[HA Bible Study is on hiatus through the November election as we honor Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney by studying his Mormon faith.]
Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 2:182-84
When the Constitution of the United States hangs, as it were, upon a single thread, they will have to call for the “Mormon” Elders to save it from utter destruction; and they will step forth and do it.
The “single thread” theme has been pushed by Glen Beck for years. It is a major part of his diatribe. Mittens considers himself the manifestation of the “White Horse” prophesy as written by Joseph Smith himself.
The Mormon “church” has always considered itself the only legitimate religion in the country. The Corporate model, where every member is required to hand over 15% of their income regardless of wealth, has made the cult extremely wealthy and that wealth has enabled them to control whole elective processes in Utah, Idaho, Arizona and California, with various initiatives and propositions. They are Capitalist Fascism defined, it is the whole of the cults belief system. Ayn Rand and Ludwig Von Mises are taught in the Schools in Utah as the primary capitalist model, and the only legitimate economic philosophy. Never mind that Anton LaVey based his entire Church of Satan on Ayn Rand’s books, he said so himself. It just goes to show what the Mormons are really about. Von Mises regularly quoted LaVey in his writings.
Theres a number of very good reasons why Mormons were tarred and feathered and run out of every State in the Union before they founded their own in Utah.
Duplicity and hypocrisy are also featured Mormon traits. To have a rule handed on dowm from the deity himself (abstinence from caffeine)and then buy a company like Pepsi whose primary function is to sell caffeinated drinks is the very definition on Mormonism in action.
I understand that their major oracle is an angel named Moroni. That being the case, shouldn’t they call themselves Morons?
The video was running on a commercial break during a Rmoney interview at an Iowa radio station in 2007…
Mitt Romney in all his batshit crazy glory.
Seems Mitt is a thin-skinned prick.
Also seems that he is running away from the whole Mormon thingy. As I recall, when Kerry ran, the disparity between his Catholicism, his pro-woman positions and the Right-wing positions of the US Catholic Bishops were on full display and were considered appropriate topics for a journalist to explore.
I think we’re seeing the nature of Mitt here and his relationship with the truth, and being willing to be questioned by his constituents – and we’re seeing that he doesn’t regard them with much respect.
I think a President Mitt would put Nixon to shame, in terms of the Imperial Presidency. Scary.
re Deathfrogg you write “Von Mises regularly quoted LaVey in his writings”.
I’d love to see those quotes. Can you provide me with the source? That would be much appreciated.
@ 3
Why am I reminded of Hitlers promised “thousand year reich”?
I fail to see any difference whatsoever, between the Germans in the late 1920s and early 30s, and the Mormon Church and the modern TeaBaggist GOP. The only difference seems to be that instead of blaming the Jews for all of the Countries problems, they have Mexicans and Women and poor working folks.
It’s the Silver Brigades all over again. Our local paper has a letter to the editor that sums up the whole “tea party” attitude quite nicely.
There is reality in this revelation …
The Mormons have a direct contact to Reality though their Prophet … the man they call “President.”.
If Mitt becomes President of the US, one assumes that Mitt and Thomas MOnson, the current Prophet, will work together for all our benefit.
Why wouldn’t President Romney use Reality as his guide? That is what I do!
I am that I am.
Would not the Constitution, in crisis, be hanging upon a single Chad?
And Godwin smirks. I imagine that you see fascism everywhere, and it is what is keeping you out of a job”
After all, there must be somebodyto blame other than yourself. You are, after all, a liberal.
@ 9
I’m going to school full-time shithead. 15 credits and have been now for almost 2 years. I’m not giving that up for another couple of years working in an industry I’ve learned to hate.
I have received several emails from a company in San Diego, pretty much begging me to drop everything (at my own expense of course) and go work for them, for the same wages I was making in 1990. Another company in Burlington has told me that I can work for them, 60 hours at minimum a week, for the same hourly rate I was making in 1990.
I’m 48 years old, and have been told several times that I have “too much experience” or am overqualified. And nobody wants to hire a machinist part-time in any case.
Fuck that. I’m staying in school.
You give him too much credit with your honest, heartfelt answer.
He’s a subsuburban radiologist who probably has lots of bucks, and likely came from comfortable circumstances – most physicians do. He amuses himself with condescending nastiness and preening self-congratulation…don’t give him the time.
One could, in fact, paraphrase his barb and improve is accuracy immeasurably…
Keep digging. The more you look the sicker you will find the latter day snakes are.
Their goal is to chip away at the constitution until it is a thread and then try to take over.
BTW, did you realize mormons are heavily invested as people in the FBI, the CIA, and information tech?
A third of the FBI is mormons. The biggest recruiting center the bureau has is in Salt Lake City. They are disproportionally represented among the pigs in general.
Don’t trust them. Don’t deal with them. Don’t accept them. Sure, there are a huge number of mindless sheep who call themselves mormon. But the core are a bunch of radical anti-American traitors, and the church is a top-down theocracy that makes the islamists look liberal.
Be ready to strike back because they will strike.
If I were religious, I would believe willard romney is the antichrist.
A third of the FBI is mormons. The biggest recruiting center the bureau has is in Salt Lake City. They are disproportionally represented among the pigs in general.
Well, they do get an early start wearing those black suits, white shirts, and nondescript ties.
Deathfrogg showing a lot of hate – yet again…the kind of hate you would expect from a jealous loser.
thats because you are a moron….
you should focus more on trying to fix your fucked up life, rather than blame the mormons or calling them nazis.
conclusion: you are not employable.
The typical dismissive, self-satisfied Conservative response to the wage stagnation/theft that has been engineered by Republicans and that is turning the US into a plutocratic banana republic.
You are truly vile.
Off topic, but why do the HA timestamps reflect daylight savings time?
If my TV box and computer can auto change to standard time, why can’t HA’s software?
Wow, that’s really freaky. I hadn’t heard that one before. It kinda helps explain what this guy’s pushing.
Sorry Mormons, we live in a secular state and don’t need a religious sect to save us.
Why hasn’t that been running everywhere for the last year? That’s crazy talk.
You mean the part about the splitting the Mount of Olives, and the 1000-year rule from Jerusalem and Missouri?
Is it really any crazier than standard Christian dogma concerning the return of Christ?
@Lib Sci and Froggy: A nuance that confirms your “reich” comment and related.
Note the reference to Cleon Skousen by Mitt. Mitt shares his adoration of Skousen with Glenn Beckkk. Skousen was an original Bircher. Glenn Beckkk essentially plagiarizes Skousen and the Birchers in his insane fascist rants.
Mitt Romney is the embodiment of the “merger of state and corporate power”, i.e. fascist.
That this election is even close says very troubling things about our country.
The whole thing.
It’s not just the Mormon…all sorts of crazy-ass religionists see this as exclusively their county, given by god, and if you don’t agree, you’re not welcome here.
Crazy ass shit like this.
Or anytime anyone calls this a “Judeo-Christian” nation, you know the very next thing out of their mouth is a condemnation of someone or group they think don’t belong among us, and their god says so.
Regarding the KJV of the Bible that is so precious to so many Christian faiths, the unerring Word of God, not many people outside the LDS church know that Joeseph Smith was in the process of re-translating it. Apparently God’s Word wasn’t quite unerring enough. So starting with Genesis, Smith had a go at it. Here’s a taste of it here, the Book of Matthew, from the official LDS site,
I think that’s very true.
I think the evolution of the people running the Republican party, from the mundane support of rich white guys in business, last seen with GHWB, through the useful idiot GWB and the merging of overt religiosity and endless war and the primacy of people out to make MORE MONEY, to Romney, who is smart and bloodthirsty and very VERY dangerous, is quite terrifying.
Romney is deliberately a cipher, saying all things to all people…but down deep I am convinced is absolutely anti-democratic and plutocratic, and, as you say, essentially fascist.
It’s no wonder the whole world is afraid of him. I would imagine watching 1920-30s Germany, by her neighbors, was similar.
(Cue bob’s cloying reference to Godwin, in 3…2…1…)
From what? What were his source materials for this ‘retanslation’, and did he have any expertise in any of the relevant languages?
@3 Maybe that explains why Obama will win Iowa. I wouldn’t vote for a candidate who interviewed like that, either.
@28: I’m with Michael @20: Why hasn’t the clip been running on a continuous loop somewhere for the past two years?
It’s disqualifying except for the fringiest of the fringe, imo.
Regardless of the timing of its release, it couldn’t hurt to share it widely.
Time to write the hip hop bible.
Ya, but equating Mormons to Nazi’s is A-Ok with you?
go fuck yourself you piece of shit.
So Piltdown, nice to know that you can’t tell the difference between suspecting a Mormon is a fascist, and asserting all Mormons are Nazis.
Nice straw man you got there, vile old fool
go eat a dick Lib Sci the Clown. You and your unhireable buddy Deathfragg live in the world of progressive hate.
learn how to read you pussy. want to rethink your last post dipshit?
maybe you should go out and hire “Mr. Overexperienced”, who cant seem to turn his 20 years of experience into anything more than a $15 hour job.
nobody wants to hire a douchebag like deathfrogg, who blames everyone but himself for being a financial basketcase.
Joe Biden may be a goofy bastard, but he does have class.
And PD? Yer a fuckin moron. You really do not know jack diddley shit about anything.
I didn’t write that, dipshit.
You got a problem with it, talk to deathfrogg.
You’re an idiot.
I’ll settle it – Republicans are Nazi’s.
How else can you explain their stance on Gay Marriage? Where is the celebration of freedom. No on is asking you to stick your dick in another mans ass. Live your life and let live. Live free or die. With liberty and justice for all.
Republicans are Nazi’s!!!!!!!!!!
I resent that!
@25 I’ve always liked the KJV, with all its errors and flaws, because the translators did a brilliant job of putting the text into English as it was at that time–especially the book of Psalms, in which they managed somehow to preserve the beauty of David’s poetry.
On the other hand, it wasn’t until I became Catholic that it really came home that all the thee’s and thy’s and yea verily’s were all just appects of 16th-century English and had nothing to do with the norms of the ancient languages of the original text, nor with anything that came from St. Jerome’s pen when he put it all in Latin.
So, with that in mind, why in the world would an American in the mid 19th Century translate “ancient” texts into that same 16th-century English? I wouldn’t be surprised if most Americans thought that old English “sounded Biblical” because the KJV was the only Bible they were familiar with. Personally, I can’t imagine an all-powerful, all knowing God instructing His “prophet” to exploit his comtemporaries’ ignorance. On the other hand, this is the sort of crap that every Elmer Gantry has foisted off on the suckers since the dawn of history.
HA! youre the asshole who responded to my response of deathfroggs post…now that you had your ass handed to you because you didnt comprehend what was written, you follow it up with “go talk to him”..
shorter gleeman: hey everyone! look at me! I need some attention too!
YA, thats coming from the guy who says he cant tell the difference between mormons and nazis…lol
In your dreams.
You seem confused, old man. Must be the multiple lines of commentary going on – dementia’s a bitch.
My first reply to you was about deathfrogg’s work situation, and wage stagnation/theft perpetrated by the right. I also said Mitt worried me that down deep he was a fascist.
YOU have been stamping your feet and demanding that I…something…because deathfrogg…or something…you’re not especially coherent, but it seemed you are too timid to go after deathfrogg directly, and are intent on me repudiating your paraphrase of what you think deathfrogg said….
Dodge, and throw out the straw man…you are still somewhat light on your feet, if dimmed in the wit department.
You’re a sorry-ass, nasty, pissed off at the world dickhead who would probably be more at home over at SoundPolitics…remind me of ‘saltherring’ or ‘Ragnar Danneskold’…
Are Mormons Nazis? No more than the other pro-corporatist, anti-democratic, anti-woman, anti-gay, silent-on-war, power-hungry, secretive, ‘Prosperity Gospel’ spewing organized religionist groups that I rail against around here.
Is Willard Romney a Nazi? Unlikely, though a fascistic plutocrat almost certainly.
Now you can go fuck yourself.