About 2200 years ago my people were conquered by Alexander. A group of guerrillas, the Maccabees, led by members of the priesthood, overthrew the Greeks, tossed their gods out of our temple and reinstated the Jewish state.
The legend says that there was only enough oil for one night’s lighting of the Temples’s eternal light, the menorah. BUT, somehow the light lasted eight days. That Menorah, by the way, was stolen by the Romans and is featured today on the arch of Hadrian in Rome. Rome later a Christian State never returned the Menorah. It was last reported in Constantinople.
So Hanukkah is more like the 4th of July than it is like Christmas or Solstice.
There is, however, a sad connection to Christmas. When the Romans came, the descendants of the Maccabees were the Priesthood and these folks supported Roman rule in return for keeping their priestly power. The priests were opposed by a non violent movement of Jews .. the Pharisees people denigrated by the Christian bible. The Pharisees, probably the first teachers of non violent resistance, were brutally repressed by the Hasmoneans,
So who was Jesus? Jesus was not a Rabbi but was a lay leader of the Pharisees. We know this because he was crucified for preaching resistance to Rome and many of the words attributed to Jesus are from the teachings of the greatest Pharisee, Hillel.
So this is the sad irony of Hanukkah for the Christian church. As loyal Romans, the founders of the Church had to denigrate the teachings of their own messiah. Worse. the Christian Church went on to become the most intolerant religion of all, like the Romans and the Hasmoneans, imposing their God not only on the descendants of the Pharisees but on millions of other innocent people, all in the name of a minor Pharisaic teacher who himself taught non violent resistance.
Rather than being bitter, it seems to me that there is a lesson to be shared here. America was founded by people fleeing later versions of the Hasmoneans. In many ways the founding fathers and mothers were Pharisees, peacefully resisting there Christian State Religions by escaping to a new place. Their cause was later taken up not by Americas new churchly establishment but by Dr. King, Saul Alinsky, Bernie Whitebear, and others who were very much the heirs of the Pharisees.
The need to stand up to our oppressors and reject efforts to impose religion seems to me to be a great American traction.
Wishing Happy Hanukkah to my Christian friends.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 This is a liberal blog. By posting here, wingnuts like you ask to be debunked, ridiculed, called names, and exposed as morons. It is our duty to oblige.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gay Woman Elected Houston Mayor
Annise Parker, who is openly lebian, defeated Gene Locke in Houston’s mayoralty race by a margin of 5.6% today, Associated Press reports.
Both candidates are Democrats, but conservative groups targeted Parker for defeat because she is gay. Locke, an African-American, distanced himself from the conservatives’ anti-gay campaign.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why can’t conservatives vote for (or against) candidates based on their ability and qualifications, like the rest of us? As long as they practice the politics of discrimination, stereotyping, and hate they’ll never have any cred in the political sphere. Houston voters did right by ignoring the homopobes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Marine Officer At Fault In Haditha Coverup
A Marine lieutenant colonel who failed to investigate the 2005 murders of Iraqi civilians by Marines “displayed substandard performance,” a board of inquiry has determined.
The Navy Secretary’s options are to accept the board’s findings or order Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani retired at reduced rank.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Haditha is the most notorious atrocity of the Iraq invasion. Although Chessani wasn’t directly involved, he helped cover it up. This finding effectively ends his active military career.
And where do conservatives stand on war crimes and atrocities? Their response has been consistent: Blame the victims, cover it up, call whistleblowers “unAmerican” and threaten them with physical harm. That’s their idea of “supporting the troops.”
Why would anyone vote for those asswipes, or trust them with government powers and command authority?
Roger Rabbitspews:
How Much Is A Woman’s Life Worth?
Less than 100 bucks if she’s poor.
At least 20 states are turning away low-income women from cancer screenings because of budget constraints, the American Cancer Society says.
A mammogram costs $100; and if breast cancer is detected early, the survival rate is 98%. But this drops to 84% at later stages, and 27% at the most advanced stage. Thus, screenings and early detection are key to reducing mortality.
States that have cut funding for free mammograms are Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Pennyslvania, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Conservatives tell us taxing them to pay for other people’s health care is “socialism.” They say the “solution” to providing for the poor is voluntary charitable giving. Yeah, right. Go tell that to the dead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey conservatives! I’m gonna make this easy for you. Here’s a link to American Cancer Society’s donation page. Women are dying for lack of $100. You know what to do.
(The rest of us already donated by voting for universal health care.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Back when our soldiers were dying because Bush refused to buy helmets for them (because tax breaks for billionaires was higher priority), I donated $100 to OPERATION HELMET.
Our flag-waving, chest-beating, “support-the-troops-or-you’re-unpatriotic” trolls gave them nothing.
But what can you expect from a bunch of anti-American, troop-hating, asswipes?
Roger Rabbitspews:
When conservatives say “support the troops” it really means that we’re supposed to encourage low-income-minority youths to give up their lives to bolster the overseas profits of the country club set.
Oh, and by the way, for those of you who are investment-minded the “emerging markets” did indeed outperform the domestic stock market during Bush’s reign of conquest. Trust me, I bought my shares of British Petroleum before that company landed its lucrative Iraq oilfield development contracts.
I don’t see why Republicans should get all the blood money. If they’re gonna throw away our soldiers’ lives in resource wars anyway, then I want to live like a Republican too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Factoid: Cop killings have declined to a 35-year low.
Hmmmm…in our local incidents, there is overwhelming evidence that both shooters had recent struggles with serious mental illness. But does the MSN article even hint at exploring that aspect of the problem? Oh, no. It simply quotes some guy who says that criminals are more “desperate” (over what it doesn’t say). Now, if that becomes the official narrative, it will inevitably lead to two things: 1) no investigation into how we might deal differently with the mentally ill, thus ignoring what appears to be a significant factor in some of the shootings, and 2) the police becoming even more militarized, treating more citizens as potentially dangerous, with more tragic consequences.
As a result, I’m guessing even more police and more civilians will die, because we seem to prefer 2-dimensional characterizations (those killers are just “monsters”) versus trying to come up with solutions that actually address key factors behind at least some of the cop killings.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 A key factor in the Lakewood killings was GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s bad judgment in paroling a violent criminal (who also was nuts) who had been sentenced to 108 years. GOP? Law and order party? What a joke.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Dumping the mentally ill on the streets was the low-cost “solution” implemented by anti-tax conservatives during their 30-year reign. But then, some innocent lives are only a small price to pay for tax cuts.
Is that like almost a virgin? I’ll bet you had a few girlfriends like that. Maybe even married one.
Good Point!!!! I will edit future versions!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “Should” has nothing to do with politics.
Happy Hanukkah!
@1 SJ,
Thank you for the history lesson. That was quite interesting, with details I hadn’t heard previously.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
A key factor in the Lakewood killings was GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s bad judgment in paroling a violent criminal (who also was nuts)
– If only Roger Dumb Bunny got his facts right. He was 16 when he was arrested for burglary and theft and was sentenced to 60 years in prison in 1990 for those two charges. He became violent after he was paroled. Roger Dumb Bunny knows this. Everyone knows this butt Roger Dumb Bunny spins facts and leaves smelly pellets all over HA Libtardos.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
SJ spews:
Wishing Happy Hanukkah to my Christian friends.
You have told us repeatedly you are an Atheist.
Why would you wish anyone Happy Hannukkah???
Here is something for ALL (Atheists, Christians, Jews et al) us to be thankful for…the collapse of the Utopian Marxist regime of Obam-Mao.
The worst ratings ever!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 23% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19. Today is the second straight day that Obama’s Approval Index rating has fallen to a new low. Prior to the past two days, the Approval Index had never fallen below -15 during Obama’s time in office. The 23% who Strongly Approve matches the lowest level of enthusiasm yet recorded. Just 41% of Democrats Strongly Approve while 69% of Republicans Strongly Disapprove. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 21% Strongly Approve and 49% Strongly Disapprove.
Among those who consider the economy to be the most important issue, just 26% Strongly Approve of the President’s performance while 39% Strongly Disapprove. Among those who consider fiscal policy issues the most important, just 1% Strongly Approve and 81% Strongly Disapprove.
Can you imagine….
Only 1% of those of us who consider Fiscal Policy most important Strongly Approve.
That is mind-boggling.
That is probably the most important thing the Government does….Fiscal Policy.
Try to spin this anyway you want.
Obam-Mao is in deeeeeeeeeep trouble.
He was +32 post-Inauguration in THE SAME POLL!
Now he is -19.
Krushing defeat…rejecting his Marxist Ideology.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rog @ 7 spews–
The rest of us already donated by voting for universal health care.)
Typical Leftist.
Thinks that if yet another Government Program spawns, he has personally paid for something.
We give $1000/yr. Rog to the Cancer Society.
You give NOTHING per your comment.
Cheap Bastard.
When you die of emphysema, will your last thought be to blame Bush for all your years of smoking??
Mr. Cynicalspews:
12. Roger Rabbit spews:
@11 A key factor in the Lakewood killings was GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s bad judgment in paroling a violent criminal (who also was nuts) who had been sentenced to 108 years. GOP? Law and order party? What a joke.
Again the Rabbit LIES.
Huckabee commuted the 108 year sentence to 48 years. The Parole Board parolled him.
The more Obam-Mao’s ratings drop, the more onerous and frequent the blatant lies.
Turn up your oxygen tank Rog.
You need some oxygen force-fed to your brain.
Marvin Stamnspews:
9. Roger Rabbit spews:
When conservatives say “support the troops”
When liberals say support the troops, they mean the troops are the “enemy camp.”
I wonder why a left-wingnut oba-mao supporter calls west point the “enemy camp.”
Why does the left hate the troops?
Basil Sealspews:
@ 20
One could also look at a compilation of polling for a rather, shall we say, more balanced piece of research: pollster.com Approval Rating
Yet Puddy would have us believe that he is NOT defending Huckabee’s actions.
IRREFUTABLE FACT: Had Huckabee NOT commuted the sentence of a convict who claimed to have found the lord while in prison, four Lakewood police officers would be celebrating Christmas with their families. Were there other opportunities to stop this crime? Of course. But the fact remains.
Greek tragedy involves the concept of anagnorisis. Simply put, it is the moment in which the protagonist has a realization along the lines of, “Of course, this single decision I made is the source of all my troubles.” Huckabee has yet to publicly acknowledge his anagnorisis.
Funny how Huckabee commuted the sentence to the EXACT time that would allow him to be immediately eligible for parole. You think there was no cause and effect? You really think Huckabee’s commutation was not a tacit request made to the parole board? Do you have any concept of how politics, power and political appointment are practiced in the real world?
Marvin Stamnspews:
6. Roger Rabbit spews:
At least 20 states are turning away low-income women from cancer screenings because of budget constraints, the American Cancer Society says.
The project by the company, AltaRock Energy, was the Obama administration’s first major test of geothermal energy as a significant alternative to fossil fuels and the project was being financed with federal Department of Energy money at a site about 100 miles north of San Francisco called the Geysers.
The project’s apparent collapse comes a day after Swiss government officials permanently shut down a similar project in Basel, because of the damaging earthquakes it produced in 2006 and 2007. Taken together, the two setbacks could change the direction of the Obama administration’s geothermal program, which had raised hopes that the earth’s bedrock could be quickly tapped as a clean and almost limitless energy source.
So swiss understands it’s dangerous to mess with mother nature. Yet oba-mao is trying the same thing in a very seismic area. Is oba-mao really this clueless?
In addition to a $6 million grant from the Energy Department, AltaRock had attracted some $30 million in venture capital from high-profile investors like Google, Khosla Ventures and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.
Sure is a lot of money to waste. No wonder google is censoring the web for china.
On Friday, the Energy Department, which has put some $440 million into its geothermal program this year alone, said that despite the latest developments, it remained confident of the technology’s long-term prospects.
It’s good to see that oba-mao isn’t concerned about wasting $440 million dollars on projects where the company quits and walks away with a boatload of cash.
But the company, whose project at the Geysers was located on land leased from the federal government by the Northern California Power Agency, has held information about its project tightly. Not even the power agency has been informed of AltaRock’s ultimate intentions at the site, said Murray Grande, who is in charge of geothermal facilities for the agency.
“They just probably gave up, but we don’t know,” Mr. Grande said. “We have nothing official from them at all.”
More proof of that oba-mao transparency and incompetence.
“Maybe if we found a charismatic leader who had the entire planet shouting, ‘Hope’ and ‘Yes we can,’ maybe then we would be in a position to change things. But where we going to find a guy like that?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “He became violent after he was paroled.”
Clemmons committed numerous assaults and attempted assaults before he was paroled.
Clemmons amassed convictions for 8 felonies committed as a teenager. These crimes included a violent robbery shortly before he turned age 18 in which he told the female victim he had a gun and punched her in the face.
Subsequently, after he turned 18, Clemmons repeatedly assaulted and attempted to assault court personnel. These actions included threatening a judge, throwing a metal object at a bailiff, and trying to grab a jail guard’s gun.
Huckabee granted Clemmons clemency in 2000, when Clemmons was 27 years old, despite Clemmons’ record of violent behavior, which resulted in Clemmons’ immediate release after he had served only 9 years for his 8 felony convictions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Only one of us has been smoking, and it isn’t me. Thanks for your support of the American Cancer Society, Cynical (I’m taking your word for it). You did claim your charitable deduction on your income tax return, didn’t you? Which makes your actual out-of-pocket donation $750, assuming a 25% marginal tax rate. Such a donation would be extremely unusual among conservatives, who in my experience are a tightfisted lot. In any case, I voted to tax myself so these women would have basic, lifesaving, health care as a matter of right, as opposed to depending on the charity of strangers. By the way, donations to the ACS have fallen off a cliff because of the recession.
i don’t think the value of gold is easily manipulated.
i hate how dems make fun of gold like it is some obsolete metal.
like only gollum would want it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “Huckabee commuted the 108 year sentence to 48 years. The Parole Board parolled him.”
He wouldn’t have been eligible for parole if Huckabee hadn’t commuted his sentence, dummy!
Huckabee actually commuted Clemmons’ sentence to 47 years, 5 months, and 19 days — not the round number of “48 years” you stated. This wasn’t an arbitrary amount of time. It was precisely calculated to make Clemmons eligible for parole the same day the clemency order was signed.
Don’t blame the parole board. Huckabee knew perfectly well that parole board action was a formality and his clemency order would result in Clemmons’ release. The parole board, which is appointed by the governor, wasn’t going to keep Clemmons locked up knowing the governor wanted him to be released.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Bullshit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 There’s no inconsistency there. Why should people get tax deductions for things they should pay taxes for?
It’s a circular argument. Instead of paying taxes for meeting government’s responsibilities to its citizens, wingnuts want to make those responsibilities voluntary and get tax breaks for meeting them. It’s equivalent to getting an income tax deduction for paying your income taxes.
It’s sooo wingnut …
@29 Cynical
SJ spews:
Wishing Happy Hanukkah to my Christian friends.
You have told us repeatedly you are an Atheist.
Why would you wish anyone Happy Hannukkah???
I am an atheist, a Jewish atheist. Of course you have no idea what Judaismn is.
Celebrating the overthrow of the Greeks imposed religion ought to be something every American would want to join with. Everyone except bigots who think they have a right to force others to worship their God.
Jesus would have understood, but then he was just a Jew.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 A lot of wheel experiments failed, too, before someone came up with a wheel that worked.
Oh, and should I mention that ALL of the basic research that leads to new drugs is paid for by government? The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t pay a penny for basic research. They get it free from the government; and most of their R & D expenditures, which are small to begin with (typically about 5% of a drug company’s revenues), simply consist of reformulating existing drugs to keep old patents alive.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Seahawks are getting their butts kicked. Houston is already ahead 7-0 only 40 seconds into the game. And now Hasselbeck just got sacked and fumbled the ball. Oops — Houston gets 44 yards on the very next play. This is shaping up as a slaughter. Maybe Seattle should just concede before it gets any worse.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Roger Rabbit said:
“@11 A key factor in the Lakewood killings was GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s bad judgment in paroling a violent criminal (who also was nuts) who had been sentenced to 108 years.”
And don’t forget to add some blame to the Pierce County judge who recently let the guy out on bail. Just a minor little mistake on his part!
Ellensburg goes solar and supports good living wage jobs for the folks making the panels. This is one case where tax credits are a good idea.
With help from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation and Washington State University’s Northwest Solar Center, Ellensburg launched in 2006 what is believed to be the first “community solar park” in the country, putting the already progressive municipal utility on the leading edge of getting power to the people.
It’s an idea that experts say could be replicated in communities across the country. In the meantime, hoping to encourage the trend in Washington state, lawmakers increased the amount of the credit available to individuals who invest in renewable community projects. The rules implementing the credit could take effect early next year, according to the state Department of Revenue.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I actually support the Wounded Warrior Project.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Just saw the replay … Houston scored on the kickoff return. And NOW they are on the Seahawks’ 20 yard line and looking like they’re gonna score again, less than 5 minutes into the first quarter. The birds suck.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Lee & SJ,
What I don’t get is that a lot of the Fundamentalist Christians and others who “blame the Jews” for killing Jesus is that Jesus was a Jew himself! I don’t recall anywhere in Jesus’ words where he said go out and start a brand new religion with himself as the centerpiece. Heck, the only good thing the early Christians were good at was recognizing that aligning themselves (the early priesthood) to the kings and emperors of the realm so as to get more converts to the faith. It also meant a lot of nice perks for the priests!
As far as I’m concerned, Christianity is no more legit than any other religion. They all pretty much exist because we’re hard-wired to believe in something after death. What you call it and what practices it has means very little in the long run. One religion is as good as another in my book!
Marvin Stamnspews:
35. Roger Rabbit spews:
@23 Bullshit.
Did you not follow the link to see chris matthews call west point the enemy camp?
Or do you think the video is fake?
Just because you don’t like me proving that well known liberals see the military as the enemy is your problem.
Marvin Stamnspews:
32. Roger Rabbit spews:
Such a donation would be extremely unusual among conservatives, who in my experience are a tightfisted lot.
Once again the rabbit would rather use pellets than facts.
Gotta love liberals. When they don’t get their way, damage personal property.
I wonder why college is so expensive, after all, it’s not as if colleges are filled with greedy republicans.
Well, SJ, you and I are the only ones who recognize the supposed theme of the thread, or maybe it was juts a nice recognition of our holiday — so happy Hanukkah to you also.
Politically Incorrect, Judaism doesn’t really depend on a life after death — we don’t have hell or heaven; religious Jews believe as we do not in hopes of a reward (and we sure haven’t seen any rewards for being a Jew in this world). The “reward” thing is Christian.
We do get latkes, though; that’s enough reward for me.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Clemmons amassed convictions for 8 felonies committed as a teenager. These crimes included a violent robbery shortly before he turned age 18 in which he told the female victim he had a gun and punched her in the face.
Hmmm he assaulted someone at 17. Then you leave pellets after he was 18. So what dumb bunny. Puddy said under 18. Where’s da gun?
Actually “religions” very greatly not only in what they teach but in how they behave.
The practice of war as a means of conversion, holy war, is pretty much a Christian/Roman thing inherited by Islam.
Jews, Buddhists, Egyptians, Aztecs, Buddhists, pretty much understood that the state was .. well, the state. Their gods might well choose sides and usually did, but the idea of giving one’s power in the form of one’s god to the folks uou conquered was a gift the Romans left to the world.
I personally think there is a lot to learn from “religions.” Malcom X taught us that Islam transcended racism, Father Drinan and Cesar Chavez “used” Jesus to spread good, the Buddha gave us all .. irrespective of belief .. the basis for escape from sorrow, Gandhi’s concept of non violence was as rooted in Hinduism as it was a teaching for all mankind.
The lesson of Hanukkah, moving from the heropism of Maccabees to the collusion of the priests who the Macobees brought to power, seems to me to be that the principles of humanism, the principles taught by Jefferson, Alinsky, Obama, Hillel, Chavez, John Paul XXIII, the principles of freedom of belief transcend any religion.
Seems as if this thread should evoke comment from you.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is some food for thought—
John 12:47
As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it.
John 12:48
There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day.
God WILL have the last word SJ.
He also gave us free choice to accept or reject…..with consequences.
I believe there is “healthy doubt” where you keep an open mind and question.
There is also Closed Minded doubt. That is unhealthy.
You seem to feel like humans are truly in control SJ. Are we??
You also seem to have a preconceived notion there is no supernatural.
How can you be so sure??
Are you sure SJ??
Roger Rabbitspews:
Criticizing Ayatollah Khomeini is a jailable offense in Iran. Conservatives wanted to make criticizing Ayatollah Bush a jailable offense in America.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Italian media mogul and political figure Silvio Berlusconi, who is embroiled in corruption and sex scandals,* is hospitalized after being struck in the face by a deranged man.
* Analogous to U.S. President Rupert Murdoch being caught with Tim Griffin’s friends and Tiger Woods’ girlfriends.
@50…so Obama is now on the same level as Jefferson and Pope John Paul 13th?
I think I just threw up in my mouth.
SJ, while much of your posting on this thread was educational and enjoyable to read – Obama is nothing more than a slick politician developed from the Chicago political machine.
In other words, he was, and always will be, a lying sack of shit who is out only for his own ego and agenda.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 If we throw a bit of gold into Mount Doom will all the Republicans be vaporized? You know — the Rapture? Will melting gold trigger the Rapture? I think I’ve got some gold around here … wait a minute … aha, here’s my gold wedding band that I never bother to wear, I can spare that …
[crashing and thumping noises, followed by running feet]
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 “And don’t forget to add some blame to the Pierce County judge who recently let the guy out on bail. Just a minor little mistake on his part!”
Wrong, asswipe, and your comment illustrates why children shouldn’t play with matches or lawbooks. The Pierce County judge had no choice. You see, we have this thing in America called a “constitution” and it requires “reasonable bail.” Thus, the judge had to set bail. He did his best to keep that vermin confined by setting bail as high as he could, but Clemmons’ relatives somehow raised the bail amount. (And the bail bondsman is now out more than $1 million.)
The only way Washington could have kept Clemmons locked up was under the Arkansas parole violation warrant. When Washington contacted Arkansas, they decided they didn’t want Clemmons back, and rescinded their warrant so Washington wouldn’t be able to send him back to their state. That little bit of business ended up costing four Washington police officers their lives.
Personally, I think we should declare war on Arkansas, send the National Guard down there to burn their villages and carry off their women and children, and subjugate Arkansas and turn it into a subordinate administrative unit of Enumclaw.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In all likelihood the judge will lose his job in the next election for doing what the law requires him to do because ignorant voters in Pierce County will — blessed with the advantage of hindsight — conclude that he should have violated Clemmons’ constitutional rights. I say, if you want to live in a country where there are no constitutional rights and authorities can arbitrarily keep people in jail, move to Iran. That’s the system they have there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 “The facts are conservatives donate more money.”
The facts are conservatives are the only ones who have any money to donate because they make America’s working class live on third-world wages, Medicaid, and food stamps.
None of you asswipe trolls ever gave a nickel to Operation Helmet. I wonder how many of our troops ended up dead because you didn’t?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh wait! I get it now! Those troops died because Operation Helmet was promoted by Cher, who is a Hollywood liberal, so they couldn’t give any money to it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 “Hmmm he assaulted someone at 17. … Puddy said under 18.”
No, that’s NOT what you said. You said, and I quote,
“He became violent after he was paroled.”
Which, as I pointed out, is BULLSHIT. See your comment @19, jackass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s not even Jan. 1 yet and puddy is already the front runner for next year’s Golden Goat trophy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 I think the main point of interest is who’s missing from that list. There are NO REPUBLICANS on that list. Of course, it’s impossible to imagine anyone talking about Jesus and Republicans in the same breath, except maybe in the context of Jesus saying even whores, thieves, liars, and murderers can receive salvation if they repent their sins.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Any given Republican is a “humanist” in the same sense that Mussolini was a “humanist.” Namely, only as a SNL skit.
@52 Mr. Cynical thinks we need to worry abuyt Jesus’s judgment of humans.
SJ responds:
Are YOU sure? What if the books you call a bible are merely the works of the Roman bureaucracy? What if Jeus was what the histories suggest, a Pharisee .. a person who would have been offended by notions of a triune God or a man -God?
Worse yet, what if we are both wrong and there is a God but He is vengeful and resentful of those who follow the Roman myth? What if He sees your religion as blasphemy and punishes your blasphemy when you get to the hereafter?
Seems to me that real wisdom comes from saying that if there is a God, and not a devil, God would want man to be gentle and tolerant. Jefferson called that natural law. Buddha called it the Darma. Hillel called it Torah. Spinoza and Kant saw natural law as emerging from the first principles of human reason … humanism.
Jesus, as a Hillelite taught Torah. Does Paul’s Roman Jesus add anything to that?
@50…so Obama is now on the same level as Jefferson and Pope John Paul 13th?
I don;t think there is yet a JP the 13th so the question is hard to answer. I meant to ocmpare Obama to John XXIII.
How we remember great souls is often different from their real achievements. Jefferson and John were both peoplke who tried very hard to good things.
So yes, I believe that Obama is like Jefferson and John XXIII, someone trying his best to do good things for the rest of us. The contrast with Bush is a major reason I sleep better today. The hope for Obama’s success is a major reason I detest the Becks, Limbaughs, and Palins.
Roger ..
Happy Hannukah to the Rabbits too!
I understand that deep under the Dome of the Rock there is a warren inhabited by the great Pooka!
It is good to realize that I kinow one of her closest cousins.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other news, Tiger Woods’ Swedish wife has purchased a 4-bedroom house in Sweden that is located on an inaccessible island which can only be reached by private boat.
Roger Rabbitspews:
67 & 68 — Why thank you! Maybe you’ll find a stuffed pooka in your stocking!
Actually, I prefer the real thing .. great at warming us old folks in bed and those ears!!!
Marvin Stamnspews:
60. Roger Rabbit spews:
Oh wait! I get it now! Those troops died because Operation Helmet was promoted by Cher, who is a Hollywood liberal, so they couldn’t give any money to it.
Well then, how much did you donate to hannitys freedom concerts that benefit the children of troops that died in war.
You support the children of fallen troops don’t you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
59. Roger Rabbit spews:
The facts are conservatives are the only ones who have any money to donate
That’s only because democrats, instead of helping people donated money to oba-mao.
And for you to believe that only conservatives have money prove how ignorant democrat voters have been brainwashed by the liberal media.
Say, did you hear that palin can see russia from her porch?
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@63…as is usual Goebbels Rabbit, you are clueless as to the context of the conversation…do us all a favor, and keep posting messages to yourself only – its what you seem good at.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@66…my bad – got the numbers/names mixed up.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
The facts are conservatives are the only ones who have any money to donate
The BULLSHITTIUM continues… Wikipedia has the richest cities in the USA Dumb Bunny. Almost all of those cities voted Moonbat in 2008! They are Cheap Nasty Democratics.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Bernie Madoff made off with much of the Democratic Largess. So did Allen Stanford.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Man you are behind the times. This was news early last week Dumb Bunny.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
checkzASS farts:
Do you have any concept of how politics, power and political appointment are practiced in the real world?
Yes, we see that with Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s CZAR appointments, tax cheats, and other whackamole jobs.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
“He became violent after he was paroled.”
Yep Puddy wrote that. Puddy was referring to gun use in his crimes. 108 years for punching a woman and burglary? Sound like profiling to Puddy.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Yes Puddy has Hanukkah comments but why? Just enjoy a great celebration dude!
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
Seattle Times editorial board is at it again, going after state workers once again. They are talking about “pension reform.” What they completely ignore is that five years ago we did have pension reform, when they formed PERS 3, which is half traditional pension, half 401K with employee contributions. And what they forget is that one of the sweeteners to this deal, which was a definitely take-away compared to PERS 1 and 2, was that we were supposed to get something called “gain sharing” during good years in the stock market. Ends up after doing the gain sharing one time, the state welshed and took it away.
When you consider the disgusting, anti-worker setbacks of “civil service reform,” which gutted fifty years of hard earned worker rights, the state legislator has been more of an indian giver than General Custer.
And on top of all this, the Times keeps braying about the injustice of the inheritance tax, which doesn’t even kick in until you get 3.5 million dollars! This is perfect, protect the rich assholes and go after mostly poor state workers.
re 47: Speaking of charity, the bankers should have gone to their pastors for bailout money.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
SeattleJew said
So who was Jesus? Jesus was not a Rabbi but was a lay leader of the Pharisees. We know this because he was crucified for preaching resistance to Rome and many of the words attributed to Jesus are from the teachings of the greatest Pharisee, Hillel.
Sorry SeattleJew, Puddy doesn’t agree…
Jesus was the Son of God. He was more than a Rabbi. “Before Abraham was I Am” – Jesus said.
Jesus wasn’t crucified for resisting Rome. Mark 12:17 – “And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. And they marvelled at him.” The Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus into blaspheming, and asked if it was lawful for Jews to pay taxes to Rome. Jesus held up a coin and asked whose picture was on it. The Pharisees replied that it was Caesar’s picture. So, Jesus told them to give to Caesar (secular authority) that which was his (ie taxes) and give to God what belonged to Him (praise and worship).
Regurgitating Hillel? Maybe because Hillel was regurgitating the Holy Spirit part of the Godhead which Jesus is part of SeatleJew?
As loyal Romans, the founders of the Church had to denigrate the teachings of their own messiah. Worse. the Christian Church went on to become the most intolerant religion of all, like the Romans and the Hasmoneans, imposing their God not only on the descendants of the Pharisees but on millions of other innocent people, all in the name of a minor Pharisaic teacher who himself taught non violent resistance.
The Romans founded the Church? The Romans founded a religion. Jesus founded the church. He told Peter Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Granted the Roman Catholic Church through their Jesuit branch and the Inquisitions punished people throughout history. Those were called the Dark Ages. For 1260 years 538-1798 until the Pope was deposed by Berthier.
See ya
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Now why didn’t the preacher’s son comment on Hanukkah?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Faith & Grace are the most amazing things.
Closed minds and closed hearts cannot & refuse to grasp the enormity of what Christ did.
That’s ok…he knew there would be doubters and naysayers like SJ and the Atheist Progressive Movement where they worship Mother Earth…tht’s their idol. Good luch with that because it will someday be rolled up like a scroll. Then what do we have?? Christ and the Father. I’ll take that!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Have you noticed how MEAN these KLOWNadytes have gotten since America caught on to the Obam-Mao scam. This is make their day!
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18
Let’s see…from +32 to -18 in less than 11 months. Let me help you out.. IT’S A 50 Point SWING!
But that’s a good thing..right?
I think so.
Last week Roger Dumb Bunny paraded out 60 Senate votes on health care. Not so fast Dumb Bunny. McCaskil, Nelson and Lieberman must not have seen the Reid “memo”.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Oba-mao has approval ratings around -18.
Oba-mao being a democrat proves how out of touch he is with America and gives himself a B+ grade.
President Barack Obama, in an interview that aired Sunday, gave himself “a good solid B-plus” grade for his first year in office.
Since at this point in their term bush had a much higher approval ratings, does that mean bush got an “A?”
@89 Joseph Smith would place a stone in an old hat and then stick his face in it while revealing the word of God as others took dictation. Then there’s the Seventh Day Adventists. They had to pull off a smooth cross-handed dribble move to get out of the Miller/White failed predictions of Christ’s return, first in 1843 and then again in 1844. Hey, it wasn’t the time and place that was wrong, it was the event itself! heh- That was followed by Ellen White predicting that the United States would be “humbled into dust” by England during the Civil War. No doubt based on White’s unerring track record, the Seventh Day Adventists had this to say in 1981, “We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other”.
Of course, wingnuts, unsatisfied with the “quality” of the bible, as the Seventh Day Adventists put it, have enlisted the son of Phyllis Schafly to rewrite it, leaving out any liberal or progressive leanings. Thus do we now receive the inviolate Word of God.
Belief in Jesus is one thing, accepting antisemitic Roman propaganda ought to be something very different.
The only point here was that the text you cite was authorized by a Pagan emperor of Rome as way of forcing the divers people under his rule to conform to a single sate religion. The same texts you cite were used by that State and its follow ons in Europe to justify mass slayghter of native americans and mass slavery of Africans because of the good accepting Rome’s Gid would do them.
Those same texts were used to justify the murder o0r forced conversion of millions of Jews.
Despite all that, nowhere in those texts does your God claim to be leaving holy texts to anyone, much less the Romans.
This, my friend is simple history.
Beyond that, look at your own words … you denigrate the Pharisees! What possible good can come from that?
As for Jesus being “more than” a Rabbi, saying he was “more that a Rabbi” is as silly as claiming he was more than an engineer or lawyer?
“Rabbi” is simply a term that recognizes a well educated human. Rabbi’s get a certificate, just as you got when you graduated College. That crecognition of authority is called Smercha. Jesus never sought or was given Smercha.
How about you, Mr. Klynical? Do you believe the teachings of Ellen Smith and the Bible to be of “equal quality”? How about the Book of Mormon? God’s word revealed?
Faith & Grace are the most amazing things.
Closed minds and closed hearts cannot & refuse to grasp the enormity of what the Chrsitians did.
1. murder those closest to to Jesus because the Aryan and nazarene heritages were heresy against Rome.
2. Kidnap children so they could be raised under the Christian religion.
3. enslave millions for their own good.
So who is blind?
Is your Jesus the Jesus of opposition to Roman tyranny? the preacher of passive resistance, the advocate of following the Torah while under the Roman yoke? Who was and is a better follower of YOUR Jesus, Charles Colson or Jimmy Carter? John XXIII or Sarah Palin? Cesar Chavez or Dick Chaney? Thomas Jefferson or George III?
Ellen White’s Seventh Day Adventists were founded as the one true church, the other churches, of course, being possessed by Satan. About that same time, Joseph Smith was also founding the one true church, the rest being possessed, of course, by Satan. I can’t help but be curious here, which of these two churches is the one true church? And if Mr. Klynical isn’t attending one of these two churches, then why on earth is he attending a church possessed by Satan? Has he no sense? And as for our Puddy? Thank goodness he’s a Seventh Day Adventist. He’s at least got a 50-50 chance of attending the one true church.
As I’m baptized both Lutheran and LDS, and attended Catholic CCD classes, I’m hoping to have at least two or three of my bases covered.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Steve, you say:
That was followed by Ellen White predicting that the United States would be “humbled into dust” by England during the Civil War.
No she didn’t say that Steve.
This is her statement Steve…
“England is studying whether it is best to take advantage of the present weak condition of our nation, and venture to make war upon her. She is weighing the matter, and trying to sound other nations. She fears, if she should commence war abroad, that she would be weak at home, and that other nations would take advantage of her weakness. Other nations are making quiet yet active preparations for war, and are hoping that England will make war with our nation, for then they would improve the opportunity to be revenged on her for the advantage she has taken of them in the past, and the injustice done them. A portion of the Queen’s subjects are waiting a favorable opportunity to break their yoke; but if England thinks it will pay, she will not hesitate a moment to improve her opportunities to exercise her power, and humble our nation. When England does declare war, all nations will have an interest of their own to serve, and there will be general war, general confusion” (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 259).
Now as you were saying…
To borrow from my friend, Troll, I hear that on the right “some say” that Seventh Day Adventists and Mormons are members of “cults”. So some say, anyway. But I have to believe that our dear Mr. Klynical would never call Puddy’s church a cult, even though Puddy apparently believes that Mr. Klynical attends a church possessed by Satan.
Say, have you ever heard the tale of Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney, LDS and the Golden Salamander? WTF? Damned cultists!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
SeattleJew retorts
The only point here was that the text you cite was authorized by a Pagan emperor of Rome as way of forcing the divers people under his rule to conform to a single sate religion. The same texts you cite were used by that State and its follow ons in Europe to justify mass slayghter of native americans and mass slavery of Africans because of the good accepting Rome’s Gid would do them.
And so what? Roman Catholicism polluted Biblical teachings. Does that make anyone who isn’t a Catholic a Catholic because one uses the Bible? Puddy thinks NOT! Does that make anyone who isn’t an Anglican an Anglican because one uses the Bible? Puddy thinks NOT! Of whatever the offical church of Holland was or Belgium or France, etc? Perversely using the Bible to justify slavery or killing people who didn’t kiss the Pope’s butt or his ring etc. doesn’t make it right. That’s why Martin Luther did what he did and the German Princes protected him when Rome came after Luther.
Those same texts were used to justify the murder o0r forced conversion of millions of Jews.
Hitler was a Christian? Strange… In “Hitler’s Secret Conversations 1941-1944 First edition, 1953 Published by Farrar, Straus and Young, Inc.”,
Pages 6 & 7 National Socialism and religion cannot exist together…. The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity…. Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things.
And Hitler said…
Pages 49 – 52 The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death…. When understanding of the universe has become widespread… Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity…. Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity…. And that’s why someday its structure will collapse…. …the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little…. Christianity the liar…. We’ll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State.
Claiming Jesus is more than a Rabbi is a direct response to saying Jesus was a just a lay preacher. That’s absolute crap to Puddy. Jesus is the Son of God. Someday y’all atheists will bow down and confess Jesus Christ is Lord of the Universe. Puddy is also dismayed the son of a preacher man is ABSOLUTELY MUTE on this topic. Well Puddy did tell everyone Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist is pretty deficient in the Bible.
silly as claiming he was more than an engineer or lawyer?
Irrelevant to the argument. Well Puddy takes part of that back. Jesus did take on the Pharisees and “lawyers”
Luke 14: 1-6
And it came to pass, as he went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath day, that they watched him. And, behold, there was a certain man before him which had the dropsy. And Jesus answering spake unto the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day? And they held their peace. And he took him, and healed him, and let him go; And answered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day? And they could not answer him again to these things.
A few things here.
1) Jesus healed on the Sabbath
2) He healed someone with rujax disease
3) He asked if you saw Proud Leftist or Steve fall in a pit wouldn’t you take either of them out on the Sabbath?
you denigrate the Pharisees! What possible good can come from that?
Wrong again SeattleJew… The Pharisees denigrated themselves SeattleJew. They were jealous over the power of the Divine one had with the people. They were jealous the Divine one could heal the sick, feed the masses with little food to start with, and could raise the dead. The raising of the dead really ticked off the Pharisees. That’s when the death plot thickened. Then when Jesus rose from the grave, they paid the Roman soldiers off to lie.
“Rabbi” is simply a term that recognizes a well educated human. Rabbi’s get a certificate, just as you got when you graduated College. That crecognition of authority is called Smercha. Jesus never sought or was given Smercha.
Strangest comment every seen from SeattleJew. Jesus created Smercha. Jesus created the Universe. He owns the cattle on a 1000 hills.In the Beginning, God created… Puddy realizes atheists like SeattleJew and others have a difficult time swallowing that opening Biblical statement!
Sigh! It looks like I have to educate Puddy on his cult (so some say) leader’s teachings as I do with his black history.
“when England does declare war. all nations will have an interest of their own to serve, and there will be general war, general confusion.” “this nation [the United States] will…be humbled into the dust”. Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 259
Geez, England never declared war on the North, did they? Yet another failed prediction by an American cult leader? So some say. And what’s with this, um, trip Ellen White took to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn? WTF? Outer space, Puddy? Say, are you Seventh Day Adventists kind of like those good folks who were going to leave this earth in alien space ships that were hiding in the tail of a comet? They left this earth, alright, but as I recall, they did so by killing themselves. I really do hope you fare better, Puddy.
Here’s a good one.
“God cannot take the slave to heaven, who has been kept in ignorance and degradation, knowing nothing of God, or the Bible, fearing nothing but his master’s lash, and not holding so elevated a position as his master’ brute beasts. But He does the best thing for him that a compassionate God can do. He lets him be as though he had not been.” Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 1, Page 194
WTF? So just how many generations of Puddy’s family gets the shaft, that is, to be as though they never were? Doesn’t seem fair. Maybe Ellen was as wrong on this as she was on the others. For Puddy’s great, great, great grandfather’s sake, I sure hope so.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
You know Steve, you yank a partial statement out of context and you try to make hay over it. Puddy gave everyone the whole statement.
You know Steve if you had a brain you’d be dangerous…
Let’s look at Bible texts Steve…
Puddy will use Jeremiah Chapter 42
If ye will still abide in this land, then will I build you, and not pull you down, and I will plant you, and not pluck you up: for I repent me of the evil that I have done unto you. Be not afraid of the king of Babylon, of whom ye are afraid; be not afraid of him, saith the LORD: for I am with you to save you, and to deliver you from his hand. And I will shew mercies unto you, that he may have mercy upon you, and cause you to return to your own land. But if ye say, We will not dwell in this land, neither obey the voice of the LORD your God, Saying, No; but we will go into the land of Egypt, where we shall see no war, nor hear the sound of the trumpet, nor have hunger of bread; and there will we dwell: And now therefore hear the word of the LORD, ye remnant of Judah; Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; If ye wholly set your faces to enter into Egypt, and go to sojourn there; Then it shall come to pass, that the sword, which ye feared, shall overtake you there in the land of Egypt, and the famine, whereof ye were afraid, shall follow close after you there in Egypt; and there ye shall die. So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; As mine anger and my fury hath been poured forth upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem; so shall my fury be poured forth upon you, when ye shall enter into Egypt: and ye shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach; and ye shall see this place no more.
Did Israel reenter Egypt Steve? So if Puddy uses Steve’s reckoning… Jeremiah is wrong too because Israel never went back into Egypt.
Former Barack Obama campaign manager David Plouffe is getting his butt kicked by Sarah Palin at bookstores — and the publishers of his “The Audacity to Win” have issued a plea to boost sales. Noting that Palin’s tome, “Going Rogue,” is “selling like crazy,” Penguin posted a challenge on its Web site to “Beat Palin’s Book for a Day.” It said: “For just one day . . . let’s try to make the sales of David Plouffe’s [book] overtake Palin’s.” Yesterday, Palin was No. 1 on Amazon, with Plouffe at No. 231.
“For just one day.”
The democrats come up with such cute catch-phrases.
Two of President Barack Obama’s top economic advisers disagreed Sunday about whether the recession had ended.
This is the same as voting “present.”
Lawrence Summers, director of the National Economic Council, flatly said that it had.
This is the guy oba-mao picked.
“Today, everybody agrees that the recession is over, and the question is what the pace of the expansion is going to be,” Summers said on ABC’s “This Week.”
We know for a fact that larry summers is a lair.
Even people in the oba-mao administration are saying the recession isn’t over. Why doesn’t the AP send over a factchecker or two when the oba-mao administration speaks?
But Christina Romer, who heads the White House Council of Economic Advisers, offered a more cautious view on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
if the recession was over, Romer replied: “Of course not. For the people on Main Street and throughout this country, they are still suffering; the unemployment rate is still 10 percent.”
Now we see why larry summers thought the recession was over. He’s not part of “main street” that is suffering. He’s a democrat.
Seventeen percent of Republicans say they believe in reincarnation, while 30 percent of Democrats do. Fourteen percent of Republicans say they believe in astrology, while 31 percent of Democrats do. Fifteen percent of Republicans say they view yoga as a spiritual practice, while 31 percent of Democrats do. Seventeen percent of Republicans say they believe in spiritual energy, while 30 percent of Democrats do.
31% of democrats believe in astrology?
Sounds about right, the way oba-mao is handling the economic crisis he must be checking out the back pages of the paper for advice.
How else could you explain someone that was ready from day one doing such a bad job. He lied about what his stimulus would do. He lied about what would happen if we didn’t pass his stimulus.
Hmm, the cult member posting @111 seems to be speaking in tongues. It was only a matter of time.
Eric Fromm defined religion as one’s major frame of orientation coupled with an object of devotion. With this in mind, I wonder if Klynical’s real religion isn’t best symbolized by the dollar sign instead of the cross. And I’m sure Puddy’s real religion has something or other to do with posting here at HA – the major frame of orientation in that sad fuck’s life, coupled with his devotion to all things wingnuttia.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Wow Steve@116, is that the best you got. You can’t refute the Bible so you ad hominem attack Puddy. If $$$ was Puddy’s religion why does Puddy spend money to help the poor and downtrodden while you hoard yours? You are a dunce. Trolling down into the sewer patrolled by ylb arschloch and rujax!
Go for it fool! You’ll be shocked in due time.
May The Schwartz Be With Youspews:
1. SJ spews:
Happy Hanukkah to us all.
… cross posted (cross dressed?) at Seattle Jew
Greetings from Red Square, Comrades!
To keep taxpaying riff-raff out of its buildings and to keep trash off its public PCs, UW has fanatically filtered Guest Research Stations paid for by us. For protection of the unwelcome people, dot-coms are not allowed.
So maybe it’s ok that Goldstein’s sewage, BrandX.org, gets through the filter, but that the pristine soundpolitics.com doesn’t.
But wait. There’s more. Dan Savage’s sludge at BrandXXX.com also gets through the dot-com filter. And slate.com. And msn.com. And the Jayson Blair Times’ nytimes.com. And Ariana’s dot-com Huffington Post. But not Drudge, National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Fox, or WSJ’s conservative opinionjournal.
And, saving the worst for last, Seattle Jew’s spew on his blog to nowhere, his blog that nobody reads (as measured by 0 comments to each and every SJ post … he cross posts here because nobody wastes time on him there) bubbles right through the UW smut filter.
(Question: Who/whom did Savage and SJ have to boink to get their free ride on UW’s filtered PCs?)
So there’s a pattern there. Radical progressive trash on filtered machines is ok (as long as you’re paying for it), but fairness and balance? No way.
@117 You rather delusionally infer that I wrote that your frame of orientation is money. However, seeing as how you’re never wrong, we’ll just move on.
Can people belong to several cults at one time? I wonder about this with Puddy. There’s this wingnuttia thing. He’s obviously very cultish with that one. Hmm, yes, something to do with a long-awaited tax cut and hating America and Jesse Jackson. Is poor Jesse some object of anti-devotion? Hmm. Anyways, Ellen White? OK, there’s another cult. But here’s the thing – are we talking multi-cultism or does the mind of someone like Puddy churn and blend these suckers together to the point where wingnuttia and Ellen White are indisdinquishable, one frame of orientation, one object of devotion, one religion, one cult? Fucking A! Should we be talking Totemism here?? What a thought! Puddy the Totemist! Is that Glenn Beck on top of Puddy’s, heh, pole, then Sarah, Rush, Ellen and, hey – who’s that on the bottom, Puddy, is that the baby Jesus? Hmm, to answer this, I think we might need to venture further into that strange realm called the Puddyverse.
22 million Bush emails found. That’s gotta suck for you guys.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Steve, finally stepped of the “edge of the world”.
The Puddyverse – where someone who doesn’t buy into Puddy’s strange cult is seen as having stepped off the “edge of the world”.
When Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg travels to Copenhagen to address the international conference on climate change, he will do so on his private jet, producing 21.6 tons of carbon dioxide.
Bigfoot Strikes Again…
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 124
Occasionally, I check out your links just to verify your usual disingenuousness. As usual, your link here is not what you say it is. The point of the piece is perfectly legit–a lot of donators to the Race for the Cure would not want money to go to Joe Lieberman’s wife. The Liebermans stand in the way of a better healthcare system in this country, so the Race for the Cure would do well to dump Ms. Lieberman as a spokesperson.
Now, I won’t have to check your links again for awhile. You really need to learn something about telling the truth.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist farts a really liquid one…
Occasionally, I check out your links just to verify your usual disingenuousness. As usual, your link here is not what you say it is.
Here is what Puddy wrote…
Oh lookie here… more moronic progressivism… More insane rantings from a leftist progressive.
Hey it’s a Hanukkah thread. Puddy found more moronic rantings of more progressive fools…
So where did Puddy scramble the truth Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? It’s moronic progressivism, plain and simple… What a goat you are!
So here some interesting words from the Kos link…
And for any of you who think connecting Joe Lieberman’s assault on the American people to his wife Hadassah is sexist or inappropriate, you might want to read what Joe Conason has to say about TEAM LIEBERMAN in Salon.
POLITICS – Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist
Here is from the Letter in FireDogLake
Mrs. Lieberman’s relationship with Susan G. Komen for the Cure is unethical and misleading. Important and often very personal donations made to Susan G. Komen for the Cure to benefit the sick and dying are essentially undermining their intended use. And as Hadassah travels the globe under the banner of Susan G. Komen for the cure, decrying the inadequacies of our health care system and the desperate need to reform it, her husband is at home to kill the reform efforts we so desperately need.
POLITICS – Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist
Damn the torpedoes, screw old people and Medicare costs, screw the budget… it’s Politics.
Puddy waiting for Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist to demonstrate disingenuous!
So Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist, when a woman does something different from her husband… libtardo progressives demean Hadassah by tying her support for breast cancer research to her husband’s senate actions. Moronic!!!!
proud leftistspews:
Remarkable. You know that old adage about the first thing you should do when you recognize you’re in a hole is to keep digging? Apparently, you don’t, as your post above simply proves my point in spades. BTW, as a two-time weekly Golden Goat winner, and the only person to receive a Troll Lifetime Achievement Award (aka the Garishly Gilded Goat), I would think you would hesitate to add a reference to the Goat to my moniker. Your doing so tends to associate the two of us, and I don’t see how that is to anyone’s advantage. Are you jealous of me down deep, Puddy?
Marvin Stamnspews:
128. proud leftist spews:
Puddy @ 124
Occasionally, I check out your links just to verify your usual disingenuousness. As usual, your link here is not what you say it is.
It is a link to liberals that feel healthcare sucks and needs to be taken over by the government protesting so a charity will get less donations to help women with cancer.
And why?
Because of her husband.
Back in the days, the left stood for womens rights. Today, the left feels that wives should have to pay for the sins of their husband.
How progressive.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
One other thing Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist, the US has the best breast cancer research and survival rate in the world before the health care debate began. So how does Joe Lieberman’s actions depress this Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? It’s Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and the gang who implemented new rules…
Man what a moron!
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Digging a hole Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? You rant here telling Puddy he was disingenuous when all Puddy claimed they were rants from moronic progressives. Butt, another day, another Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist moronic rant.
Jealous Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? Nope, just pointing out to the newbies you created an award named after yourself!
One other thing… Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist, you wrote this long meandering commentary over your namesake award. It was another of your ineffective rants.
Federal workers owe more than $3 billion in income taxes they failed to pay in 2008. According to Internal Revenue Service documents, 276,300 federal employees and retirees owe $3,042,200,000.
No wonder there is a recession.
The one bright spot in this year’s report is that after several years of a steady increase, the amount owed by feds is down from the previous year.
Thanks to oba-mao and the right-wing. Oba-mao picked tax deadbeats, the right-wing exposed them. Then taxes finally got paid, without the fines/penalties/interest that “average people” are forced to pay.
Other notable agencies on the list:
Executive Office of the President (includes the White House): 50 employees
I spoke too soon. It appears that the right-wing haven’t ferreted out all the democrat tax cheats yet.
WATERBURY — For those who have received a bill a day late or found the birthday card they sent to a loved one didn’t arrive in time, the president of the local American Postal Workers Union might be able to shed some light on the tardiness.
Ray Arcovio, president of the Waterbury area postal workers’ union, says managers at the post office have been hiding mail in closets and unused rooms at mail facilities in Waterbury and Wallingford because they’ve had trouble processing and delivering a high volume of mail.
In non-governmental workplaces, hiding mail would have gotten someone fired.
Thanks to the government union, nothing will happen.
I’m also convinced that Klynical and Puddy are involved in some kind of goat-oriented cult. That’d leave the tally at three cults for Puddy, two for the KLOWN. Hmm, multi-cultism just might be running rampant on the right.
Anyways, Puddy, so you really believe that the looney cult leader Ellen White’s writings are the equivelant of the Bible? For your great, great, great grandfather’s sake, let’s hope not! Just imagine! To be as though he never were. I’ve got to say, Puddy, that your gal Ellen is a real downer.
Bye the bye, I had no idea that you won the Garishly Gilded Goat. That’s quite the achievement. When did that happen?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
you really believe that the looney cult leader Ellen White’s writings are the equivelant of the Bible?
Where did Puddy say this?
Steve, you complain about Puddy “placing things on this blog” while you are always guilty of placing things on this blog!
LMFAO!!! Before the rooster crows Puddy will have denied Ellen White’s prophesies three times.
Marvin Stamnspews:
One of those old school reporters that did some actual reporting instead of taking their talking points from the dnc.
The city of Cleveland has aggravated its vexing foreclosure problems and has lost millions in tax dollars by helping people buy homes they could not afford, a Plain Dealer investigation has found.
Do say…
The city provided mostly low-income buyers with down payment loans of up to $20,000 through the federally funded Afford-A-Home program, but did little to determine whether the people could actually afford to keep their homes.
So they gave loans to people without knowing they could even afford to make the payments.
Classic liberalism.
That lack of oversight persisted for years, even as hundreds of loan recipients defaulted on mortgages, many within two years, the newspaper found by analyzing property and loan records covering the period between 2000 and 2007.
Oversight by the same people left-wingnuts want to oversee their healthcare.
A Plain Dealer review of more than 50 Afford-A-Home files found borrowers who, according to their applications, earned as little as $15,000 a year when the city — and mortgage lenders — gave them loans.
Only to a democrat is putting a poor person earning $15,000 into a home loan a good thing.
No, it’s not something kids do hoping to get some, it’s the oba-mao administration.
The government is increasingly monitoring Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites for tax delinquents, copyright infringers and political protesters. A public interest group has filed a lawsuit to learn more about this monitoring, in the hope of starting a national discussion and modifying privacy laws as necessary for the online era.
Oba-mao looking for political protesters on twitter and facebook?
In some cases, the government appears to be engaged in deception. The Boston Globe recently quoted a Massachusetts district attorney as saying that some police officers were going undercover on Facebook as part of their investigations.
Wow. We sure don’t hear much about this from the liberal media.
Wired magazine reported last month that In-Q-Tel, an investment arm of the Central Intelligence Agency, has put money into Visible Technologies, a software company that crawls across blogs, online forums, and open networks like Twitter and YouTube to monitor what is being said.
This should serve as a warning. When the person you voted for is not in the white house, be careful what you say. Freedom of speech only applies to the democrats.
proud leftistspews:
Steve @ 136:
Indeed, Puddy, has achieved this high honor (I believe you failed to make and vote at the meeting of the Academy at which this was decided; I won’t ask you to explain yourself). He refuses to accept, however. Post 36 at:
A DEA officer stops at a ranch in Texas , and talks with an old rancher. He tells the rancher, “I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs.” The rancher says, “Okay , but do not go in that field over there,” as he points out the location.
The DEA officer verbally explodes saying, ” Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me.” Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removes his badge and proudly displays it to the rancher. “See this badge? This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish…. On any land. No questions asked or answers given. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand? ”
The rancher nods politely, apologizes, and goes about his chores.
A short time later, the old rancher hears loud screams and sees the DEA officer running for his life chased by the rancher’s big Santa Gertrudis bull……
With every step the bull is gaining ground on the officer, and it seems likely that he’ll get gored before he reaches safety. The officer is clearly terrified. The rancher throws down his tools, runs to the fence and yells at the top of his lungs…..
” Your badge.. Show him your BADGE ! “
Mr. Cynicalspews:
101. Steve spews:
How about you, Mr. Klynical? Do you believe the teachings of Ellen Smith and the Bible to be of “equal quality”?
But let’s talk about Tollycraft’s steve.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
The God of the Atheist is “themselves”.
They foolishly and arrogantly believe that faith is unfathomable.
They only believe what rattles around in their heads and sticks.
Good luck with that.
@141 Oh, that meeting. Well, um, you see, there was this unfortunate incident at the Tijuana border that day and, um, but I’m sure it’ll be resolved soon and I’ll be cleared of all charges. You know, I had no idea that deportation took so long. So you’re a lawyer, huh?
My goodness! Puddy was decidedly ungracious about achieving the Lifetime Goat. What’s up with that? He’s certainly been in a dour mood lately, even by wingnut standards. I would have thought that his passing the recent wingnut purity test would have lifted his spirits.
Politically Incorrectspews:
“Personally, I think we should declare war on Arkansas, send the National Guard down there to burn their villages and carry off their women and children, and subjugate Arkansas and turn it into a subordinate administrative unit of Enumclaw.”
Personally, I think you should be put to death in a painful fashion, ass-wipe! Maybe we’ll get lucky in 2010 and you’ll die a painful death.
I love this quote:
Libertarian said:
“Roger Rabbit, how does it feel good to be a lying ideologue? What does it feel like to be an blind and arrogant liar?”
Go fuck yourself, rodent!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Reasonable bail is mandatory? Then you can’t blame Huckabee for doing what he did 9 years ago, can you?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy doesn’t accept “awards” named after a progressive named Proud Leftist. Why would he name the award after himself?
Where do you get this Steve? You love to throw crap all over this blog. None of it sticks though!
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another poll looking bad for oba-mao and the democrats.
QUESTION: Do you feel the country overall is heading in the right direction or wrong direction?
40 58 2
Ouch. Almost 60% say the country is headed in the wrong direction. This must be one of those racist right-wingnut polls.
All 41 54 5
DEM 74 24 2
All 26 64 10
REP 81 6 13
At least in this poll, democrats don’t appear to be too fond of their party. But like all racist right-wing polls, this poll is tilted for the party.
QUESTION: In the 2010 Congressional elections will you definitely vote, probably vote, not likely vote, or definitely will not vote?
DEM 26 29 25 14 6
REP 39 41 10 6 4
If this poll is accurate, it appears that republicans will have the edge at the polls.
proud leftistspews:
Steve @ 145
Interesting questions you’ve been posing about 7th Day Adventists v. the Bible. Puddy always avoids any difficult questions. I’ve actually generally thought of 7th Day Adventists as innocuous, and I, as a person of faith, try not to hammer on someone’s beliefs too hard if they will at least acknowledge that religion requires a leap of faith. (Cynical, who is certain of his beliefs, will not acknowledge the leap of faith.) But, Puddy’s beliefs are neither innocuous, nor Christian. He believes in war, capital punishment, and an eye for an eye. The only time he is actually “prolife” is if we’re talking pre-life (fetus) or post-life (Terry Schiavo). I am going to have to take a closer look at 7th Day Adventism to see if his religion is why Puddy has left Christianity so far behind, as opposed to his political beliefs, which is what I have posited causes him to ignore fundamental Christian values.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist passes the smelly gas…
But, Puddy’s beliefs are neither innocuous, nor Christian. He believes in war, capital punishment, and an eye for an eye. The only time he is actually “prolife” is if we’re talking pre-life (fetus) or post-life (Terry Schiavo). I am going to have to take a closer look at 7th Day Adventism to see if his religion is why Puddy has left Christianity so far behind, as opposed to his political beliefs, which is what I have posited causes him to ignore fundamental Christian values.
Go for it Proud Leftist. That statement alone proves you reject the Trinity of God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. With your Biblical beliefs this will be a laugher.
When you deny the Old Testament and what happened you are deny God and His Son Jesus Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist. If Jesus said in John 8:58… “before Abraham was I Am” why is that Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? You think Jesus didn’t agree with His Father who is in heaven during all this Old Testament action?
So how does Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist reconcile this found in Matthew 5:17-18… “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law, until all is accomplished.”
First off Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist, you have no beliefs. You claim to be a Christian yet you support killing babies. If that isn’t a Christian dichotomy, what is?
How does Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist reconcile Matt 15:4… “For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.”
God said vengeance is Mine saith the Lord.
Jesus said Occupy until I come.
God and Jesus believed in war and judgment.
When the disciples went two by two and a city rejected them what did Jesus tell them Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? “Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.”
Did you forget Revelation Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? Did you forget Armageddon? Amazing Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist Amazing.
Where oh where did you pollute your father’s original “Biblical teachings” Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist?
Puddy can understand Steve. He drinks his Stupid Solution and sways like a tree when the wind blows. You can see Steve has no Biblical foundation. Butt being the son of a preacher man, Puddy expected a better result from you Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist.
There is so much more Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist that Puddy can use from all the Gospels and their tie in back to the Old Testament. Puddy doesn’t even need to walk into Acts of the Apostles.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Puddy still waiting for Steve to explain Jeremiah 42.
Happy Hanukkah to us all.
… cross posted at Seattle Jew
About 2200 years ago my people were conquered by Alexander. A group of guerrillas, the Maccabees, led by members of the priesthood, overthrew the Greeks, tossed their gods out of our temple and reinstated the Jewish state.
The legend says that there was only enough oil for one night’s lighting of the Temples’s eternal light, the menorah. BUT, somehow the light lasted eight days. That Menorah, by the way, was stolen by the Romans and is featured today on the arch of Hadrian in Rome. Rome later a Christian State never returned the Menorah. It was last reported in Constantinople.
So Hanukkah is more like the 4th of July than it is like Christmas or Solstice.
There is, however, a sad connection to Christmas. When the Romans came, the descendants of the Maccabees were the Priesthood and these folks supported Roman rule in return for keeping their priestly power. The priests were opposed by a non violent movement of Jews .. the Pharisees people denigrated by the Christian bible. The Pharisees, probably the first teachers of non violent resistance, were brutally repressed by the Hasmoneans,
So who was Jesus? Jesus was not a Rabbi but was a lay leader of the Pharisees. We know this because he was crucified for preaching resistance to Rome and many of the words attributed to Jesus are from the teachings of the greatest Pharisee, Hillel.
So this is the sad irony of Hanukkah for the Christian church. As loyal Romans, the founders of the Church had to denigrate the teachings of their own messiah. Worse. the Christian Church went on to become the most intolerant religion of all, like the Romans and the Hasmoneans, imposing their God not only on the descendants of the Pharisees but on millions of other innocent people, all in the name of a minor Pharisaic teacher who himself taught non violent resistance.
Rather than being bitter, it seems to me that there is a lesson to be shared here. America was founded by people fleeing later versions of the Hasmoneans. In many ways the founding fathers and mothers were Pharisees, peacefully resisting there Christian State Religions by escaping to a new place. Their cause was later taken up not by Americas new churchly establishment but by Dr. King, Saul Alinsky, Bernie Whitebear, and others who were very much the heirs of the Pharisees.
The need to stand up to our oppressors and reject efforts to impose religion seems to me to be a great American traction.
Wishing Happy Hanukkah to my Christian friends.
@2 This is a liberal blog. By posting here, wingnuts like you ask to be debunked, ridiculed, called names, and exposed as morons. It is our duty to oblige.
Gay Woman Elected Houston Mayor
Annise Parker, who is openly lebian, defeated Gene Locke in Houston’s mayoralty race by a margin of 5.6% today, Associated Press reports.
Both candidates are Democrats, but conservative groups targeted Parker for defeat because she is gay. Locke, an African-American, distanced himself from the conservatives’ anti-gay campaign.
Source: MSNBC
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why can’t conservatives vote for (or against) candidates based on their ability and qualifications, like the rest of us? As long as they practice the politics of discrimination, stereotyping, and hate they’ll never have any cred in the political sphere. Houston voters did right by ignoring the homopobes.
Marine Officer At Fault In Haditha Coverup
A Marine lieutenant colonel who failed to investigate the 2005 murders of Iraqi civilians by Marines “displayed substandard performance,” a board of inquiry has determined.
The Navy Secretary’s options are to accept the board’s findings or order Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani retired at reduced rank.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Haditha is the most notorious atrocity of the Iraq invasion. Although Chessani wasn’t directly involved, he helped cover it up. This finding effectively ends his active military career.
And where do conservatives stand on war crimes and atrocities? Their response has been consistent: Blame the victims, cover it up, call whistleblowers “unAmerican” and threaten them with physical harm. That’s their idea of “supporting the troops.”
Why would anyone vote for those asswipes, or trust them with government powers and command authority?
How Much Is A Woman’s Life Worth?
Less than 100 bucks if she’s poor.
At least 20 states are turning away low-income women from cancer screenings because of budget constraints, the American Cancer Society says.
A mammogram costs $100; and if breast cancer is detected early, the survival rate is 98%. But this drops to 84% at later stages, and 27% at the most advanced stage. Thus, screenings and early detection are key to reducing mortality.
States that have cut funding for free mammograms are Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Pennyslvania, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Conservatives tell us taxing them to pay for other people’s health care is “socialism.” They say the “solution” to providing for the poor is voluntary charitable giving. Yeah, right. Go tell that to the dead.
Hey conservatives! I’m gonna make this easy for you. Here’s a link to American Cancer Society’s donation page. Women are dying for lack of $100. You know what to do.
(The rest of us already donated by voting for universal health care.)
Back when our soldiers were dying because Bush refused to buy helmets for them (because tax breaks for billionaires was higher priority), I donated $100 to OPERATION HELMET.
Our flag-waving, chest-beating, “support-the-troops-or-you’re-unpatriotic” trolls gave them nothing.
But what can you expect from a bunch of anti-American, troop-hating, asswipes?
When conservatives say “support the troops” it really means that we’re supposed to encourage low-income-minority youths to give up their lives to bolster the overseas profits of the country club set.
Oh, and by the way, for those of you who are investment-minded the “emerging markets” did indeed outperform the domestic stock market during Bush’s reign of conquest. Trust me, I bought my shares of British Petroleum before that company landed its lucrative Iraq oilfield development contracts.
I don’t see why Republicans should get all the blood money. If they’re gonna throw away our soldiers’ lives in resource wars anyway, then I want to live like a Republican too.
Factoid: Cop killings have declined to a 35-year low.
Hmmmm…in our local incidents, there is overwhelming evidence that both shooters had recent struggles with serious mental illness. But does the MSN article even hint at exploring that aspect of the problem? Oh, no. It simply quotes some guy who says that criminals are more “desperate” (over what it doesn’t say). Now, if that becomes the official narrative, it will inevitably lead to two things: 1) no investigation into how we might deal differently with the mentally ill, thus ignoring what appears to be a significant factor in some of the shootings, and 2) the police becoming even more militarized, treating more citizens as potentially dangerous, with more tragic consequences.
As a result, I’m guessing even more police and more civilians will die, because we seem to prefer 2-dimensional characterizations (those killers are just “monsters”) versus trying to come up with solutions that actually address key factors behind at least some of the cop killings.
@11 A key factor in the Lakewood killings was GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s bad judgment in paroling a violent criminal (who also was nuts) who had been sentenced to 108 years. GOP? Law and order party? What a joke.
@11 Dumping the mentally ill on the streets was the low-cost “solution” implemented by anti-tax conservatives during their 30-year reign. But then, some innocent lives are only a small price to pay for tax cuts.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
re 14: “…almost irrefutable evidence….”
Is that like almost a virgin? I’ll bet you had a few girlfriends like that. Maybe even married one.
Good Point!!!! I will edit future versions!
@14 “Should” has nothing to do with politics.
Happy Hanukkah!
@1 SJ,
Thank you for the history lesson. That was quite interesting, with details I hadn’t heard previously.
– If only Roger Dumb Bunny got his facts right. He was 16 when he was arrested for burglary and theft and was sentenced to 60 years in prison in 1990 for those two charges. He became violent after he was paroled. Roger Dumb Bunny knows this. Everyone knows this butt Roger Dumb Bunny spins facts and leaves smelly pellets all over HA Libtardos.
SJ spews:
You have told us repeatedly you are an Atheist.
Why would you wish anyone Happy Hannukkah???
Here is something for ALL (Atheists, Christians, Jews et al) us to be thankful for…the collapse of the Utopian Marxist regime of Obam-Mao.
The worst ratings ever!!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Can you imagine….
Only 1% of those of us who consider Fiscal Policy most important Strongly Approve.
That is mind-boggling.
That is probably the most important thing the Government does….Fiscal Policy.
Try to spin this anyway you want.
Obam-Mao is in deeeeeeeeeep trouble.
He was +32 post-Inauguration in THE SAME POLL!
Now he is -19.
Krushing defeat…rejecting his Marxist Ideology.
Rog @ 7 spews–
Typical Leftist.
Thinks that if yet another Government Program spawns, he has personally paid for something.
We give $1000/yr. Rog to the Cancer Society.
You give NOTHING per your comment.
Cheap Bastard.
When you die of emphysema, will your last thought be to blame Bush for all your years of smoking??
12. Roger Rabbit spews:
Again the Rabbit LIES.
Huckabee commuted the 108 year sentence to 48 years. The Parole Board parolled him.
The more Obam-Mao’s ratings drop, the more onerous and frequent the blatant lies.
Turn up your oxygen tank Rog.
You need some oxygen force-fed to your brain.
When liberals say support the troops, they mean the troops are the “enemy camp.”
I wonder why a left-wingnut oba-mao supporter calls west point the “enemy camp.”
Why does the left hate the troops?
@ 20
One could also look at a compilation of polling for a rather, shall we say, more balanced piece of research:
pollster.com Approval Rating
Yet Puddy would have us believe that he is NOT defending Huckabee’s actions.
IRREFUTABLE FACT: Had Huckabee NOT commuted the sentence of a convict who claimed to have found the lord while in prison, four Lakewood police officers would be celebrating Christmas with their families. Were there other opportunities to stop this crime? Of course. But the fact remains.
Greek tragedy involves the concept of anagnorisis. Simply put, it is the moment in which the protagonist has a realization along the lines of, “Of course, this single decision I made is the source of all my troubles.” Huckabee has yet to publicly acknowledge his anagnorisis.
Funny how Huckabee commuted the sentence to the EXACT time that would allow him to be immediately eligible for parole. You think there was no cause and effect? You really think Huckabee’s commutation was not a tacit request made to the parole board? Do you have any concept of how politics, power and political appointment are practiced in the real world?
The liberal usa today says–
Why does oba-mao hate charities?
If you don’t like the results, find a poll that you do like.
If it’s sunday, that means another oba-mao project is failing… after wasting tax dollars on it.
from the liberal ny times–
So swiss understands it’s dangerous to mess with mother nature. Yet oba-mao is trying the same thing in a very seismic area. Is oba-mao really this clueless?
Sure is a lot of money to waste. No wonder google is censoring the web for china.
It’s good to see that oba-mao isn’t concerned about wasting $440 million dollars on projects where the company quits and walks away with a boatload of cash.
More proof of that oba-mao transparency and incompetence.
liberal msnbc covered the tent city in sacramento, along with all the liberl required shots at bush/republicans.
Now there’s another tent city. Go figure, with a democrat in the white house the liberal media won’t report on the homeless and obamaville.
al gore teev punks oba-mao.
“Maybe if we found a charismatic leader who had the entire planet shouting, ‘Hope’ and ‘Yes we can,’ maybe then we would be in a position to change things. But where we going to find a guy like that?”
@19 “He became violent after he was paroled.”
Clemmons committed numerous assaults and attempted assaults before he was paroled.
Clemmons amassed convictions for 8 felonies committed as a teenager. These crimes included a violent robbery shortly before he turned age 18 in which he told the female victim he had a gun and punched her in the face.
Subsequently, after he turned 18, Clemmons repeatedly assaulted and attempted to assault court personnel. These actions included threatening a judge, throwing a metal object at a bailiff, and trying to grab a jail guard’s gun.
Huckabee granted Clemmons clemency in 2000, when Clemmons was 27 years old, despite Clemmons’ record of violent behavior, which resulted in Clemmons’ immediate release after he had served only 9 years for his 8 felony convictions.
@21 Only one of us has been smoking, and it isn’t me. Thanks for your support of the American Cancer Society, Cynical (I’m taking your word for it). You did claim your charitable deduction on your income tax return, didn’t you? Which makes your actual out-of-pocket donation $750, assuming a 25% marginal tax rate. Such a donation would be extremely unusual among conservatives, who in my experience are a tightfisted lot. In any case, I voted to tax myself so these women would have basic, lifesaving, health care as a matter of right, as opposed to depending on the charity of strangers. By the way, donations to the ACS have fallen off a cliff because of the recession.
i don’t think the value of gold is easily manipulated.
i hate how dems make fun of gold like it is some obsolete metal.
like only gollum would want it.
@22 “Huckabee commuted the 108 year sentence to 48 years. The Parole Board parolled him.”
He wouldn’t have been eligible for parole if Huckabee hadn’t commuted his sentence, dummy!
Huckabee actually commuted Clemmons’ sentence to 47 years, 5 months, and 19 days — not the round number of “48 years” you stated. This wasn’t an arbitrary amount of time. It was precisely calculated to make Clemmons eligible for parole the same day the clemency order was signed.
Don’t blame the parole board. Huckabee knew perfectly well that parole board action was a formality and his clemency order would result in Clemmons’ release. The parole board, which is appointed by the governor, wasn’t going to keep Clemmons locked up knowing the governor wanted him to be released.
@23 Bullshit.
@26 There’s no inconsistency there. Why should people get tax deductions for things they should pay taxes for?
It’s a circular argument. Instead of paying taxes for meeting government’s responsibilities to its citizens, wingnuts want to make those responsibilities voluntary and get tax breaks for meeting them. It’s equivalent to getting an income tax deduction for paying your income taxes.
It’s sooo wingnut …
@29 Cynical
I am an atheist, a Jewish atheist. Of course you have no idea what Judaismn is.
Celebrating the overthrow of the Greeks imposed religion ought to be something every American would want to join with. Everyone except bigots who think they have a right to force others to worship their God.
Jesus would have understood, but then he was just a Jew.
@28 A lot of wheel experiments failed, too, before someone came up with a wheel that worked.
Oh, and should I mention that ALL of the basic research that leads to new drugs is paid for by government? The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t pay a penny for basic research. They get it free from the government; and most of their R & D expenditures, which are small to begin with (typically about 5% of a drug company’s revenues), simply consist of reformulating existing drugs to keep old patents alive.
Seahawks are getting their butts kicked. Houston is already ahead 7-0 only 40 seconds into the game. And now Hasselbeck just got sacked and fumbled the ball. Oops — Houston gets 44 yards on the very next play. This is shaping up as a slaughter. Maybe Seattle should just concede before it gets any worse.
Roger Rabbit said:
“@11 A key factor in the Lakewood killings was GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s bad judgment in paroling a violent criminal (who also was nuts) who had been sentenced to 108 years.”
And don’t forget to add some blame to the Pierce County judge who recently let the guy out on bail. Just a minor little mistake on his part!
Ellensburg goes solar and supports good living wage jobs for the folks making the panels. This is one case where tax credits are a good idea.
I actually support the Wounded Warrior Project.
Just saw the replay … Houston scored on the kickoff return. And NOW they are on the Seahawks’ 20 yard line and looking like they’re gonna score again, less than 5 minutes into the first quarter. The birds suck.
Lee & SJ,
What I don’t get is that a lot of the Fundamentalist Christians and others who “blame the Jews” for killing Jesus is that Jesus was a Jew himself! I don’t recall anywhere in Jesus’ words where he said go out and start a brand new religion with himself as the centerpiece. Heck, the only good thing the early Christians were good at was recognizing that aligning themselves (the early priesthood) to the kings and emperors of the realm so as to get more converts to the faith. It also meant a lot of nice perks for the priests!
As far as I’m concerned, Christianity is no more legit than any other religion. They all pretty much exist because we’re hard-wired to believe in something after death. What you call it and what practices it has means very little in the long run. One religion is as good as another in my book!
Did you not follow the link to see chris matthews call west point the enemy camp?
Or do you think the video is fake?
Just because you don’t like me proving that well known liberals see the military as the enemy is your problem.
Once again the rabbit would rather use pellets than facts.
The facts are conservatives donate more money.
The money liberals donate goes more to causes (pelosi art foundation, etc.) than to groups that actually help people.
Another protest and the left uses violence to make their point.
Between 40 and 75 people marched to Birgeneau’s home near the northwest corner of campus at about 11 p.m. Friday night. Some wielded torches that were allegedly thrown at police, while others broke the outside lighting to the house, overturned planters, damaged “impact resistant” windows on the house and scattered garbage brought from a nearby student housing cooperative, police said.
Gotta love liberals. When they don’t get their way, damage personal property.
I wonder why college is so expensive, after all, it’s not as if colleges are filled with greedy republicans.
Well, SJ, you and I are the only ones who recognize the supposed theme of the thread, or maybe it was juts a nice recognition of our holiday — so happy Hanukkah to you also.
Politically Incorrect, Judaism doesn’t really depend on a life after death — we don’t have hell or heaven; religious Jews believe as we do not in hopes of a reward (and we sure haven’t seen any rewards for being a Jew in this world). The “reward” thing is Christian.
We do get latkes, though; that’s enough reward for me.
Hmmm he assaulted someone at 17. Then you leave pellets after he was 18. So what dumb bunny. Puddy said under 18. Where’s da gun?
You made Puddy’s case Roger Dumb Bunny.
Dumb Bunny PULLSHITTIUM Alert still active.
@44 PI
Actually “religions” very greatly not only in what they teach but in how they behave.
The practice of war as a means of conversion, holy war, is pretty much a Christian/Roman thing inherited by Islam.
Jews, Buddhists, Egyptians, Aztecs, Buddhists, pretty much understood that the state was .. well, the state. Their gods might well choose sides and usually did, but the idea of giving one’s power in the form of one’s god to the folks uou conquered was a gift the Romans left to the world.
I personally think there is a lot to learn from “religions.” Malcom X taught us that Islam transcended racism, Father Drinan and Cesar Chavez “used” Jesus to spread good, the Buddha gave us all .. irrespective of belief .. the basis for escape from sorrow, Gandhi’s concept of non violence was as rooted in Hinduism as it was a teaching for all mankind.
The lesson of Hanukkah, moving from the heropism of Maccabees to the collusion of the priests who the Macobees brought to power, seems to me to be that the principles of humanism, the principles taught by Jefferson, Alinsky, Obama, Hillel, Chavez, John Paul XXIII, the principles of freedom of belief transcend any religion.
Happy Hannukah, indeed.
Puddy ..
Seems as if this thread should evoke comment from you.
Here is some food for thought—
John 12:47
John 12:48
God WILL have the last word SJ.
He also gave us free choice to accept or reject…..with consequences.
I believe there is “healthy doubt” where you keep an open mind and question.
There is also Closed Minded doubt. That is unhealthy.
You seem to feel like humans are truly in control SJ. Are we??
You also seem to have a preconceived notion there is no supernatural.
How can you be so sure??
Are you sure SJ??
Criticizing Ayatollah Khomeini is a jailable offense in Iran. Conservatives wanted to make criticizing Ayatollah Bush a jailable offense in America.
Italian media mogul and political figure Silvio Berlusconi, who is embroiled in corruption and sex scandals,* is hospitalized after being struck in the face by a deranged man.
* Analogous to U.S. President Rupert Murdoch being caught with Tim Griffin’s friends and Tiger Woods’ girlfriends.
@50…so Obama is now on the same level as Jefferson and Pope John Paul 13th?
I think I just threw up in my mouth.
SJ, while much of your posting on this thread was educational and enjoyable to read – Obama is nothing more than a slick politician developed from the Chicago political machine.
In other words, he was, and always will be, a lying sack of shit who is out only for his own ego and agenda.
@33 If we throw a bit of gold into Mount Doom will all the Republicans be vaporized? You know — the Rapture? Will melting gold trigger the Rapture? I think I’ve got some gold around here … wait a minute … aha, here’s my gold wedding band that I never bother to wear, I can spare that …
[crashing and thumping noises, followed by running feet]
@40 “And don’t forget to add some blame to the Pierce County judge who recently let the guy out on bail. Just a minor little mistake on his part!”
Wrong, asswipe, and your comment illustrates why children shouldn’t play with matches or lawbooks. The Pierce County judge had no choice. You see, we have this thing in America called a “constitution” and it requires “reasonable bail.” Thus, the judge had to set bail. He did his best to keep that vermin confined by setting bail as high as he could, but Clemmons’ relatives somehow raised the bail amount. (And the bail bondsman is now out more than $1 million.)
The only way Washington could have kept Clemmons locked up was under the Arkansas parole violation warrant. When Washington contacted Arkansas, they decided they didn’t want Clemmons back, and rescinded their warrant so Washington wouldn’t be able to send him back to their state. That little bit of business ended up costing four Washington police officers their lives.
Personally, I think we should declare war on Arkansas, send the National Guard down there to burn their villages and carry off their women and children, and subjugate Arkansas and turn it into a subordinate administrative unit of Enumclaw.
In all likelihood the judge will lose his job in the next election for doing what the law requires him to do because ignorant voters in Pierce County will — blessed with the advantage of hindsight — conclude that he should have violated Clemmons’ constitutional rights. I say, if you want to live in a country where there are no constitutional rights and authorities can arbitrarily keep people in jail, move to Iran. That’s the system they have there.
@46 “The facts are conservatives donate more money.”
The facts are conservatives are the only ones who have any money to donate because they make America’s working class live on third-world wages, Medicaid, and food stamps.
None of you asswipe trolls ever gave a nickel to Operation Helmet. I wonder how many of our troops ended up dead because you didn’t?
Oh wait! I get it now! Those troops died because Operation Helmet was promoted by Cher, who is a Hollywood liberal, so they couldn’t give any money to it.
@49 “Hmmm he assaulted someone at 17. … Puddy said under 18.”
No, that’s NOT what you said. You said, and I quote,
“He became violent after he was paroled.”
Which, as I pointed out, is BULLSHIT. See your comment @19, jackass.
It’s not even Jan. 1 yet and puddy is already the front runner for next year’s Golden Goat trophy.
@55 I think the main point of interest is who’s missing from that list. There are NO REPUBLICANS on that list. Of course, it’s impossible to imagine anyone talking about Jesus and Republicans in the same breath, except maybe in the context of Jesus saying even whores, thieves, liars, and murderers can receive salvation if they repent their sins.
Any given Republican is a “humanist” in the same sense that Mussolini was a “humanist.” Namely, only as a SNL skit.
@52 Mr. Cynical thinks we need to worry abuyt Jesus’s judgment of humans.
SJ responds:
Are YOU sure? What if the books you call a bible are merely the works of the Roman bureaucracy? What if Jeus was what the histories suggest, a Pharisee .. a person who would have been offended by notions of a triune God or a man -God?
Worse yet, what if we are both wrong and there is a God but He is vengeful and resentful of those who follow the Roman myth? What if He sees your religion as blasphemy and punishes your blasphemy when you get to the hereafter?
Seems to me that real wisdom comes from saying that if there is a God, and not a devil, God would want man to be gentle and tolerant. Jefferson called that natural law. Buddha called it the Darma. Hillel called it Torah. Spinoza and Kant saw natural law as emerging from the first principles of human reason … humanism.
Jesus, as a Hillelite taught Torah. Does Paul’s Roman Jesus add anything to that?
I don;t think there is yet a JP the 13th so the question is hard to answer. I meant to ocmpare Obama to John XXIII.
How we remember great souls is often different from their real achievements. Jefferson and John were both peoplke who tried very hard to good things.
So yes, I believe that Obama is like Jefferson and John XXIII, someone trying his best to do good things for the rest of us. The contrast with Bush is a major reason I sleep better today. The hope for Obama’s success is a major reason I detest the Becks, Limbaughs, and Palins.
Roger ..
Happy Hannukah to the Rabbits too!
I understand that deep under the Dome of the Rock there is a warren inhabited by the great Pooka!
It is good to realize that I kinow one of her closest cousins.
In other news, Tiger Woods’ Swedish wife has purchased a 4-bedroom house in Sweden that is located on an inaccessible island which can only be reached by private boat.
67 & 68 — Why thank you! Maybe you’ll find a stuffed pooka in your stocking!
Actually, I prefer the real thing .. great at warming us old folks in bed and those ears!!!
Well then, how much did you donate to hannitys freedom concerts that benefit the children of troops that died in war.
You support the children of fallen troops don’t you?
That’s only because democrats, instead of helping people donated money to oba-mao.
And for you to believe that only conservatives have money prove how ignorant democrat voters have been brainwashed by the liberal media.
Say, did you hear that palin can see russia from her porch?
@63…as is usual Goebbels Rabbit, you are clueless as to the context of the conversation…do us all a favor, and keep posting messages to yourself only – its what you seem good at.
@66…my bad – got the numbers/names mixed up.
The BULLSHITTIUM continues… Wikipedia has the richest cities in the USA Dumb Bunny. Almost all of those cities voted Moonbat in 2008! They are Cheap Nasty Democratics.
Bernie Madoff made off with much of the Democratic Largess. So did Allen Stanford.
Man you are behind the times. This was news early last week Dumb Bunny.
checkzASS farts:
Yes, we see that with Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s CZAR appointments, tax cheats, and other whackamole jobs.
Yep Puddy wrote that. Puddy was referring to gun use in his crimes. 108 years for punching a woman and burglary? Sound like profiling to Puddy.
Yes Puddy has Hanukkah comments but why? Just enjoy a great celebration dude!
Seattle Times editorial board is at it again, going after state workers once again. They are talking about “pension reform.” What they completely ignore is that five years ago we did have pension reform, when they formed PERS 3, which is half traditional pension, half 401K with employee contributions. And what they forget is that one of the sweeteners to this deal, which was a definitely take-away compared to PERS 1 and 2, was that we were supposed to get something called “gain sharing” during good years in the stock market. Ends up after doing the gain sharing one time, the state welshed and took it away.
When you consider the disgusting, anti-worker setbacks of “civil service reform,” which gutted fifty years of hard earned worker rights, the state legislator has been more of an indian giver than General Custer.
And on top of all this, the Times keeps braying about the injustice of the inheritance tax, which doesn’t even kick in until you get 3.5 million dollars! This is perfect, protect the rich assholes and go after mostly poor state workers.
2009 and the rabbit is still on aol.
Why should anyone take anything he says serious?
@8 Puddy …
errr ahhh
1. the topic of the post?
2. you post an awful lot about religion?
3. your own religion has had problomes with repression?
Nahhhh ….
@27. Marvin spews:
If you don’t like the results, find a poll that you do like.
Errrm, Compilation. All the polls. Even the outliers. And somewhat different than pointing to a single poll just because it fits your meme.
cute rabbit… cute.
SJ responds:
Cynical is always “sure.” That’s why he calls himself Cynical. Some might see some irony there, but not Cynical.
Oh? You are sure? Sure of what?
Are you sure that Jesus stands behind Constantine’s authorized version of what he said?
Why are you sure of that? Did you have a special revelation?
Are you sure that Muhamud, Joseph Smith, Hong Xiuquan and the Rev. Moon did not have real revelations?
re 47: Speaking of charity, the bankers should have gone to their pastors for bailout money.
SeattleJew said
Sorry SeattleJew, Puddy doesn’t agree…
Jesus was the Son of God. He was more than a Rabbi. “Before Abraham was I Am” – Jesus said.
Jesus wasn’t crucified for resisting Rome. Mark 12:17 – “And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. And they marvelled at him.” The Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus into blaspheming, and asked if it was lawful for Jews to pay taxes to Rome. Jesus held up a coin and asked whose picture was on it. The Pharisees replied that it was Caesar’s picture. So, Jesus told them to give to Caesar (secular authority) that which was his (ie taxes) and give to God what belonged to Him (praise and worship).
Regurgitating Hillel? Maybe because Hillel was regurgitating the Holy Spirit part of the Godhead which Jesus is part of SeatleJew?
The Romans founded the Church? The Romans founded a religion. Jesus founded the church. He told Peter Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Granted the Roman Catholic Church through their Jesuit branch and the Inquisitions punished people throughout history. Those were called the Dark Ages. For 1260 years 538-1798 until the Pope was deposed by Berthier.
See ya
Now why didn’t the preacher’s son comment on Hanukkah?
Faith & Grace are the most amazing things.
Closed minds and closed hearts cannot & refuse to grasp the enormity of what Christ did.
That’s ok…he knew there would be doubters and naysayers like SJ and the Atheist Progressive Movement where they worship Mother Earth…tht’s their idol. Good luch with that because it will someday be rolled up like a scroll. Then what do we have?? Christ and the Father. I’ll take that!
Have you noticed how MEAN these KLOWNadytes have gotten since America caught on to the Obam-Mao scam. This is make their day!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Let’s see…from +32 to -18 in less than 11 months. Let me help you out..
IT’S A 50 Point SWING!
But that’s a good thing..right?
I think so.
Only one poll is above 50% now.
Last week Roger Dumb Bunny paraded out 60 Senate votes on health care. Not so fast Dumb Bunny. McCaskil, Nelson and Lieberman must not have seen the Reid “memo”.
Oba-mao has approval ratings around -18.
Oba-mao being a democrat proves how out of touch he is with America and gives himself a B+ grade.
Since at this point in their term bush had a much higher approval ratings, does that mean bush got an “A?”
@89 Joseph Smith would place a stone in an old hat and then stick his face in it while revealing the word of God as others took dictation. Then there’s the Seventh Day Adventists. They had to pull off a smooth cross-handed dribble move to get out of the Miller/White failed predictions of Christ’s return, first in 1843 and then again in 1844. Hey, it wasn’t the time and place that was wrong, it was the event itself! heh- That was followed by Ellen White predicting that the United States would be “humbled into dust” by England during the Civil War. No doubt based on White’s unerring track record, the Seventh Day Adventists had this to say in 1981, “We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other”.
Of course, wingnuts, unsatisfied with the “quality” of the bible, as the Seventh Day Adventists put it, have enlisted the son of Phyllis Schafly to rewrite it, leaving out any liberal or progressive leanings. Thus do we now receive the inviolate Word of God.
@91 Gee Puddy you ARE a good Roman!
Belief in Jesus is one thing, accepting antisemitic Roman propaganda ought to be something very different.
The only point here was that the text you cite was authorized by a Pagan emperor of Rome as way of forcing the divers people under his rule to conform to a single sate religion. The same texts you cite were used by that State and its follow ons in Europe to justify mass slayghter of native americans and mass slavery of Africans because of the good accepting Rome’s Gid would do them.
Those same texts were used to justify the murder o0r forced conversion of millions of Jews.
Despite all that, nowhere in those texts does your God claim to be leaving holy texts to anyone, much less the Romans.
This, my friend is simple history.
Beyond that, look at your own words … you denigrate the Pharisees! What possible good can come from that?
As for Jesus being “more than” a Rabbi, saying he was “more that a Rabbi” is as silly as claiming he was more than an engineer or lawyer?
“Rabbi” is simply a term that recognizes a well educated human. Rabbi’s get a certificate, just as you got when you graduated College. That crecognition of authority is called Smercha. Jesus never sought or was given Smercha.
How about you, Mr. Klynical? Do you believe the teachings of Ellen Smith and the Bible to be of “equal quality”? How about the Book of Mormon? God’s word revealed?
Q@93 Mr. Cynical
Hail Caesar!
@93. Mr. Cynical spews:
1. murder those closest to to Jesus because the Aryan and nazarene heritages were heresy against Rome.
2. Kidnap children so they could be raised under the Christian religion.
3. enslave millions for their own good.
So who is blind?
Is your Jesus the Jesus of opposition to Roman tyranny? the preacher of passive resistance, the advocate of following the Torah while under the Roman yoke? Who was and is a better follower of YOUR Jesus, Charles Colson or Jimmy Carter? John XXIII or Sarah Palin? Cesar Chavez or Dick Chaney? Thomas Jefferson or George III?
Ellen White’s Seventh Day Adventists were founded as the one true church, the other churches, of course, being possessed by Satan. About that same time, Joseph Smith was also founding the one true church, the rest being possessed, of course, by Satan. I can’t help but be curious here, which of these two churches is the one true church? And if Mr. Klynical isn’t attending one of these two churches, then why on earth is he attending a church possessed by Satan? Has he no sense? And as for our Puddy? Thank goodness he’s a Seventh Day Adventist. He’s at least got a 50-50 chance of attending the one true church.
As I’m baptized both Lutheran and LDS, and attended Catholic CCD classes, I’m hoping to have at least two or three of my bases covered.
Steve, you say:
No she didn’t say that Steve.
This is her statement Steve…
Now as you were saying…
To borrow from my friend, Troll, I hear that on the right “some say” that Seventh Day Adventists and Mormons are members of “cults”. So some say, anyway. But I have to believe that our dear Mr. Klynical would never call Puddy’s church a cult, even though Puddy apparently believes that Mr. Klynical attends a church possessed by Satan.
Say, have you ever heard the tale of Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney, LDS and the Golden Salamander? WTF? Damned cultists!
SeattleJew retorts
And so what? Roman Catholicism polluted Biblical teachings. Does that make anyone who isn’t a Catholic a Catholic because one uses the Bible? Puddy thinks NOT! Does that make anyone who isn’t an Anglican an Anglican because one uses the Bible? Puddy thinks NOT! Of whatever the offical church of Holland was or Belgium or France, etc? Perversely using the Bible to justify slavery or killing people who didn’t kiss the Pope’s butt or his ring etc. doesn’t make it right. That’s why Martin Luther did what he did and the German Princes protected him when Rome came after Luther.
Hitler was a Christian? Strange… In “Hitler’s Secret Conversations 1941-1944 First edition, 1953 Published by Farrar, Straus and Young, Inc.”,
And Hitler said…
Claiming Jesus is more than a Rabbi is a direct response to saying Jesus was a just a lay preacher. That’s absolute crap to Puddy. Jesus is the Son of God. Someday y’all atheists will bow down and confess Jesus Christ is Lord of the Universe. Puddy is also dismayed the son of a preacher man is ABSOLUTELY MUTE on this topic. Well Puddy did tell everyone Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist is pretty deficient in the Bible.
Irrelevant to the argument. Well Puddy takes part of that back. Jesus did take on the Pharisees and “lawyers”
Luke 14: 1-6
And it came to pass, as he went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the sabbath day, that they watched him. And, behold, there was a certain man before him which had the dropsy. And Jesus answering spake unto the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day? And they held their peace. And he took him, and healed him, and let him go; And answered them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath day? And they could not answer him again to these things.
A few things here.
1) Jesus healed on the Sabbath
2) He healed someone with rujax disease
3) He asked if you saw Proud Leftist or Steve fall in a pit wouldn’t you take either of them out on the Sabbath?
Wrong again SeattleJew… The Pharisees denigrated themselves SeattleJew. They were jealous over the power of the Divine one had with the people. They were jealous the Divine one could heal the sick, feed the masses with little food to start with, and could raise the dead. The raising of the dead really ticked off the Pharisees. That’s when the death plot thickened. Then when Jesus rose from the grave, they paid the Roman soldiers off to lie.
Strangest comment every seen from SeattleJew. Jesus created Smercha. Jesus created the Universe. He owns the cattle on a 1000 hills.In the Beginning, God created… Puddy realizes atheists like SeattleJew and others have a difficult time swallowing that opening Biblical statement!
Sigh! It looks like I have to educate Puddy on his cult (so some say) leader’s teachings as I do with his black history.
“when England does declare war. all nations will have an interest of their own to serve, and there will be general war, general confusion.” “this nation [the United States] will…be humbled into the dust”. Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, p. 259
Geez, England never declared war on the North, did they? Yet another failed prediction by an American cult leader? So some say. And what’s with this, um, trip Ellen White took to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn? WTF? Outer space, Puddy? Say, are you Seventh Day Adventists kind of like those good folks who were going to leave this earth in alien space ships that were hiding in the tail of a comet? They left this earth, alright, but as I recall, they did so by killing themselves. I really do hope you fare better, Puddy.
Here’s a good one.
“God cannot take the slave to heaven, who has been kept in ignorance and degradation, knowing nothing of God, or the Bible, fearing nothing but his master’s lash, and not holding so elevated a position as his master’ brute beasts. But He does the best thing for him that a compassionate God can do. He lets him be as though he had not been.” Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 1, Page 194
WTF? So just how many generations of Puddy’s family gets the shaft, that is, to be as though they never were? Doesn’t seem fair. Maybe Ellen was as wrong on this as she was on the others. For Puddy’s great, great, great grandfather’s sake, I sure hope so.
You know Steve, you yank a partial statement out of context and you try to make hay over it. Puddy gave everyone the whole statement.
You know Steve if you had a brain you’d be dangerous…
Let’s look at Bible texts Steve…
Puddy will use Jeremiah Chapter 42
If ye will still abide in this land, then will I build you, and not pull you down, and I will plant you, and not pluck you up: for I repent me of the evil that I have done unto you. Be not afraid of the king of Babylon, of whom ye are afraid; be not afraid of him, saith the LORD: for I am with you to save you, and to deliver you from his hand. And I will shew mercies unto you, that he may have mercy upon you, and cause you to return to your own land. But if ye say, We will not dwell in this land, neither obey the voice of the LORD your God, Saying, No; but we will go into the land of Egypt, where we shall see no war, nor hear the sound of the trumpet, nor have hunger of bread; and there will we dwell: And now therefore hear the word of the LORD, ye remnant of Judah; Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; If ye wholly set your faces to enter into Egypt, and go to sojourn there; Then it shall come to pass, that the sword, which ye feared, shall overtake you there in the land of Egypt, and the famine, whereof ye were afraid, shall follow close after you there in Egypt; and there ye shall die. So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; As mine anger and my fury hath been poured forth upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem; so shall my fury be poured forth upon you, when ye shall enter into Egypt: and ye shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach; and ye shall see this place no more.
Did Israel reenter Egypt Steve? So if Puddy uses Steve’s reckoning… Jeremiah is wrong too because Israel never went back into Egypt.
You are a wonder unto yourself Steve.
Why are democrats so obsessed with palin?
“For just one day.”
The democrats come up with such cute catch-phrases.
How screwed up is the oba-mao administration?
Politico reports–
This is the same as voting “present.”
This is the guy oba-mao picked.
We know for a fact that larry summers is a lair.
Even people in the oba-mao administration are saying the recession isn’t over. Why doesn’t the AP send over a factchecker or two when the oba-mao administration speaks?
Now we see why larry summers thought the recession was over. He’s not part of “main street” that is suffering. He’s a democrat.
talking about clemmons life sentence and huckabee’s pardon is to miss the point. thats all history and contains no logical connection to the murder.
the absence of pardon may have prevented the murder but the presence of pardon did not cause the murder.
the fault of the jails is NOT in pardons but in rehabilitation programs.
Since religion is being talked about, lets talk about what democrats believe in…
Democrats, more so than republicans, are believers in ghosts, talking with the dead, fortunetellers
31% of democrats believe in astrology?
Sounds about right, the way oba-mao is handling the economic crisis he must be checking out the back pages of the paper for advice.
How else could you explain someone that was ready from day one doing such a bad job. He lied about what his stimulus would do. He lied about what would happen if we didn’t pass his stimulus.
Hmm, the cult member posting @111 seems to be speaking in tongues. It was only a matter of time.
Eric Fromm defined religion as one’s major frame of orientation coupled with an object of devotion. With this in mind, I wonder if Klynical’s real religion isn’t best symbolized by the dollar sign instead of the cross. And I’m sure Puddy’s real religion has something or other to do with posting here at HA – the major frame of orientation in that sad fuck’s life, coupled with his devotion to all things wingnuttia.
Wow Steve@116, is that the best you got. You can’t refute the Bible so you ad hominem attack Puddy. If $$$ was Puddy’s religion why does Puddy spend money to help the poor and downtrodden while you hoard yours? You are a dunce. Trolling down into the sewer patrolled by ylb arschloch and rujax!
Go for it fool! You’ll be shocked in due time.
Greetings from Red Square, Comrades!
To keep taxpaying riff-raff out of its buildings and to keep trash off its public PCs, UW has fanatically filtered Guest Research Stations paid for by us. For protection of the unwelcome people, dot-coms are not allowed.
So maybe it’s ok that Goldstein’s sewage, BrandX.org, gets through the filter, but that the pristine soundpolitics.com doesn’t.
But wait. There’s more. Dan Savage’s sludge at BrandXXX.com also gets through the dot-com filter. And slate.com. And msn.com. And the Jayson Blair Times’ nytimes.com. And Ariana’s dot-com Huffington Post. But not Drudge, National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Fox, or WSJ’s conservative opinionjournal.
And, saving the worst for last, Seattle Jew’s spew on his blog to nowhere, his blog that nobody reads (as measured by 0 comments to each and every SJ post … he cross posts here because nobody wastes time on him there) bubbles right through the UW smut filter.
(Question: Who/whom did Savage and SJ have to boink to get their free ride on UW’s filtered PCs?)
So there’s a pattern there. Radical progressive trash on filtered machines is ok (as long as you’re paying for it), but fairness and balance? No way.
@117 You rather delusionally infer that I wrote that your frame of orientation is money. However, seeing as how you’re never wrong, we’ll just move on.
Can people belong to several cults at one time? I wonder about this with Puddy. There’s this wingnuttia thing. He’s obviously very cultish with that one. Hmm, yes, something to do with a long-awaited tax cut and hating America and Jesse Jackson. Is poor Jesse some object of anti-devotion? Hmm. Anyways, Ellen White? OK, there’s another cult. But here’s the thing – are we talking multi-cultism or does the mind of someone like Puddy churn and blend these suckers together to the point where wingnuttia and Ellen White are indisdinquishable, one frame of orientation, one object of devotion, one religion, one cult? Fucking A! Should we be talking Totemism here?? What a thought! Puddy the Totemist! Is that Glenn Beck on top of Puddy’s, heh, pole, then Sarah, Rush, Ellen and, hey – who’s that on the bottom, Puddy, is that the baby Jesus? Hmm, to answer this, I think we might need to venture further into that strange realm called the Puddyverse.
22 million Bush emails found. That’s gotta suck for you guys.
Steve, finally stepped of the “edge of the world”.
The Puddyverse – where someone who doesn’t buy into Puddy’s strange cult is seen as having stepped off the “edge of the world”.
Moronverse – Anytime Steve writes on HA
Oh lookie here… more moronic progressivism… More insane rantings from a leftist progressive.
Hey it’s a Hanukkah thread.
Puddy hopes they do…
Puddy found more moronic rantings of more progressive fools…
When Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg travels to Copenhagen to address the international conference on climate change, he will do so on his private jet, producing 21.6 tons of carbon dioxide.
Bigfoot Strikes Again…
Puddy @ 124
Occasionally, I check out your links just to verify your usual disingenuousness. As usual, your link here is not what you say it is. The point of the piece is perfectly legit–a lot of donators to the Race for the Cure would not want money to go to Joe Lieberman’s wife. The Liebermans stand in the way of a better healthcare system in this country, so the Race for the Cure would do well to dump Ms. Lieberman as a spokesperson.
Now, I won’t have to check your links again for awhile. You really need to learn something about telling the truth.
Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist farts a really liquid one…
Here is what Puddy wrote…
So where did Puddy scramble the truth Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? It’s moronic progressivism, plain and simple… What a goat you are!
So here some interesting words from the Kos link…
POLITICS – Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist
Here is from the Letter in FireDogLake
POLITICS – Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist
Damn the torpedoes, screw old people and Medicare costs, screw the budget… it’s Politics.
Puddy waiting for Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist to demonstrate disingenuous!
So Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist, when a woman does something different from her husband… libtardo progressives demean Hadassah by tying her support for breast cancer research to her husband’s senate actions. Moronic!!!!
Remarkable. You know that old adage about the first thing you should do when you recognize you’re in a hole is to keep digging? Apparently, you don’t, as your post above simply proves my point in spades. BTW, as a two-time weekly Golden Goat winner, and the only person to receive a Troll Lifetime Achievement Award (aka the Garishly Gilded Goat), I would think you would hesitate to add a reference to the Goat to my moniker. Your doing so tends to associate the two of us, and I don’t see how that is to anyone’s advantage. Are you jealous of me down deep, Puddy?
It is a link to liberals that feel healthcare sucks and needs to be taken over by the government protesting so a charity will get less donations to help women with cancer.
And why?
Because of her husband.
Back in the days, the left stood for womens rights. Today, the left feels that wives should have to pay for the sins of their husband.
How progressive.
One other thing Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist, the US has the best breast cancer research and survival rate in the world before the health care debate began. So how does Joe Lieberman’s actions depress this Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? It’s Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm and the gang who implemented new rules…
Man what a moron!
Digging a hole Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? You rant here telling Puddy he was disingenuous when all Puddy claimed they were rants from moronic progressives. Butt, another day, another Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist moronic rant.
Jealous Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? Nope, just pointing out to the newbies you created an award named after yourself!
One other thing… Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist, you wrote this long meandering commentary over your namesake award. It was another of your ineffective rants.
How are those federal government employees doing with paying their fair share?
No wonder there is a recession.
Thanks to oba-mao and the right-wing. Oba-mao picked tax deadbeats, the right-wing exposed them. Then taxes finally got paid, without the fines/penalties/interest that “average people” are forced to pay.
I spoke too soon. It appears that the right-wing haven’t ferreted out all the democrat tax cheats yet.
Besides not paying their fair share of taxes, those postal workers hide the mail in closets.
In non-governmental workplaces, hiding mail would have gotten someone fired.
Thanks to the government union, nothing will happen.
I’m also convinced that Klynical and Puddy are involved in some kind of goat-oriented cult. That’d leave the tally at three cults for Puddy, two for the KLOWN. Hmm, multi-cultism just might be running rampant on the right.
Anyways, Puddy, so you really believe that the looney cult leader Ellen White’s writings are the equivelant of the Bible? For your great, great, great grandfather’s sake, let’s hope not! Just imagine! To be as though he never were. I’ve got to say, Puddy, that your gal Ellen is a real downer.
Bye the bye, I had no idea that you won the Garishly Gilded Goat. That’s quite the achievement. When did that happen?
Where did Puddy say this?
Steve, you complain about Puddy “placing things on this blog” while you are always guilty of placing things on this blog!
LMFAO!!! Before the rooster crows Puddy will have denied Ellen White’s prophesies three times.
One of those old school reporters that did some actual reporting instead of taking their talking points from the dnc.
In cleveland–
Do say…
So they gave loans to people without knowing they could even afford to make the payments.
Classic liberalism.
Oversight by the same people left-wingnuts want to oversee their healthcare.
Only to a democrat is putting a poor person earning $15,000 into a home loan a good thing.
The liberal ny times is reporting on Twitter Tapping
No, it’s not something kids do hoping to get some, it’s the oba-mao administration.
Oba-mao looking for political protesters on twitter and facebook?
Wow. We sure don’t hear much about this from the liberal media.
This should serve as a warning. When the person you voted for is not in the white house, be careful what you say. Freedom of speech only applies to the democrats.
Steve @ 136:
Indeed, Puddy, has achieved this high honor (I believe you failed to make and vote at the meeting of the Academy at which this was decided; I won’t ask you to explain yourself). He refuses to accept, however. Post 36 at:
A DEA officer stops at a ranch in Texas , and talks with an old rancher. He tells the rancher, “I need to inspect your ranch for illegally grown drugs.” The rancher says, “Okay , but do not go in that field over there,” as he points out the location.
The DEA officer verbally explodes saying, ” Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me.” Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removes his badge and proudly displays it to the rancher. “See this badge? This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish…. On any land. No questions asked or answers given. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand? ”
The rancher nods politely, apologizes, and goes about his chores.
A short time later, the old rancher hears loud screams and sees the DEA officer running for his life chased by the rancher’s big Santa Gertrudis bull……
With every step the bull is gaining ground on the officer, and it seems likely that he’ll get gored before he reaches safety. The officer is clearly terrified. The rancher throws down his tools, runs to the fence and yells at the top of his lungs…..
” Your badge.. Show him your BADGE ! “
101. Steve spews:
But let’s talk about Tollycraft’s steve.
The God of the Atheist is “themselves”.
They foolishly and arrogantly believe that faith is unfathomable.
They only believe what rattles around in their heads and sticks.
Good luck with that.
@141 Oh, that meeting. Well, um, you see, there was this unfortunate incident at the Tijuana border that day and, um, but I’m sure it’ll be resolved soon and I’ll be cleared of all charges. You know, I had no idea that deportation took so long. So you’re a lawyer, huh?
My goodness! Puddy was decidedly ungracious about achieving the Lifetime Goat. What’s up with that? He’s certainly been in a dour mood lately, even by wingnut standards. I would have thought that his passing the recent wingnut purity test would have lifted his spirits.
“Personally, I think we should declare war on Arkansas, send the National Guard down there to burn their villages and carry off their women and children, and subjugate Arkansas and turn it into a subordinate administrative unit of Enumclaw.”
Personally, I think you should be put to death in a painful fashion, ass-wipe! Maybe we’ll get lucky in 2010 and you’ll die a painful death.
I love this quote:
Libertarian said:
“Roger Rabbit, how does it feel good to be a lying ideologue? What does it feel like to be an blind and arrogant liar?”
Go fuck yourself, rodent!
Reasonable bail is mandatory? Then you can’t blame Huckabee for doing what he did 9 years ago, can you?
Puddy doesn’t accept “awards” named after a progressive named Proud Leftist. Why would he name the award after himself?
Where do you get this Steve? You love to throw crap all over this blog. None of it sticks though!
Another poll looking bad for oba-mao and the democrats.
Ouch. Almost 60% say the country is headed in the wrong direction. This must be one of those racist right-wingnut polls.
At least in this poll, democrats don’t appear to be too fond of their party. But like all racist right-wing polls, this poll is tilted for the party.
If this poll is accurate, it appears that republicans will have the edge at the polls.
Steve @ 145
Interesting questions you’ve been posing about 7th Day Adventists v. the Bible. Puddy always avoids any difficult questions. I’ve actually generally thought of 7th Day Adventists as innocuous, and I, as a person of faith, try not to hammer on someone’s beliefs too hard if they will at least acknowledge that religion requires a leap of faith. (Cynical, who is certain of his beliefs, will not acknowledge the leap of faith.) But, Puddy’s beliefs are neither innocuous, nor Christian. He believes in war, capital punishment, and an eye for an eye. The only time he is actually “prolife” is if we’re talking pre-life (fetus) or post-life (Terry Schiavo). I am going to have to take a closer look at 7th Day Adventism to see if his religion is why Puddy has left Christianity so far behind, as opposed to his political beliefs, which is what I have posited causes him to ignore fundamental Christian values.
Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist passes the smelly gas…
Go for it Proud Leftist. That statement alone proves you reject the Trinity of God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. With your Biblical beliefs this will be a laugher.
When you deny the Old Testament and what happened you are deny God and His Son Jesus Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist. If Jesus said in John 8:58… “before Abraham was I Am” why is that Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? You think Jesus didn’t agree with His Father who is in heaven during all this Old Testament action?
So how does Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist reconcile this found in Matthew 5:17-18… “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law, until all is accomplished.”
First off Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist, you have no beliefs. You claim to be a Christian yet you support killing babies. If that isn’t a Christian dichotomy, what is?
How does Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist reconcile Matt 15:4… “For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.”
God said vengeance is Mine saith the Lord.
Jesus said Occupy until I come.
God and Jesus believed in war and judgment.
When the disciples went two by two and a city rejected them what did Jesus tell them Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? “Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.”
Did you forget Revelation Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist? Did you forget Armageddon? Amazing Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist Amazing.
Where oh where did you pollute your father’s original “Biblical teachings” Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist?
Puddy can understand Steve. He drinks his Stupid Solution and sways like a tree when the wind blows. You can see Steve has no Biblical foundation. Butt being the son of a preacher man, Puddy expected a better result from you Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist.
There is so much more Proud I’m The Golden Goat Leftist that Puddy can use from all the Gospels and their tie in back to the Old Testament. Puddy doesn’t even need to walk into Acts of the Apostles.
Puddy still waiting for Steve to explain Jeremiah 42.
Oh wait… Steve can’t explain Jeremiah 42.