Romans 13:6-7
This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
If shit, then shit.
The only things hillbillies are authorities on are Okie Noodlin’, light beer, meth lab trailer conversions, and the special, one-of-a-kind bond between a man and his horse.
“the special, one-of-a-kind bond between a man and his horse”
Usually it’s goats, but in a pinch, wingnuts will also fuck horses, mules, dogs, watermelons, washing machines and chickens.
“Neal Horsley, The Mule-loving Republican Candidate, Said He Would Kill His Own Son For Liberty And To Secede From The Union”
@3 Steve you must not have heard. There is some lady out there and she’s really bad, so bad she’s been named Crooked Hillary. I heatd it from Tweety Bird Boob and some other Ape. #CrookedHillary
A Republican is someone who has no honor, respects nothing, and pockets everything.
Also fits liberal progressive Democrat.
@5 The British have said for centuries this is true of Irish Republicans.
The troubling relationship between Pax Romana and Christianity. Without Rome there would be no Christian church. At best it would just be another cult or sect in the middle east. The druids were a contender, but the Norwegians had a fun religion that could have hit it big, if only a couple of Kings in Britain had not converted to Christianity. If not for those meddling Roman Roads.
@6 Wingers lie about everything else, so why not lie about that, too?
I haven’t visited here in a while. Looks like the same old crap.
@7 Of course, no one expects an ignoramus like you to know the British colonized, persecuted, and exploited the Irish, not the other way around.
@10 By “same old crap” I assume you mean the highbrow erudition that has always been the distinguishing hallmark of reasoned discourse in HA’s comment threads …
I see that low self esteem is not a problem for you.
Is it difficult for you to think of anyone but yourself and your own delusions of grandeur?
Your spouse must be a real doormat.
@13 I wasn’t talking about myself @12, jackass. HA is a saloon brawl between willing participants. Whatever we’re drunk on, it’s not power or self-worship. Any dolt can see that. We’re just having some good clean fun. If you have a problem with this, why are you still here? Are you being kept here against your will? Should I call 911?