However, Butterworth said he had to be careful about what he says about Blethen.
“I remember the dog,” he said, referring to a 1996 incident in which Blethen shot a neighbor’s dog with a pellet gun. Blethen later agreed to perform community service and pay vet bills in return for dismissal of misdemeanor animal cruelty charges.
“I’m staying away from him,” Butterworth quipped.
And of course, be sure to check out National Lampoon’s classic magazine cover, which I totally ripped off.
Another TJspews:
Love the graphic. It works without the background info, but knowing what a creep Blethen is (plink a dog with a pellet gun? WTF?) makes it even funnier.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, if Frank Blethen did that today, he’d be prosecuted under the Pasedo Law and become a felon. That would mean he couldn’t vote for candidates who oppose the “death tax.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
I just want all you humans to remember there’s no law against dogs shooting humans with a pellet gun!!! So you better be nice to your neighbor’s dog!!! And there’s no law against rabbits …
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think the Democratic Legislature should triple the “death tax” on newspaper owners just to annoy Frank! He’s funny when he’s annoyed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Besides, Bothell needs the jobs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Just think, no more commuting to downtown for Seattle Times emplyees.
It’s important to remember that many absentee voters have already returned their ballots, so it’s too late for McGavick to pull any chestnuts out of the fire. The election results probably are already locked in. And with Cantwell beating McGavick in all the polls at about 52% to 42%, even a high Republican turnout can’t save his ass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And, of course, many of McGavick’s expensive TV negative ads are being seen by people who have already voted for Cantwell.
Buh-bye, wingnuts. Your days in the sun are oooooover.
Regarding ads:
Has anyone seen the latest one from the RNC? They’re selling the terror hard. Last ditch effort.
Olbermann did a “Special Comment” on his show this evening. Link is here.
Independents are poised to play a pivotal role in next month’s elections because Democrats and Republicans are basically united behind candidates of their own parties. Ninety-five percent of Democrats said they will support Democratic candidates for the House, while slightly fewer Republicans, 88 percent, said they plan to vote for their party’s candidates.
The independent voters surveyed said they plan to support Democratic candidates over Republicans by roughly 2 to 1 — 59 percent to 31 percent — the largest margin in any Post-ABC News poll this year.
Daddy Lovespews:
I love the “terror” ads being run by the Republicans, apparently to remind us that Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri are still at large thanks to their incompetent focus on attacking the wrong country and their cheerleading for that tragic and costly mistake.
Daddy Lovespews:
Now who didn’t think that the example set by the US means something?
“Several governments around the world have tried to rebut criticism of how they handle detainees by claiming they are only following the U.S. example in the war on terror, the U.N. anti-torture chief said Monday.
“Manfred Nowak, the U.N. special investigator on torture, said that when he criticizes governments for their questionable treatment of detainees, they respond by telling him that if the United States does something, it must be all right. He would not name any countries except for Jordan.”
Not that Bush cares as long as he has countries to which he can rendition more innocent prisoners to be tortured.
Mike Webb Sucksspews:
Was anything really said in posts 3-9? Oh… another librul fool making himself look important.
Mike Webb Sucksspews:
From – Look it up moonbats:
“Just Why Democrats Are ‘Dangerous’ When It Comes To America’s Defense
Thomas Sowell, the distinguished Stanford scholar, wrote on this page a week ago that there’s a difference between the major parties: “The Republicans are disappointing and the Democrats are dangerous.” We’d like to take this opportunity to elaborate on his second point.
We and our allies are in a serious global war against fanatical, determined Islamic terrorists who have declared war on America and the free world. Their stated objective is to kill all the Americans they can, eliminate Israel, control and enslave women, and in time overpower and rule with an iron fist nations from Spain to the Far East. They intensely hate our freedom and successful way of life.
While Democrats in Congress always assert they “support our troops,” their political policies and actions have continually undermined our nation’s fight to win the war on terror and defend America. Here is their national security record:
1. On missile defense of America — Democrats voted against it.
2. On the Patriot Act — Democrats voted against it.
3. On tapping foreign terrorists’ phone calls to the U.S. — Democrats voted against it.
4. On tracing terrorists’ money flow between foreign banks — Democrats voted against it.
5. On building a border wall to control illegal immigration and stop dope — dealers, terrorists and criminals — Democrats voted against it.
6. On interrogating captured terrorists — 194 Democrats just voted against it.
7. On telling the world (and our enemy) about a timetable for withdrawing from and deserting Iraq — this is Democrats’ retreat and defeat plan.
Think that’s bad? Here’s the Democrats’ national defense record for the last 40 years:
A. Democrat President Johnson misjudges the Gulf of Tonkin incident, pursues the Vietnam War until a liberal CBS TV announcer thinks we’re losing and says we should quit. So we quit and lose. The victorious communists then kill 2 million innocent civilians.
B. Democrat President Jimmy Carter during the Cold War withdraws U.S. support for our longtime military ally, the Shah of Iran. Carter doesn’t like his human rights treatment of Soviet spies in prison. The shah is overthrown, and Ayatollah Khomeini returns, seizes power and creates an Islamic nation. Opponents are killed, the idea of suicide bombers is introduced to the PLO, and Iran’s oil wealth is used to spawn and support Hezbollah, a terrorist militia that killed 241 Marines in a Beirut bombing and that lately attacked Israel. Iranian radicals storm our embassy, taking 52 American hostages for 444 days. Carter fails in an amateurish attempt to rescue them. Eight military personnel and eight aircraft are lost in a desert foul-up.
Democrat Carter, self-assured and well-meaning but dangerously naive, was responsible for bringing into power an Iranian Islamic regime that’s now creating nuclear weapons to wipe out Israel and blackmail the U.S. and Europe. Iran has further provided weapons and support to Shiite militia and death squads in Iraq and could provide nukes to al-Qaida, with which it has a working relationship.
After the Soviets meet the inexperienced Carter, they invade Afghanistan. Then the communists capture Ethiopia, South Yemen, Angola, Cambodia, Mozambique, Grenada and Nicaragua. The Afghanistan invasion attracts young Osama bin Laden, who raises money and recruits other Muslims to fight the anti-Soviet jihad. After the Soviets leave, this band becomes al-Qaida.
So Carter’s glaring weakness in dealing with the communists and Iran leads directly to both the current terrorist nuclear threat of Iran and the birth of al-Qaida, a group of mass murderers that would never have been possible if the Soviet Union’s Leonid Brezhnev had not been emboldened to invade Afghanistan after seeing an inept, appeasing American president, Carter.
Carter’s ongoing, worldwide damage to America’s future national defense does not end there. In 1994, civilian Carter goes to North Korea and negotiates an agreement that President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright buy into. The North Koreans use our money and help to secretly spend the next six years in researching and building nukes. Deceived again by a worthless piece of paper, Carter becomes America’s Neville Chamberlain.
These Democrat policies and actions were not only incompetent and ineffective in defending the U.S. They also proved to be highly dangerous, creating the greatest threats to America’s future security — a radical Islamic Iran and a North Korea with nukes, either one of which could hand weapons off to al-Qaida killers. And Carter is still out there giving us advice.
Ronald Reagan inherited from Democrat mismanagement a rapidly expanding communist enemy, 12% inflation (highest in 34 years), 21% interest rates (highest since Abe Lincoln was president), a depleted military and a serious energy crisis. Reagan’s motto was “peace through strength,” not peace through retreat, weakness and accommodation.
He kicked communists out of Grenada and defeated them in Nicaragua, Ethiopia and Afghanistan. He supported those fighting against communist regimes. He attacked Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi, who much later surrendered his nuclear weapons program after America’s military captured the tyrant Saddam Hussein hiding in a hole in the ground.
For eight years congressional Democrats ridiculed and fought all of Reagan’s defense and economic policies. They said he was dumb, stupid, too old and a warmonger who was going to start WWIII with the Soviet Union. Democrats were proved wrong on nearly every vital Reagan policy. His tax cuts set off a huge seven-year economic and technological boom, just as George Bush’s broad tax cuts have done, creating millions of new jobs.
In the end, the Reagan-Bush administration defeated the 70-year-old Soviet Union, and communism disintegrated on the ash heap of history under Republican Reagan’s relentless pressure and determination to build a missile defense system to make the Soviet nuclear arsenal obsolete.
The present terrorist threat to our security did not begin on 9/11, but in the early 1990s, after Democrat Clinton was elected in November 1992. In February 1993, terrorists bombed New York’s World Trade Center. In October 1993 two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters were shot down in Somalia. Eighteen Americans were killed and 73 wounded. In response, Clinton withdrew our forces.
In January 1995, Philippines police uncovered a plot to blow up 12 American airliners over the ocean. In June 1996, Khobar Towers, which housed U.S. Air Force personnel in Saudi Arabia, was blown up, killing 19 U.S. servicemen and one Saudi and wounding 372 others.
In February 1998, bin Laden declared “war on America,” saying the murder of any American anywhere on the earth was the “individual duty” of every Muslim. In August 1998, al-Qaida blew up U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 200 and injuring 5,000. In October 2000, 17 U.S. sailors were killed when al-Qaida attacked the USS Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden.
According to Michael Scheuer, a 22-year CIA veteran and head of the agency’s bin Laden unit, the 9/11 Commission report confirms that the Clinton administration had at least 10 chances to get the al-Qaida leader, but Sandy Berger, Richard Clarke or Clinton simply could not make the decision to act. The CIA knew where bin Laden was and the military had plans, but they were almost always called off at the last minute.
So when presented with 10 specific opportunities, Clinton’s Democrat administration never took any action that was effective or produced any positive result. From Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s to the policies and actions they push today, Democrats haven’t been just weak and ineffective in defending against America’s enemies.
This year, two other forces are feverishly working to undermine this election and our war on terror. One force is made up of elite national media based mainly on the East Coast. On several occasions they have given our enemy vital defense secrets. They also disgracefully report and relentlessly repeat only bad news. Such dishonest journalism confuses and deliberately misleads the American public. The TV networks have lost 50% of their audience and still refuse to change their one-sided news coverage.
The other force is represented by terrorists who are desperately attacking as many people as possible in Iraq in the weeks leading up to our election. They believe they can intimidate us like they intimidated Spanish voters in the wake of the Madrid bombings and affect our congressional election in a way that will result in our quick withdrawal from Iraq. But quitters never win.
As difficult and complex as the war has been, America has a very strong economy — with over 95% of our population employed and 70% owning homes — plus freedom, opportunity and a standard of living that other countries can only envy.
We’ve also been protected against further terrorist attacks by a strong, competent and determined president.”
Mike Webb Sucksspews:
Now here is a moonbat in action. This is what you moonbats stand for. We, the neocons on HorsesAss are against this.
What – No scandal after all? Typical moonbats – they never learn!
Mike Webb Sucksspews:
Moonbats if you go back and investigate the 9-11 Commission some of you love to quote:
The Bush Administration received an “A” grade for monitoring the flow of terrorist finances from the 9-11 Commission. Look it up moonbats. So I guess tt’s just a coincidence that The New York Times felt compelled to exposed one working anti-terrorism program?
Moonbats – Funny how that works!
Janet Sspews:
Why should fewer than 250 people provide such a large share of education financing? It sounds like the majority have found a great way to stick it to a very small minority. That’s why republics are a better protector of freedom than democracies.
If you believe education is the most important thing on this earth, then be prepared to pay for it. Support your levies, support your PTA, support your child doing homework at night. And stop confiscating the hard earned money of those who own our local businesses.
For the Cluelessspews:
25 – This society made their wealth possible. It’s only fair that they give back.
Eliminating the estate tax makes the most highly regressive tax structure in the country even MORE regressive.
Fair trade – scale back or elimininate the estate tax in exchange for a income tax. Oh no! We won’t go there..
Another TJspews:
It’s only fair that they give back.
Your point about society making wealth possible is correct, but I disagree with the sentence I quoted. The people receiving the inheritance and paying the tax didn’t create the wealth; they had it given to them. You can’t give back what was never yours.
One could argue that on some level this is just semantics, but I think it’s important to make it abundantly clear that these people are bitching about paying taxes on enormous windfalls accumulated because of the work of others.
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQspews:
Former Vice President Al Gore appeared in Berkeley on Monday to lend his celebrity and reputation as a crusader against global warming to a measure on California’s Nov. 7 ballot that would tax oil companies to raise $4 billion for green energy projects.
His motorcade also included three motorcycles, two limousines and a Dodge Ram 1500 light duty truck.
John Barellispews:
Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 10/24/06@ 7:00 am
Ah, Mr. Sucks. Always happy to read another of your cut-and-paste articles. You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t hit all the points, but I still haven’t found the “answers to stupid Republican articles” cut-and-paste site, so I have to research and write these responses myself, and I actually have some work to do as well.
Still, let me hit a couple of the high points of your article.
“1. On missile defense of America — Democrats voted against it.”
Yes, Democrats voted against an unworkable and unproven system that threatened to suck billions into a missile defense system, in favor of spending money against real threats. (Of course, if Mr. Bush keeps encouraging the North Koreans, we may have to re-think this vote.)
“2. On the Patriot Act — Democrats voted against it.”
Good. Lousy law.
“3. On tapping foreign terrorists’ phone calls to the U.S. — Democrats voted against it.”
No, we voted against doing so in violation of the Constitution and the laws that already permit such wiretapping with judicial oversight. Considering that there was a special court with the sole purpose of issuing warrants for this kind of wiretapping and the Bush administration apparently decided that they simply didn’t want to use it, I have to wonder if “terrorist” for the Bush administration is simply another word for “Democrat”. Certainly you seem to think so.
“4. On tracing terrorists’ money flow between foreign banks — Democrats voted against it.”
Again, no, we simply voted against doing so in violation of various international treaties that the US is party to. In essence, we insist on following both US and international law.
“5. On building a border wall to control illegal immigration and stop dope — dealers, terrorists and criminals — Democrats voted against it.”
Wow. We voted against a wall that would potentially cost billions, would not cover the entire border and could be easily defeated. (There are similar walls in some areas of the border already. Ask the folks down in National City, CA how well theirs is working.)
“6. On interrogating captured terrorists — 194 Democrats just voted against it.”
No, we voted against violating international treaties and common decency (yes, I know that the terrorists are not decent folks, but (supposedly) we are) in using interrogation techniques that many professional interrogators say are simply ineffective. In small words, they don’t work.
“7. On telling the world (and our enemy) about a timetable for withdrawing from and deserting Iraq — this is Democrats’ retreat and defeat plan.”
Even folks in the Bush administration have started privately admitting that Iraq is not an insurgency or “sectarian violence”, but is in the middle of a civil war. Yes, we’d like to know just how long we’re planning on continuing to put our troop in danger to fight a war where even our allies don’t really seem to like us, and our continued presence is the best recruiting tool Al Qaeda has.
Of course, if the Bush administration would actually have some plan that might have even a chance of ending the violence in Iraq, we might be more receptive to the idea of keeping our troops over there for a longer time. Right now, we seem to be pouring money and (far more importantly) lives down an endless rat-hole.
Well Mr. Sucks, it has been fun answering your little cut-and-paste post, but I’ve got a meeting to attend and some work to do. Some of my fellow defeatist commie pinko libruls will have to take on some of your other rather dubious claims.
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQspews:
Oct. 23, 2006 – In April, 1975, in an issue mostly taken up with stories about the collapse of the American-backed government of South Vietnam, NEWSWEEK published a small back-page article about a very different kind of disaster. Citing “ominous signs that the earth’s weather patterns have begun to change dramatically,” the magazine warned of an impending “drastic decline in food production.” Political disruptions stemming from food shortages could affect “just about every nation on earth.” Scientists urged governments to consider emergency action to head off the terrible threat of . . . well, if you had been following the climate-change debates at the time, you’d have known that the threat was: Global COOLING!!!! [……………………………………………………………………………….Classic liberal bull shit. ANYTHING for liberals to acquire power.]
Daddy Lovespews:
20 MWS
Sorry to disapppoint you, but I have been an activist against female genital mulitation for two decades. When did you ever show an interest in it besides in using it as a hammer to bash your betters?
The JCH countdown clock is ticking.
Only 14 more days until the Dems win control of Congress and JCH becomes nothing more than a bad memory on HA.
See ya, Puddle Pirate.
Daddy Lovespews:
23 MWS
No scandal after all? Then I guess you should stop calling the NYT “traitors” for publishing it.
Daddy Lovespews:
19 MWS
“building a border wall to control illegal immigration and stop dope ”
That’s funny one. Build a fence, someone goes and gets a ladder. Build a 200-mile long fence, someone walks 201 miles and goes around it. Why, a fence is surely impregnableit’s the good idea of the century!!
Daddy Lovespews:
Timetable? Bush is talking about a timetable right now. Of course, it’s just for the election, and he refuses to call it a timetable, even though it is.
The reality is that Idiot Boy will never leave Iraq because to do so is to admit that HE made a mistake, wich off course he can never do (right MWS?). So it’s going to be up to the adults to gently but firmly remove Iraq from the Little Boy King’s hands and make sure he doesn’t fuck up anything else. We will.
Whew! Reading the hate filled, fear mongering posts by JCH and MWS, it’s plain to see by any rational thinking adult that the supporters of the extermist right-wing conservatives are deperate in their own knowledge that they are about to lose power.
Between 1995-2000 this Republican led congress issued 1,050 subpeonas to the Clinton White House.
The lesson the Republicans know they are about to learn: Payback is a Mother Fucker.
Daddy Lovespews:
19 MWS
Oh, come on. You know beter than to uncritically past shit like this (or do you?):
“over 95% of our population employed”
It’s “…over 95% of the people currently counted as being part of the workforce are employed, not counting discouraged workers who have dropped out of the workforce, ignoring the underemployed, and not distinguishing between full and part time employment…”
Daddy Lovespews:
25 Janet S
“confiscating the hard earned money of those who own our local businesses.”
Not happening. Not one local business is owned by a dead person.
Daddy Love:
I respect your opinion so let me ask you; is Bush waffling in the War on Terrorism when he said on numerous occasions that we will “stay the course” in Iraq, but now says that’s not what he meant?
Does this make Bush the “IHOP” president?
Daddy Lovespews:
36 GBS
Hell, let’s go for the record!
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQspews:
People in the good state of Missouri need photo identification to cash a check, board a plane or apply for food stamps. But the state Supreme Court has ruled that a photo ID requirement to vote is too great a burden on the elderly and the poor. Go figure.
Public polls consistently show that an overwhelming majority of Americans–regardless of age, race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status–favor voter ID laws. And nearly half of the nation’s states have passed them. Yet a string of recent court decisions has blocked their implementation in some places, thus siding with Democrats and liberal special interest groups who would rather turn a blind eye to voter fraud.
Missouri’s dispute shows what’s at stake and why the laws are under attack. The state passed its new voting requirements in May in response to problems at the polls in 2000 and 2004, and the IDs were made available at no charge. The law was to be implemented over a two-year period, and people who lacked proper identification would be permitted to cast a provisional vote next month.
Despite these good faith efforts to ensure legitimate ballot access, however, opponents charge that photo ID requirements are overly burdensome and tantamount to a poll tax. The Missouri Democratic Party, which challenged the law, said that while the ID itself is free, the underlying documents–such as a birth certificate–required to obtain the necessary identification cost money. And state judges were sympathetic to the argument.
In a 6-1 decision striking down the law as a violation of the state constitution, the Missouri Supreme Court said that requiring the “between 3 and 4 percent of Missourians who lack the requisite photo ID” to obtain one for voting purposes “creates a heavy burden on the fundamental right to vote.” How so? “Specific Missouri voters testified that to acquire the requisite photo ID, at the very least they will have to incur the costs associated with birth certificates, which in Missouri costs $15.”
In his dissenting opinion, Judge Stephen Limbaugh Jr. took issue with the fact that the majority opinion actually played down the existence of vote fraud. “Although the majority agrees that there is some evidence of voter fraud at the voter registration stage, they discount that evidence as if it had no connection with fraud at the polling place,” wrote Judge Limbaugh. “But why else does voter registration fraud occur if not to vote persons fraudulently registered?”
But there’s a reason that Democrat partisans are more interested in raising the specter of Jim Crow than in protecting the integrity of the voting process. And here’s a clue: While the Missouri Supreme Court was preparing its decision earlier this month, the Kansas City Star and St. Louis Post-Dispatch ran front-page stories about the thousands of fraudulent voter registrations submitted by Acorn, a national left-wing group financed in part by organized labor.
According to the Star, Acorn’s voter registration drive generated some 35,000 applications, “but thousands of them appear to be duplicates or contain dubious data.” The report went on to note that “[n]ear the top of the fishy list would be a man named Mark who apparently registered seven times over a three-day period using his mother’s home address and phone number.” Mom told the paper he hadn’t lived there in six years.
Acorn and its affiliates have been among the most active and vocal opponents of voter ID laws in Missouri and nationwide. Now we know why.
That’s funny one. Build a fence, someone goes and gets a ladder. Build a 200-mile long fence, someone walks 201 miles and goes around it. Why, a fence is surely impregnable—it’s the good idea of the century!!
Commentby Daddy Love […….Why not add a few Claymoors and 50 cal machine gun emplacements? After a few thousand dead Mexicans, they will cop a clue.]
Daddy Lovespews:
Majority Leader Boehner (R-OH) says no, the president’s wrong. Tehre’s no “flexibility;” it’s totally one pole or the other …
“Look, you have got one of two options. We can pull out, walk away and watch everything that we’ve worked for and the Iraqis worked for fall apart and watch pure civil war break out, or we can stay the course. . . . As difficult as the problems are on the ground, it is either one of two options.”
Stay the course? Didn’t he get the m mo? Dohh! That was from July. Bet he regrets walking the plank for the administration now.
Daddy Lovespews:
44 Anon
Borrow and spend is so 1994.
Balanced Budgets are the new black.
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQspews:
Harare – Dozens more white farmers were handed eviction notices in Zimbabwe as the government of President Robert Mugabe vowed on Monday to forge ahead with its controversial land reform policy. The seizure of around 4 000 farms since 2000 is seen as a major cause of the economic crisis in the southern African nation, but the farmers’ union said around 10 percent of the 500 remaining farmers had now been told to quit. […………………………Sounds like Detroit!!!]
Daddy Lovespews:
Hry. just a thought, but “cash[ing] a check, board[ing] a plane or apply[ing] for food stamps” are not fundamental constitutional rights. I’m just sayin…
And spinning irregularities in voter registration into election fraud is for the ignorant. Unfortunately, there are some people stupid enough to believe you that people moving, dying, getting divorced, or getting married constitute fraud.
Daddy Lovespews:
45 JCH
“Why not add a few Claymoors and 50 cal machine gun emplacements? ”
Because it won’t get through even a Republican Congress, and would just feed the Democrtic wave. You’d be surprised at how few people share your enthusiasm for genocide.
Another TJspews:
Sorry for the cross-posting, but this thread has already been successfully hijacked. I also posted this in the open thread:
Tricky Joe Lieberman. The video needs to be trimmed a bit, but in two minutes, it shows just how vapid the Vichy Democrats – and Tricky Joe, specifically – really are.
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQspews:
Our Constitution requires voters to be US citizens. A requirement to prove your citizenship is NOT un-Constitutional. [FYI, a birth certificate will provide that proof, along with a picture ID}
However, picture ID’s will make it more difficult for Democtrats to vote multiple times at various locations. Not impossible… just more difficult… That is the only reason why they are vehemently against picture IDs being required to vote.
Tell me more about how the GOP is full of moral folks who trust the system and hope for the rule of law?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The Republicans are paying to have the messages of bin Laden and the others broadcast into your home.”
Incumbent Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell led Republican Mike McGavick by 52-37 percent, increasing her lead from 50-40 percent three weeks before.
Cantwell had the highest favorable rating – 48 percent – of any candidate in the battleground states.
Washington state is hostile to Republicans this year, giving some of the lowest approval ratings to Bush (34 percent) and Congress (22 percent).
Iraq is the top issue, followed by the economy and jobs in a distant second place. Terrorism lags behind in seventh place. Iraq voters support Cantwell by a ratio of 8-1.
The McClatchy-MSNBC Poll is a snapshot of voter opinion at the time it was conducted. It is not a prediction of how people will vote on Election Day.
Its looking worse and worse for the GOP. And they are stuck with their “Stay the Course” campaign. I would have thought that Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, &c. would have come up with something better after all this time than a continuation of the “Fear Itself” campaign.
MWSUCKS at 19 wants to blame Carter for George W. Bush’s foreign policy mistakes.
Of course, its been a quarter-century since Carter was in office. In those 25 years, a Republican has held the Presidency all but eight of those years (Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II).
I guess the author he quotes thinks that Carter should have committed U.S. troops to Iran in order to prop up the Shah? Of course, that would put us in the same position as the Soviets were in when they invaded Afganistan at roughly the same time. After ten years, they withdrew with their tales between their legs, leaving Afganistan in a civil war, with extreme Muslim fundamentalists finally gaining the upper hand. The Soviet mis-adventure there is considered a significant cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The parallels with the American adventure in Iraq are also disturbing. If we had sent U.S. troops to Iran in 1979, then we would still be there now.
In the face of Republican incompetence in the Middle East, blaming their problems on Carter is just lunacy. Carter didn’t put U.S. Marines in Beirut in the middle of a civil war as a “peacekeeping force”, and then instruct the USS Missouri to start lobbing shells at Muslim militias in the hills. Apprantly they expected them to recognize the difference between the Navy and the Marines, and not to attack the Marines? A suicide bomber hitting the Marine barracks in Beirut, killing quite a few, seemed to be a surpise to Reagan and his administration.
And what about trying to arm both Iran and Iraq at the same time, and hoping neither would notice? The idiocy of the “arms for hostages” policy was so obvious, yet they thought that by merely denying they were doing it they could avoid the consequences. It didn’t work. Every time Iran needed arms, they had their people in Lebanon just grab a few more hostages. And remember the picture of Rumsfield grinning ear-to-ear as he shaked hands with his good buddy, Saddam Hussein?
And even George HW Bush’s crowning achievement of his Presidency, the Gulf War I, was almost not attempted at all. He had to be talked into standing up to Saddam Hussein by Margaret Thatcher.
And even before 9/11, George W. Bush made lots of supportive comments to Israeli hard-liners, leading Perez to think that if he caused the collapse of the Camp David Accords (reached with Carter as the mediator) and the Oslo Accords (reached with Clinton as the mediator), then they could push for outright anexation of the west bank. So Perez makes his visit to the Wailing Wall, which was calculated to cause a Palestenian reaction, which he could then ride to victory in the parlimentary election, arguing that he was “tough on security issues”. (Gee, sound familiar?). But the Palestenian uprising was more than they bargained for, and in the end even Perez had to do the unthinkable – abandon the West Bank to the Palestinians, causing the collapse of his political party, a resurgent Hezbollah, and an even more dangerous situation in the MidEast for both Israel and the U.S.
When it comes to National SEcurity, the Republicans are the problem. It takes years, nay DECADES, to undue their mistakes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Not a single thinking person will vote for the GOP sleazebags. All they’ve got left is the eggplants — which includes, of course, our trolls.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Nah. Nothing important was said in #9. You can crawl back under the covers now. Everything will be all right when you wake up on Nov. 8.
Roger Rabbitspews:
MWS is right, in a way. It’s time I said something important. So here it is. MWS, MTR, Janet Sucks, and the rest of you trollfucks have betrayed your country, its Constitution, our ideals and what we stand for, and your fellow citizens. You are all traitors! Shame on you. The only honoroable thing left for you to do is stick your heads in the oven and turn on the gas — hey just kidding! I like Ann Coulter jokes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of dead people, we haven’t seen Mr. Cynical-Idiot for a loooooong time. And Mrs. C-I has been seen in Las Vegas with a younger man spending a lot of money in the casinos. Wonder how big that old fart’s life insurance policy was? Betcha it was a juicy one!!
I’m against photo ID’s. Hell, I’ve got to take the day off work in order to visit every polling station to cast Democratic votes!!
If the Republicans can steal votes with their diebold machines, I’ve got to do my part ot level the playing field.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Thomas Sowell, the distinguished Stanford scholar”
HEE HOO HAW HAR HA HA … who are you kidding?!
1) Sowell is not “distinguished,” he’s a partisan hack — like me.
2) Sowell is not on the Stanford faculty, and never has been.
3) Sowell is not a “scholar,” he’s a staffer at a privately funded think tank known for its extremist conservative views.
In actual fact, Sowell is a “fellow” on the payroll of the Hoover Institution, which was established by Herbert Hoover (of Great Depression fame) to promote the conservative philosophy that nearly sank America in the Great Depression. He has received awards and recognition from other right-wing propaganda organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute.
Given Sowell’s c.v. (“curriculum vitae” or, for you redneck fucks, “resume”), there’s no need to read further in post #19. He’s merely an adman for the GOP’s lies, in the same vein as their paid advertising on behalf of Osama bin Laden.
Naaahhhhhh, we couldn’t possibly be that lucky. The more plausible explanation is that he is hiding with his tail firmly planted between his legs because his testicles, like most conservatives, haven’t descended from their tummy’s yet. Another words, they don’t have the balls to come back and defend their idiotic rhetoric from the past.
From the DSCC:
* Dems Hold Largest Head-to-Head Margin in Two Decades. The ABC/WP survey gives Democrats a 54%-41% lead over Republicans, the highest level of Dem preference in this survey this close to Election Day since 1984. Dems also lead among independents (59%-31%) and men (54%-42). The Cook Political Report survey gives Dems a 57%-35% lead among most likely voters.
* By a 20-Point Margin, Dems are Much More Enthusiastic About Midterms. 69% of Dems call the 2006 midterms more important than other congressional elections in their lifetime, versus just 49% of Republicans. (ABC/WP)
* Dems’ Early Voter Contact Effort Is Paying Off. As many registered voters say, they’ve been contacted on behalf of a Democratic candidate as often as on behalf of a Republican candidate (about two in 10 in both cases). And the Democratic calls seems better targeted: People who’ve been solicited on behalf of a Democratic candidate favor the Democrat in their district by a 45-point margin; people who’ve been contacted on behalf of a Republican prefer the Republican by a narrower 19 points. (ABC/WP)
* Dems Lead On Every Issue. The ABC/Post poll has Dems leading on every issue, including terror (+1), Iraq (+8), North Korea (+7), ethics (+13) and the economy (+9). Almost two-thirds of independents disapprove of Iraq, including a quarter of Republicans. Of the nearly 60% of registered voters who oppose the war in Iraq, more than three quarters say they favor Democrats for Congress. (ABC/WP)
* Bush’s Numbers Sink Again. Bush approval ratings fell another five points this month to 37%, his second-lowest approval rating ever in the ABC/Post poll. Even worse: Nearly twice as many registered voters say they’ll cast their ballot as a way to show opposition to the president (31 percent) as to support him (17 percent). (ABC/WP)
“Why should fewer than 250 people provide such a large share of education financing?” Commentby Janet S— 10/24/06@ 7:47 am
One reason why they should is because they’ve received extremely favorable tax treatment on their accumulated wealth. Much of their capital gains was taxed at less than half the tax rate on wages. But the biggest reason why heirs should be taxes is because they’re receiving free money, which they did nothing to earn or deserve, that’s never been taxed. Upon the benefactor’s death, the heirs receive a “stepped up basis” in the estate and as a result receive money on which no income taxes, capital gains taxes, or other taxes have ever been paid.
Explain to me again how the Republican “incentive” system works, Janet.
1) Wage earners pay the highest tax rates.
2) Wage earners don’t get to deduct their brown-bag lunches or modest cars, while business people take enormous tax write-offs on everything from $500 lunches to private jets and limosine service as “business expenses.”
3) Wage earners work nights and weekends, in dirty and sometimes dangerous conditions, doing physically arduous and mentally demanding work, often being harassed by supervisors every working minute, and often with no health care or other benefits and zero job security — while their bosses do no work, take no financial risks, get huge government subsidies, and live high on the backs of their workers.
Now why in fuck should anyone be a “worker” or do any “work?” Huh? Republicans believe in punishing work, so why shouldn’t everyone aspire to be a fat, lazy, freeloading Republican? You have to be an idiot to work! I don’t work. Not anymore. I figured out how this system works and quit working! I’ll never work again! Why should I? There’s no reward or recognition for working. All it gets you is being treated like shit.
Remember what the old time Democrats used to say:
“We’re Democrats so that someday we can live like Republicans!”
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQspews:
WASHINGTON – More American Muslims are now supporting the Democratic Party but their votes should not be taken for granted, an Islamic civil rights group said on Tuesday. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, released a poll of 1,000 registered Muslim voters in the United States it said showed the community has changed a great deal since supporting Republicans in 2000. [……..Gee what a fucking surprise! Moooooooooooooooslims for Democrats!!! hehe, JCH]
Mr Edspews:
RR @ 59
My dear friend CynnicalIDIOT passes by my stall here in Enumclaw about once a month. He likes to talk about the good old days before the public realized just how immoral the GOP is (and before he had to start wearing depends to help with a slight ‘stretched out’ problem he acquired from Jim West last winter)
25 “Why should fewer than 250 people provide such a large share of education financing? It sounds like the majority have found a great way to stick it to a very small minority. That’s why republics are a better protector of freedom than democracies.”
Freedom for whom, Janet?
So businesses don’t benefit from the people who work for them having received an education?
Bah. I’d like to see all the blue-blooded rich folks go try and live someplace all by themselves and argue about who’s going to get off their pampered ass and haul away the garbage.
Mike Webb Sucksspews:
23 MWS No scandal after all? Then I guess you should stop calling the NYT “traitors” for publishing it. Commentby Daddy Love— 10/24/06@ 9:30 am
Still traitors. What a donk. Now the terrorists know all about how deep and interwoven it is.
Mr. Xspews:
I’ve been away for awhile, but I see that JCH is still a stupid, punkass, racist bitch.
The more things change….
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQspews:
Mr. X, Gee, I missed you, too! [Suck my cock, dipshit!]
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQspews:
Mr. X is back! I guess his welfare and food stamps only lasted so long!!
For those who don’t get the joke, Frank Blethen once shot a dog.
And of course, be sure to check out National Lampoon’s classic magazine cover, which I totally ripped off.
Love the graphic. It works without the background info, but knowing what a creep Blethen is (plink a dog with a pellet gun? WTF?) makes it even funnier.
Hey, if Frank Blethen did that today, he’d be prosecuted under the Pasedo Law and become a felon. That would mean he couldn’t vote for candidates who oppose the “death tax.”
I just want all you humans to remember there’s no law against dogs shooting humans with a pellet gun!!! So you better be nice to your neighbor’s dog!!! And there’s no law against rabbits …
I think the Democratic Legislature should triple the “death tax” on newspaper owners just to annoy Frank! He’s funny when he’s annoyed.
Besides, Bothell needs the jobs.
Just think, no more commuting to downtown for Seattle Times emplyees.
Get your bumper stickers while they last.
“McGavick? He’s the problem, not the solution.”
I see in the latest poll (Oct. 17) Cantwell leads by 10 points, and is over 50%.
That site projects a 50-50 Senate and a 26-seat Democratic majority in the House.
Results of the latest Strategic Vision poll (Oct. 20) are essentially identical.
It’s important to remember that many absentee voters have already returned their ballots, so it’s too late for McGavick to pull any chestnuts out of the fire. The election results probably are already locked in. And with Cantwell beating McGavick in all the polls at about 52% to 42%, even a high Republican turnout can’t save his ass.
And, of course, many of McGavick’s expensive TV negative ads are being seen by people who have already voted for Cantwell.
Buh-bye, wingnuts. Your days in the sun are oooooover.
Regarding ads:
Has anyone seen the latest one from the RNC? They’re selling the terror hard. Last ditch effort.
Olbermann did a “Special Comment” on his show this evening. Link is here.
Welcome Speaker Pelosi:
I love the “terror” ads being run by the Republicans, apparently to remind us that Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri are still at large thanks to their incompetent focus on attacking the wrong country and their cheerleading for that tragic and costly mistake.
Now who didn’t think that the example set by the US means something?
Not that Bush cares as long as he has countries to which he can rendition more innocent prisoners to be tortured.
Was anything really said in posts 3-9? Oh… another librul fool making himself look important.
From – Look it up moonbats:
“Just Why Democrats Are ‘Dangerous’ When It Comes To America’s Defense
Thomas Sowell, the distinguished Stanford scholar, wrote on this page a week ago that there’s a difference between the major parties: “The Republicans are disappointing and the Democrats are dangerous.” We’d like to take this opportunity to elaborate on his second point.
We and our allies are in a serious global war against fanatical, determined Islamic terrorists who have declared war on America and the free world. Their stated objective is to kill all the Americans they can, eliminate Israel, control and enslave women, and in time overpower and rule with an iron fist nations from Spain to the Far East. They intensely hate our freedom and successful way of life.
While Democrats in Congress always assert they “support our troops,” their political policies and actions have continually undermined our nation’s fight to win the war on terror and defend America. Here is their national security record:
1. On missile defense of America — Democrats voted against it.
2. On the Patriot Act — Democrats voted against it.
3. On tapping foreign terrorists’ phone calls to the U.S. — Democrats voted against it.
4. On tracing terrorists’ money flow between foreign banks — Democrats voted against it.
5. On building a border wall to control illegal immigration and stop dope — dealers, terrorists and criminals — Democrats voted against it.
6. On interrogating captured terrorists — 194 Democrats just voted against it.
7. On telling the world (and our enemy) about a timetable for withdrawing from and deserting Iraq — this is Democrats’ retreat and defeat plan.
Think that’s bad? Here’s the Democrats’ national defense record for the last 40 years:
A. Democrat President Johnson misjudges the Gulf of Tonkin incident, pursues the Vietnam War until a liberal CBS TV announcer thinks we’re losing and says we should quit. So we quit and lose. The victorious communists then kill 2 million innocent civilians.
B. Democrat President Jimmy Carter during the Cold War withdraws U.S. support for our longtime military ally, the Shah of Iran. Carter doesn’t like his human rights treatment of Soviet spies in prison. The shah is overthrown, and Ayatollah Khomeini returns, seizes power and creates an Islamic nation. Opponents are killed, the idea of suicide bombers is introduced to the PLO, and Iran’s oil wealth is used to spawn and support Hezbollah, a terrorist militia that killed 241 Marines in a Beirut bombing and that lately attacked Israel. Iranian radicals storm our embassy, taking 52 American hostages for 444 days. Carter fails in an amateurish attempt to rescue them. Eight military personnel and eight aircraft are lost in a desert foul-up.
Democrat Carter, self-assured and well-meaning but dangerously naive, was responsible for bringing into power an Iranian Islamic regime that’s now creating nuclear weapons to wipe out Israel and blackmail the U.S. and Europe. Iran has further provided weapons and support to Shiite militia and death squads in Iraq and could provide nukes to al-Qaida, with which it has a working relationship.
After the Soviets meet the inexperienced Carter, they invade Afghanistan. Then the communists capture Ethiopia, South Yemen, Angola, Cambodia, Mozambique, Grenada and Nicaragua. The Afghanistan invasion attracts young Osama bin Laden, who raises money and recruits other Muslims to fight the anti-Soviet jihad. After the Soviets leave, this band becomes al-Qaida.
So Carter’s glaring weakness in dealing with the communists and Iran leads directly to both the current terrorist nuclear threat of Iran and the birth of al-Qaida, a group of mass murderers that would never have been possible if the Soviet Union’s Leonid Brezhnev had not been emboldened to invade Afghanistan after seeing an inept, appeasing American president, Carter.
Carter’s ongoing, worldwide damage to America’s future national defense does not end there. In 1994, civilian Carter goes to North Korea and negotiates an agreement that President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright buy into. The North Koreans use our money and help to secretly spend the next six years in researching and building nukes. Deceived again by a worthless piece of paper, Carter becomes America’s Neville Chamberlain.
These Democrat policies and actions were not only incompetent and ineffective in defending the U.S. They also proved to be highly dangerous, creating the greatest threats to America’s future security — a radical Islamic Iran and a North Korea with nukes, either one of which could hand weapons off to al-Qaida killers. And Carter is still out there giving us advice.
Ronald Reagan inherited from Democrat mismanagement a rapidly expanding communist enemy, 12% inflation (highest in 34 years), 21% interest rates (highest since Abe Lincoln was president), a depleted military and a serious energy crisis. Reagan’s motto was “peace through strength,” not peace through retreat, weakness and accommodation.
He kicked communists out of Grenada and defeated them in Nicaragua, Ethiopia and Afghanistan. He supported those fighting against communist regimes. He attacked Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi, who much later surrendered his nuclear weapons program after America’s military captured the tyrant Saddam Hussein hiding in a hole in the ground.
For eight years congressional Democrats ridiculed and fought all of Reagan’s defense and economic policies. They said he was dumb, stupid, too old and a warmonger who was going to start WWIII with the Soviet Union. Democrats were proved wrong on nearly every vital Reagan policy. His tax cuts set off a huge seven-year economic and technological boom, just as George Bush’s broad tax cuts have done, creating millions of new jobs.
In the end, the Reagan-Bush administration defeated the 70-year-old Soviet Union, and communism disintegrated on the ash heap of history under Republican Reagan’s relentless pressure and determination to build a missile defense system to make the Soviet nuclear arsenal obsolete.
The present terrorist threat to our security did not begin on 9/11, but in the early 1990s, after Democrat Clinton was elected in November 1992. In February 1993, terrorists bombed New York’s World Trade Center. In October 1993 two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters were shot down in Somalia. Eighteen Americans were killed and 73 wounded. In response, Clinton withdrew our forces.
In January 1995, Philippines police uncovered a plot to blow up 12 American airliners over the ocean. In June 1996, Khobar Towers, which housed U.S. Air Force personnel in Saudi Arabia, was blown up, killing 19 U.S. servicemen and one Saudi and wounding 372 others.
In February 1998, bin Laden declared “war on America,” saying the murder of any American anywhere on the earth was the “individual duty” of every Muslim. In August 1998, al-Qaida blew up U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 200 and injuring 5,000. In October 2000, 17 U.S. sailors were killed when al-Qaida attacked the USS Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden.
According to Michael Scheuer, a 22-year CIA veteran and head of the agency’s bin Laden unit, the 9/11 Commission report confirms that the Clinton administration had at least 10 chances to get the al-Qaida leader, but Sandy Berger, Richard Clarke or Clinton simply could not make the decision to act. The CIA knew where bin Laden was and the military had plans, but they were almost always called off at the last minute.
So when presented with 10 specific opportunities, Clinton’s Democrat administration never took any action that was effective or produced any positive result. From Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s to the policies and actions they push today, Democrats haven’t been just weak and ineffective in defending against America’s enemies.
This year, two other forces are feverishly working to undermine this election and our war on terror. One force is made up of elite national media based mainly on the East Coast. On several occasions they have given our enemy vital defense secrets. They also disgracefully report and relentlessly repeat only bad news. Such dishonest journalism confuses and deliberately misleads the American public. The TV networks have lost 50% of their audience and still refuse to change their one-sided news coverage.
The other force is represented by terrorists who are desperately attacking as many people as possible in Iraq in the weeks leading up to our election. They believe they can intimidate us like they intimidated Spanish voters in the wake of the Madrid bombings and affect our congressional election in a way that will result in our quick withdrawal from Iraq. But quitters never win.
As difficult and complex as the war has been, America has a very strong economy — with over 95% of our population employed and 70% owning homes — plus freedom, opportunity and a standard of living that other countries can only envy.
We’ve also been protected against further terrorist attacks by a strong, competent and determined president.”
Now here is a moonbat in action. This is what you moonbats stand for. We, the neocons on HorsesAss are against this.
Hey Darcy, this is what you stand for.
This is what your supported policies mean Darcy.
This is what we will see in the future with Darcy’s agreement, no RUBBERSTAMP of Pelosi Appeasement.
Makes you wonder right Darcy?
You and Daddy Love are the appeasers of HorsesAss!
Clueless – This is the future of America. You stand for it with your love of moonbats.
“A father stands accused of the unthinkable: brutally cutting his daughter’s genitals.”
Hey Darcy: This is what you get when you support John Murtha and Nancy Pelosi.
If the BBC can admit it why won’t ABC, NBC, SEE BS, CNN admit it?
We are biased, admit the stars of BBC News
What – No scandal after all? Typical moonbats – they never learn!
Moonbats if you go back and investigate the 9-11 Commission some of you love to quote:
The Bush Administration received an “A” grade for monitoring the flow of terrorist finances from the 9-11 Commission. Look it up moonbats. So I guess tt’s just a coincidence that The New York Times felt compelled to exposed one working anti-terrorism program?
Moonbats – Funny how that works!
Why should fewer than 250 people provide such a large share of education financing? It sounds like the majority have found a great way to stick it to a very small minority. That’s why republics are a better protector of freedom than democracies.
If you believe education is the most important thing on this earth, then be prepared to pay for it. Support your levies, support your PTA, support your child doing homework at night. And stop confiscating the hard earned money of those who own our local businesses.
25 – This society made their wealth possible. It’s only fair that they give back.
Eliminating the estate tax makes the most highly regressive tax structure in the country even MORE regressive.
Fair trade – scale back or elimininate the estate tax in exchange for a income tax. Oh no! We won’t go there..
It’s only fair that they give back.
Your point about society making wealth possible is correct, but I disagree with the sentence I quoted. The people receiving the inheritance and paying the tax didn’t create the wealth; they had it given to them. You can’t give back what was never yours.
One could argue that on some level this is just semantics, but I think it’s important to make it abundantly clear that these people are bitching about paying taxes on enormous windfalls accumulated because of the work of others.
Former Vice President Al Gore appeared in Berkeley on Monday to lend his celebrity and reputation as a crusader against global warming to a measure on California’s Nov. 7 ballot that would tax oil companies to raise $4 billion for green energy projects.
His motorcade also included three motorcycles, two limousines and a Dodge Ram 1500 light duty truck.
Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 10/24/06@ 7:00 am
Ah, Mr. Sucks. Always happy to read another of your cut-and-paste articles. You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t hit all the points, but I still haven’t found the “answers to stupid Republican articles” cut-and-paste site, so I have to research and write these responses myself, and I actually have some work to do as well.
Still, let me hit a couple of the high points of your article.
“1. On missile defense of America — Democrats voted against it.”
Yes, Democrats voted against an unworkable and unproven system that threatened to suck billions into a missile defense system, in favor of spending money against real threats. (Of course, if Mr. Bush keeps encouraging the North Koreans, we may have to re-think this vote.)
“2. On the Patriot Act — Democrats voted against it.”
Good. Lousy law.
“3. On tapping foreign terrorists’ phone calls to the U.S. — Democrats voted against it.”
No, we voted against doing so in violation of the Constitution and the laws that already permit such wiretapping with judicial oversight. Considering that there was a special court with the sole purpose of issuing warrants for this kind of wiretapping and the Bush administration apparently decided that they simply didn’t want to use it, I have to wonder if “terrorist” for the Bush administration is simply another word for “Democrat”. Certainly you seem to think so.
“4. On tracing terrorists’ money flow between foreign banks — Democrats voted against it.”
Again, no, we simply voted against doing so in violation of various international treaties that the US is party to. In essence, we insist on following both US and international law.
“5. On building a border wall to control illegal immigration and stop dope — dealers, terrorists and criminals — Democrats voted against it.”
Wow. We voted against a wall that would potentially cost billions, would not cover the entire border and could be easily defeated. (There are similar walls in some areas of the border already. Ask the folks down in National City, CA how well theirs is working.)
“6. On interrogating captured terrorists — 194 Democrats just voted against it.”
No, we voted against violating international treaties and common decency (yes, I know that the terrorists are not decent folks, but (supposedly) we are) in using interrogation techniques that many professional interrogators say are simply ineffective. In small words, they don’t work.
“7. On telling the world (and our enemy) about a timetable for withdrawing from and deserting Iraq — this is Democrats’ retreat and defeat plan.”
Even folks in the Bush administration have started privately admitting that Iraq is not an insurgency or “sectarian violence”, but is in the middle of a civil war. Yes, we’d like to know just how long we’re planning on continuing to put our troop in danger to fight a war where even our allies don’t really seem to like us, and our continued presence is the best recruiting tool Al Qaeda has.
Of course, if the Bush administration would actually have some plan that might have even a chance of ending the violence in Iraq, we might be more receptive to the idea of keeping our troops over there for a longer time. Right now, we seem to be pouring money and (far more importantly) lives down an endless rat-hole.
Well Mr. Sucks, it has been fun answering your little cut-and-paste post, but I’ve got a meeting to attend and some work to do. Some of my fellow defeatist commie pinko libruls will have to take on some of your other rather dubious claims.
Oct. 23, 2006 – In April, 1975, in an issue mostly taken up with stories about the collapse of the American-backed government of South Vietnam, NEWSWEEK published a small back-page article about a very different kind of disaster. Citing “ominous signs that the earth’s weather patterns have begun to change dramatically,” the magazine warned of an impending “drastic decline in food production.” Political disruptions stemming from food shortages could affect “just about every nation on earth.” Scientists urged governments to consider emergency action to head off the terrible threat of . . . well, if you had been following the climate-change debates at the time, you’d have known that the threat was: Global COOLING!!!! [……………………………………………………………………………….Classic liberal bull shit. ANYTHING for liberals to acquire power.]
20 MWS
Sorry to disapppoint you, but I have been an activist against female genital mulitation for two decades. When did you ever show an interest in it besides in using it as a hammer to bash your betters?
The JCH countdown clock is ticking.
Only 14 more days until the Dems win control of Congress and JCH becomes nothing more than a bad memory on HA.
See ya, Puddle Pirate.
23 MWS
No scandal after all? Then I guess you should stop calling the NYT “traitors” for publishing it.
19 MWS
“building a border wall to control illegal immigration and stop dope ”
That’s funny one. Build a fence, someone goes and gets a ladder. Build a 200-mile long fence, someone walks 201 miles and goes around it. Why, a fence is surely impregnableit’s the good idea of the century!!
Timetable? Bush is talking about a timetable right now. Of course, it’s just for the election, and he refuses to call it a timetable, even though it is.
The reality is that Idiot Boy will never leave Iraq because to do so is to admit that HE made a mistake, wich off course he can never do (right MWS?). So it’s going to be up to the adults to gently but firmly remove Iraq from the Little Boy King’s hands and make sure he doesn’t fuck up anything else. We will.
Whew! Reading the hate filled, fear mongering posts by JCH and MWS, it’s plain to see by any rational thinking adult that the supporters of the extermist right-wing conservatives are deperate in their own knowledge that they are about to lose power.
Between 1995-2000 this Republican led congress issued 1,050 subpeonas to the Clinton White House.
The lesson the Republicans know they are about to learn: Payback is a Mother Fucker.
19 MWS
Oh, come on. You know beter than to uncritically past shit like this (or do you?):
“over 95% of our population employed”
It’s “…over 95% of the people currently counted as being part of the workforce are employed, not counting discouraged workers who have dropped out of the workforce, ignoring the underemployed, and not distinguishing between full and part time employment…”
25 Janet S
“confiscating the hard earned money of those who own our local businesses.”
Not happening. Not one local business is owned by a dead person.
Daddy Love:
I respect your opinion so let me ask you; is Bush waffling in the War on Terrorism when he said on numerous occasions that we will “stay the course” in Iraq, but now says that’s not what he meant?
Does this make Bush the “IHOP” president?
36 GBS
Hell, let’s go for the record!
People in the good state of Missouri need photo identification to cash a check, board a plane or apply for food stamps. But the state Supreme Court has ruled that a photo ID requirement to vote is too great a burden on the elderly and the poor. Go figure.
Public polls consistently show that an overwhelming majority of Americans–regardless of age, race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status–favor voter ID laws. And nearly half of the nation’s states have passed them. Yet a string of recent court decisions has blocked their implementation in some places, thus siding with Democrats and liberal special interest groups who would rather turn a blind eye to voter fraud.
Missouri’s dispute shows what’s at stake and why the laws are under attack. The state passed its new voting requirements in May in response to problems at the polls in 2000 and 2004, and the IDs were made available at no charge. The law was to be implemented over a two-year period, and people who lacked proper identification would be permitted to cast a provisional vote next month.
Despite these good faith efforts to ensure legitimate ballot access, however, opponents charge that photo ID requirements are overly burdensome and tantamount to a poll tax. The Missouri Democratic Party, which challenged the law, said that while the ID itself is free, the underlying documents–such as a birth certificate–required to obtain the necessary identification cost money. And state judges were sympathetic to the argument.
In a 6-1 decision striking down the law as a violation of the state constitution, the Missouri Supreme Court said that requiring the “between 3 and 4 percent of Missourians who lack the requisite photo ID” to obtain one for voting purposes “creates a heavy burden on the fundamental right to vote.” How so? “Specific Missouri voters testified that to acquire the requisite photo ID, at the very least they will have to incur the costs associated with birth certificates, which in Missouri costs $15.”
In his dissenting opinion, Judge Stephen Limbaugh Jr. took issue with the fact that the majority opinion actually played down the existence of vote fraud. “Although the majority agrees that there is some evidence of voter fraud at the voter registration stage, they discount that evidence as if it had no connection with fraud at the polling place,” wrote Judge Limbaugh. “But why else does voter registration fraud occur if not to vote persons fraudulently registered?”
But there’s a reason that Democrat partisans are more interested in raising the specter of Jim Crow than in protecting the integrity of the voting process. And here’s a clue: While the Missouri Supreme Court was preparing its decision earlier this month, the Kansas City Star and St. Louis Post-Dispatch ran front-page stories about the thousands of fraudulent voter registrations submitted by Acorn, a national left-wing group financed in part by organized labor.
According to the Star, Acorn’s voter registration drive generated some 35,000 applications, “but thousands of them appear to be duplicates or contain dubious data.” The report went on to note that “[n]ear the top of the fishy list would be a man named Mark who apparently registered seven times over a three-day period using his mother’s home address and phone number.” Mom told the paper he hadn’t lived there in six years.
Acorn and its affiliates have been among the most active and vocal opponents of voter ID laws in Missouri and nationwide. Now we know why.
That’s funny!
watch the ad, tax whores.
That’s funny one. Build a fence, someone goes and gets a ladder. Build a 200-mile long fence, someone walks 201 miles and goes around it. Why, a fence is surely impregnable—it’s the good idea of the century!!
Commentby Daddy Love […….Why not add a few Claymoors and 50 cal machine gun emplacements? After a few thousand dead Mexicans, they will cop a clue.]
Majority Leader Boehner (R-OH) says no, the president’s wrong. Tehre’s no “flexibility;” it’s totally one pole or the other …
“Look, you have got one of two options. We can pull out, walk away and watch everything that we’ve worked for and the Iraqis worked for fall apart and watch pure civil war break out, or we can stay the course. . . . As difficult as the problems are on the ground, it is either one of two options.”
Stay the course? Didn’t he get the m mo? Dohh! That was from July. Bet he regrets walking the plank for the administration now.
44 Anon
Borrow and spend is so 1994.
Balanced Budgets are the new black.
Harare – Dozens more white farmers were handed eviction notices in Zimbabwe as the government of President Robert Mugabe vowed on Monday to forge ahead with its controversial land reform policy. The seizure of around 4 000 farms since 2000 is seen as a major cause of the economic crisis in the southern African nation, but the farmers’ union said around 10 percent of the 500 remaining farmers had now been told to quit. […………………………Sounds like Detroit!!!]
Hry. just a thought, but “cash[ing] a check, board[ing] a plane or apply[ing] for food stamps” are not fundamental constitutional rights. I’m just sayin…
And spinning irregularities in voter registration into election fraud is for the ignorant. Unfortunately, there are some people stupid enough to believe you that people moving, dying, getting divorced, or getting married constitute fraud.
45 JCH
“Why not add a few Claymoors and 50 cal machine gun emplacements? ”
Because it won’t get through even a Republican Congress, and would just feed the Democrtic wave. You’d be surprised at how few people share your enthusiasm for genocide.
Sorry for the cross-posting, but this thread has already been successfully hijacked. I also posted this in the open thread:
Tricky Joe Lieberman. The video needs to be trimmed a bit, but in two minutes, it shows just how vapid the Vichy Democrats – and Tricky Joe, specifically – really are.
Our Constitution requires voters to be US citizens. A requirement to prove your citizenship is NOT un-Constitutional. [FYI, a birth certificate will provide that proof, along with a picture ID}
However, picture ID’s will make it more difficult for Democtrats to vote multiple times at various locations. Not impossible… just more difficult… That is the only reason why they are vehemently against picture IDs being required to vote.
Tell me more about how the GOP is full of moral folks who trust the system and hope for the rule of law?
“The Republicans are paying to have the messages of bin Laden and the others broadcast into your home.”
Incumbent Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell led Republican Mike McGavick by 52-37 percent, increasing her lead from 50-40 percent three weeks before.
Cantwell had the highest favorable rating – 48 percent – of any candidate in the battleground states.
Washington state is hostile to Republicans this year, giving some of the lowest approval ratings to Bush (34 percent) and Congress (22 percent).
Iraq is the top issue, followed by the economy and jobs in a distant second place. Terrorism lags behind in seventh place. Iraq voters support Cantwell by a ratio of 8-1.
The McClatchy-MSNBC Poll is a snapshot of voter opinion at the time it was conducted. It is not a prediction of how people will vote on Election Day.
Its looking worse and worse for the GOP. And they are stuck with their “Stay the Course” campaign. I would have thought that Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, &c. would have come up with something better after all this time than a continuation of the “Fear Itself” campaign.
MWSUCKS at 19 wants to blame Carter for George W. Bush’s foreign policy mistakes.
Of course, its been a quarter-century since Carter was in office. In those 25 years, a Republican has held the Presidency all but eight of those years (Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II).
I guess the author he quotes thinks that Carter should have committed U.S. troops to Iran in order to prop up the Shah? Of course, that would put us in the same position as the Soviets were in when they invaded Afganistan at roughly the same time. After ten years, they withdrew with their tales between their legs, leaving Afganistan in a civil war, with extreme Muslim fundamentalists finally gaining the upper hand. The Soviet mis-adventure there is considered a significant cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The parallels with the American adventure in Iraq are also disturbing. If we had sent U.S. troops to Iran in 1979, then we would still be there now.
In the face of Republican incompetence in the Middle East, blaming their problems on Carter is just lunacy. Carter didn’t put U.S. Marines in Beirut in the middle of a civil war as a “peacekeeping force”, and then instruct the USS Missouri to start lobbing shells at Muslim militias in the hills. Apprantly they expected them to recognize the difference between the Navy and the Marines, and not to attack the Marines? A suicide bomber hitting the Marine barracks in Beirut, killing quite a few, seemed to be a surpise to Reagan and his administration.
And what about trying to arm both Iran and Iraq at the same time, and hoping neither would notice? The idiocy of the “arms for hostages” policy was so obvious, yet they thought that by merely denying they were doing it they could avoid the consequences. It didn’t work. Every time Iran needed arms, they had their people in Lebanon just grab a few more hostages. And remember the picture of Rumsfield grinning ear-to-ear as he shaked hands with his good buddy, Saddam Hussein?
And even George HW Bush’s crowning achievement of his Presidency, the Gulf War I, was almost not attempted at all. He had to be talked into standing up to Saddam Hussein by Margaret Thatcher.
And even before 9/11, George W. Bush made lots of supportive comments to Israeli hard-liners, leading Perez to think that if he caused the collapse of the Camp David Accords (reached with Carter as the mediator) and the Oslo Accords (reached with Clinton as the mediator), then they could push for outright anexation of the west bank. So Perez makes his visit to the Wailing Wall, which was calculated to cause a Palestenian reaction, which he could then ride to victory in the parlimentary election, arguing that he was “tough on security issues”. (Gee, sound familiar?). But the Palestenian uprising was more than they bargained for, and in the end even Perez had to do the unthinkable – abandon the West Bank to the Palestinians, causing the collapse of his political party, a resurgent Hezbollah, and an even more dangerous situation in the MidEast for both Israel and the U.S.
When it comes to National SEcurity, the Republicans are the problem. It takes years, nay DECADES, to undue their mistakes.
Not a single thinking person will vote for the GOP sleazebags. All they’ve got left is the eggplants — which includes, of course, our trolls.
Nah. Nothing important was said in #9. You can crawl back under the covers now. Everything will be all right when you wake up on Nov. 8.
MWS is right, in a way. It’s time I said something important. So here it is. MWS, MTR, Janet Sucks, and the rest of you trollfucks have betrayed your country, its Constitution, our ideals and what we stand for, and your fellow citizens. You are all traitors! Shame on you. The only honoroable thing left for you to do is stick your heads in the oven and turn on the gas — hey just kidding! I like Ann Coulter jokes.
Speaking of dead people, we haven’t seen Mr. Cynical-Idiot for a loooooong time. And Mrs. C-I has been seen in Las Vegas with a younger man spending a lot of money in the casinos. Wonder how big that old fart’s life insurance policy was? Betcha it was a juicy one!!
I’m against photo ID’s. Hell, I’ve got to take the day off work in order to visit every polling station to cast Democratic votes!!
If the Republicans can steal votes with their diebold machines, I’ve got to do my part ot level the playing field.
“Thomas Sowell, the distinguished Stanford scholar”
HEE HOO HAW HAR HA HA … who are you kidding?!
1) Sowell is not “distinguished,” he’s a partisan hack — like me.
2) Sowell is not on the Stanford faculty, and never has been.
3) Sowell is not a “scholar,” he’s a staffer at a privately funded think tank known for its extremist conservative views.
In actual fact, Sowell is a “fellow” on the payroll of the Hoover Institution, which was established by Herbert Hoover (of Great Depression fame) to promote the conservative philosophy that nearly sank America in the Great Depression. He has received awards and recognition from other right-wing propaganda organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute.
Given Sowell’s c.v. (“curriculum vitae” or, for you redneck fucks, “resume”), there’s no need to read further in post #19. He’s merely an adman for the GOP’s lies, in the same vein as their paid advertising on behalf of Osama bin Laden.
RR @ 59:
Naaahhhhhh, we couldn’t possibly be that lucky. The more plausible explanation is that he is hiding with his tail firmly planted between his legs because his testicles, like most conservatives, haven’t descended from their tummy’s yet. Another words, they don’t have the balls to come back and defend their idiotic rhetoric from the past.
From the DSCC:
* Dems Hold Largest Head-to-Head Margin in Two Decades. The ABC/WP survey gives Democrats a 54%-41% lead over Republicans, the highest level of Dem preference in this survey this close to Election Day since 1984. Dems also lead among independents (59%-31%) and men (54%-42). The Cook Political Report survey gives Dems a 57%-35% lead among most likely voters.
* By a 20-Point Margin, Dems are Much More Enthusiastic About Midterms. 69% of Dems call the 2006 midterms more important than other congressional elections in their lifetime, versus just 49% of Republicans. (ABC/WP)
* Dems’ Early Voter Contact Effort Is Paying Off. As many registered voters say, they’ve been contacted on behalf of a Democratic candidate as often as on behalf of a Republican candidate (about two in 10 in both cases). And the Democratic calls seems better targeted: People who’ve been solicited on behalf of a Democratic candidate favor the Democrat in their district by a 45-point margin; people who’ve been contacted on behalf of a Republican prefer the Republican by a narrower 19 points. (ABC/WP)
* Dems Lead On Every Issue. The ABC/Post poll has Dems leading on every issue, including terror (+1), Iraq (+8), North Korea (+7), ethics (+13) and the economy (+9). Almost two-thirds of independents disapprove of Iraq, including a quarter of Republicans. Of the nearly 60% of registered voters who oppose the war in Iraq, more than three quarters say they favor Democrats for Congress. (ABC/WP)
* Bush’s Numbers Sink Again. Bush approval ratings fell another five points this month to 37%, his second-lowest approval rating ever in the ABC/Post poll. Even worse: Nearly twice as many registered voters say they’ll cast their ballot as a way to show opposition to the president (31 percent) as to support him (17 percent). (ABC/WP)
“Why should fewer than 250 people provide such a large share of education financing?” Commentby Janet S— 10/24/06@ 7:47 am
One reason why they should is because they’ve received extremely favorable tax treatment on their accumulated wealth. Much of their capital gains was taxed at less than half the tax rate on wages. But the biggest reason why heirs should be taxes is because they’re receiving free money, which they did nothing to earn or deserve, that’s never been taxed. Upon the benefactor’s death, the heirs receive a “stepped up basis” in the estate and as a result receive money on which no income taxes, capital gains taxes, or other taxes have ever been paid.
Explain to me again how the Republican “incentive” system works, Janet.
1) Wage earners pay the highest tax rates.
2) Wage earners don’t get to deduct their brown-bag lunches or modest cars, while business people take enormous tax write-offs on everything from $500 lunches to private jets and limosine service as “business expenses.”
3) Wage earners work nights and weekends, in dirty and sometimes dangerous conditions, doing physically arduous and mentally demanding work, often being harassed by supervisors every working minute, and often with no health care or other benefits and zero job security — while their bosses do no work, take no financial risks, get huge government subsidies, and live high on the backs of their workers.
Now why in fuck should anyone be a “worker” or do any “work?” Huh? Republicans believe in punishing work, so why shouldn’t everyone aspire to be a fat, lazy, freeloading Republican? You have to be an idiot to work! I don’t work. Not anymore. I figured out how this system works and quit working! I’ll never work again! Why should I? There’s no reward or recognition for working. All it gets you is being treated like shit.
Remember what the old time Democrats used to say:
“We’re Democrats so that someday we can live like Republicans!”
WASHINGTON – More American Muslims are now supporting the Democratic Party but their votes should not be taken for granted, an Islamic civil rights group said on Tuesday. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, released a poll of 1,000 registered Muslim voters in the United States it said showed the community has changed a great deal since supporting Republicans in 2000. [……..Gee what a fucking surprise! Moooooooooooooooslims for Democrats!!! hehe, JCH]
RR @ 59
My dear friend CynnicalIDIOT passes by my stall here in Enumclaw about once a month. He likes to talk about the good old days before the public realized just how immoral the GOP is (and before he had to start wearing depends to help with a slight ‘stretched out’ problem he acquired from Jim West last winter)
25 “Why should fewer than 250 people provide such a large share of education financing? It sounds like the majority have found a great way to stick it to a very small minority. That’s why republics are a better protector of freedom than democracies.”
Freedom for whom, Janet?
So businesses don’t benefit from the people who work for them having received an education?
Bah. I’d like to see all the blue-blooded rich folks go try and live someplace all by themselves and argue about who’s going to get off their pampered ass and haul away the garbage.
23 MWS No scandal after all? Then I guess you should stop calling the NYT “traitors” for publishing it. Commentby Daddy Love— 10/24/06@ 9:30 am
Still traitors. What a donk. Now the terrorists know all about how deep and interwoven it is.
I’ve been away for awhile, but I see that JCH is still a stupid, punkass, racist bitch.
The more things change….
Mr. X, Gee, I missed you, too! [Suck my cock, dipshit!]
Mr. X is back! I guess his welfare and food stamps only lasted so long!!
I thought Mr X was one of those UW types.