[HA Bible Study is on hiatus through the November election as we honor Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney by studying the scriptures of his Mormon religion.]
Doctrine and Covenants 52:42
And thus, even as I have said, if ye are faithful ye shall assemble yourselves together to rejoice upon the land of Missouri, which is the land of your inheritance, which is now the land of your enemies.
There is no honor in what you do to Steve’s religion Goldy. I’ll wait for Steve to discuss what this yanked out of context topic means.
Steve, the floor is yours unless some useless left wrong moonbat makes an insipid comment first.
Missouri? Missouri?!
I’m from Missouri, and any ‘god’ offing you Missouri as your paradisiacal inheritance is trying to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.
Oh god, playing the victim by proxy.
All religious, faith-based, received wisdom needs to be held up to the light and looked at with skepticism.
If we are going to make rational, reasonable decisions about how we proceed forward as a society, we need to examine the basis of how we know what we know.
The scribbles of either long-dead grifters from upstate New York, or longer-dead Iron-Age Jews describing the Great Flood, while interesting as cultural artifacts, are similarly useless to a 21st century culture wrestling with feeding and sheltering and employing 9 billion people without destroying the planet.
@ 4
All religious, faith-based, received wisdom needs to be held up to the light and looked at with skepticism.
Unless it’s 2008, in which case ANY questioning of how a candidate’s religious background may influence his beliefs is nothing more than overt racism.
However, as I have stated repeatedly, this ain’t 2008. So bend over, Mitt.
@5 racism doesn’t exist ask the devil Ann Coulter.
Ohhh, the victimhood is deep with these trolls.
Are you referring to Obama’s Islamic faith that we hear so much about?
@ 5
Are you referring to Obama’s Islamic faith that we hear so much about?
Some days I have trouble deciding whether you are playing stupid or whether that’s your natural mental capacity, Lib Despair.
Lemme help you out:
He continued: “There’s white racist DNA running through the synapses of his or her brain tissue. They will kill their own kind, defend the enemies of their kind or anyone who is perceived to be the enemy of the milky white way of life.”
Few of us give a shit about what an 8-year old might be exposed to for a couple of years. What an adult might exposed to for about 20 years might be a little more relevant. Were one permitted to run ‘Bible Study’ threads about it without being referred to as racist, that is.
Lib Despair, to reiterate, you said:
All religious, faith-based, received wisdom needs to be held up to the light and looked at with skepticism.
Should this not include Rev. Wright’s wisdom ‘received’ by Barack Obama the adult?
@ 8
I meant to refer to @7, not @5, and the first line was Lib Despair’s @ 7 and should have been in italics.
I fear you are missing of the Prophet Goldy. Religion is only a personal matter when it does not affect others.
The bible you claim to be My word, leads fundamentalists of Mohammed and Moses to kill each other in My name. Is that what you think is My intent?
If all your religion means to then how can you read the Book of Mormon without pain? Was this same Book harmless when it denied all Africans a soul?
If the Book of Mormon denies Africans a soul……
And HA denies Republicans a soul…………
Where does that leave Allen West?
@11 I think we can all agree Allen West is losing touch with reality. Have you seen his latest insane claim? “Allen West Claims Never-Elected Opponent Cut Medicare By $700 Billion”
@ 12
If there is ever someone able to recognize another who has lost touch with reality and gone insane, it is you, Greg.
You’re at 99.9% on the Intrade insanity market.
@10 Puddy doesn’t have a soul. Easy to understand now.
Oohhhh! All discussion of Jeremiah Wright was about his religious doctrine? That’s why there was so much critical discussion of the Christian Bible and the doctrines of Christianity.
Thanks for clearing that up, Cap’n.
Wait, though…I thought Obama was a Kenyan Muslim?
@1, Pudpuller — you stupid, sick fuck:
Mormons believe that Jackson County, Missouri is the Garden of Eden and that they will return to and rule from there — and they’ll ride in on a White Horse.
I’m pretty sure even Steve thinks that’s bat shit crazy.
In the looney bin, er, institutionalized, hopefully.
bigotry and religious hatred seem to be a progressive value at the Liberal Scientist(insert laughter here) household.
I only hate religion when it demands stupidity and hatred, and I’m only bigoted against those selling such fear and loathing.
What’s wrong with that?
Two minutes until Fearless Felix jumps.
Oops, nevermind.
@ 20
from the comments on that site:
Love how @baumgartnfelix is tweeting from space and I struggle to get 3G round my house…
Zitz farted, Puddy corrected!:
Correct Zitz. Mormon issues are best discussed by Mormon’s like Steve. You on the otehr hand are just a hateful moron!
And the Lord sayeth,
“Hit the hot bricks, asshole.”
Arlen Specter dead at 82
Daily News Staff Report
Legendary Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter died in his home Sunday morning from complications of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, according to a statement released by his family. He was 82.
@18, Are you a Tea Party member? A tea party leader in Mississippi rues the day that women won the right to vote.
Women, she argues, are just too emotionally unstable and untrustworthy for the franchise. Yes, you read that right: The person making the case against women’s suffrage is the Central Mississippi Tea Party President!
That’s awesome.
@ 26
It’s 10 degrees F outside the capsule. For some reason I thought it would be far colder.
128,000 feet!
Yeah, I’m curious about that too.
There’s a door-stop?
Where’s the wet bar?
Release seat belt – YOWWW!
From outside it’s like watching childbirth, breech position.
The feet are sticking out the black hole.
@ 32
There’s a ‘chest-pack’ umbilical. I was right about that childbirth thing.
Zenith is one of the sponsors.
I have a Zenith watch with the El Primero mechanism.
We need to know that…why?
@ 35
Just to piss you off, Lib Sci. Same reason we needed to know you took your 16 year old out for sushi as a B-day dinner, asswipe.
He did it!
1. You remember that?
2. We need to know you have a $1000 watch, because I took my son out for a birthday dinner? Really?
3. You have issues.
You remember that?
Yeah, I hacked YLB’s database.
We need to know you have a $1000 watch
You were closer before you changed the price. It was a gift from Karl Rove after we stole OH in 2004. Back then I played a conservative from Columbus.
I did that just to piss you off. I knew calling your $8000 watch a $1000 watch would force you to correct me, further illustrating what a petty, greedy, shallow little fuck you are.
@ 41
What can I say? I’m a watch guy. Picked it up at Tourneau in Las Vegas. Largest watch store in the world.
Here’s a suggestion for when you shop for the sixteen year-old’s graduation gift (I figure, what, age 26, when he gets the Obama-M.D.?):
You can get 20% off of list just by saying that’s what you want to pay. Best I have been able to manage is 22% during the Bush recession.
Blah, blah, blah….
You couldn’t stand your watch being referred to as a “$1000 watch”…pitiful. You had to correct me, had to let us all know what you paid for your watch. You have no idea how ridiculous that makes you look, do you?
@ 44
You have no idea how ridiculous that makes you look, do you?
Maybe the same way a guy who posts his daily stock market gains on HA looks? Interesting you never call him out, Lib Despair.
Um, no, not even close.
You don’t see the difference, do you?
Breathtakingly clueless.
I do not need a watch.
@ 47
I do not need a watch.
Probably why you think it only took 7 days to get all that shit done, dude.
Go get a watch, ferChrissakes.
@ 48
Six days, not seven. That’s right. On day 7 you watched NASCAR.
Did you clean yourself with Pine Sol, bleach, or some strong disinfectant after?
@ 50
Nah, I figgered that, like most wimmen, YLB’s a pretty clean type.
Was that an incorrect assumption?
Holy Deficit Identification Batman, did you see Tom Brokaw on Meet The Depressed… Obummer gonna have to explain his exploding deficits. Obummer gonna have to explain his plan.
Yeah Tom, the plans Obummer submitted to Congress and not one DUMMOCRAPT voted for them. Or maybe Tom is getting fed up with the Obummer cheerleaders at PMSNBC!
@52 Talk about depressing, I’ve been gonefor a month and come back to find pudnutz just as fucking neurotic as ever. Hey putz, don’t you ever take your goddamned pills? The ones your psychiatrist prescribed for you? Those pills aren’t for your enjoyment, they’re for the public’s protection! So take ’em already!
RR – nice to see you back!
Looks like he broke the sound barrier.
We call religion “faith” many times because it’s the “faith” of the beliver that makes religion…well, religion! Faith/religion is not fact, it’s faith, and no one can prove of disprove whatever one’s “faith” is, be it Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Wicca or whatever.
So, religious folks out there – don’t take your faith too seriously because your religion is no better or worse than the next guy’s. Also, if your religion can’t stand up to criticism, then there really ain’t much faith involved in your relgion, is there?
@56 – I shit on the bible. Comes to good use when there is no toilet paper left.
are you a lazy OWSer?
with as destroyed as your rectum is, Im surprised you can even control when you shit.
And what do you do to the Koran?
I see the Elizabeth Warren propaganda advertisement above… She stood up for families after she made a killing standing up for the man. Visit Legal Insurrection for all her lies!
“And thus, even as I have said…”
Y’know — uh — like I said…. Obvious BS.
Oh, and I use triple ply-Northern(no writing) — for those interested
@56 “Politically Incorrect – free minds, free markets, free people … ”
Well, if that’s what you want, don’t vote Republican, because the last time we had a Republican president this place was more like Putin’s Russia — if you went to a public meeting on public property to discuss Social Security and they thought you were a Democrat, you were arrested by Bush’s KGB.
@61 You got something against lawyers making money from practicing law, puddydope? And quit drooling all over this thread. You’re making a gooey mess.
@59 Be patient. Your turn will come. ha ha ha
@42 What can I say? I don’t own a watch. Don’t need one. I don’t get the human obsession with schedules. I live by the timeless rhythm of the seasons, which is as old as the earth.
I’ve been traveling, and caught only the tail end of the Biden-Ryan debate, but for what it’s worth, my impression was Biden was having a conversation with voters while Ryan came across like a college debater trying to score points (and not doing very well).
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and a tea party patriot walk into a bar. The bartender says, “I’m surprised to see you guys together!” The tea party patriot says, “Why are you surprised? All of my beliefs are based on the principles of the Founding Fathers!” Jefferson says, “Indeed, I wrote, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal’ while schtupping my slaves.” Washington says, “I too was a slaveholder. And as ‘father of our country,’ I led the military against my own citizens in the Whiskey Rebellion because they refused to pay taxes.” And Franklin says, “Yeah, I pretended to be a Puritan, yet rarely attended church and fathered an illegitimate son.” The bartender says, “So what you have in common is that you’re all hypocrites?” “No,” says Franklin. “What we have in common is that we’re all living in the 18th century.”
Heh. Funny you should mention it.
Just did a scrape:
b cs -t bob -d 2012-09 -c
| count |
| 569 |
1 row in set
b cs -t puddymoron -d 2012-09 -c
| count |
| 586 |
1 row in set
b cs -t klown -d 2012-09 -c
| count |
| 126 |
1 row in set
b cs -t asshat -d 2012-09 -c
| count |
| 159 |
1 row in set
That’s out of 5,330 total comments for September.
Why do we even have a Lt. governor? We should start an initiative to get rid of the office.
O’ and I think ballots drop this week.
From 63:
“Well, if that’s what you want, don’t vote Republican…”
I will never vote for a Republican or a Democrat again. Our current two-party system does not represent the diverse people of our coutnry very well at all. It’s time for term limits and more political parties so we can weaken the federal government’s threats to our individual liberties.