You’re right that McCain doesn’t have the same problem obama has. Hagee isn’t McCain’s preacher and didn’t marry or baptize anyone in his family, etc. Nor is McCain a member of that church. Not 20 years or even 20 days.
But why does Obama’s church support terrorist group Hamas? Now THAT sounds like a problem ripe for the picking in the general election.
Here we go again. You have the GOP attack Dems for stuff that the GOP invented, but somehow, the GOP gets a pass when they do the same thing.
@1 is right about one thing. There is a difference between FlipFlop McCain’s attachment to Hagee and Senator Obama’s to Wright…
Flipper McCain SOUGHT OUT and more importantly EMBRACED Hagge. What’s more, McCain stood on a platform with the hater Hagee and said he was proud of him.
Contrast that with Senator Obama who has rejected Wright, who has NOT asked for or embraced Wright’s help. That speaks volumes about the Catholic-hating John McCain.
Daddy Lovespews:
Well, Goldy,
You Jews won’t get what’s coming to you if you renounce your centuries of heritage and become Christians. Pastor Hagee would be glad to help. Too bad about all those Jews in Israel who the Lord will kill, His Major Plan to pull off.
Daddy Lovespews:
It’s really not that. It’s the relexive point and yell, “But he/they did THIS (list marginally similar occurrence)! It’s so much WORSE!”
You can read some threads in here where it is the sole (albeit endlessly repeated) GOP response. But when you think about it, what can they say? They’re wrong on the facts, wrong on the policy, and America is turning against them in what should end up this year as an almost Biblical catastrophe for the GOP. They literally have nothing left but finger pointing.
#2: You’re amusing. Obama sat and listened to this Wright stuff and bought into it for 20 years and made Wright a close associate. Sought out? How about marrying you, baptizing the kids, donating $27,000 last year to the church. Talk about buying into something… All that versus one endorsement. He defended and said he could not disown Wright one week, then when he saw that his campaign was being affected THEN he only weeks later that maybe Wright could be wrong. The problem for you all here is that Obama apparently never denounced all the mayhem for 20 whole YEARS! The two are hardly the same, no matter how much you wish it were. I think even you are smart enough to know that. Saying red is yellow doesn’t make it so. Obama was part of this for 20 YEARS. The rest of us found out about Wright months ago, yet Obama claims he knew about none of it. riiiiiight. How then were we all able to know about it before he ever did without ever stepping into the church? No, Obama has a real credibility problem because of his one-week-here and another-week-there responses to the Wright problem.
First democrats found themselves having to defend Bill Clinton’s hugely embarrasing behavior by saying character doesn’t matter. Now, they find themselves defending absolutely indefensible, illogical things for Obama. No one here really belives that Obama didn’t know Wright was a crackpot. He knew Wright better than most people but only lately decided that everybody else’s conclusions were right after all. sheesh. He’s not qualified to be president if it takes him 20 years to assess character. We could see it in far less time. Where’s Obama’s judgment? Is it possible he has displayed similarly poor judgment in other areas—like holding planning meetings at an unrepentant terrorists house? Or being a member of a church that supports terorist group Hamas for 20 years. Sounds like a problem
My Goldy Itchesspews:
No, McCain doesn’t have a “preacher problem” because McCain never attended and was never a member of this Hagee dude’s church. Unlike Barry Hussein’s 20 year membership in the racist nut job Rev. Wrights church.
President Obama.
’nuff said about the Rev. Wright issue.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Israel!!
Why do the posters here not like anyone who bashes Catholics?
Just like the terrorist ties. The left and Bin Laden have the same talking points, and the left and Hagee have the same talking points.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend?
Hard to keep straight, which also explains a lot about the left.
Richard Popespews:
Pardon me, but I don’t see Rev. Hagee’s rants in this video as being that bad, or so negative a factor when it comes to John McCain.
I thought Hagee’s comments about the Catholic Church were much more offensive — and also much more in context (as in not being taken out of context). Hagee appears to be strongly opposed to the Catholic Church.
As far as I can tell, Hagee is generally supportive of Israel and the Jewish faith. We are missing the context of Hagee’s remarks. His theological explanation of the Holocaust may offend some, but it appears (from other videos I have seen of Hagee) that he abhors the Holocaust and thinks it was a bad and horrible thing. In fact, Hagee blames the Holocaust on the Catholic Church, just as he does the Inquisition.
I don’t think politicians should be judged by their religion or their pastor’s comments. If someone believes they should be judged in that way, at least Hagee is NOT McCain’s pastor. Nor is Hagee even affiliated with the denomination that McCain has attended for 15 years (but never joined or been baptized into), the Southern Baptists.
If you want a proper comparison with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, you have to consider what Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson blamed for 911 — homosexuals, ACLU, abortion, etc. If anything, their comments were more outrageous and less logical than what Rev. Wright said. And McCain is not disassociating himself from Robertson and Falwell, while Obama is distancing himself from Wright. And, for what it is worth, Robertson and Falwell were both ordained Southern Baptist ministers.
I would have to say that Hagee’s statements concerned religious philosophy — certainly some that are offensive to many and professed by few. On the other hand, the statements by Wright, Falwell, and Robertson, while made in a religious context, also have strong political elements (as well as being offensive to many).
Nothing Reverend Wright has ever said is in the ballpark of being as racist or offensive as the things that Hagee has said. Not even close. And if the Republicans can’t figure that out, they’re far more up shit’s creek than I thought.
@10 As far as I can tell, Hagee is generally supportive of Israel and the Jewish faith. His theological explanation of the Holocaust may offend some, but it appears that he abhors the Holocaust and thinks it was a bad thing. In fact, Hagee blames the Holocaust on the Catholic Church, just as he does the Inquisition.
Richard, the problems that Jews have with Hagee go far beyond his weird views of the Holocaust and actually deal more with his end times prophesizing. He is someone actively looking to bring about the destruction of Israel in order to “save” the Jews. As a Jew, I’m far, far more concerned with someone like Hagee than I am with Reverend Wright.
Daddy Lovespews:
That Hagee is a fucking wackjob.
11-Nothing Reverend Wright has ever said is in the ballpark of being as racist or offensive as the things that Hagee has said..
Unless, of course, you are a “whitey”.
-Or think nothing has improved with race relations since the sixties.
-Or you do not think that even white liberals, emphasis on “white”, have done ANYTHING productive on the race issues.
-Or, you do not think that nothing short of complete reversal of racial hierachy in society is sufficient.
-And many other racist and/or offensive “theological” teachings.
Daddy Lovespews:
The only people who care about Reverend Wright are the wackjob (I got to say it again) Republicans who pray that they aren’t as totally fucked in this election as they seem.
Well, you are.
Daddy Lovespews:
Now you’re just making shit up.
Daddy Lovespews:
I’m pretty sure you guys will not be able to smear Barack Obama enough to make Grampy McCunt look good.
Not that you all won’t be in there pitchin’. I’m just telling you it’s not working out so well this time.
9 “Why do the posters here not like anyone who bashes Catholics?”
Uhhhhh….maybe it could be because some of us are Catholics?
The “God damn America” rant of Wright’s that was originally spun into a sort-of-an-issue, I don’t have a problem with. That was simply stating that we’re culpable for the sins we’ve collectively committed as a society–and let’s face it, there’s plenty of culpability to go around. “God bless America” is supposed to be humble supplication, folks….rather like “God save the queen”. Using it as a smug statement of entitlement is obscene.
The more hard-over evangelicals have a funny relationship with judaism. They clearly consider the Jews to be “spiritually inferior”, but since their fantasy didn’t play out about some apocalyptic war between the United States and the Soviet Union as “gog”, they’ve now spun it into an upcoming fracas between Israel and Islam. After that, some of the Jews are supposed to be converted and be taken up in the “rapture”….or something like that.
Richard Popespews:
Lee @ 13
I was not aware of that. The other video I saw of Hagee was where he condemned the Catholic Church for the Holocaust and Inquisition, and said various extremely offensive anti-Catholic rants.
That guy Hagee looks like my high school principal. Like Hagee, he was a dick-with-ears, too.
Why do these macaroons take the Bible seriously? Especially the New Testament, which, after all, was “finalized” about 400 years after Jesus. The whole thing is just primitive peoples’ attempts to understand natural phenomenon and to give some sort of explanation to everything. It’s a story that grew as it was told and re-told over the centuries. You can’t take it seriously.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Guys like Hagee lay awake at night, thinking of how they can dominate your life and interfere with your free will. Plus they’d also like a nice contribution if you could spare a few bucks!
What you spend 20 years listening to and absorbing, you can’t help but incorporate into your mind. How much of this radical stuff does Obama mentally subscribe to? And even more, there’s so much that’s just rankly objectionable that you must ask why he didn’t leave years ago. And since he didn’t leave, you have to be concerned at how he will apply that to his presidency, since there was an extremely overt political angle going on there at the church.
strange but truespews:
Obama’s church warned that whites were out to kill blacks. Pardon me, but the most killing done of blacks in this country is by other blacks and Planned Parenthood. WHAT was he thinking?
@What’sittoya If this is all the right wing nuts have – they are in DEEEP shit.
You conveniently ignored the salient points of my utter destruction of your idiotic post. Senator Obama REJECTED Wright. McCain EMBRACED Hagee. Your side has a problem – with millions of Catholics that is!
27-Obama REJECTED Wright
Not until Wright called him a typical politician – willing to say anything to get elected. Before that Obama said he could no more disown Wright than the entire black community or his grandmama.
Or think nothing has improved with race relations since the sixties.
I think things have improved, but still have a long way to go.
Or you do not think that even white liberals, emphasis on “white”, have done ANYTHING productive on the race issues.
White liberals have often been all talk when it comes to helping the black community.
Or, you do not think that nothing short of complete reversal of racial hierachy in society is sufficient.
Baloney. African-Americans in this country have a right to be angry about how they are treated within our justice system. It’s foolish to assume that this is some secret desire to subjugate us. That’s as stupid as believing that the “gay agenda” is trying to turn our kids gay.
And many other racist and/or offensive “theological” teachings.
Please. The closest Wright has come to being racist is by praising Farrakhan. He’s a paranoid man who believes in a lot of pseudoscience. Not too different than many other pastors in this world (of many colors).
#27: Wrong. The salient point in this is that OBAMA ACCEPTED WRIGHT A FEW WEEKS ‘BEFORE’ HE REJECTED HIM. (iow, only when he saw that there was no way he could any longer pretend that people wouldn’t notice the offensive antics and that it wouldn’t hurt his campaign.) How convenient.
@30 as it sits today – Senator Obama has rejected Wright and McCain has accepted Hagee. You can lie about Obama all you want – you can’t change the truth. Period. You have nothing. Your party has lost 4 out of 5 of the last special Congressional elections ALL in long-held GOP districts for a reason. Your inbred buddies on the right in Mississippi tried to win their election by attaching Wright to Obama and got their extra wide asses kicked up and down the street. You LOOOOOOOSE!
Another TJspews:
Richard, the problems that Jews have with Hagee go far beyond his weird views of the Holocaust and actually deal more with his end times prophesizing. He is someone actively looking to bring about the destruction of Israel in order to “save” the Jews.
And Senator Bomb Bomb has specifically cited Hagee’s views wrt Israel as their main point of agreement and why he sought out and embraced Hagee.
Don Joespews:
@ 23
Why do these macaroons take the Bible seriously?
I’d ask a slightly different question: why do these people take the Bible literally? If you think in terms of metaphors, there really are some profound lessons in the Bible that reasonable people can, and probably should, take quite seriously.
Unfortunately, it is all too often the case that the people who interpret the Bible literally (or, to be more precise, apply a materialist interpretation to certain sections of the Bible) completely miss the more profound moral lessons to be found there through more metaphorical readings.
#31 Where’s the lie?
You right wing nut whacks need to understand something when you come barreling in here with Reverend Wright bullshit. Nobody gives a rat’s ass but you. The cast of right wing clowns that infest this site are just a bunch of O’Really/Faux news mechanical clowns. Babbling the party-line mush and slobbering all over yourselves.
This country is ready to slide down the shit-hole and Wright’s your beef? You all say you don’t like McCain, and that the neocons really putzed shit up, but you’re going to vote for the fucking moron anyway. Where’s your spine? Where’s your validity? Dudes, where’s your country? You are the “good Germans” that egged on the wingnut murderers. You sit back and gobble up the star-spangled nationalism, the terrorist under every tree fallacy. The kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out cockamaimie shit. The assholes on top use you like toys. They need your blind faith to grease the skids.
Your homicidal party is over.
#35: Au contraire. How come OBAMA knew that everyone cared about Wright? What did HE see after the press club event that you didn’t? Why did he think his campaign could be damaged to the point he obviously realized he had to stop covering for Wright and do some ‘splainin’…?
The Catholics I know who happen to lean GOP have told me flat out that there’s no way they’d vote for McCain now. Even if he eventually backs away from that nut Hagee. The fact that Johnboy ASKED for the endorsement and said he was PROUD of it was all they needed. Meanwhile, the Mississippi GOP spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to win a Congressional seat selling the same bullshit What’sittoys spews here and THEY GOT THEIR ASS KICKED!
Daddy Lovespews:
John McCain says he is “grateful” for Hagee’s support of Israel. I suppose that Israel’s destruction in “a sea of human blood” is the new pro-Israel.
Daddy Lovespews:
29 Lee
What’s funny is a REPUBLICAN cmplaining about the ignorant rantings of a religious figure.
You’re right that McCain doesn’t have the same problem obama has. Hagee isn’t McCain’s preacher and didn’t marry or baptize anyone in his family, etc. Nor is McCain a member of that church. Not 20 years or even 20 days.
But why does Obama’s church support terrorist group Hamas? Now THAT sounds like a problem ripe for the picking in the general election.
Here we go again. You have the GOP attack Dems for stuff that the GOP invented, but somehow, the GOP gets a pass when they do the same thing.
@1 is right about one thing. There is a difference between FlipFlop McCain’s attachment to Hagee and Senator Obama’s to Wright…
Flipper McCain SOUGHT OUT and more importantly EMBRACED Hagge. What’s more, McCain stood on a platform with the hater Hagee and said he was proud of him.
Contrast that with Senator Obama who has rejected Wright, who has NOT asked for or embraced Wright’s help. That speaks volumes about the Catholic-hating John McCain.
Well, Goldy,
You Jews won’t get what’s coming to you if you renounce your centuries of heritage and become Christians. Pastor Hagee would be glad to help. Too bad about all those Jews in Israel who the Lord will kill, His Major Plan to pull off.
It’s really not that. It’s the relexive point and yell, “But he/they did THIS (list marginally similar occurrence)! It’s so much WORSE!”
You can read some threads in here where it is the sole (albeit endlessly repeated) GOP response. But when you think about it, what can they say? They’re wrong on the facts, wrong on the policy, and America is turning against them in what should end up this year as an almost Biblical catastrophe for the GOP. They literally have nothing left but finger pointing.
#2: You’re amusing. Obama sat and listened to this Wright stuff and bought into it for 20 years and made Wright a close associate. Sought out? How about marrying you, baptizing the kids, donating $27,000 last year to the church. Talk about buying into something… All that versus one endorsement. He defended and said he could not disown Wright one week, then when he saw that his campaign was being affected THEN he only weeks later that maybe Wright could be wrong. The problem for you all here is that Obama apparently never denounced all the mayhem for 20 whole YEARS! The two are hardly the same, no matter how much you wish it were. I think even you are smart enough to know that. Saying red is yellow doesn’t make it so. Obama was part of this for 20 YEARS. The rest of us found out about Wright months ago, yet Obama claims he knew about none of it. riiiiiight. How then were we all able to know about it before he ever did without ever stepping into the church? No, Obama has a real credibility problem because of his one-week-here and another-week-there responses to the Wright problem.
First democrats found themselves having to defend Bill Clinton’s hugely embarrasing behavior by saying character doesn’t matter. Now, they find themselves defending absolutely indefensible, illogical things for Obama. No one here really belives that Obama didn’t know Wright was a crackpot. He knew Wright better than most people but only lately decided that everybody else’s conclusions were right after all. sheesh. He’s not qualified to be president if it takes him 20 years to assess character. We could see it in far less time. Where’s Obama’s judgment? Is it possible he has displayed similarly poor judgment in other areas—like holding planning meetings at an unrepentant terrorists house? Or being a member of a church that supports terorist group Hamas for 20 years. Sounds like a problem
No, McCain doesn’t have a “preacher problem” because McCain never attended and was never a member of this Hagee dude’s church. Unlike Barry Hussein’s 20 year membership in the racist nut job Rev. Wrights church.
President Obama.
’nuff said about the Rev. Wright issue.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Israel!!
Why do the posters here not like anyone who bashes Catholics?
Just like the terrorist ties. The left and Bin Laden have the same talking points, and the left and Hagee have the same talking points.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend?
Hard to keep straight, which also explains a lot about the left.
Pardon me, but I don’t see Rev. Hagee’s rants in this video as being that bad, or so negative a factor when it comes to John McCain.
I thought Hagee’s comments about the Catholic Church were much more offensive — and also much more in context (as in not being taken out of context). Hagee appears to be strongly opposed to the Catholic Church.
As far as I can tell, Hagee is generally supportive of Israel and the Jewish faith. We are missing the context of Hagee’s remarks. His theological explanation of the Holocaust may offend some, but it appears (from other videos I have seen of Hagee) that he abhors the Holocaust and thinks it was a bad and horrible thing. In fact, Hagee blames the Holocaust on the Catholic Church, just as he does the Inquisition.
I don’t think politicians should be judged by their religion or their pastor’s comments. If someone believes they should be judged in that way, at least Hagee is NOT McCain’s pastor. Nor is Hagee even affiliated with the denomination that McCain has attended for 15 years (but never joined or been baptized into), the Southern Baptists.
If you want a proper comparison with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, you have to consider what Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson blamed for 911 — homosexuals, ACLU, abortion, etc. If anything, their comments were more outrageous and less logical than what Rev. Wright said. And McCain is not disassociating himself from Robertson and Falwell, while Obama is distancing himself from Wright. And, for what it is worth, Robertson and Falwell were both ordained Southern Baptist ministers.
I would have to say that Hagee’s statements concerned religious philosophy — certainly some that are offensive to many and professed by few. On the other hand, the statements by Wright, Falwell, and Robertson, while made in a religious context, also have strong political elements (as well as being offensive to many).
Nothing Reverend Wright has ever said is in the ballpark of being as racist or offensive as the things that Hagee has said. Not even close. And if the Republicans can’t figure that out, they’re far more up shit’s creek than I thought.
7 – ’nuff said about the Rev. Wright issue.
When losing the debate….declare the debate over.
As far as I can tell, Hagee is generally supportive of Israel and the Jewish faith. His theological explanation of the Holocaust may offend some, but it appears that he abhors the Holocaust and thinks it was a bad thing. In fact, Hagee blames the Holocaust on the Catholic Church, just as he does the Inquisition.
Richard, the problems that Jews have with Hagee go far beyond his weird views of the Holocaust and actually deal more with his end times prophesizing. He is someone actively looking to bring about the destruction of Israel in order to “save” the Jews. As a Jew, I’m far, far more concerned with someone like Hagee than I am with Reverend Wright.
That Hagee is a fucking wackjob.
11-Nothing Reverend Wright has ever said is in the ballpark of being as racist or offensive as the things that Hagee has said..
Unless, of course, you are a “whitey”.
-Or think nothing has improved with race relations since the sixties.
-Or you do not think that even white liberals, emphasis on “white”, have done ANYTHING productive on the race issues.
-Or, you do not think that nothing short of complete reversal of racial hierachy in society is sufficient.
-And many other racist and/or offensive “theological” teachings.
The only people who care about Reverend Wright are the wackjob (I got to say it again) Republicans who pray that they aren’t as totally fucked in this election as they seem.
Well, you are.
Now you’re just making shit up.
I’m pretty sure you guys will not be able to smear Barack Obama enough to make Grampy McCunt look good.
Not that you all won’t be in there pitchin’. I’m just telling you it’s not working out so well this time.
9 “Why do the posters here not like anyone who bashes Catholics?”
Uhhhhh….maybe it could be because some of us are Catholics?
The “God damn America” rant of Wright’s that was originally spun into a sort-of-an-issue, I don’t have a problem with. That was simply stating that we’re culpable for the sins we’ve collectively committed as a society–and let’s face it, there’s plenty of culpability to go around. “God bless America” is supposed to be humble supplication, folks….rather like “God save the queen”. Using it as a smug statement of entitlement is obscene.
The more hard-over evangelicals have a funny relationship with judaism. They clearly consider the Jews to be “spiritually inferior”, but since their fantasy didn’t play out about some apocalyptic war between the United States and the Soviet Union as “gog”, they’ve now spun it into an upcoming fracas between Israel and Islam. After that, some of the Jews are supposed to be converted and be taken up in the “rapture”….or something like that.
Lee @ 13
I was not aware of that. The other video I saw of Hagee was where he condemned the Catholic Church for the Holocaust and Inquisition, and said various extremely offensive anti-Catholic rants.
15 No, just reading….
That guy Hagee looks like my high school principal. Like Hagee, he was a dick-with-ears, too.
Why do these macaroons take the Bible seriously? Especially the New Testament, which, after all, was “finalized” about 400 years after Jesus. The whole thing is just primitive peoples’ attempts to understand natural phenomenon and to give some sort of explanation to everything. It’s a story that grew as it was told and re-told over the centuries. You can’t take it seriously.
Guys like Hagee lay awake at night, thinking of how they can dominate your life and interfere with your free will. Plus they’d also like a nice contribution if you could spare a few bucks!
What you spend 20 years listening to and absorbing, you can’t help but incorporate into your mind. How much of this radical stuff does Obama mentally subscribe to? And even more, there’s so much that’s just rankly objectionable that you must ask why he didn’t leave years ago. And since he didn’t leave, you have to be concerned at how he will apply that to his presidency, since there was an extremely overt political angle going on there at the church.
Obama’s church warned that whites were out to kill blacks. Pardon me, but the most killing done of blacks in this country is by other blacks and Planned Parenthood. WHAT was he thinking?
@What’sittoya If this is all the right wing nuts have – they are in DEEEP shit.
You conveniently ignored the salient points of my utter destruction of your idiotic post. Senator Obama REJECTED Wright. McCain EMBRACED Hagee. Your side has a problem – with millions of Catholics that is!
27-Obama REJECTED Wright
Not until Wright called him a typical politician – willing to say anything to get elected. Before that Obama said he could no more disown Wright than the entire black community or his grandmama.
Talk about gullible. Bow to the “messiah”.
Unless, of course, you are a “whitey”.
I’m white (Jewish, but certainly white).
Or think nothing has improved with race relations since the sixties.
I think things have improved, but still have a long way to go.
Or you do not think that even white liberals, emphasis on “white”, have done ANYTHING productive on the race issues.
White liberals have often been all talk when it comes to helping the black community.
Or, you do not think that nothing short of complete reversal of racial hierachy in society is sufficient.
Baloney. African-Americans in this country have a right to be angry about how they are treated within our justice system. It’s foolish to assume that this is some secret desire to subjugate us. That’s as stupid as believing that the “gay agenda” is trying to turn our kids gay.
And many other racist and/or offensive “theological” teachings.
Please. The closest Wright has come to being racist is by praising Farrakhan. He’s a paranoid man who believes in a lot of pseudoscience. Not too different than many other pastors in this world (of many colors).
#27: Wrong. The salient point in this is that OBAMA ACCEPTED WRIGHT A FEW WEEKS ‘BEFORE’ HE REJECTED HIM. (iow, only when he saw that there was no way he could any longer pretend that people wouldn’t notice the offensive antics and that it wouldn’t hurt his campaign.) How convenient.
@30 as it sits today – Senator Obama has rejected Wright and McCain has accepted Hagee. You can lie about Obama all you want – you can’t change the truth. Period. You have nothing. Your party has lost 4 out of 5 of the last special Congressional elections ALL in long-held GOP districts for a reason. Your inbred buddies on the right in Mississippi tried to win their election by attaching Wright to Obama and got their extra wide asses kicked up and down the street. You LOOOOOOOSE!
Richard, the problems that Jews have with Hagee go far beyond his weird views of the Holocaust and actually deal more with his end times prophesizing. He is someone actively looking to bring about the destruction of Israel in order to “save” the Jews.
And Senator Bomb Bomb has specifically cited Hagee’s views wrt Israel as their main point of agreement and why he sought out and embraced Hagee.
@ 23
Why do these macaroons take the Bible seriously?
I’d ask a slightly different question: why do these people take the Bible literally? If you think in terms of metaphors, there really are some profound lessons in the Bible that reasonable people can, and probably should, take quite seriously.
Unfortunately, it is all too often the case that the people who interpret the Bible literally (or, to be more precise, apply a materialist interpretation to certain sections of the Bible) completely miss the more profound moral lessons to be found there through more metaphorical readings.
#31 Where’s the lie?
You right wing nut whacks need to understand something when you come barreling in here with Reverend Wright bullshit. Nobody gives a rat’s ass but you. The cast of right wing clowns that infest this site are just a bunch of O’Really/Faux news mechanical clowns. Babbling the party-line mush and slobbering all over yourselves.
This country is ready to slide down the shit-hole and Wright’s your beef? You all say you don’t like McCain, and that the neocons really putzed shit up, but you’re going to vote for the fucking moron anyway. Where’s your spine? Where’s your validity? Dudes, where’s your country? You are the “good Germans” that egged on the wingnut murderers. You sit back and gobble up the star-spangled nationalism, the terrorist under every tree fallacy. The kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out cockamaimie shit. The assholes on top use you like toys. They need your blind faith to grease the skids.
Your homicidal party is over.
#35: Au contraire. How come OBAMA knew that everyone cared about Wright? What did HE see after the press club event that you didn’t? Why did he think his campaign could be damaged to the point he obviously realized he had to stop covering for Wright and do some ‘splainin’…?
The Catholics I know who happen to lean GOP have told me flat out that there’s no way they’d vote for McCain now. Even if he eventually backs away from that nut Hagee. The fact that Johnboy ASKED for the endorsement and said he was PROUD of it was all they needed. Meanwhile, the Mississippi GOP spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to win a Congressional seat selling the same bullshit What’sittoys spews here and THEY GOT THEIR ASS KICKED!
John McCain says he is “grateful” for Hagee’s support of Israel. I suppose that Israel’s destruction in “a sea of human blood” is the new pro-Israel.
29 Lee
What’s funny is a REPUBLICAN cmplaining about the ignorant rantings of a religious figure.