We’re trying to get our comment threads back online, but our first attempt failed, as HA remains in the midst of a pretty massive DDoS attack. The easiest solution would be for the BIAW to just ask their colleagues in the Russian mob to call off the hit, but well, I’m not holding my breath.
It is likely no accident that this attack started the day after I broke the story on Doug Sutherland’s sexual harassment scandal, but ironically, rather than shutting me up, they’ve merely managed to shut up the many trolls who dominate my comment threads. Kinda funny really.
Anyway, bear with me until we find a solution or the bad guys get bored, or both.
We’ve made another mod, and re-enabled comments again. We’ll just have to wait and see if we’ve beaten the Russians.
Is there any proof it’s the BIAW?
Like it was asked after 9/11…
What did HA do to earn this attack.
Trolls dominate the comments?? Only when roger rabbit is sleeping.
Funny how after hanging out with darcy at the nutroots convention the problem starts. It’s almost as if goldy wants to move up the ladder of respectability and understands that getting rid of the crazy far left posters is the only way. Us trolls wouldn’t matter, we would be the proof of what dems believe about reps. It’s the liberal crazies that bring the respectability down.
Your claim of it being from the russian mob is funny. How many people bad mouth the mob and live to talk about it? No fear of the mob??
It’s probably more techies using russian servers and/or using bots to mess with you.
A few of the left leaners on here have talked about support for hillary. Maybe it is obama supporters just doing the things they do so well.
re 2: Someone (R. Cheney) ordered the AirForce to stand down on that particular day and especially at that particular time and with those particular jets that were heading toward the Twin Towers.
Google the term “False Flag Attacks”. There’s a reason that phrase is a part of the English language.
Where’s your proof Cheney and Bush didn’t do it? Can’t prove a negative? Tell that to the detainees at Guantanamo.
It’s a surprise to me, but I’ve really missed the comments threads.
I’ve seen the photos of clinton and obama rewiring the building for demolition. I saw the security video from starbucks that showed hillary sneaking C4 into the building at night. If you go to google-earth, you can see nancy pelosi spreading aircraft fuel all over the roof.
The evidence is overwhelming.
A reductio ad absurdum response only proves what a reductio ad dillweedus you are.
You asked for proof. Turnabout is fair play.
So unless one is a leftist and in lockstep agreement with Seattle liberalism, then you are a “troll”. Interesting.
My guess is it was baby-raping Marvin who did it. No doubt it was one of the many cowardly traitors on the right. They can’t stand truth so they try to drown it out. It’s all they have.
The only Stalinists around here are Republican party in the state of Washington that doesn’t even use proportional voting in their primary – luckily the “trolls” from the republican party (read those who favor torture, don’t respect the constitution (habeus corpus) and support George Bush (and his EPA that denies states rights) are the only anti-american faction on here. True patriots have long ago abandoned the republican party of lies, corruption, mass deception, perversion of justice and false wars.
8 – Don’t confuse my historical Republican leanings with support for the Bush Administration. I am a conservative and I have been in favor of impeachment for the last 3 years.
@7 BBG
Now that is some, I’m sure, unintentional humor. They can’t stand truth so they try to drown it out.
Nobody comes here to read TRUTH, and if you think otherwise, you’re even more deluded than you appear. As Roger, and Goldy, are so fond of pointing out, ‘this is a liberal blog’. By definition, that means partisan, not objective, commentary.
You have to give roger and goldy credit for being honest about not being 100% truthful.
Partisan does not equal untruthful Marvin.
You know. The site is better without the comments. Kind of a progressive version of a 1970s daily metro.
You read what is written and I don’t care what the hell you think.
You can keep it as your new motto.
Of course not. (wink wink)
I-Burn I hate to tell you but it’s partisan and it’s true. You might be more comfortable over at Unsoundpolitics where there is no dissent allowed and you’re allowed to hear partisan lies instead.
@10 Liberal and objective are the same thing. Only conservatives live in a dream world. I used to be conservative but became liberal when reality caught up with me.
@15 He might like “Völkischer Beobachter” even better, if he can find some old issues. The dates on them won’t matter because the party line is still the same.
@13 If you don’t like comments, why do you read them, and post them?
I don’t. Just dropped by to announce that I’ll be visiting Darryl tonight and a few other folks. Then I saw this.
Enjoy posting 85 percent of the rest of the comments “Roger”.
Goldy let’s put together a reward fund to track down the cowardly right wing turd who attacked your blog. I suggest we start by tracking the IPs of the usual right wing, inbred morons like PU, Puddylink, CynCyn, et al.
Funny how Stamm posted the first comment after HA got back up. It’s almost as if he knew when HA would be back up …
In the words of Arte Johnson, veddy eenteresting.
Damn you rabbit for outing me.
Of course. I’m a russian mobster living in russia. I just spoof my ip so when lee/goldy have checked it it appears I’m in los angeles.
I also had the last post before it went down I believe-
re 9: I don’t believe you. You sound like one of those Republicans who didn’t vote for Nixon — or one of those crazy California drivers in Denver who all mysteriously have Colorado plates.
Think about it.
It’s that bastard from Olympia who pulled the stunt with the ‘perverts’ in your neighborhood last election cycle. This is his style.
re 13: Kiss my ass, twat face. You have nothing to say and a weekly newspaper to say it in.
Remember: “Moderation in the pursuit of liberty….”
My commercial site has been hit by spamming the comment boards on occassion, I’ve had to go through and manually delete lot’s of ads. I’ve seen other sites that have been hit hard with affiliate-type spam on their comment threads, forcing them to use some pretty sophositicated filters which also have the down-side that you can’t use lots of othewise innocent words in the comment threads because they trigger the spam filters.
But from what you’ve described, this seems to be a true DOS attack, one which federal legislation was specifically designed to make illegal. I don’t have the technical expertise to track it down, but surely some among us do.
A few years ago I would have shrugged something like this off, cursed under my breath, fixed the problem, and moved on. But after the electoral manipulations of Florida in 2000, Ohio AND Florida in 2004, the Valerie Plame affair, and countless other attempts to silence critics of the Republican administration, I’m not so complacent. Liberty is worth defending. We need to investigate each and every instance to it’s ultimate conclusion, get the perpertrators under oath, and, in the (slightly updated) words of former Rep. Sen. Howard Dean, find out “What (they) knew, and when (they) knew it.
(Remember that even if Rove is subsequently pardoned by Bush for events relating to the Valerie Plame scandal and the attorney general firings, that just means he can’t plead the fifth in any subsequent investigations. If he lies under oath then, or refuses to testify, throw his rear end in jail. Clinton might have lied about a sexual daliance, but Rove has attempted to hijack an entire country – two, if you count Iraq also).