Well, here is another line that some people have come up to.
Everyone has their own line in the sand. A lot of people have reached theirs, i.e., healthcare, DADT, FISA, torture, and now we have an economic line that has been crossed.
Obama certainly is effective at one thing: Each time he caves on an issue, he loses support from a block of voters. Those blocks are really piling up high now.
(That’s not to say those blocks of people won’t vote for him again, but they certainly won’t be fighting hard for him again)
I don’t see Obama being re elected. He’s going to have a strong primary fight from the left of the party. If he gets re nominated, he’s going to get minimal support.
The ONLY hope Obama has, is the republicans will screw up and nominate someone more extreme than Palin. Because at this rate, even Palin would beat Obama.
(Cue the troll gloating….3….2…1….)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 “Senate Republicans threatened Wednesday to block virtually all legislation until expiring tax cuts are extended and a bill is passed to fund the federal government, vastly complicating Democratic attempts to leave their own stamp on the final days of the post-election Congress.”
Because Democrats want to extend the Bush tax cuts for 99% of us, what the Republicans are really doing is holding the governance of the country hostage for tax cuts for the rich. Well, you get what you vote for, although why anyone would vote for these assholes is a fucking mystery.
“Happy Holidays”
Good grief! What are you, some type of kommie-fascist or something?
Great segment, and especially the speech/interview with I-VT Senator Bernie Sanders (starting at 9:20):
Now that the election is over, we have to get Democrats to move (left) to the center.
Zotz sez: The microchip in Klynical's ass was transmitting 6... 6... 6...spews:
There are lots of reasons to be disappointed in O.
But I think a very risky line he crossed was to voluntarily freeze fed pay.
A little known factor in curbing even worse Bush hell was the bureaucracy.
Having been one, I’d say O’s lost about half of a constituency he had by 75%. Because they implement his policies (or not), they have him by the short and curlies of his political future.
And there will be a wave of retirements — the head leaving the body so to speak.
When you add the burrowing from the previous admin, the prospects of trouble from the people who are supposed to make things work means trouble for everyone, but especially O.
Blue Johnspews:
Rachel Maddow described the problem with the fed pay freeze.
Obama should have gone into negotiations as said, “If I freeze pay and alienate my base, what are you going to do for me?” And they they would horsetrade…
Now he’s going to go into negotiations, and say “I froze pay and alienated my base, what are you going to do for me?” and they are going to say, “Nothing. Let’s talk tax cuts, what are you going to give us.”
He has no leverage.
“I’m going to give in, till you give me what I want!” is not a successful strategy.
Unlike the media, in the real world, “Evil and Strong” beats “Good but Weak” almost ever time.
It’s probably going to take another Republican presidency to fuck things up bad enough for people to stop listening to their lies. In the meantime, without control of the White House, they can’t start more wars on their own, and the GOP’ers and the administration are pretty much in lock step in terms of attempting to stop the recession from sliding into a worldwide depression by struggling to “preserve the institutions”. This will ultimately fail, but it won’t fail fast enough for the shit to really hit the fan before 2012. In the meantime, Boehner and his fellow hyenas will turn the House into a circus, and prevent Obama from doing much of anything, while continue to call him alternately a power-mad fascist and a power-mad socialist. Then they’ll turn arounnd and run someone against him claiming he’s ineffective. Gotta love it!
I was kind of looking forward to a falling bridges message but maybe that won’t play as well these days.
A recent survey of “likely Republican voters” has the Repubican 2012 Presidency preference as follows….
Palin in first, with 21%
Gingrich in secnd, with 19%
Everyone else, including Romney, far behind in the single digits.
So 40% of the Republicans want as their candidate either (a) someone who couldn’t complete one term as governor without giving up; or (b) a rhetorical pitch-man who loudly criticized Clinton for loose morals, while AT THE SAME TIME was carrying on a long-term affair with his own intern while still married and living with his 2nd wife (he subsequently divorced wife # 2, and married the intern).
In the meantime, we get this bit of insite from Margaret Cho, who was a co-competitor with Bristol Palin on “dancing with the stars”:
“…Why did Bristol do Dancing With the Stars? I heard from someone who really should know … that the only reason Bristol was on the show was because Sarah Palin forced her to do it,” Cho wrote. “Sarah supposedly blames Bristol harshly and openly (in the circles that I heard it from) for not winning the election, and so she told Bristol she ‘owed’ it to her to do DWTS so that ‘America would fall in love with her again’ and make it possible for Sarah Palin to run in 2012 with America behind her all the way. Instead of being supposedly ‘handicapped’ by the presence of her teen mom daughter, now Bristol is going to be an ‘asset’ – a celebrity beloved for her dancing. I am sure the show wasn’t in on this (but who knows anything really).”
I would apologize for relying on an article from the entertainment section for use in a political piece, but since Palin is using entertainment media to support her politics, it seems appropriate.
Some Republican Dullardspews:
“Happy Holidays”
We say Merry Christmas at our house!
Well, the senate has failed to pass and extension of unemployment.
Unemployment checks keep people in their homes, keep mortgages and car payments being paid and keep people buying food at their local grocery stores.
The government does need to cut off unemployment at some point, but even a quick look at unemployment and foreclosure rates around the country should tell you that it’s too soon to do that.
If Dems had a spine and a brain, they would immediately suspend the call for extending the tax cuts and let them expire. Start over, with Obama tax plans, and push for the unemployment extension, because the millionaires don’t spend money in 99% of the stores and gas stations in towns and cities throughout the US.
Blue Johnspews:
This seems true. What do you all think? “What voters respect most is strength. It’s better to be wrong and strong than to be weak and right, which is why the GOP wins.”
Politically Incorrectspews:
How about just have a single, flat-rate income tax and stop trying to re-distribute wealth via the tax code and stop trying to favor one group over another with tax legislation?
While we’re at it, let’s get out of Iraq and Afghanistan and close all foreign bases around the world. Let Israel fend for itself, along with Europe, Africa, Central and South America, and Asia. We’ve done enough “world policing” to last for several centuries.
Then let’s legalize marijuana, regulate and tax it. Prohibition has gone on for far too long.
stop trying to favor one group over another with tax legislation?
A flat rate favors the wealthy. Far as I’m concerned we can get rid of every single exemption.
While we’re at it, let’s get out of Iraq and Afghanistan and close all foreign bases around the world. Let Israel fend for itself, along with Europe, Africa, Central and South America, and Asia. We’ve done enough “world policing” to last for several centuries.
Then let’s legalize marijuana, regulate and tax it. Prohibition has gone on for far too long.
Hells Ya!
stop trying to favor one group over another with tax legislation?
Could we, please, get rid of the earned income credit, or at least change it’s name to the unearned income credit?
So, I’m still trying to figure out how the gov’mnt is planning to pay for an ever expanding ribbon of asphalt with an ever shrinking budget.
Maybe it’s time to start shrinking that ribbon of asphalt?
well goldberg, what if in dont celebrate any holidays, isn’t that offensive to me?
what you should say, jewboy, is just the word happy, don’t end it with holiday or anything.
then really, the only people who would be offended would be manic depressives. dont choke on yiur kugle you anti american scumbag.
17. Michael spews:
So, I’m still trying to figure out how the gov’mnt is planning to pay for an ever expanding ribbon of asphalt with an ever shrinking budget.
Maybe it’s time to start shrinking that ribbon of asphalt?
12/01/2010 at 4:22 pm
Dude…it’s a capital investment (heard that before?) it pays dividends and creates jobs. Workers pay taxes and buy stuff from peop;le who also pay taxes. It’s a part of a healthy economic system.
stop trying to re-distribute wealth via the tax code
It’s not about re-distributing wealth – it’s about funding the government.
And the government is defense and social security and medicare – mostly anyway.
With funding obligations of that size, a flat tax is a silly pipe dream at best and at worst yet another right wing oligarch boondoggle to lower their taxes while raising taxes on the poor and middle class.
“If we did exactly what we’re doing today, we wouldn’t be throwing him out in the street. But if we have any savings in getting out of Medicaid, we will have to throw some people out in the street,” said Pitts, R-Waxahachie. He noted, “I’m not telling you that your friend would be.”
Yep, and it’s one that’s crumbling beneath us, that we no longer have the money to maintain, and yet we continue to expand it.
It’s a part of a healthy economic system.
That’s not a healthy economic system, that’s an addiction. There’s very little going on to day to suggest that we have a healthy economic system.
enough is enoughspews:
this is just too damn funny…
all you left-nuts were WARNED that obama was a flim flam man….did you listen? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
you were warned that he was a fake – did you listen? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
you guys elected a phony from the chicago political machine, and now you are surprised that he is just another piece of shit politian?
for christs sake you guys are the most pathetic tools in the land.
say goodbye to obama and a D in the whitehouse come 2008.
Hopefully this nation will give the finger to the R’s and D’s and elect a real populist. That ought to make you left nuts just scream…
enough is enoughspews:
the problem is that it makes too much damn sense for the far right types and far left progressives…neither would ever agree that the government actually treat us all equally.
enough is enoughspews:
I realize people like goldy and ylb love the progressive tax…adn the reason is that neither pays a fucking dime in federal income tax.
no wonder they think its “best tax ever”
put some skin the game bitches.
enough is enoughspews:
“skin IN the game bitches”….
proud leftistspews:
22: “say goodbye to obama and a D in the whitehouse come 2008.”
A little behind the times there, guy? Your views and your internal clock seem to be all constipated. You can archive this, little witless one: Obama will win in 2012 and it won’t be that close.
enough is enoughspews:
lol….my bad….I meant 2012…
thats what I get for listening to old school Pearl Jam, it puts me a time machine.
as far as oba-hype winning again…eh, we shall see wont we.
thats what I get for listening to old school Pearl Jam, it puts me a time machine.
Eddie Vedder and the rest of them are liberals. Shouldn’t you be listening to the boot up your ass Ford Truck Guy?
proud leftistspews:
Michael @ 30
I think enough was really listening to Ted Nugent.
enough is enoughspews:
I dont mix politics and music or politics and sports.
I leave that to you losers who eat, drink, and live politics.
good music is good music. period.
@31..proud communist: old school Ted is A-OK with me. its rocks, ’nuff said.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 Who cares what you mix.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Who cares what offends you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Who cares what anybody says at your house.
enough is enoughspews:
@33 shut the hell up you old fart…or should I call you Roland Freisler?
FYI, ou’re yelling at my alter-ego and not a real Republican…
The point being that you yell at the left for being a bunch of losers, yell about our culture, all the while enjoying the fruits of the left and its culture. The music is an outgrowth of our culture.
But, feel free to hate on fixie riding hipsters, we don’t like them either.
enough is enoughspews:
LMFAO @ “our culture”…hahaahaha, a little pretentious dont you think? but then again, pretentiousness from seattle libby lefties is par for the course.
proud leftistspews:
Really? Can you imagine the arts, our culture, without the left? There would be none, of course. The right lacks creativity, imagination, spontaneity. We’d be left looking back, always, at what never was, without the left. Sorry, sport, but you ain’t gotta clue. We on the left have a right to be pretentious when it comes to cultural issues.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Using Daily Kos or TPM or Media Matters, etc for your “news”
P R I C E L E S S!
Hey proud leftist, Puddy can imagine taking that art money and using it to fund the King County Sheriff’s office! Remember the Sheriff’s office is only around 2% of the KC Budget. Even the dopey Roger Rabbit agrees with that! Puddy would rather be safe in Kind County than looking at some Piss Christ or Ant Christ or nude Mary Magdalene in some “museum” or “art gallery”. That’s what leftist fools call culture!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Some Republican Dullard is the big time lefty Michael Roger Rabbit. Shows once again you are the dopey one here.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
26. enough is enough spews:
I realize people like goldy and ylb love the progressive tax…adn the reason is that neither pays a fucking dime in federal income tax.
no wonder they think its “best tax ever”
put some skin the game bitches.
You make an excellent point.
The KLOWNS who scream loudest to tax the “rich” more pay nothing themselves in income tax.
They use more than their fair share of Public Services because their fair share would be NONE if you pay zero.
Wrong again, Cynical. I pay taxes, like most others here. I pay personal income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, state B&O taxes, etc. I also pay social security and medicare taxes out of my payroll deductions.
I don’t pay the highest rate of personal income taxes, but I don’t pay the lowest rates, either.
Your attempts to create a straw man are taking you further and further away from reality.
Klynbical is probably the one who doesn’t pay taxes. I pay plenty of taxes and I still think the rich should pay their FAIR share.
Republicans are liars and hypocrites. They got into office claiming to care about the deficit (of course, when Bush racked up the biggest deficit in history they said nothing – even as hew simultaneously created the worst economic crisis since the great depression). It is well documented by numerous economists that the two biggest alterable drivers of the deficit are defense spending and tax cuts.
Republicans oppose defense cuts and support tax cuts for the rich (that have been shown to have a negligible effect on the economy).
Republicans also claimed to oppose earmarks – but oops! – look what the hypocritical tea party congressional delegation has already done: Over 1 billion in earmarks and that is before most of their new members have even been seated.
In the meantime, in order to give their rich pals tax cuts, republicans are opposing:
START (supported by many past republicans as the only way to monitor Russian nukes)
School lunches for poor kids
Health care for 9/11 responders
Unemployment benefits
You see, republicans really don’t care about the budget – they care about making their rich friends happy and all the tea party foold have been duped.
Yup – Klynical – we know you are stoopid. But now you are stoopid AND duped.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
ImamObaMao will cave-in despite the protests from the non-tax paying fringe lunatic left freeloaders.
Here is the main reason–
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Thursday, December 02, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 22% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17
Not very good, is it?
Plus the main problem is too much government spending.
My God, our National Debt nearly up to 100% of our Annual GDP. Job creators are not investing in capital equipment or new employees.
Do you really think a tax increase on job creators will help??
rhp–How much income tax, SS & Medicare will you pay for 2010?
Same for you cnr—how much?
Since taxes are on utilities and pretty much everything else (another problem), obviously we all pay some tax. But here we are talking specifically about income tax.
Any of you KLOWNS over 6-figures?
How about 5-figures???
How about 4-figures???
Just as I thought.
Freeloaders wanting to expand your freeloading.
And jealous about those who make up YOUR shortfall.
We are buying Guv’mint Services.
Can you go to Great Clips and get a discount on your haircut because you claim poverty? No.
Liberal Scientistspews:
@43 and 26
Wrong again, ass-Klown and you new bud eiei-O
At the risk of divulging too much info, I DO pay the highest marginal tax rates and I’m a self-employed small business owner. My partners and I employ a number of others as well, and we provide health care benefits to boot.
I voted for the state income tax. I also think the Federal marginal tax rates should be increased, at least to the level of the Clinton years, if not higher. The Bush tax scheme absolutely should be done away with, certainly for people at the top. I suspect that advocating for policies that will reduce my income and wealth as part of a greater good is something you will not be able to grasp.
The wealth and income disparity in the country is morally wrong, dangerously destabilizing and a result of relentless and systematic gaming of the system by those accreting more and more power – and this must end if we are going to survive as a nation.
The solution is fairly simple – you make/have more, you pay proportionately more (flat taxes are a dishonest mirage)(also, tax wealth more and labor less) – end imperialistic foreign wars and shrink the defense dept and national security apparattus – sane, preferably single-payer health care system that is equally accessible for all. Add to that investment in infrastructure – modern transportation, energy and information technology; reliable, healthy and non-industrial food; excellent free/affordable education for all.
Is it really that hard?
And I must say, I am greatful I did not grow up wealthy and internalize the dishonesty and rationalizations that are necessary to block out the injustice of our system – being the child and grandchild of union members – sheet metal workers and teamsters – and a mom who worked her butt off in an office as a secretary is priceless.
Where the fuck does MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown get this idea…thst he goes on and on and on and ONNNNNNNNN about…that progressives won’t, don’t and can’t pay taxes.
I pay plenty of taxes. My fair share, and I’m happy to do it. It is my civic obligation. THat asshole should pay his too. It’s always these plutarchs like that MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that think the fucking world OWES them a living and “special dispensation” from being a participating member of this democratic republic and shoulderiung their fair share of the burden.
The proof is the fucks they elect to Congress. Liars, theives and hypocrites.
MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown and his butt-buddy the big p’dumbski should be fucking ashamed of themselves.
Liberal Scientistspews:
that should be grateful, not greatful…
@9, RHP…Did you see Newt unveiled his 12 step plan today to do away with the left?
@47, We pay our accountant more to prepare our return than Clynical pays in taxes.
“Any of you KLOWNS over 6-figures?
How about 5-figures???
How about 4-figures???
Just as I thought.”
Someone here needs to quit listening to the little voices in their head.
Klynical – you copy your tax return up here and I will copy mine – I can tell you that I pay in the top tax bracket and I am willing to pay more to get health care for everyone.
You are a known liar and fool. You shill for big corporations and your precious tea party fools just betrayed you.
How about it, Klynical. Let’s see your taxes. Oh, and I give plenty to poor causes particularly the downtown emergency center – but that does not do enough. Private charities cannot handle even feeding the poor and they will tell you so. The poor need government help and your republicans want to cut off feeding poor kids, cut off unemployment and give tax cuts to the rich and $5,000 toilets to the military. Republicans are in the pocket of big corporations and it shows in their hypocrisy and their policies that you try (and fail) to defend.
@53 Don’t hold your breath waiting for the teabaggers to have a fit about Republicans and their earmarks. It’ll never happen.
11. Michael spews:
Well, the senate has failed to pass and extension of unemployment.
It is more accurate to say that the Repugnican senators blocked the extension as a way to say “Merry Christmas” to 2.2 million Americans and their families.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 re @14: No it isn’t. And your caps key is stuck.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Per Puddy’s WaPo Email… U.S. employers added 39,000 jobs in November, the Labor Department said, a sign that the economy is accelerating, but at a pace lower than what analysts expected. Analysts had predicted employers would add between 75,000 and 200,000 jobs, according to a Bloomberg survey.
The unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent, compared with 9.6 percent in October.
Great job Odumba!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
These KLOWNS cannot understand Econ 101.
The Private Sector wants certainty on Taxes, Health Care and Regs in order to invest.
Why is it sooooo difficult for you folks to understand?
Might as well face it your addicted to guv’mint!
Ain’t no money.
Gregoire and the Dems have created a $5.7 BILLION shortfall by continuing to spend and hope for Obama bailout. Ain’t gonna happen this time around.
Your goats have come home to fornicate with y’all.
@58: hahaha
A total idiot like Klynical who said that the stock market was going down because of Obama (before he even took office, and after the financial collapse and Bush deficits) thinks some of us don’t know about economics?
Klynical thinks the disproven Laffer curve is real. Klynical is so damn stoopid he can’t figure out when or what a recession is and he has the unmitigated arrogance of the totally DUMB to say some of us don’t understand economics?
Umm, Klynical – what MATH skills do YOU have? What actual education do YOU have? You have certainly demonstrated that you can’t think logically, are unable to put together a cogent argument, are simplisitc and downright ignorant.
That crap about the private sector wanting “certianty” is BS – entrepeneurs thrive in times of uncertainty. The plain fact of the matter is that the private sector is simply not creating good jobs and the republicans have encouraged the private sector to ship out good jobs.
If we had real health care reform and single payer – that would help businesses more than any of these tax breaks.
Why are you too dumb to understand the basics?
We should not be rewarding companies for shipping jobs overseas.
WE should be investing in education so that we have a competitive work force – instead we spend less on education than many third world countries.
Oh, and the 5 billion dollar shortfall is due to lack of revenues and tax breaks to Boeing and Microsoft who don’t pay their fair share – the budget has been cut to the bone already. We needed an income tax on the rich – but the big money interests lied and said it would affect everyone.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
59. correctnotright spews:
Oh, and the 5 billion dollar shortfall is due to lack of revenues and tax breaks to Boeing and Microsoft who don’t pay their fair share – the budget has been cut to the bone already. We needed an income tax on the rich – but the big money interests lied and said it would affect everyone.
I see…it has nothing to do with overspending during the bubble. It’s all about more taxes for government employees increasing salaries and benefits.
You are a pinhead cnr.
You understand nothing about the private sector.
Yes, some businesses profit from uncertainty.
But uncertainty like Obama has created is destructive.
The guy is no leader.
He should have dealt with the tax issue almost 2 years ago. First thing. Instead, he has allowed it to linger, dicking around with an unsustainable undesirable ObamaCare and more massive deficit spending.
Rujax! Reminding MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that the jesus threw pricks like him out of the Temple.spews:
60. Mr. Cynical spews:
59. correctnotright spews:
Oh, and the 5 billion dollar shortfall is due to lack of revenues and tax breaks to Boeing and Microsoft who don’t pay their fair share – the budget has been cut to the bone already. We needed an income tax on the rich – but the big money interests lied and said it would affect everyone.
I see…it has nothing to do with overspending during the bubble. It’s all about more taxes for government employees increasing salaries and benefits.
You are a pinhead cnr.
You understand nothing about the private sector.
Yes, some businesses profit from uncertainty.
But uncertainty like Obama has created is destructive.
The guy is no leader.
He should have dealt with the tax issue almost 2 years ago. First thing. Instead, he has allowed it to linger, dicking around with an unsustainable undesirable ObamaCare and more massive deficit spending.
12/03/2010 at 8:33 am
Doesn’t this asshole get tired of writing the same shit all the time?
White House privately acknowledges close to deal with GOP on continuing Bush tax policy
I don’t see Obama being re elected. He’s going to have a strong primary fight from the left of the party. If he gets re nominated, he’s going to get minimal support.
The ONLY hope Obama has, is the republicans will screw up and nominate someone more extreme than Palin. Because at this rate, even Palin would beat Obama.
(Cue the troll gloating….3….2…1….)
@1 “Senate Republicans threatened Wednesday to block virtually all legislation until expiring tax cuts are extended and a bill is passed to fund the federal government, vastly complicating Democratic attempts to leave their own stamp on the final days of the post-election Congress.”
Because Democrats want to extend the Bush tax cuts for 99% of us, what the Republicans are really doing is holding the governance of the country hostage for tax cuts for the rich. Well, you get what you vote for, although why anyone would vote for these assholes is a fucking mystery.
“Happy Holidays”
Good grief! What are you, some type of kommie-fascist or something?
Great segment, and especially the speech/interview with I-VT Senator Bernie Sanders (starting at 9:20):
Now that the election is over, we have to get Democrats to move (left) to the center.
There are lots of reasons to be disappointed in O.
But I think a very risky line he crossed was to voluntarily freeze fed pay.
A little known factor in curbing even worse Bush hell was the bureaucracy.
Having been one, I’d say O’s lost about half of a constituency he had by 75%. Because they implement his policies (or not), they have him by the short and curlies of his political future.
And there will be a wave of retirements — the head leaving the body so to speak.
When you add the burrowing from the previous admin, the prospects of trouble from the people who are supposed to make things work means trouble for everyone, but especially O.
Rachel Maddow described the problem with the fed pay freeze.
Obama should have gone into negotiations as said, “If I freeze pay and alienate my base, what are you going to do for me?” And they they would horsetrade…
Now he’s going to go into negotiations, and say “I froze pay and alienated my base, what are you going to do for me?” and they are going to say, “Nothing. Let’s talk tax cuts, what are you going to give us.”
He has no leverage.
“I’m going to give in, till you give me what I want!” is not a successful strategy.
Unlike the media, in the real world, “Evil and Strong” beats “Good but Weak” almost ever time.
It’s probably going to take another Republican presidency to fuck things up bad enough for people to stop listening to their lies. In the meantime, without control of the White House, they can’t start more wars on their own, and the GOP’ers and the administration are pretty much in lock step in terms of attempting to stop the recession from sliding into a worldwide depression by struggling to “preserve the institutions”. This will ultimately fail, but it won’t fail fast enough for the shit to really hit the fan before 2012. In the meantime, Boehner and his fellow hyenas will turn the House into a circus, and prevent Obama from doing much of anything, while continue to call him alternately a power-mad fascist and a power-mad socialist. Then they’ll turn arounnd and run someone against him claiming he’s ineffective. Gotta love it!
Well here’s one 2012 pretender we won’t have to worry about:
I was kind of looking forward to a falling bridges message but maybe that won’t play as well these days.
A recent survey of “likely Republican voters” has the Repubican 2012 Presidency preference as follows….
Palin in first, with 21%
Gingrich in secnd, with 19%
Everyone else, including Romney, far behind in the single digits.
So 40% of the Republicans want as their candidate either (a) someone who couldn’t complete one term as governor without giving up; or (b) a rhetorical pitch-man who loudly criticized Clinton for loose morals, while AT THE SAME TIME was carrying on a long-term affair with his own intern while still married and living with his 2nd wife (he subsequently divorced wife # 2, and married the intern).
In the meantime, we get this bit of insite from Margaret Cho, who was a co-competitor with Bristol Palin on “dancing with the stars”:
“…Why did Bristol do Dancing With the Stars? I heard from someone who really should know … that the only reason Bristol was on the show was because Sarah Palin forced her to do it,” Cho wrote. “Sarah supposedly blames Bristol harshly and openly (in the circles that I heard it from) for not winning the election, and so she told Bristol she ‘owed’ it to her to do DWTS so that ‘America would fall in love with her again’ and make it possible for Sarah Palin to run in 2012 with America behind her all the way. Instead of being supposedly ‘handicapped’ by the presence of her teen mom daughter, now Bristol is going to be an ‘asset’ – a celebrity beloved for her dancing. I am sure the show wasn’t in on this (but who knows anything really).”
Cho: Sarah Palin forced Bristol to go ‘Dancing’
I would apologize for relying on an article from the entertainment section for use in a political piece, but since Palin is using entertainment media to support her politics, it seems appropriate.
We say Merry Christmas at our house!
Well, the senate has failed to pass and extension of unemployment.
For a county by county look at unemployment rates in America go here:
Unemployment checks keep people in their homes, keep mortgages and car payments being paid and keep people buying food at their local grocery stores.
The government does need to cut off unemployment at some point, but even a quick look at unemployment and foreclosure rates around the country should tell you that it’s too soon to do that.
If Dems had a spine and a brain, they would immediately suspend the call for extending the tax cuts and let them expire. Start over, with Obama tax plans, and push for the unemployment extension, because the millionaires don’t spend money in 99% of the stores and gas stations in towns and cities throughout the US.
This seems true. What do you all think?
“What voters respect most is strength. It’s better to be wrong and strong than to be weak and right, which is why the GOP wins.”
How about just have a single, flat-rate income tax and stop trying to re-distribute wealth via the tax code and stop trying to favor one group over another with tax legislation?
While we’re at it, let’s get out of Iraq and Afghanistan and close all foreign bases around the world. Let Israel fend for itself, along with Europe, Africa, Central and South America, and Asia. We’ve done enough “world policing” to last for several centuries.
Then let’s legalize marijuana, regulate and tax it. Prohibition has gone on for far too long.
A flat rate favors the wealthy. Far as I’m concerned we can get rid of every single exemption.
Hells Ya!
Could we, please, get rid of the earned income credit, or at least change it’s name to the unearned income credit?
So, I’m still trying to figure out how the gov’mnt is planning to pay for an ever expanding ribbon of asphalt with an ever shrinking budget.
Maybe it’s time to start shrinking that ribbon of asphalt?
well goldberg, what if in dont celebrate any holidays, isn’t that offensive to me?
what you should say, jewboy, is just the word happy, don’t end it with holiday or anything.
then really, the only people who would be offended would be manic depressives. dont choke on yiur kugle you anti american scumbag.
Dude…it’s a capital investment (heard that before?) it pays dividends and creates jobs. Workers pay taxes and buy stuff from peop;le who also pay taxes. It’s a part of a healthy economic system.
It’s not about re-distributing wealth – it’s about funding the government.
And the government is defense and social security and medicare – mostly anyway.
With funding obligations of that size, a flat tax is a silly pipe dream at best and at worst yet another right wing oligarch boondoggle to lower their taxes while raising taxes on the poor and middle class.
The fairest tax ever devised is progressive.
Yeeeeee! Haaaa!
Tea Partyin! Texas style!
Yep, and it’s one that’s crumbling beneath us, that we no longer have the money to maintain, and yet we continue to expand it.
That’s not a healthy economic system, that’s an addiction. There’s very little going on to day to suggest that we have a healthy economic system.
this is just too damn funny…
all you left-nuts were WARNED that obama was a flim flam man….did you listen? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
you were warned that he was a fake – did you listen? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
you guys elected a phony from the chicago political machine, and now you are surprised that he is just another piece of shit politian?
for christs sake you guys are the most pathetic tools in the land.
say goodbye to obama and a D in the whitehouse come 2008.
Hopefully this nation will give the finger to the R’s and D’s and elect a real populist. That ought to make you left nuts just scream…
the problem is that it makes too much damn sense for the far right types and far left progressives…neither would ever agree that the government actually treat us all equally.
I realize people like goldy and ylb love the progressive tax…adn the reason is that neither pays a fucking dime in federal income tax.
no wonder they think its “best tax ever”
put some skin the game bitches.
“skin IN the game bitches”….
22: “say goodbye to obama and a D in the whitehouse come 2008.”
A little behind the times there, guy? Your views and your internal clock seem to be all constipated. You can archive this, little witless one: Obama will win in 2012 and it won’t be that close.
lol….my bad….I meant 2012…
thats what I get for listening to old school Pearl Jam, it puts me a time machine.
as far as oba-hype winning again…eh, we shall see wont we.
Eddie Vedder and the rest of them are liberals. Shouldn’t you be listening to the boot up your ass Ford Truck Guy?
Michael @ 30
I think enough was really listening to Ted Nugent.
I dont mix politics and music or politics and sports.
I leave that to you losers who eat, drink, and live politics.
good music is good music. period.
@31..proud communist: old school Ted is A-OK with me. its rocks, ’nuff said.
@32 Who cares what you mix.
@18 Who cares what offends you.
@10 Who cares what anybody says at your house.
@33 shut the hell up you old fart…or should I call you Roland Freisler?
FYI, ou’re yelling at my alter-ego and not a real Republican…
The point being that you yell at the left for being a bunch of losers, yell about our culture, all the while enjoying the fruits of the left and its culture. The music is an outgrowth of our culture.
But, feel free to hate on fixie riding hipsters, we don’t like them either.
LMFAO @ “our culture”…hahaahaha, a little pretentious dont you think? but then again, pretentiousness from seattle libby lefties is par for the course.
Really? Can you imagine the arts, our culture, without the left? There would be none, of course. The right lacks creativity, imagination, spontaneity. We’d be left looking back, always, at what never was, without the left. Sorry, sport, but you ain’t gotta clue. We on the left have a right to be pretentious when it comes to cultural issues.
Using Daily Kos or TPM or Media Matters, etc for your “news”
P R I C E L E S S!
Hey proud leftist, Puddy can imagine taking that art money and using it to fund the King County Sheriff’s office! Remember the Sheriff’s office is only around 2% of the KC Budget. Even the dopey Roger Rabbit agrees with that! Puddy would rather be safe in Kind County than looking at some Piss Christ or Ant Christ or nude Mary Magdalene in some “museum” or “art gallery”. That’s what leftist fools call culture!
Some Republican Dullard is the big time lefty Michael Roger Rabbit. Shows once again you are the dopey one here.
26. enough is enough spews:
You make an excellent point.
The KLOWNS who scream loudest to tax the “rich” more pay nothing themselves in income tax.
They use more than their fair share of Public Services because their fair share would be NONE if you pay zero.
Wrong again, Cynical. I pay taxes, like most others here. I pay personal income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, state B&O taxes, etc. I also pay social security and medicare taxes out of my payroll deductions.
I don’t pay the highest rate of personal income taxes, but I don’t pay the lowest rates, either.
Your attempts to create a straw man are taking you further and further away from reality.
Klynbical is probably the one who doesn’t pay taxes. I pay plenty of taxes and I still think the rich should pay their FAIR share.
Republicans are liars and hypocrites. They got into office claiming to care about the deficit (of course, when Bush racked up the biggest deficit in history they said nothing – even as hew simultaneously created the worst economic crisis since the great depression). It is well documented by numerous economists that the two biggest alterable drivers of the deficit are defense spending and tax cuts.
Republicans oppose defense cuts and support tax cuts for the rich (that have been shown to have a negligible effect on the economy).
Republicans also claimed to oppose earmarks – but oops! – look what the hypocritical tea party congressional delegation has already done: Over 1 billion in earmarks and that is before most of their new members have even been seated.
In the meantime, in order to give their rich pals tax cuts, republicans are opposing:
START (supported by many past republicans as the only way to monitor Russian nukes)
School lunches for poor kids
Health care for 9/11 responders
Unemployment benefits
You see, republicans really don’t care about the budget – they care about making their rich friends happy and all the tea party foold have been duped.
Yup – Klynical – we know you are stoopid. But now you are stoopid AND duped.
ImamObaMao will cave-in despite the protests from the non-tax paying fringe lunatic left freeloaders.
Here is the main reason–
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Not very good, is it?
Plus the main problem is too much government spending.
My God, our National Debt nearly up to 100% of our Annual GDP. Job creators are not investing in capital equipment or new employees.
Do you really think a tax increase on job creators will help??
rhp–How much income tax, SS & Medicare will you pay for 2010?
Same for you cnr—how much?
Since taxes are on utilities and pretty much everything else (another problem), obviously we all pay some tax. But here we are talking specifically about income tax.
Any of you KLOWNS over 6-figures?
How about 5-figures???
How about 4-figures???
Just as I thought.
Freeloaders wanting to expand your freeloading.
And jealous about those who make up YOUR shortfall.
We are buying Guv’mint Services.
Can you go to Great Clips and get a discount on your haircut because you claim poverty? No.
@43 and 26
Wrong again, ass-Klown and you new bud eiei-O
At the risk of divulging too much info, I DO pay the highest marginal tax rates and I’m a self-employed small business owner. My partners and I employ a number of others as well, and we provide health care benefits to boot.
I voted for the state income tax. I also think the Federal marginal tax rates should be increased, at least to the level of the Clinton years, if not higher. The Bush tax scheme absolutely should be done away with, certainly for people at the top. I suspect that advocating for policies that will reduce my income and wealth as part of a greater good is something you will not be able to grasp.
The wealth and income disparity in the country is morally wrong, dangerously destabilizing and a result of relentless and systematic gaming of the system by those accreting more and more power – and this must end if we are going to survive as a nation.
The solution is fairly simple – you make/have more, you pay proportionately more (flat taxes are a dishonest mirage)(also, tax wealth more and labor less) – end imperialistic foreign wars and shrink the defense dept and national security apparattus – sane, preferably single-payer health care system that is equally accessible for all. Add to that investment in infrastructure – modern transportation, energy and information technology; reliable, healthy and non-industrial food; excellent free/affordable education for all.
Is it really that hard?
And I must say, I am greatful I did not grow up wealthy and internalize the dishonesty and rationalizations that are necessary to block out the injustice of our system – being the child and grandchild of union members – sheet metal workers and teamsters – and a mom who worked her butt off in an office as a secretary is priceless.
Where the fuck does MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown get this idea…thst he goes on and on and on and ONNNNNNNNN about…that progressives won’t, don’t and can’t pay taxes.
I pay plenty of taxes. My fair share, and I’m happy to do it. It is my civic obligation. THat asshole should pay his too. It’s always these plutarchs like that MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown that think the fucking world OWES them a living and “special dispensation” from being a participating member of this democratic republic and shoulderiung their fair share of the burden.
The proof is the fucks they elect to Congress. Liars, theives and hypocrites.
MISTER Cynical-ASS-Klown and his butt-buddy the big p’dumbski should be fucking ashamed of themselves.
that should be grateful, not greatful…
@9, RHP…Did you see Newt unveiled his 12 step plan today to do away with the left?
Ass-hat’s ego’s the size of a barn.
@47, We pay our accountant more to prepare our return than Clynical pays in taxes.
“Any of you KLOWNS over 6-figures?
How about 5-figures???
How about 4-figures???
Just as I thought.”
Someone here needs to quit listening to the little voices in their head.
Klynical – you copy your tax return up here and I will copy mine – I can tell you that I pay in the top tax bracket and I am willing to pay more to get health care for everyone.
You are a known liar and fool. You shill for big corporations and your precious tea party fools just betrayed you.
How about it, Klynical. Let’s see your taxes. Oh, and I give plenty to poor causes particularly the downtown emergency center – but that does not do enough. Private charities cannot handle even feeding the poor and they will tell you so. The poor need government help and your republicans want to cut off feeding poor kids, cut off unemployment and give tax cuts to the rich and $5,000 toilets to the military. Republicans are in the pocket of big corporations and it shows in their hypocrisy and their policies that you try (and fail) to defend.
Awww doncha just love those “constitutional conservatives”????
They’re requesting earmarks..
@53 Don’t hold your breath waiting for the teabaggers to have a fit about Republicans and their earmarks. It’ll never happen.
It is more accurate to say that the Repugnican senators blocked the extension as a way to say “Merry Christmas” to 2.2 million Americans and their families.
@25 re @14: No it isn’t. And your caps key is stuck.
Per Puddy’s WaPo Email… U.S. employers added 39,000 jobs in November, the Labor Department said, a sign that the economy is accelerating, but at a pace lower than what analysts expected. Analysts had predicted employers would add between 75,000 and 200,000 jobs, according to a Bloomberg survey.
The unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent, compared with 9.6 percent in October.
Great job Odumba!
These KLOWNS cannot understand Econ 101.
The Private Sector wants certainty on Taxes, Health Care and Regs in order to invest.
Why is it sooooo difficult for you folks to understand?
Might as well face it your addicted to guv’mint!
Ain’t no money.
Gregoire and the Dems have created a $5.7 BILLION shortfall by continuing to spend and hope for Obama bailout. Ain’t gonna happen this time around.
Your goats have come home to fornicate with y’all.
@58: hahaha
A total idiot like Klynical who said that the stock market was going down because of Obama (before he even took office, and after the financial collapse and Bush deficits) thinks some of us don’t know about economics?
Klynical thinks the disproven Laffer curve is real. Klynical is so damn stoopid he can’t figure out when or what a recession is and he has the unmitigated arrogance of the totally DUMB to say some of us don’t understand economics?
Umm, Klynical – what MATH skills do YOU have? What actual education do YOU have? You have certainly demonstrated that you can’t think logically, are unable to put together a cogent argument, are simplisitc and downright ignorant.
That crap about the private sector wanting “certianty” is BS – entrepeneurs thrive in times of uncertainty. The plain fact of the matter is that the private sector is simply not creating good jobs and the republicans have encouraged the private sector to ship out good jobs.
If we had real health care reform and single payer – that would help businesses more than any of these tax breaks.
Why are you too dumb to understand the basics?
We should not be rewarding companies for shipping jobs overseas.
WE should be investing in education so that we have a competitive work force – instead we spend less on education than many third world countries.
Oh, and the 5 billion dollar shortfall is due to lack of revenues and tax breaks to Boeing and Microsoft who don’t pay their fair share – the budget has been cut to the bone already. We needed an income tax on the rich – but the big money interests lied and said it would affect everyone.
59. correctnotright spews:
I see…it has nothing to do with overspending during the bubble. It’s all about more taxes for government employees increasing salaries and benefits.
You are a pinhead cnr.
You understand nothing about the private sector.
Yes, some businesses profit from uncertainty.
But uncertainty like Obama has created is destructive.
The guy is no leader.
He should have dealt with the tax issue almost 2 years ago. First thing. Instead, he has allowed it to linger, dicking around with an unsustainable undesirable ObamaCare and more massive deficit spending.
Doesn’t this asshole get tired of writing the same shit all the time?
PS…Obama shrunk the deficit.