what you have to do.
@8 How can you “continue” killing terrorists when you haven’t even started? There are more terrorists today than in 2001, and they’re killing us, not the other way around! Viz. 3,500 dead American soldiers.
You wingnuts seem to be under a delusion that after 4 years of arresting, torturing, and killing the wrong people you’ve somehow killed some terrorists. Nope; just a lot of innocents.
Idiots. Fucking idiots.
Another thing about the Sonics arena is the profits won’t stay in Renton, or get spent in the local economy. They’ll be exported to Oklahoma. So, we’re being asked to pay taxes to boost the Oklahoma economy.
If Bennett moves the team to Oklahoma, he’ll have to rename it. “Oklahoma Sonics” just won’t cut it.
He’s probably thought of “Oklahoma Oilers” but that name is already taken by another sports team from an adjacent state, and would likely cause confusion (not to mention trademark infringement). So, he’ll have to think of something else.
Fortunately for Bennett, Roger Rabbit has a solution! First, we must consider the fact that Oklahoma’s oilfields aren’t what they used to be, thanks to depletion. They’re not really “oilwells” anymore; all Oklahoma now has is a bunch of what the industry calls “stripper wells” (i.e., wells that produce less than 10 barrels a day).
So, “Oklahoma Strippers” seems like a logical choice, and also avoids trademark problems.
However, we must keep in mind that Bennett actually bought TWO basketball teams. There’s really no problem with the name of the female team — “Seattle Storm” — which can easily be renamed “Oklahoma Storm.” It fits perfectly, because Oklahoma has plenty of tornadoes, so there’s no need to rename the female team.
But, we still need to keep people from confusing the male team with the female team. Roger Rabbit has a solution for that, too! Here is the Sonics’ new name:
Oklahoma Male Strippers
No wonder our resident right wing fools like Rompin Rudy.
Liberals and France deserve each other.
France wrestles with its own decline
Associated Press Writer
A man looks toward a homeless person in a tent along the Saint-Martin canal in Paris, Dec. 18, 2006. More than 100 pup tents for homeless people were set up, on the banks of Paris’ Saint-Martin canal to raise awareness of homelessness as France heads into the April 22, 2007 presidential elections.
PARIS — Wars and weather have left few scars on Paris’ Arc de Triomphe. Commissioned by Napoleon to celebrate his victories, the 15-story tower of bone-white stone stands as an eternal monument to French glory, a time when Europe trembled before this nation’s might.
The national mood now, as France enters the final week before Sunday’s presidential election, is far less exultant. To Roland Perrossier, whose great-great grandfather fought for Napoleon, the arch has become a symbol of decline.
“It’s a feeling of lost glory,” said Perrossier, sheltering under the arch from a spring squall. “The French have lost the aura they once had, and France – barring a few small exceptions – no longer occupies the place it used to internationally.”
Philippe Souleau, a history teacher shepherding a party of schoolchildren, was gloomier still: “France no longer has military strength worth speaking of. It is no longer economically competitive, and all this means is that it has become a second-tier nation internationally and diplomatically. Its voice is no longer heard by all.”
Liberals are such liars. A bunch of them said they were going to move out of the country if Bush won the election. Well get moving!
Here’s to hoping it rains! Oh, and don’t forget your tin-foil hats and Che t-shirts!!! :)
Just a small word for those that label anarchists; one point of being an anarchist is to be apolitical. Thus, to be ascribed a point on the political spectrum represents the failure of others to begin to understand anarchy at all.
All in all it’s just another brick through the window.
“Dishonest righty.”
This appears to have been written by The Committee on Redundancy Committee.
Anti-Goldy @ 15,
What the fuck? Why aren’t you over in Iraq, son? Did you chicken out again?
Man…with chicken-shit young Republicans like you, it is no wonder deployments are being extended.
During WTO, I walked down Union Street in the middle of the afternoon, and hardly saw anyone. I was astonished when I got home to see how carefully they newsmedia had taken their video to make it seem the crowd was enormous and filling the street. . .I wondered why I saw cameramen crouching low to get shots of legs. . .and when I saw the edits on TV I found out why. . .to make it all seem bigger, louder, “better”.
Democrats are 300% more likely to support the Sonics Arena $500 million boondoggle gift.
In a vote taken yesterday, on the eve of John Wilkes Booth Day, the Senate Ways & Means Committee voted as follows on SB 5986, which would mostly impose King County taxes (with a smaller portion coming from state sales tax revenues) to fund a $500 million Sonics basketball arena (to which no contribution whatsoever would be required by the team’s conservative Republican owners from Oklahoma:
Voting FOR: Prentice (D), Fraser (D), Pridemore (D), Brandland (R), Hatfield (D), Hobbs (D), Keiser (D), Oemig (D), Rasmussen (D), Roach (R), Rockefeller (D).
Voting AGAINST: Carrell (R), Fairley (D), Honeyford (R), Regala (D), Schoesler (R), Tom (D).
Abstaining: Zarelli (R), Hewitt (R), Parlette (R).
So, what it boils down to is 9 of the 12 Democrats on the committee voted for it, while only 2 of the 8 committee Republicans voted for it. That means 75% of the Democrats support this boondoggle, but only 25% of the Republicans. So Democrats have 300% as much enthusiasm (75%/25%) as the Republicans for this massive boondoggle.
Interesting that Sen. Eric Oemig (Moonbat-45th) is supporting this boondoggle too. Oemig grabbed a lot of publicity with a totally symbolic and largely meaningless resolution urging the impeachment of President Bush. But when matters really count and the state legislature actually has the power to act, Oemig supports giving away $500 million of taxpayer funds to some conservative Republicans from Oklahoma.
All this shows Democrats don’t have very much sense. It is understandable why a small number of Republicans might support giving away largely Democrat King County tax dollars to their ideological soulmates. Why Democrats are vastly more enthusiastic about this boondoggle (which very few Republicans even support) is totally beyond me.
One footnote — Pam Roach (R) says she really doesn’t support this bill very much, but voted for it anyway to get it to the Senate floor. There are 20 committee members, and I assume it takes 11 FOR votes to report a bill out to the full Senate. Of course, any of the other 10 FOR vote Senators could have also killed this thing by switching their vote. At least Roach said why she voted the way she did, while we have no explanation whatsoever from Oemig.
@16 You mean those felons don’t vote? I thought all Republican felons vote! Whether they’re eligible or not.
Quote from Roger Rabbit
“How would you like it if some trigger-happy foreign soldier occupying your neighborhood killed your little girl; and a representative of that government came to your house and said, “Gee, we’re sorry for the mistake, here’s $500.””
Then he has the stones to post this.
Roger Rabbit says:
Ooooh wait … I’m suppose to say, “You’re all a bunch of f***ing troop haters” so I don’t offend your tender sensibilities!!! Well, f*** you, troop haters!!! And don’t forget to pet your armad****.
Well Rog ol man, those are your own words…..
Nice characterization of our troops……
your true colors shine thru…
@20 I can’t argue with your statistics, Richard. (After all, you stole them from my comment; but more power to ya, pal — nobody owns public information.) You’ve got us dead to rights: On a pro rata basis, Senate Democrats are 3 times as likely to support this turd as Senate Republicans. Time to send e-mails and make goals.
I noticed, however, that GOP Sen. Roach supported this $500 million boondoogle because she hates Seattle. It you’re gonna throw away half a bil of other people’s money, that’s as good a reason as any.
But the important question is: Do you like the team’s new name?
Trigger Happy Foreign Soldier
Roger Rabbit’s idea of a recruiting sign
Roger Rabbit @ 24
Any name starting with “Oklahoma City” is fine with me.
~Richard Pope is 300% more likely than any other right wing coward to get his ass kicked in any election.
Rabbit says
“You wingnuts seem to be under a delusion that after 4 years of arresting, torturing, and killing the wrong people you’ve somehow killed some terrorists. Nope; just a lot of innocents.”
Don’t you mean freedom fighters Rog. C’mon, those poor islamo nutbags that are just poor freedom fighters who are having to fight “trigger happy foreign fighters”….
@27 if you take the rightequals outof his name you get his real name stupid.speaking of cowards when was the last time you were in iraq.oh thats right can not kill them with your purse.loseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.
Roger Rabbit @ 23
I tell you what would be funny as hell — and probably likely given the geographical (Oklahoma) and political (conservative Republican) composition of the Sonics’ new owners.
May 2007 — Mrs. Gregoire calls a special session of the state legislature. The credulous Democrat leadership of this state and King County approves a $500 million new basketball arena for the Sonics. The Sonics do not have to contribute any money towards this, but must sign a 20 year lease. However, the lease is for the nominal annual rent of $500,000, adjusted of course for inflation, with the Sonics to keep all the revenues from the facility (parking, concessions, renting for other events, you name it).
November 2008 — Mrs. Gregoire is selected as Governor for a second term
November 2009 — New basketball arena is completed, Sonics open their 2009-10 season in Renton
November 2010 — Oklahoma elects a Republican Governor, and GOP finally cements full control of Sooner State politics. Sonics play their 2010-11 season in Renton, as previously scheduled
Spring and Summer 2011 — Sonics negotiate sweetheart deal with Oklahoma officials to move the team down there. Appropriate change of team name is made, although Roger Rabbit’s suggestions are politely rejected out of hand
2011-2029: Sonics owners state intention to continue to pay $500,000 annual rent, adjusted for inflation, for remainder of 20 year lease contract. In the meantime, Sonics owners lease the facility out for conventions and other events, making far more than $500,000 per year to offset nominal lease payment.
January 2012 — Mrs. Gregoire is deeply embarassed and her chances to be selected to a third term look in serious jeopardy, due to Sonics fiasco, and failure to break ground on either Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement or SR 520 bridge replacement. Mrs. Gregoire gets Democrat super-majorities in state legislature to appropriate $250 million to buy back the remaining 17 years of the basketball arena lease from the owners of the Oklahoma City basketball team.
March 2012 — New ownership team is formed by local Democrat billionaires to bring basketball back to Seattle. NBA approves their bid for an expansion team in Seattle. Mrs. Gregoire leases the Renton facility to the new team at the same $500,000 per year, adjusted for inflation rate that the Sonics were getting it for.
November 2012 — The new expansion basketball team, also named the Seattle Sonics (since the old Oklahoma team now has a new name), opens in the Renton arena for the 2012-13 season. Mrs. Gregoire is selected for a third term as Governor, and Democrats increase their super-majorities in the legislature, thanks in large measure to their success in bringing basketball back to Seattle. The new Democrat Sonics owners give generous contributions to ensure the re-selection of Mrs. Gregoire and to select Democrats to the legislature.
Darryl, come on now, why do you have to be such a douchebag? Someone has to stay behind and defend the troops from the long knives of knaves like you! May a thousand pigeons let loose on your tinfoil laden head, and other poor tidings.
re 14: If it wasn’t for France’s support in the American Revolution, we would have lost.
But that doesn’t concern conservatives, who were British loyalists anyway.
If you could kill with chickenshit, Republicans would have wiped out all life on earth.
A conservative is someone who can tear up at the sight of fireworks going off over the statue of liberty, and then diss France in the same breath.
Because conservatives are stupid, uninformed dolts who run on smarmy emotionalism.
re 31: Communists, Islamofascists. It’s all just an excuse to enrich the oligarchy even more.
No matter how you cut it, it’s still bologna.
Headlice – Tell me more about the amount of wealth in the world being a fixed amount.
@28 No, I mean Islamo nutbags, but you guys haven’t shot any of those yet. All you shoot is kids and unarmed civilians! You need new glasses.
@30 How come you left out that the Renton Sonics move to Peoria, Illinois in the 2014 season after buying out their lease?
Support our troops – take their place.
Auntie-Goldy @ 31
“Darryl, come on now, why do you have to be such a douchebag?”
Hey…it’s a shitty job, but somebody has to call out the hypocrisy of those who claim to support the Iraq invasion, yet refuse to step up and support it in a way that really counts.
Maybe you can just go out and put another ribbon on your car. Try not to give yourself a paper cut in the process.
Although, who knows, maybe that qualifies Young Republicans for a purple heart and a senior administration post.
Darryl@38 “Although, who knows, maybe that qualifies Young Republicans for a purple heart and a senior administration post.” Yes. That, and taking birdshot to the face from a Drunken Chickenhawk. . . . . .
Roger Rabbit says:
@28 No, I mean Islamo nutbags, but you guys haven’t shot any of those yet. All you shoot is kids and unarmed civilians! You need new glasses.
You sir are talking about our troops. You have just said that our troops are killing kids and unarmed civilians….
What, are you channeling John Kerry?
who’s side you on? By your own words not the troops…
@23 should read “and make calls.”
@40 “You sir are talking about our troops. You have just said that our troops are killing kids and unarmed civilians….”
No, I’m talking about you wingfuck douchebags who can’t even take a shit correctly.
Heh Goldy are we up to 17.5 Bil from 16.5 Bil in just your last two posts.
Damn! What’s a Bil to the DOT……Pork Fat
20 “Democrats are 300% more likely to support the Sonics Arena…”
Hey, Richard, not THIS Democrat, nor I’m pretty sure a hell of a lot of other Democrats, Republicans, whigs, mugwumps and assorted bystanders.
Look…can you and Roger, as our two resident “legal eagles”, get together and draft an initiative to stop this silly thing? If so, I’ll gladly volunteer to stand at the entrance to a Fred Meyer like one of Timmie’s mercenaries and get signatures. Hell, if you’ll help us I’ll even promise to take a hammer to work and the next time you run for office, I’ll walk up 140th every day on my lunch hour and put back your signs after the gardener dudes pull them up to run their riding lawn mower up the parking strip.
14 Hey, Dan…show me a more shinig example of a nation that’s done nuclear power right. (And yes, I think we need to follow their lead.)