[HA Bible Study is on hiatus through the November election as we honor Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney by studying the scriptures of his Mormon religion.]
Doctrine and Covenants 132:61-63
If any man espouse a virgin, and desire to espouse another, and the first give her consent, and if he espouse the second, and they are virgins, and have vowed to no other man, then is he justified; he cannot commit adultery for they are given unto him; for he cannot commit adultery with that that belongeth unto him and to no one else.And if he have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery, for they belong to him, and they are given unto him; therefore is he justified.
But if one or either of the ten virgins, after she is espoused, shall be with another man, she has committed adultery, and shall be destroyed;
And it came to pass that Blanche, 5th wife of Hyrum, escaped to live with the Lamanites who abided in the surrounding mountains because Hyrum was a total sexist dick.
I’ll leave that to Steve. He can discuss his Mormon religion much better than a whole bunch of leftist pinheads!
I destroyed a virgin, several actually. When I was a much younger man. They tend to get clingy and jealous even when they’re holding someone else’s hand and they won’t stop calling until they get another lover.
Even then, they’ll call when the dude pisses them off. Seems like this passage of spurious myth tries to appear to define the reason for this.
Since Puddy claims to know My intent, should he not tell us all if this passage is My word?
One is sufficient challenge for me, thank you very much.
Stay classy GOP:
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SUNDAY REVELATIONS: I just love Mormons so much I hate to see us all represented by Mitt Romney. It reflects so badly on a religion that stands for better things ……….
Finally someone – even a little someone – who is willing to look hard at that abomination. The D&C is the real mormonism, and it is ugly – it makes the bible look sane.
Keep it up. The D&C is the mein kampf of joe smith.
One of the things that impressed me about the LDS church was how they do a great job of taking care of their own. The LDS has their own welfare system and, while it primarily serves church members who need assistance, it’s not exclusively for the church membership. They have job programs as well.
I’ve had reason of late to recall how I was once down and out as a teenager, not a member of the church yet but I knew a family that I attended servcies with at Seattle’s 4th Ward. Through the church I was given a job at KIRO as a janitor. I didn’t make much money or anything but it was what I needed at the time.
The experience at KIRO was quite fascinating. Being a janitor, I had access to every nook and cranny of what was then a brand new state-of-the-art facility on Broad Street. There was a lot of cool stuff going on there and a lot of wonderful people and, like anywhere else, some not so wonderful.
Not all of the TV personalities were all that friendly. Chris Wedes, “JP” was a chain smoker and he wasn’t friendly at all. Neither was “Gertrude”. The woman who hosted the “Dialing for Dollars” afternoon movie, Sandy Hill, was a bit of a stuck up bitch. Sportscaster Ron Forsell never even acknowledged my existence, not even if he tripped over me. Cliff Kirk was nice enough. Executives like Lloyd Cooney and Ken Hatch were great people. The guys on radio were asses. I eventually learned to enjoy banging waste baskets while they were on air. That’d get them riled up every time. I really liked one of the floor managers, a black guy, which back in those years impressed me that he had risen to such a position. Bearing the “Mark of Cain” was no hinderance to career advancement for a black man at KIRO.
The person I liked most, though, was the late night and weekend anchor, Ann Martin. What a wonderful woman! She would go out of her way to show respect to me, a lowly janitor, always greeting me warmly and showing me kindness.
One evening there was a big banquet going on at the station. I didn’t have money for good food at the time and when I saw the spread, I was like, “Wow, look at that food!” A little while later I was doing something in another part of the building when I was surprised to see Ann approaching me. She had heaped a pile of food on a plate, put it on a tray with desert and a glass of milk, then searched around the building and eventually found me. The food was for me, the janitor. We sat down together and talked for awhile as I enjoyed a very wonderful meal.
Sandy Hill was known as KIRO’s “hot babe”, a sexy, extremely attractive woman. On screen, Ann didn’t come off as being especially attractive, maybe even a bit dowdy. But in person she was so incredibly beautiful! I’m not sure how much of that was inner beauty, as she certainly had that in spades. But all in all, she was one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever known.
“They tend to get clingy and jealous”
Wow, way to generalize about billions women there, Deathfrogg. I’m very, very impressed.
I’ve always wondered about this polygamy stuff – it’s inherently unstable.
Humans are born in about a 1:1 female:male ratio.
This sort of one man with multiple wives obviously leaves many (heterosexual) men without mates – which seems very destabilizing, and explains the homeless male youth problem in communities near the fundamentalists who still practice this stuff.
The only way to make it work long term is to kick out the ‘excess’ males – making them someone else’s problem (particularly as their booted when still developing adolescents), allowing women to have multiple husbands, or widespread male homosexuality.
Women being possessions and status symbols of course precludes polyandry. They’re probably not to big on enforced homosexuality, so the poor teenage boys without a grasp on power or a patron get the boot – how terribly savage.
Also, if this is Mormon scripture, how do they simply do away with it when the desire for statehood and all the goodies that would come with it grew overwhelming?
How does one just start ignoring their scripture and retain their integrity?
“How does one just start ignoring their scripture and retain their integrity?”
Geez, I dunno, Lib Sci. How can a lefty generalize about billions of virgins and not come off looking like a idiot and a fool?
What’d I do, kill another thread?
Actually, ignoring (ignorance of, charitably) inconvenient scripture is typical of most persons who profess some association with the “Abrahamic” religions.
I think people who believe they have a firm grasp on reality and have all the answers when they perceive only four of eleven dimensions, even as only 5% of the energy and matter in this universe is grasped by the sciences, display a bit of ignorance themselves.
Did you know that it’s possible, at least according to theoretical physicists, that beings dwell in the seventh dimension and that they can see us and we can’t see them?
What’s gravity? Does anybody here have an answer to that one? No, you don’t.
The ignorant mocking the ignorant. How productive. In fact, I’m certain that’ll eventually result in peace on earth.
Sorry LS, you gotcha biology wrong.
The sex ratio does not imply monogamy. I suspect most mammals have similar sex ratios whether they are monogamous or polygamous.
A good case can be made for polygamy given that between gestation and lactation, human females are only useful (in a genetic sense) ever 3 years or so. Men are always useful.
The Unintelligent Designer could reasonably argue the best fit males should gather the most desirable females into his harem while the rest of social, but less fit guys, fight off the Canadians and provide food for the Lord’s offspring.
Gay marriage is another thing. Gay men obviously should be monogamous. Since they use rental wombs for procreation gay guys have lots of time to make babies using women not selected for straight guys’S harems!
Maybe that is why we have gay guys?
For that matter it may also explain lesbians. With no fixed male partner, the lesbian can use all that sperm form guys who can’t get themselves harems!
Well since you ain’t god how would Puddy know your intent?
Strange question from the strange person playing god on HA.
Well said Steve. Maybe dunceman was thinking about his 72 virgins? I made the suggestion above in #2 and you know HA leftist pinheads. They spout off and venture into topics they are ABSOLUTELY clueless in.
My next door neighbor is Mormon. Daughter went to BYU. Married with child. #2 is on a mission, took time off from BYU. #3 going to BYU. #4 Junior in High School. We have not discussed Mitt Romney on purpose. We watch each others house when we each travel. That should be enough to know why right there.
My point, actually, when I wrote that.
While this is a riff on the Mormons abandoning polygamy for acceptance by the heathens (and their money), what I was actually thinking about were the Christians abandoning “do not kill” “love your neighbor” and “blessed are the peacemakers”…for what?
Why do you posit that there would be fewer ‘best fit’ males, and therefore harems at all, than ‘best fit’ females?
The comment @3.
I do not understand the question. The most able men will accumulate the most able females. The other way around doe snot make as many babies because a female with a male harem is limited in how often she can be pregnant.
As to the best fit males, your problem is the question of best fit for what? I am assuming we mean here for making babies by fucking women (and therefore owning the women.
I suppose a bets fit gay male might have harem too but that would not have a selective advantage.
Obviously God .. or whatever Puddy call it, wants Puddy to have more wives!
You want more evidence .. women become infertile decades before men do! Isn’t ti a waste to be married to only one woman who get too old to pass on your DNA!
Maybe we need to ask the HA Deity to opine?
@9 Steve, my personal experience with Mormons has been something similar. When I was a kid, our next door neighbor was M. L. Bean’s cousin and did the books for a division of Pay’N’Save. Jack was involved with running the “Mutual Improvement Association”, a collection of youth activities at First Ward on lower Queen Anne, and I joined the Boy Scout troop that was part of that because I could catch a ride with him. Really a great bunch of people.
I’ve heard statements from others backing up your account of Ann Martin, and unfortunately similarly negative things about Sandy Hill (to say nothing of Susan Hutchison). I also remember reading that Chris Wedes used to have a sign next to the mirror in his dressing room that said, “Beneath this makeup lies a horny old man.”
Fortunately for all those virgins that deathfrog claims, they all moved on, probably to some very sucessful men…while deathfrog was left to be a loser all by himself.
@24 I’m very glad to learn that others also have fond memories of Ann Martin. I’ve understood that she had a long, successful career as an evening news anchor in Sacramento.
There was also that guy, I think he was in sales, who played “The Count”, or something like that, a vampire who hosted the late-night creature features.