So how is founder Denis Hayes choosing to celebrate this 38th Earth Day? By endorsing Darcy Burner:
When it comes to the environment, Darcy gets it! But more than that, she gets what needs to be done, and knows how to get there. She will represent more than merely a vote we can count on and a voice on these issues that are important to each of us – she will take on the tough political battles we need to fight if we are to bring our planet back into balance. She is a true environmentalist.
To celebrate Earth Day, are you and Darcy and the rest of the Loony Left going to take a break and stop contributing all that hot air that is the real cause of global warming?
Speaking of hot air – can you imagine the heads twisting off the necks of all the right wing idiots when they see this?;tsp=1
Nixon’s own daughter supports Obama. Oh how the mighty have fallen. This is just too rich. LOL LOL LOL!
Fact is the same enviro-whackos are still pushing the same “we’re all gonna die” crap about the earth’s temps. The real fact is we all have a helluva lot more to fear from the mudlims and democrats!!!
Earth Day 2008: Predictions of Environmental Disaster Were Wrong
“By 1985…air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight
reaching the earth by one half” – Life magazine, January 1970
Seattle – Another Earth Day is upon us. This is a good time to look back at predictions made on the original Earth Day about environmental disasters that were about to hit the planet.
Most Earth Day predictions turned out to be stunningly wrong. In 1970, environmentalists said there would soon be a new ice age and massive deaths from air pollution. The New York Times foresaw the extinction of the human race. Widely-quoted biologist Paul Ehrlich predicted worldwide starvation by 1975. Documented examples are below.
On this Earth Day 2008, new predictions will again be made about looming environmental disasters about to strike our planet. If past experience is any guide, most of these predictions are wrong. People concerned about our planet’s future should be wary of statements from activists and other interested groups, so we stay focused on real environmental concerns, and don’t waste time on fearsome predictions that will never happen.
• “…civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind,” biologist George Wald, Harvard University, April 19, 1970.
• By 1995, “…somewhere between 75 and 85 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.” Sen. Gaylord Nelson, quoting Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, Look magazine, April 1970.
• Because of increased dust, cloud cover and water vapor “…the planet will cool, the water vapor will fall and freeze, and a new Ice Age will be born,” Newsweek magazine, January 26, 1970.
• The world will be “…eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age,” Kenneth Watt, speaking at Swarthmore University, April 19, 1970.
• “We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” biologist Barry Commoner, University of Washington, writing in the journal Environment, April 1970.
• “Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from the intolerable deteriorations and possible extinction,” The New York Times editorial, April 20, 1970.
• “By 1985, air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half…” Life magazine, January 1970.
• “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” Paul Ehrlich, interview in Mademoiselle magazine, April 1970.
• “…air pollution…is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone,” Paul Ehrlich, interview in Mademoiselle magazine, April 1970.
• Ehrlich also predicted that in 1973, 200,000 Americans would die from air pollution, and that by 1980 the life expectancy of Americans would be 42 years.
• “It is already too late to avoid mass starvation,” Earth Day organizer Denis Hayes, The Living Wilderness, Spring 1970.
• “By the year 2000…the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America and Australia, will be in famine,” Peter Gunter, North Texas State University, The Living Wilderness, Spring 1970.
Our purpose on Earth Day 2008 is not simply to point out how often environmental activists have been wrong, but to learn from the mistakes made during past Earth Days. Learning from the past will give us a better understanding of our world and the threats that face it.
By being skeptical about routine portents of doom, we can stay focused on the real threats that face our planet, and on the reasonable and achievable actions we as a society can take to meet them.
The sniveling Seattle Times is putting their Darcy-Burner-has-no-experience editorials on the front page again. Frank Blethen must be nervous.
a tacoma republickin weighs in:
Re link in #5: “Earth day. In the 70’s it was a bunch of aging hippies trying to fight their growing insignificance.”
As I recall, the big environmental issue back then was DDT in the drinking water. In retrospect, we should have banned DDT only in the blue counties and let the hicks do as they -please; then we wouldn’t have so damned many Republicans running around today. They’d all be dead.*
Hey, just kidding! Ann Coulter humor.
And to celebrate Earth Day – we’re reminded what happens when you make it a touchstone of your party plank to destroy the planet – you achieve the lowest approvals in history. Gosh you right wingers must be so proud! HE HE!
Seriously folks, I’m not against letting wingnuts self-exterminate,* if we can figure out a way to keep them from taking the rest of us with them.
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter humor, ha ha ha.
BBG @ 7: “we’re reminded what happens when you make it a touchstone of your party plank to destroy the planet – you achieve the lowest approvals in history.”
Is THAT what is to blame for Congress’ low approvals? Their Lunatic Left ideas and general impotence?
Crude oil prices got within 10 cents of the $120 mark this morning. I expect crude to blow past $125 within the next few days and keep climbing because of the continuing monetary devaluation of the American dollar, and because it will take many years to build the infrastructure required to increase oil production. Thus, oil prices will continue rising until people alter their energy consumption habits and use significantly less oil. Americans don’t realize yet that the prospect of $4 gas this summer is only the beginning; within a couple of years $4 gas will be only a fond memory.
One of the immediate impacts of high oil prices is higher food prices — and more starvation in poor countries. In addition to running farm machinery, oil is feedstock for fertilizers and pesticides. We are literally burning up the world’s food supply in our gas tanks, even without the ethanol craziness, which magnifies the problem.
The American lifestyle of commuting long distances to work every day isn’t sustainable. We are well on the way toward car commuting becoming unaffordable for America’s working and middle classes. Even without the environmental impacts, the economic costs of this lifestyle are rapidly becoming unfeasible.
We need to redesign our society from the ground up. Everyone should grow long ears and big teeth, and graze on the grass right next door! Then we won’t need cars, global warming will abate, and what Bush does to the dollar won’t matter. The solution to all our problems is a world populated by rabbits instead of humans!
Energy industry fundamentals don’t support $120 crude long-term, because synthetic oil from coal, tar sands, and oil shale can be produced for less than $40/bbl. The reason competition from alternative fuels is not pulling down crude prices is because it will take huge investments and decades of engineering and construction to build enough synfuel plants to put a competing product on the market. For the next 10 to 20 years, at least, we are hostages to oil. This energy crisis eventually will pass into history, but not before doing enormous economic damage to America’s working and middle classes.
@9 No, Congress’ low approval ratings are directly due to (a) policies that bear too much resemblance to GOP policies, and (b) spineless Democrats who won’t stand up to Republicans. You are a fool if you don’t see the breadth and depth of anger against Republicans brewing in this country.
Just for fun, let’s say crude goes to $140/bbl. this summer. At that price, the raw material costs $3.33 a gallon before any costs of refining, retail distribution, and fuel taxes. In this scenario, there’s no way gas can sell at the pump for less than $4.50 – $5.00 a gallon. How high will prices go? They won’t stop rising until people alter their behavior and consume less oil, because the industry can’t increase short-term supplies, it’s as simple as that.
Mark I know it’s VERY hard for you to read but please pretend you passed 1st grade and look at the link. It’s all about your daddy…GW Bush – you know, coke addict, DUI offender, AWOL draft-dodger, and now, laughing stock of the world! And by the way – the US Congress has a low approval rating because we haven’t cleared out ALL the republican traitors yet – give us a few months – November seems about right. HE HE!
re 13: If Bush had not irresponsibly increased the mandated strategic oil reserves, there would be more gas available — hence, lower prices.
There is no gas shortage. This is a rip-off designed to steal your upcoming ‘economic stimulus’ checks.
Why can’t I just waffle? I mean, why can’t I just eat my waffle?
Every other American president faced with spiraling gas price3s has released oil from the strategic oil reserve and manipulated the price of oil back to a reasonable level.
But not Bush. He did the opposite. He deliberately exacerbates problems in order to generate more profit for himself and his cronies.
Nerf Day? What’s up with that?
DDT: Thanks, blue-state greens, for your crusade against DDT. Thanks to you, malaria came back like a son of a bitch. Thanks to you, billions of anopheles bugs got a reprieve and millions of mere persons got death sentences. But that’s probably part of your brilliant strategy to save the rich white parts of the planet from ‘overpopulation’ by the under classes.
A recent variant on the theme is the blue-state green crusade for biofuels, to run your Yugos and Volvos, that take food from the mouths of Haitians and Mexicans and other involuntary dieters.
Liberal indifference to hunger and starvation is part of a pattern: Agronomist Norman Borlaug defused Ehrlich’s population bomb by developing grains that could feed the wretched of the earth with real food instead of liberal platitudes and pieties. Green libs pressured liberal foundations (that’s most of them) to shut Borlaug down by cutting his funding.
#15: If the Left had not irresponsibly forbid drilling in ANWR, there would be more gas available. And that’s the truth.
Howling Commando Hillary, the battling bastard of Bosnia, will “annihilate” Iran if Iran gets any goofy ideas:{054E8E67-D8EC-4471-BE6C-0A50C82AF55D}
Call Amanda Knox, Foxy Knoxy, for the translation.
Canonized senator Barack Obama blew up the truth when he told you and you and you that he’d take no money from grubby lobbyists. Sister Toldjah and many others tell the rest of the story:
Counterpoint: Canonized senator Barack Obama did not lie. Each and every lobbyist in the Obama stable is an ungrubby lobbyist. No grubby lobbyists were allowed … they went to Clinton and McCain.
How dare you defile the lib sanctuary of ANWR’s mosquito coast by suggesting that a teensy tiny piece of pristine American swamp can be used for America’s benefit.
Here we go again – right wingers spewing Rush Limpdick Limbaugh talking points.
1) There’s no proof there’s ANY oil at ANWR
2) There’s no MORE than 1 year’s worth of oil there in ANY event
3) The oil companies have already admitted they would sell this oil to Japan and NONE of it would help our shortage here
Joel Connelly led cheers for the inviolability of ANWR, so let’s violate Joel Connelly. Lipo the big fat idiot, top to enormous bottom, distill him or refine him, if possible, and fill our Volvos with him.
Energy problem solved. Next?
There’s no proof there’s ANY oil at ANWR.
There’s no proof there’s ANY intelligent life masquerading as ByeByeGOP, but you keep oozing up anyway. Sort of like oil in the great white North.
‘ … there’s no way gas can sell at the pump for less than $4.50 – $5.00 per gallon.’
Sounds like an ecolib wet dream or Gorebasm. Get the price of American gas up to enlightened Euro levels, to punish American profligacy and to save the planet on Nerf Day, while giving high fives all around to other red-diaper trust-fund ecofreaks and while passing around the brie.
What’s a mother to do … a Rabbit pellet that more-or-less makes sense, and doesn’t stink (much), beginning to end: #10.
Better dial back my happy pills or adjust the rabbit ears on my world view. When Rabbit starts to make sense, I start to worry. Something’s wrong.
@25 you seem to have a thing for limp dicks and ooze – you should get that checked…
So Pelletizer, since your leftie friends won’t allow US drilling in ANWR or off the coasts to find new oil, Saudi Arabia went into their last know oil field where it costs big bucks to extract the oil.
Let’s see – We now import wheat. Why?
Let’s see – We see the corn price skyrocket which affects meat and vegetable prices. Why?
You lefties are amazing…
Oh yeah, I forgot. Yeah, Puddy sometimes forgets…
The lack of DDT use killed many of my African brethren over the years. Google…”DDT spraying Africa death toll WHO reconsiders” and enjoy the reading…
Golly a new week ByeByeGoober is still an idiot.
Event he lefty leaning Wikipedia disagrees with his ANWR “comments”. But anyone with a brain will disagree with the HA moron.
Sure Puddybrain has such a strong argument he cites not one fact to refute mine – but when you’re mom and dad were brother and sister you don’t necessarily have the mental ability to form reasoned arguments; so you just look behind you at whichever right wing turd is fucking you in the ass and ask them what to say.
He Puddydick – sued anyone at HA lately for making fun of the hair on your big, fat, ugly wife’s 10-foot wide asshole?
ByeByeGoober – Wikipedia gives citations. I chose a simple one because I figgered you could process facts.
Here Goober – Oil Reserves in ANWR Google it
Wikipedia has slightly more credibility than you Puddydick – and that’s not much. Any right wing moron can get on and edit that entry to back the party line – There is PROBABLY oil there – but we don’t KNOW for sure. And you ignore the other points I bring up for the simplest of reasons – you have not one reliable, non-partisan fact to refute them.
You’re like all republicans Puddydick – you have ideals and you don’t need facts. Just like the folks who were sure the Earth is flat.
Hey flat – like your very small brain.
ByeByeGoober, Wikipedia is lefty leaning fool. But facts and your mind are diametrically opposed particles.
Before you said:
1) There’s no proof there’s ANY oil at ANWR
2) There’s no MORE than 1 year’s worth of oil there in ANY event
We like it when you stay stupid. Keep up the good work!