[HA Bible Study is on hiatus through the November election as we honor Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney by studying the scriptures of his Mormon religion.]
Book of Mormon, Ether 11:14
And it came to pass that Ethem did execute judgment in wickedness all his days; and he begat Moron. And it came to pass that Moron did reign in his stead; and Moron did that which was wicked before the Lord.
Ether? ETHER?!
Hunter S., RIP.
No wonder these Mormons are batshit crazy.
Prophetic.. Dullard (R-Money) is clearly [a] Moron.
OMG – they prophesized what happened with the 2000 election!!
And certainly what happened after…
Maybe these Mormons are onto something…
Consider this, here on HA, you get to read My words … no tithes, no demands for special clothing, and all at no costs.
Consider My words here as you would those of any NGO (Nonprofit Godly Offering), and ask why so manuy of you choose to pay for what I offer you for free?
Consider then the book of Mormon as a commercial version of My Word. Do you get what you pay for?
Speaking of Mormons…
By The Stranger’s Paul Constant.
Some excerpts:
Read the whole thing – it’s excellent.
Can a party, a political movement, sustain itself when it’s based on the fear and greed of an aging group that is shrinking demographically?
I think this drives the Republicans’ desperation – they need to complete the transition to a post-democratic Neofeudal society before they’re completely swamped at the polls demographically.
I was sitting in the local coffe shop having a cup with another coffee hound. He’s still a practicing Catholic (go figure!), but he put forward an interesting take on Catholicism and the way it behaves. His thought was that the Catholic Church should be practicing the virtues Jesus put forth in the New Testament, not acting like some tyranical ruler from the Old Testament. Catholicism is one controlling mo-fo of a religion, using guilt and shame to keep the rubes in-line. It’s methodology is strictly Old Testament, Wrath of God stuff. Forget about all this “goodness and light” Jesus may or may not have been talking about. It’s about control and domination.
Living in Western Washington, it’s pretty common to have Mormon friends and associates. From what I’ve seen, the Mormons I know are pretty good people, but the tenets of their faith are just a little too far out there for me.
IMHO, any religion is OK so long as it doesn’t crush peoples’ spirits and enslave them in dogma. The Mormons seem to be willing to jump on the dogma bandwagon, which just doesn’t make it with me. I thik a lot of folks just plain think the LDS Church is weird, and they’re not likely to vote for Romney.
Have you thought about doing criticism of The Koran and Islam? Seems to me that area would be a good place to garner a few laughs.
It’s important to note that J. Smith literally pulled the BoM out of a hat — he put the seer stones (Urim and Thummim) on, put his face in a hat, and dictated.
And “it came to pass” the translation that resulted was in, shall we say, “imperfect” King James English suggesting semi-literate plagiarism from a barely literate con man.
There’s a Catholic radio station on the AM dial and once in a while I listen to their bullshit..
I listen to them drone and drone and it’s all just a con to keep the sheep in line. Good thing I walked away from that racket and hardly ever looked back.
Good thing I walked away from that racket and hardly ever looked back.
Me too! Over 40 years ago now! I feel much better – no guilt or shame or any other of that tired Catholic bullshit.
@10, 11
I was once an altar boy. 12 years of Catholic school, four with the Jesuits.
Marvelous education, but fraught with guilt and self-deception and mythology. Glad I escaped, too.
Samuel W. Taylor was a grandson of John Taylor, who was the third president of the LDS church, and he was one of 36 children of John W. Taylor, who was an apostle of the church. I know, because I just checked!
Years ago I chanced upon the book, Nightfall at Nauvoo, by Samuael Taylor. At the time I was going to Seattle’s 4th Ward every Sunday as a 20 year-old. I had been around Mormons earlier when I had spent the summer in Beaver, Utah as a 12 year-old. That was when I learned that my Mom had come from a “Jack Mormon” family, Lutherans in a small, remote, one-church Mormon town in SW Utah.
Anyways, I thought that Nightfall at Nauvoo read a bit like the Godfather, a book I’d read around the same time I came across Taylor’s book. He doesn’t paint a pretty picture.
Here’s an LDS arts and literature site with a post on Taylor. Similar to HA, the comments offer more insight to the LDS faith than does the post.
Here we have a BYU site that has a scathing review of Taylor’s book.
Between these two pages, one can come away with a bit of a feel for the conflicts within the LDS church concerning some “truths” about the church’s early history and what it means to live or not, with these truths.
Knowing the Mormon’s that’s probably a masturbation reference.
What a failing city looks like:
I’ve lost faith, reckoning if Joseph Smith had been a true Prophet of God, the word would have been “Moran”.
No, Goldy only goes after Mormons because Romney is a Republican and a Mormon. Democrat Mormons are not an issue, nor are democrat Koran readers and followers.
I will say this about Mormons over all the other batshit crazy religions, their members do support public schools and don’t push creationism. The whole anti gay crap is a deal breaker for me, but two out of three ain’t bad as these things go.