I’m not so good at remembering or celebrating birthdays and holidays; I pretty much dread special occasions as opportunities to let a loved one down. And just to be consistent, it looks like I missed a special occasion of my own the other day: HA’s fourth blogiversary.
On May 10, 2004 I relaunched HorsesAss.org as a blog by posting a bit of a manifesto: “Comedy is easy, politics is hard.” Looking back, I’m a bit amazed both at how wrong and how right I got it. On the one hand I clearly had no idea how blogging would come to dominate my life to the exclusion of all other pursuits. On the other, it’s encouraging to see the that original spirit of the blog has never been lost, even as its readership and influence have grown beyond my wildest expectations:
I want to have fun with politics, yet I also want to get stuff done. I want to be sarcastic, satirical, irreverent — even silly — and yet I want to be taken seriously. I want to be edgy, out spoken, and occasionally foul mouthed, and yet I want to maintain my credibility with stuffy politicos and even stuffier editorial boards.
[…] So to those upstanding members of the political and media establishment who insist I cannot possibly expect to maintain my credibility as an activist while producing an irreverent and outrageous blog, the Goldy half of me respectfully says: “fuck you.”
I thought maybe I might some day build an audience of a couple hundred loyal readers, but 2.5 million visits and 4.7 million page views later, HA remains a big “fuck you” to those who confuse “solemnity” with “seriousness.”
Thank you all for giving me a reason to write.
Happy blogiversary, youngster!
Just because you’ve had (only) 60-some times my count of visits doesn’t mean I can’t revel in having been around for 16 months longer.
Congrats! And thanks for inviting me to join in on the fun.
Happy birthday, HA! May 10 stands 2nd only to July 4 as a uniquely American patriotic holiday!
GOP = Liars, killers, torturers, thieves
You’re doing God’s Work by shining the bright disinfecting light of exposure on these cockroaches, Goldy!
Happy B-day horsesass.org.
Thanks for letting us trolls educate the unwashed minions.
re 5: You are confused. This is not uSP.
@5 Delusional for sure! You’d better get psychiatric help before you’re overcome with an impulse to hurt yourself.
Must agree with Marvin @5…
Thanks, Goldy, for providing such a target rich environment. The NSA also thanks you since they’re busily working on ways to ID all the members of the HA Happy Hooligans in order to properly prepare quarters for them at Gitmo.
Easy…too easy by half!
The Piper
I usually don’t agree with HA but always do celebrate it as a venue where we may express our freedom of speech.
Happy Birthday!
Will all those candles add to HA’s carbon footprint?
re 8: A legend in your own mind, Peeper. Being a supercilious, head-up-your-ass, WingNut douchebag is no way to score pointas on HA.
re 8: A legend in your own mind, Peeper. Being a supercilious, head-up-your-ass, WingNut douchebag is no way to score points on HA.
8 – For once a neo-con hints at something at least a little closer to reality.
Happy B-Day HA!
The comment threads here have been a gold mine for us students of right wing idiocy and insanity.
No shit. I’ll not long forget Piper’s plaintive plea for me to “open my mind” all the while balking at the prospect of having to conjure up any justification for his assumptions.
@8 Oh yeeeeah, I’m waiting for the fascists to come to my burrow and try to make a political prisoner of me …
No doubt we’ll take casualties when the fascists try to implement their “final solution” to the “liberal problem.” But remember this: There’s more of us than them, so if each liberal takes a fascist with him, there will be no fascist survivors; and if we achieve a casualty exchange rate of a mere 1.25 fascists for each liberal, we win!
Lock and load, my liberal friends! Come and get it, fascist motherfuckers!
What was it obama said about only bitter people cling to their guns?
@17 Tell that to 6 million dead Jews, asswipe! Trust me, we liberals know what to do next time fascists escape from their cages …
Unfortunately blacks and hispanics are too busy fighting a race war of their own to help the white liberals fight conservatives.
With the minorities busy elsewhere the white liberals will be no match for the conservatives. Besides that, a large % of liberals don’t even own guns. What are they going to fight with, pink witch hats?
@18 “a large % of liberals don’t even own guns”
You guys may be in for a rude surprise if you try anything.
@19 Pussy
Good for you. And keep up the excellent work!