Today is not only Earth Day, it is a day on earth much too beautiful to spend indoors blogging. So I didn’t. Instead, I spent much of the day outside, pulling ivy, trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, and doing other such good neighborly stuff I’ve been neglecting for much too long.
And when I was done, you could barely tell the difference.
We all know that entropy is a powerful force in the universe, but it’s especially strong around my house, which quite frankly, I’ve allowed to go to hell since HA took over my life in the weeks surrounding the November, 2004 election. A lot of people ask me how I manage to find the time to write so much, and the answer is simple: I’ve been neglecting just about every other aspect of my life, other than my daughter. My house, my yard, my car… they’re all a total mess (not to mention my finances.)
And it’s been totally worth it.
Still, there’s a lot of mess to clean up, and I hope if I take a break like this every once in a while, you all keep coming back.
Anyway, happy Earth Day.
Jeez, Goldy, you’ve got my email, just let me know if you need any help. Fer cryin’ out loud…
Today is Earth Day.
Or as they call it in the White House:
I’m sorry, I mean Saturday
Thanks for the sentiments, Goldy. For my Earth Day, I rode my bike down to the Duwamish River and heard the Gov and the Mayor give short speeches, about our stewardship of the Earth in general, and slowly reclaiming the Duwamish from past abuses, in particular. It was refreshing to hear politicians who sounded like they believe in what they are saying.
Then I, too, went home and pulled some more ivy.
Papa Bush once said on TV that the environment was going to be his grandkids’ problem. I hope the little assholes choke on the gas fumes generated by Bush-owned oil interests and die a horrible fucking death.
On Earth Day, John F’ing Kerry flew in his wife’s Gulfstream G5 [25,000 gals of JP5] to Boston, jumped in to a V8 limo [7 mpg], and headed to an over heated hotel suite to give a speech on the overuse of fossil fuels by greedy Republicans. [hehe………JCH]
Ahhh how did I celebrate earth day. I drove 5 miles and hour slower than I normally do. Broke in the new tires on the SUV at the same time. Killed two birds with one stone. Hehehehe
On Earth Day, no Democrat should get into an automobile, train, plane, or boat. Hell, libs, why not everyday??
I mowed the back yard lawn myself today, but you are so much more motivated than most of us.
Goldy – you are forgiven or praised, as you wish.
Today, we ALL went outide. Tomorrow is supposd to be just as nice.
The spring flowers are great – old blue bells galore in the side bed to my house.
The gas crises is the final blow – America is not happy. Bush sounds like is is a bit crazed, says he can’t do anything. His buddies a t Exon about to report gigantic profits.
How aout price control? Yes, he can.
“pulling ivy, trimming bushes, mowing the lawn”
You need a goat! Try JCH. He bleats a lot, but he’ll eat anything, including Redneck’s dick.
“On Earth Day, John F’ing Kerry flew in his wife’s Gulfstream G5 [25,000 gals of JP5] to Boston, jumped in to a V8 limo [7 mpg], and headed to an over heated hotel suite to give a speech on the overuse of fossil fuels by greedy Republicans. [hehe………JCH] Commentby Hillary [JCH]Clinton— 4/22/06@ 7:20 pm”
Maybe so, but if he talked those Republicans into conserving 250,000 gallons of jet fuel and 5,000 gallons of gas by taking the bus to work next week, it was an investment of fuel and fumes that paid dividends, and well worth it!
Hey JCH, need work? Goldy has some brush that needs clearing.
HEY GOLDY!!! Can you do something to delete the spammers using your site for commercial purposes? See #9. (I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if that poster turns out to be JCH doing a little amateur drug dealing to make the payments on his Hawai’i shack.)
Note: JCH claims he lives in a $1.5 million home in Hawai’i. All you get in Hawai’i for that kind of money is a shack thatched with coconut leaves.
but he’ll eat anything, including Redneck’s dick.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/22/06@ 9:46 pm
There you go again..insulting people for no reason..surely you realize how demeaning that is and how it reflects on your apparent intelligence
Wabid…’Your concience’
Click here for photo of JCH’s “Hawai’i mansion”:
“There you go again..insulting people for no reason..”
What the hell are you talking about? He’s a Republican, isn’t he? That’s reason enough! In addition, he’s a mysoginist, welsher, and deadbeat dad.
Wabid…’Your concience’
What conscience? I used to be a Republican. I lost my conscience when I became a Republican. It simply went away. I’m a Democrat now, but I still haven’t located my conscience. It’s wandering around out there somewhere. That’s why I fight like a Republican.
Wabid…’Your concience’
I can tell YOU are a Republican!!! That’s because your spelling is SHIT!!! It’s spelled “conscience” dumbass!!! Why are all Republicans fucking illiterates?
They must be the ones who don’t believe in attending public schools or, for that matter, any schools. Click here for photo of Republican intelligentsia:
Your conscience has caused your introspection about your lack of manners…spelling is not the subject here nor is it a mark of republican or democrat..what matters is that you are now thinking of replying to the subject of the conversation rather than insulting the writer. Calling someone a ‘cunt’ adds nothing to the thread and only reflects upon your lack of intelligence. Blindly labeling all members of any group shows your partisenship and inability to discuss the facts.
Wabid…’Your conscience’
Note: JCH claims he lives in a $1.5 million home in Hawai’i. All you get in Hawai’i for that kind of money is a shack thatched with coconut leaves.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/22/06@ 9:52 pm [RR, First correct post for Roger Rabbit. The rest of your posts are slop.]
can tell YOU are a Republican!!! That’s because your spelling is SHIT!!! It’s spelled “conscience” dumbass!!! Why are all Republicans fucking illiterates?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/22/06@ 10:00 pm
Why cant donks count.
They must be the ones who don’t believe in attending public schools or, for that matter, any schools. Click here for photo of Republican intelligentsia:
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/22/06@ 10:03 pm
What does that show. Now if they were puting a rubber on a cucumber then we would know. Hehehehe
This is great
Palestinians killing Palestinians is like terrorists killing terrorists. A win/win situation. If only we could get the democrats involved we would really have something positive.
RUFUS @ 23
“Why cant donks count.”
Sorry, my wingnut dopey friend. It is only your paranoid fantasy that “donks can’t count!” Get help, dude.
With Goldy occupied in the garden this weekend, if you want Earth Day blogging, look at the stories listed in the Topic Hotlist in Goldy’s right sidebar.
Some people just never learn people skills – blindly applying labels to everyone shows your ignorance.
Wabid…’Your conscience’
“Killed two birds” Commentby RUFUS— 4/22/06@ 7:20 pm
Expect to be indicted under the Pasedo Law by next week.
“spelling is not … a mark of republican or democrat..”
Wrong … obviously you’re too fucking illiterate to realize nearly all trolls on this blog are poor spellers. Their spelling gives them away! On HorsesAss, bad spelling is like a sign that says, “I am a Republican!”
“lack of manners”
If you have a problem with my manners, meet me out in the street at 7 a.m., and bring your hind feet and claws.
“Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/22/06@ 9:52 pm [RR, First correct post for Roger Rabbit. The rest of your posts are slop.]” Commentby Hillary [JCH]Clinton— 4/22/06@ 10:28 pm
So you admit your “mansion” is a shack thatched with coconut leaves? I thought so.
20 (continued)
“you are now thinking of replying to the subject of the conversation rather than insulting the writer”
What on earth ever gave you that impression? Certainly not anything I wrote! Are you fucking blind? Do you bother to read any of my posts? Don’t you realize I discuss the subject only 5% of the time, and the other 95% of the time I attack the writer just like you Republicans do? You should be proud of me — after all, I learned how to do it from you guys.
Oops, that should read “21 (continued)”
21 (continued)
“Calling someone a ‘cunt’ adds nothing to the thread”
Of course it does! It adds vulgarity. And why not be vulgar? You guys are — you start wars, torture innocent people, the lie about it; you steal, bribe, and extort; you name-call, smear, and circulate false rumors; you want to TELL WOMEN WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR BODIES; you refuse to let people decide to die; you interfere with other peoples’ lives doing all kinds of shit, and outright kill people — AND YOU’RE COMPLAINING BECAUSE I USED A FOUR-LETTER WORD??? Hey, here’s another four-letter word:
In case you missed it, here it is again: FUCK YOU! And when you’re done fucking yourself, go fuck the armadillo you rode in on! Click here for armadillo photo:
Ooops, wrong slide. That one was taken at my recent family get-together. That’s my cousin on the very bottom. Not that it’s any business of yours who I fuck. The subject we’re discussing is who YOU fuck. For photo of willy woger wabid wabbit (a.k.a. Kevin Carns) sex partner, click here:
While we’re posting photos … as many of you know, JCH claims to have been in the Navy. I know some of you entertain doubts, so, to verify his claims I contacted the Navy and asked for a photo of the vessel he served on. Here it is: http://siliconvalleyredneck.ty.....c00568.jpg As you can see, any claims by JCH to have served on an aircraft carrier were exaggerations.
However, as is clear from the foregoing photo, he DID serve on a seagoing vessel. That is, if he didn’t get off, the river eventually would carry the vessel (and him) out to sea.
Maybe that’s how he got to Hawai’i.
The article is very interesting. I hope that any viaduct option would have some built in mass transit improvements.
The depth of Rufus’ and JCH’ hate is disgusting. I hope you don’t really do those sorts of things on Earth Day. *shakes head*
I think all the right wingers who want us to drill for oil because it’s in “America’s Interest” should be good patriots and volunteer to let the riggers go to work in their back yards.
Some asshole puts on aother persona and clucks at RR for his lack of manners, apparently blind to the stream of epithets and bile spewed by he in his other persona and by his troll buddies.
Such as bragging about driving an SUV on Earth Day and accusing those who note it for doing too little to conserve the other 364 days.
Some manners.
41, Drill away!! One thousand dollars a day, plus 5% of the crude.
Roger, you are beyond hope. You have no conscience nor ever will have . So goodbye and please enjoy your life of hate filled invective.
Signing out!
Wabid…’Your concience’
I think all the right wingers who want us to drill for oil because it’s in “America’s Interest” should be good patriots and volunteer to let the riggers go to work in their back yards. Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 4/23/06@ 6:37 am
Probably already done. It’s likely that many of you don’t own the mineral rights to your property. However, you won’t have drillers showing up anytime soon. That’s because exploratory drilling in the 70s and 80s convinced the oil companies that geologic conditions necessary to form oil have never existed in the Pacific Northwest. That’s why there isn’t a single operating oil or gas well in either Washington or Oregon.
Don’t let the door hit your cheeks on the way out! And learn how to SPELL, you fucking redneck!!! It’s “conscience” not “concience” — and you don’t have one, or you wouldn’t be a
Speaking of “invective” …
“You no-good fucking son of a bitch, I will never fucking forget what you wrote.” — George W. Bush, to journalist Al Hunt in presence of Hunt’s 4-year old daughter, 1987.
(For verification, see
“clucks at RR for his lack of manners” Commentby Voter Advocate— 4/23/06@ 6:59 am
Rest assured I’m glad to know I got on his nerves.
If there are 20 million illegal Mexicans in the US, shouldn’t we import 20 million African blacks, too? And since the Mexicans live in California, shouldn’t WASH state take all 20 million illegal black Africas [say, from the Sudan, or Zimbabwe]? And shouldn’t all 20 million get free health care, a nice place to live, welfare, food stamps, free legal services, lots of “guvment jobs” at great pay, free K12 and college education at UW or WSU? And taxes must go up a lot to pay, right? Anything less would be racist. hehe, JCH
For earth day, I washed my luxury SUV. Cleaned interior and armorall’d interior and tars. Looks great now. Then I put 25 gallons in it so I’m good for a week.
You sound like someone who needs a gas guzzler tax.
51 – You sound like someone who needs a stoopid tax. You’d be broke…
rqiswsdi0h4 4o4sj3fci50ox1xi
Since when have donks cared about morals? They elect characters like Clinton(rapist), Kennedy (murderer), and Byrd (KKK). Sheeesh
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