Darcy Burner turned 37 this week, and in celebration the campaign is seeking to raise $18,500 in online contributions, $500 for each of her 37 years. Please give what you can.
Speaking of Darcy, she was in the audience at last night’s Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas, and she’s posted her observations over on Daily Kos. It’s a fun read.
All the more reason to vote against this unqualified know nothing empty suit shill with no experience. Go Sheriff!
Um, that would be $18,500.00. I hate to go all multiplication on you…
Daddy @2,
I never claimed to be a good proofreader. Fixed it.
Anyone catch this morning’s Times editorial lauding Dave Reichert’s role in moving the Wild Sky Wilderness proposal forward?
Read it here: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ted16.html
While The Darcy is bobbing her head in Vegas on behalf of the Kos (hoped you used enough profanity to mollify the Kosenjammer Kids!) and drooling over the macho types running for the Demo prexy nomination (especially he-man HRC – the blonde leading the blonde), Sherrif Dave is doing some heavy lifting back in D.C.
Curious…will The Darcy stay in the race until Hooters starts hiring?
The Piper
What happened?
Did Darcy dump the local “netroots” and go for the national nutcases over at KOS? After all Goldy has done for DB for no fee or recognition…..?
I guess if it’s true, it would make sense since it seems most of her support is outside of the 45th.
And oh by the way, I think the Satterberg results only add to the argument that Burner is toast in 2008…
But who’s counting? We liberals have the planetary vision thing. We leave details and accountancy to the little people who have nothing better to do.
RE: RightStuff @#4- Hey, “Burner(ed) toast”! I like that.
BTW- My voter registration card puts her in the 8th CD.
@6 oops my bad
Had my state leg. district on the brain.
Who is this Darcy Burner again? Oh yeah, I almost forgot; that ditzy blonde nobody that got her ass kicked by Reichert. Now I remember.
Riviting analysis by wannabe congress women Burner.
I especially liked the wardrobe examination.
Sorry Piper:
Reichert has shown his true stripes:
For: Incompetent Gonzalez and corruption in the Justice dept.
For: War in Iraq without end and corruption and ineptness.
For: Bush and whatever he wants
Against: Childrens health care and Schip
Against: The environment by being against mileage stasdards for cars
For: Increasing the national debt and whatever the military wastes the money on (but against adequate armor and health care for the troops)
No – if the people want a bush lackey – the Sheriff who couldn’t catch the Green river killer under his nose – is the choice.
One little compromise on Wild sky (he sure as heck wasn’t the lead on this!) doesn’t negate his support of the most anti-environmnetal adminstration since – well, ever.
Say goodbye to old growth, salmon, clear skies and clean water and say hello to corporate interests, lobbyists and mining and clear cutting (and the floods that go with it).
This time – Mr. Terrorism – the guy who couldn’t pass the same wavelength of radio for police and fire issue, is going down.
People are fed up with this useless war and the republican enablers who support this pathetic excuse for a president.
11 – Running against Bush in 2006, the “blue wave” year of the Democrat didn’t work for her then, and with Bush leaving office it certainly won’t work for her in 2008. Bush bashing is the sum total of her platform. Without Democratic party talking points on Bush, her empty suit attributes become even more obvious.
@1 Funny how you harp on Darcy’s “inexperience” then, without coming up for a breath, shill for a pol who has learned nothing from decades of “experience.”
@4 “While The Darcy is bobbing her head in Vegas on behalf of the Kos (hoped you used enough profanity to mollify the Kosenjammer Kids!) …”
You Republican scum just can’t stand anyone who tells the truth about you, can you? Good for Kos …
@6 “We leave details and accountancy to the little people who have nothing better to do.”
That would be the math-challenged Republicans who lie about everything from the inflation rate to how many dead bodies have come home from Iraq.
@9 “got her ass kicked by Reichert”
She did? Really? I wouldn’t call a first-timer’s 49% showing against an incumbent an “ass kicking.” Few candidates get elected to Congress on their first try. If Darcy is the nobody you harpies keep insisting she is, then Reichert and the GOP ought to be very frightened of a nobody’s fundraising and showing at the ballot box her first time out. Very, very frightened. By the way, if you live in her district, you might want to start practicing saying “Madam Congresswoman” so you’ll know how to address your betters when you meet her.
For the truth to appear on the Daily Kus, someone would have to take out an advertisement and run it there.
The Piper
Lol Does anybody else remember this woman’s campaign ads from 2004? She literally reminded me of a retarded 4th grader based solely on how she spoke.
Darcy Burner turned 37 this week, and in celebration…
I heard that she can get quite emotional at her birthday parties. Someone even told me that she cried on her 34th birthday…. oh wait, that was when she lost the election. Nevermind. roof roof.
Roger Rabbit says:
@9 “got her ass kicked by Reichert”
She did? Really? I wouldn’t call a first-timer’s 49% showing against an incumbent an “ass kicking.” Few candidates get elected to Congress on their first try.
Everyone knows KC is run by Seattle liberals who fraudulently pad the lead of dems by 2-3%. Reichart will win again in 2008 by a 53-47 margin (in real votes 56-44 margin). It will be great to see the tears again… oh so precious. hehehehe
@17 You wouldn’t know truth if it kicked you in the ass. Which it is going to. Very. Soon.
@20 The only election fraud in King County that anyone has ever proved consists of Lori Sotello, your master, and the felons who voted for Dinosourpuss.
I will qoute the last looser you guys rolled out “bring it on”.
@23 I do believe Mr. Bring-It-On is one of yours.
SARKOZY (via translator): We need France to be stronger. I am determined to carry through with the reforms that my country has put off for all too long. I will not turn back. I will implement all of them because France has turned back for all too long. I have come to present to you today a France that comes out to meet America, to renew the covenant of friendship and alliance that Washington and Lafayette sealed in Yorktown. Together let us be true to their memories. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I say this to you on behalf of the French people: “Long live the United States of America! Long live France! Long live French-American friendship!
Pssssssssssssssssssst boom
Whoa.. what was that. Oh that was just another liberal mantra of “everyone in the world hates us now since the rupubs got into office” going up in flames. hehehehe
Rodent; all posts:
Where you saying something? Your delusional drivel is too looney to understand or worth reading.
And I’ll address her as “skank” or “ditzy”, kind like what I call you: Roger “gov’t cheese” Rodent.
@20: Well said.
Roger lost a tick on his clock, scarfing for this one….
Sorry Wabbitt, if this one wins more of your carrots will get chewed up
Here’s the ultimate truth about wingnutz: they all have their head way up their asses!
25 – poooof.. That’s the weak sound of yet another brain fart from DOOFUS.
@ 17
Were you capable of recognizing the truth when you see it, you wouldn’t be a Republican.