I am not a reporter and HA is not a news site. Just thought I’d take a moment to make that clear.
It’s been a couple months now since I left The Stranger and yet I’m still getting phone calls, text messages, and emails asking me to show up at some press event or another, or badgering me about why I haven’t shown some important issue enough love, and the answer of course is, because it’s not my job. Absent a steady (if meager) paycheck, I’ve been forced to take on some regular contract work that leaves me free to pursue my journalistic passions without conflict or compromise, but which doesn’t leave me much time to do it.
So to be clear, I have not returned to HA as a full time blogger. I will continue to post to HA on a regular basis—mostly political commentary and media criticism—but I simply cannot afford to write for free full time. And since there’s only so much time in the day, my first obligation when divvying up my work schedule has to be to the people who are paying me money.
It sucks, but that’s the way capitalism works, folks.
The five-plus years I spent as a full-time independent blogger were the most gratifying work years of my life (my three-plus years writing at The Stranger a bit less so), and if there are patrons out there willing to subsidize my folly, I would gladly recommit myself to the project. But for the moment, I can’t. And so to all my friends in the broader progressive community who have come to rely on me to cover your issues and events, well, tough nuts. I’ve got bills to pay and deadlines to meet. Welcome to the new HA.
Could you go back to work at The Stranger?
You should have been born with fabulous independent wealth like devoted news paper man, Richard Mellon Scaife.
You’re such a lame slacker.
You know, there is always the lottery.
I’m just curious, how much would you need to gross a month on a regular basis to live decently? $5000?
@4 Cheap labor conservatives want everyone else to live on $7.25/hr.
I’ll donate $10 if you block Roger Rabbit.
I appreciate anything you have time to write about, since to me you ARE a reporter in the best sense.
@6 I just donated $50, so why would Goldy block me for only $10? Where’s the profit in that?
@4 Of course I would love to make more than that, but yeah, I guess I would blog full time for $5,000 a month if I was guaranteed some sort of long term funding.
Why don’t you adoring DUMMOCRETINS give Goldy a monthly subsidy? Remember it’s just capitalism… Wait HA DUMMOCRETINS hate capitalism!
Just saying…