[HA Bible Study is on hiatus through the November election as we honor Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney by studying the scriptures of his Mormon religion.]
Pearl of Great Price, Abraham 3:23
And God saw these souls that they were good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I will make my rulers; for he stood among those that were spirits, and he saw that they were good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou art one of them; thou wast chosen before thou wast born.And there stood one among them that was like unto God, and he said unto those who were with him: We will go down, for there is space there, and we will take of these materials, and we will make an earth whereon these may dwell;
Number of Americans killed by Islamic extremists operating within Al Queda in Benghazi:
Number of Americans killed by Mormon religious extremists recently:
Anyone? I’m having trouble coming up with a number other than zero.
Since Steve is our resident Mormon, Puddy nominates Steve to lead the service!
Oh there you are, puddybud! I thought you were on the other thread…I’ll repost here for your convenience…
@1 note the “recently” qualifier as that appears to exclude Mountain Meadows and other acts of terrorism as travelers sought to cross parts of Utah and environs. Course that might be rational self defense considering what folks did to Joseph Smith in Nauvoo.
Which happens to be the same number of rational, affirmative reasons you’ve given for supporting
Willard Romney for president.
What a coincidence!
“for there is space there”
Lebensraum. That’s what it was. The damn greedy angels kicked out the rabbits, populated it with human idiots, paved it over, and built malls and parking lots. It was a better place when it was full of rabbits and green grass.
@1 – Mark Hofmann is a Mormon extremist killer.
@1 Ted Bundy claimed to have slain around 100 women. And he wasn’t the only Mormon killer of modern times.
@ 4
Exactly correct. I also excluded The Crusades.
On a similar vein, it has proved pointless to discuss not-so-distant past Democrat behavior – Bull Connor, Robert Byrd, Ted Kennedy – as relevant to today’s Democrat Party.
At some point one needs to focus on the current state of the world. I’m not sure what the cutoff should be. Apparently you think that it should be somewhere before the event you referenced. Which makes relevant Democrat behavior in the South in the mid-part of the last century, no?
I seem not to recall Harry Reid’s religion being a reason not to support him, or at least to criticize him, in 2010. Why is Romney’s religion a reason to criticize him in 2012?
Damn Boyscout… That’s interesting stuff. Today you are a BoyScout. Did you know that or Google search for fun? All of two people.
Roger SENILE Wabbit… Did Ted kill his victims as religious extremism, or you gleefully submit Ted Bundy cuz he was a Mormon?
@ 7,8
I figured the cherry-picking would reveal some murderers with Mormon backgrounds. Were there organized movements behind those people, actively supporting what they did? Methinks not.
Yes, individuals in nearly every walk of life do bad things. It’s an unfortunate fact and will always continue.
There are no thread topics on HA that relate to the loss of four Americans in Libya this week, the large number of protests putting our diplomatic corps at risk in several locations, or Obama’s foreign policy challenges right now in the Sudan.
And yet there is a thread discussing some minute detail of Mormonism.
Is anyone here bothered by that?
150 years ago tomorrow, gunfire crackled through the woods and farm fields outside the small town of Sharpsburg. General Lee’s invasion of Maryland had begun. His objective was to split off Maryland, a slave state, from the Union. He did not succeed. But on that bloodiest day of American military history — Sept. 17, 1862 — over 23,000 Americans, north and south, would fall to each other’s lethal and wounding blows. General McClellan, the Union’s brilliant organizer of armies but overcautious battlefield commander, eked out enough of a victory to enable Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, instantly transforming the war into a crusade to banish slavery from American soil.
Today, Antietam is the best-preserved of all the large Civil War battlefields. But as recently as 15 years ago, the National Park Service did not own half of the battlefield. It took vision, determination, perseverance, the cooperation of federal and state authorities and preservation groups, land use regulations, and taxpayer money — all the things that government-hating Republicans oppose — to save that hallowed ground from development.
But it’s not surprising that Republicans would oppose the use of governmental power and public funds to retrieve that land from private hands to preserve it under public management for all future American generations. After all, they’re not big fans of the Emancipation Proclamation; and as the party whose core base is the South and who are the inheritors of Confederate traditions, they can’t be pleased by the outcome of that long-ago battle on the bucolic banks of the Potomac.
@9 “Democrat behavior in the South”
The GOP party owns those guys now. They can have ’em. We don’t want ’em. They’ll never be welcome in our party again. Taking them off our hands was the best thing Richard Nixon ever did for us.
@11 How the fuck would I know what he was thinking? I have a suggestion for ya. Go to Hell and ask him.
Is the quote of the day part of a creation story in the Mormon canon?
As RR points out, the one ‘soul’ that was going to lead the expeditionary force down to the planet sounds Lucifer-like in the ‘was unto like God’, but I didn’t get the sense of any acrimony.
Is this a complement to the Genesis creation stories, or in parallel, or is this somehow a contradiction?
I’d be curious to hear from the LDS-trained among us about this. Interesting.
@12 You don’t need to explain where you’re going with this. We already know. You’re itching to parrot the GOP meme about the unrest in the Arab world (has there ever been a time when there wasn’t unrest in some Arab shithole or other?):
“It’s Obama’s fault! It’s Obama’s fault! It’s Obama’s fault! It’s Obama’s fault! It’s Obama’s fault! It’s Obama’s fault! It’s Obama’s fault! It’s Obama’s fault! It’s Obama’s fault! It’s Obama’s fault!”
Which is bullshit.
Remember the woman who told McCain that Obama is an “Arab”? Some people will believe anything and most (if not all) such people are Republicans.
And I agree with that SC. Da Perfessa could have added a solemn entry for their deaths but noooooooooooooooo, he keeps his comic page clean of real news. So maybe you should lodge a protest. We who think right are sad for their death, especially Ambassador Stevens, a champion of Middle East – West relationships born from his early Corps days. I guess posting their death would acknowledge Obummer’s sadministration screwed up and we can’t have DUMMOCRAPT negativity on this blog!
Religious extremism Roger SENILE Wabbit. You submitted his name as a retort to Serial Conservative. We know your previous entries met ridicule like Cuyahoga County, Stafford VA, IF, etc.
HAHAHAHAHA! BTW Hell? Better reread your Bible on the state of the dead.
@19 Puddy has a talent for seeing the Small Picture.
Wow Roger SENILE Wabbit is having a junior moment. We see Obummer’s sadministration missed alerting Ambassador Stevens and now his death is a pall on this sadministration. They took down the “lack” of a warning from the web site because it was proven wrong!
@21, because in your senility… you miss the big picture every day!
@22 Blame Obama! Blame Obama! Blame Obama!
@20 “your previous entries met ridicule”
From who? You and Cereal Bob? The Golden Goat gallery?
Well, Ricky Santorum did just say this at the ‘Values Voters Summit’:
Truer words were never spoken.
Joke Of The Day
“Ryan vouches for Romney’s character in speech to conservatives”
“Beneath his stiff and sometimes impersonable exterior, Mitt Romney has a heart of gold … according to the testimonial Paul Ryan delivered on Romney’s behalf ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So did this guy, according to his PR flacks.
At a time when our country should be united behind our national leader, Republicans are throttling up partisanship and growing increasingly shrill in their attacks on the commander-in-chief.
@18 Rick Santorum and team torture will always have lame brains like puddy to haul water for conservative values like water torture. Here is a classic example of the tea bag torture crew leader Mancow showing the World the truth about water-boarding in living color.
Hey Goldy, when are you gonna have some criticisms of Islam and their prophet?
The reason he won’t, folks, is because he realizes that Muslims might read his criticisms and come slash his throat in the middle of the night. Self preservation is a powerful motivator.
Wanna see those entries again?
Cuyahoga County. This rant went on for a while until Puddy posted the County Supervisors being DUMMOCRAPT!
Stafford VA See the rant in #28 and the truth in #91.
Sucks to be you SENILE one! How does that ASS-kicking feel!
All this shit in the Middle East is yet another reason we should just get out of the area and stay out of Ilsamic countires’ affairs. There just isn’t snything to be gained by indulging in constant brushfire wars in little out-of-the way palces like Afghanistan.
This also means delcaring neutrality in the war between Jews and Muslims. I’m sorry the Romans kicked the Jes out of Israel back in 70 AD, but that’s not America’s problem. The people of Israel are responsible for their own survival, not us over here in America. As far as I’m concerned, the Palestinians and Israelis will have to resolve the issue of who owns the land over there. It’s noe of our business. Let’s get out and stay out.
Hey, Puddy. Heh. Actually, there are times I try to “lead” in these things. I try to lead some friends on the left to take a slightly different more tolerant view of “faith”.
“Number of Americans killed by Mormon religious extremists recently”
There are a couple of things I don’t like about you, Bob. Of course, there are a couple of other things about you which disgust me.
One thing I don’t like is how splash around at the shallow end of the pool. That’s not so bad in itself, not everybody can swim. Even those who can swim can be found at both ends when it’s right. No, what I don’t like about you is how you’re you’re so smug and so condescending towards everybody else in the pool. So smarmy.
Comparative religion isn’t your thing. I won’t even bother with you on this subject. If I have anything to do with it, that conversation will take place at the deep end the pool, as when my atheist friend Lib Sci and I get together for a few beers, first round on him. Or maybe I try humor, or a story that offers some insight. Maybe I’m not a very good swimmer, but I try. Anyways, enough of you.
But seriously, folks, I love Mormons. I remember as a twelve year-old hopping on a Greyhound bus by muself and heading for Beaver, Utah. The first stop in Utah, my first impression, was Salt Lake City. I walk into the station and the first thing I see is a shop counter and this guy is selling switchblades. Switchblades weren’t very easy to come by in Seattle at the time and I had wanted one for at least a year. Some friends owned some and I was fairly familiar with them. I had some money in my pocket, I found one I liked with nice action, so I bought it.
I step outside, feeling badass with my new blade, already at twelve someone who didn’t take to anyone messing with me. Within seconds, the second person I meet walks up to me and he’s is some pervert who wants to know if I’d like to have some candy or some such shit. My hand is in my pocket holding my brand new switchblade. I look back and even I can’t believe some of the things I’ve done.
So my first impression of Utah, Salt Lake City and Mormons was switchblades and me, the “I’m a badass” twelve year-old kid from Rainier Valley, flipping a blade on some Mormon perv and seeing the “Holy Joseph Fucking Smith” look on his face before he turned around and fled. Fortunately, my most lasting impression from that summer was the wonderful people I got to know in Beaver and the incredible beauty of southwest Utah. I would later meet some truly wonder Mormons in Seattle and, mostly out of love for them, I was baptized into the church.
But that fifteen minute stopover in Salt Lake City was really fucking strange.
Steve, see post #16, I’m curious. Is this a Mormon creation story?
Rightwing evangelicals are Ground Zero in America’s Islamophobia:
“I was raised as an evangelical Christian in America, and any discussion of Christian-Jewish-Muslim relations around the world must include the phenomenon of American Islamophobia, for which large sectors of evangelical Christianity in America serve as a greenhouse.
“At a time when U.S. embassies are being attacked and when people are getting killed over an offensive, adolescent and puerile film targeting Islam – beyond pathetic in its tawdriness – we must begin to own up to the reality of evangelical Islamaphobia.
“Many of my own relatives receive and forward pious-sounding and alarm-bell-ringing e-mails that trumpet (IN LOTS OF CAPITAL LETTERS WITH EXCLAMATION POINTS!) the evils of Islam, that call their fellow evangelicals and charismatics to prayer and ‘spiritual warfare’ against those alleged evils, and that often … contain lots of downright lies. …
“Many … evangelicals have never yet had a real Muslim friend, and now they probably never will because their minds have been so prejudiced by Islamophobic broadcasts on so-called Christian television and radio. …
“In recent days, we’ve seen how irresponsible Muslim media outlets used the tawdry 13-minute video created by a tiny handful of fringe Christian extremists to create a disgusting caricature of all Christians – and all Americans – in Muslim minds. But too few Americans realize how frequently American Christian media personalities in the U.S. similarly prejudice their hearers’ minds with mirror-image stereotypes of Muslims. …
“The events of this past week … could mark a turning point … in the complicity of evangelicalism in Islamophobia. … [T]he film trailer that has sparked such outrage in the Middle East … is hate speech. It is no different from the anti-Semitic garbage that has been all too common in Western Christian history. It is … beneath the dignity of anyone with a functioning moral compass.
“Islamophobic evangelical Christians – and the neo-conservative Catholics and even some Jewish folks who are their unlikely political bedfellows of late – must choose. Will they press on in … letting Islamophobia spread even further amongst them? Or will they stop, rethink and seek to a more charitable approach to our Muslim neighbors?
“Will they realize that evangelical religious identity is under assault, not by Shariah law, not by the liberal media, not by secular humanism from the outside, but by forces within the evangelical community that infect that religious identity with hostility?
“If I could get one message through to my evangelical friends, it would be this: The greatest threat to evangelicalism is evangelicals who tolerate hate and who promote hate camouflaged as piety. No one can serve two masters. You can’t serve God and greed, nor can you serve God and fear, nor God and hate. The broad highway of us-them thinking and the offense-outrage-revenge reaction cycle leads to self-destruction.
“There is a better way, the way of Christ who, when reviled, did not revile in return, who when insulted, did not insult in return, and who taught his followers to love even those who define themselves as enemies. … To choose the way of Christ is not appeasement. It is … a gentle strength that transcends the vicious cycles of offense-outrage-revenge.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t have a problem with Christianity or its precepts. My problem is with people who call themselves Christians. Usually, the noisier they are about their Christianity, the less Christian they are. You’d swear some of these people haven’t a clue what their Bible actually says. For a specific example of this, see #30 above.
@30 Here is the Coptic Christian leader from Los Angeles the folks who made the film like “AKA Sam Bacile” seem to treat as a true Guru. I have a hard time figuring out why selling hate for some seems to be a family value?
@31 Toooo funnnny!!!! First pudnutz claims my previous posts have “met ridicule.” Then, when I ask “from who?” he posts links to HIS OWN POSTS!!! Hey putz, wanna know what ridicule looks like? It looks like this:
Good luck with that Steve. These leftists are boneheads!
@31 “How does that ASS-kicking feel!”
I didn’t feel anything. When? Where? Check this out: http://tinyurl.com/99ulkqz
You’ve just been mooned by a rabbit butt.
Yes they were met with PuddyRidicule. Why? No one has the patience Puddy has to research your BULLSHITTIUM! If you notice everyone Roger was DEAD WRONG on his Cuyahoga assessment… DUMMOCRAPTS ran the county back then.
For Stafford County… Roger was DEAD WRONG; it was one of the richest DUMMOCRAPT counties in the nation!
Senility is tough to deal with Roger. Remember Carl Grossman, My Left Foot tried to give you virtual oxygen tanks for your lack of brain oxygen. You should have accepted!
@40 “Yes they were met with PuddyRidicule.”
Which everyone else interprets as a compliment.
Did you notice the CNN Reporter tweeting for Obummer donations? Yeah the trusted name in news! NOT!
@40 “No one has the patience Puddy has to research your BULLSHITTIUM!”
I’ve give you one thing, puddy, you’re persistent. No gainfully employed person has the time for such diligence and thoroughness. Take it from me, I’m speaking from personal experience, the only way I and you manage to be the #1 and #2 most prolific posters on HA is because we have idle time on our hands and nothing productive to do. This blog couldn’t exist without sloths like us.
I’ve been trying for the last few days to get puddybud to explain to me how Jesus’ teachings comport with modern conservative Republican thought, but to no avail – he refuses to engage – which is quite telling with regard to the sense of shame he must be carrying around.
But I’m going to be sorry when his weaponized Jesus returns in ‘his Clouds O’Glory ™ ‘ and smites me.
@40 is an example of how puddleinpants entertains himself with vicarious fantasies. He watches WWE on TV all day and then writes this kind of stuff.
@44 “and smites me”
Don’t worry, I’m sure He’ll be looking for someone else.
Jesus won’t recognize Himself after Republicans finish transforming Him. He’ll be monetized and weaponized.
me too!
Wow Valerie Plame attacking Obummer’s sadministration. Sure is amazing how HA libtards who live on HA don’t admit truths when found on HA!
Nice paragraph…
And Al Qaeda disagrees with Jay CarneyBarker
So if this was in planning for months… libtards will continue the lie on the movie to cover for Obummer…
@49 Is this the same Valerie Plame that wingnuts ridiculed and defamed not long ago?
@34 I believe so. I’m not terribly knowledgable on the subject. To my experience, many Mormons believe that stuff, some not so much. I’ve been told by quite intelligent and educated Mormons that creation stories aren’t to be taken literally, others not so bright have told me that God planted fossils to fuck with our minds.
Sorry, I’m also in a bit of a hurry at the moment to get somewhere. Later.
@50 It probably was in planning for months; and I’m sure Al Qaeda shared their plans with the Obama administration …
puddybud…thank you for that link to Valerie Plame’s article, which, BTW, contained this:
…and I agree, she makes very valid criticisms of government power over narrative and history, and the abuse of secrecy. She was NOT, however, “attacking Obummer’s sadministration”, as you would like to characterize it.
You need to learn to read better. And BTW, who would Jesus torture?
@50 Love how puddy uses Al Qaeda as one of his sources.
Thanks Roger. Puddy can get a lot done in a little time. It’s called efficiency.
And your posts are so easily refuted with simple Google searches.
Puddy never said Armitage didn’t work in the Bush Administration. MORON!
Another of your stooooooooooooooooooopid comments. You are the king of leftwing lunacy today!
Nope you DOPE. It was in Al Arabiya. And some HA lefty once said truth is truth no matter the source!
@56 “And your posts are so easily refuted with simple Google searches.”
If it’s so easy, why are you so unsuccessful at refuting them?
Not attacking Obummer’s sadministration Lib da dunce? Are you blogging from Mars?
Another stoooooooooooooopid comment!
@57 “Puddy never said Armitage didn’t work in the Bush Administration. MORON!”
That’s right, you only said he was a “DUMMOCRAPT”. Based on the similarities of their resumes, Scooter Libby must have been a Democrat, too.
Oh, lookee here, some Neo-Confederates are trying to put a shrine to Nathan Bedford Forrest, confederate general, massacre-er of unarmed captured black Union soldiers, and founder of the KKK, in a park in Selma, Alabama.
Who is behind this? Well, the Friends of Forrest, of course.
Who are they?
Well, they include…
Who do the Godwins hold fund-raisers for?
[Ed. All emphasis mine]
Democrats are such racists!
I think puddybud, threatened by Cereal’s recent success, has descended to new lows in inanity, dishonesty and misspelling.
The race is ON!
Pass the popcorn….
The short answer is yes. A longer answer would be to point out that this is basically “borrowed” from texts that didn’t make it into the “bible”, the so called apocryphal texts.
Also note that J. Smith “translated” this from papyrus texts he procured from an egyptian antiquities dealer. When the hieroglyphics were actually translated by an expert, they were found to be ordinary funeral texts.
Looks like Susan Rice has a lot of splainin to do!
Yes, we had a long discussion of this last Sunday. Remarkable.
And no one YET has proven Puddy wrong. Puddy even gave you leftist whack job sites where they admin he’s a RINO in their eyes!
Hey Roger, R U still saying your Cuyahoga County and Stafford VA posts were correct?
Do tell when the evidence proves otherwise!
About Armitage?? It’s been done over and over. Part of your MO, of course, is never admitting you’re wrong.
puddybud, I’m still waiting to hear if Christians torture? Is torture OK with Jesus?
Where’s Da Link? Or your blather?
So far blather!
Been answered twice. See ya Lib da dunce.
Not even once.
Does Jesus condone both torture and lying, puddybud?
The headline’s a little over-blown, but it’s nice to see the Spokane Paper get it right on gay marriage.
@75 A Seattle Times editorial — Kate Riley, no less! — endorsed gay marriage today, too.
@65 If she’s right, you have a lot of splainin to do.
Yes!!! Run, Chrissie, Run!*
* Bumper sticker instructions:
Republicans, put on rear bumper.
Democrats, put on front bumper.
This obnoxious practice has to be ended.
@1 Our last GOP president killed over 4,000 Americans by starting an unnecessary war. How many Americans will the next GOP president kill in a future GOP military adventure?
…and he wonders why on one takes him seriously.
Fuck the fucking fucker.
If you’re so down on Romney, and so up on Obama, maybe you should read this Wall Street Journal piece “The Magnitude of the Mess We’re In”
“President Obama’s budget will raise the federal debt-to-GDP ratio to 80.4% in two years, about double its level at the end of 2008, and a larger percentage point increase than Greece from the end of 2008 to the beginning of this year.”
And you all can see how Greece is doing”
Some great info here:
No links… no proof… line from ylbuttspigot fits here well.