Revelation 9:7-10
The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. They had what looked like gold crowns on their heads, and their faces looked like human faces. They had hair like women’s hair and teeth like the teeth of a lion. They wore armor made of iron, and their wings roared like an army of chariots rushing into battle. They had tails that stung like scorpions, and for five months they had the power to torment people.
Things have gotten so desperate even Ross Douthat is campaigning for Clinton.
Sounds like somebodies wife picked a few Cabenzi mushrooms for the gumbo that night.
Not bad.
I can’t comment. The pope has ordered us trolls to shut up.
Freedom of speech has always been a thorn in the side of religion. Giordano Bruno learned that lesson the hard way. Oh, how those popes must miss the old days.
Nothing there a few AR-15s and RPGs can’t take care of.
Locusts sound like a bunch of wise guy Republicans, and I don’t mean wise as in smart. Eventually time catches up with all the wise guys and they get their due.
As fierce as the locust thought they might be…..they only tormented for 5 months? What happen? Did their bullshit catch up to them and turn full circle? They bite themselves in the ass?
Fucking morons! Brainless fucking morons!
KISS tour 1972? Or any heavy metal bands wet dream.
@5 Well the man knew his desert locust lives only three to six months. Though there can be up to six generations in a year. They come out of North Africa and in very exceptional swarm years can affect up to 20% of the Earth’s surface area. Mainly being stopped by mountains. Swarms make it into Spain, Russia, India and at least once all the way to the Caribbean. Hide the rum.
Mark Adams,
You are very close in Bible prophecy. What people came out of North Africa?
@7 well for something to be considered fierce and only sustain life for 3-6 months and have to possibly rely on their future generations, then to me that isn’t too fierce. Ants at a picnic can torment people too.
I’ve never read anything in the Christian bible before. That’s really some gonzo writing. No wonder Christians are crazies if that’s what they believe.
@ The Schizo @ 8
Well me.
The Carthigians.
The Egytians.
The Moors.
The Kush (I know that sounds like a rock band but isn’t. Maybe HA needs it’s own official rock band.)
@9 If you were in a cloud of them that takes days to pass and eats anything green then you might find them pretty fierce. They were a scourge of the ancient world and can still be one.
They are actually just very gregarious insects at one stage in their life. They only become great clouds of despair under the right conditions usually once every 17 years or so.
They are considered a delicacy in north Africa. Yum.
Which is why I think he’s gotta be referring to some rock and roll group like KISS. I can see a rock group taking this whole passage and using it in a rock video. For mystery they would never admit this is the case, or at least until they can sell the original lyrics with notes explaining it all in ohh 25 years or so. ($1.2 million should be enough to cover the lawyer on the domestic abuse charges. Could I have some more locust pie…ok it’s gotta be apple pie.)
After the loon is done beating around the bush, he’ll say “Muslims”. Because to a batshit insane loon, Muslims are no better than a plague of locusts, all deserve to die.
This seems like a pretty clear description of the guys who are rigging the Chinese stock market.
Does Revelations say what comes next?
If I remember correctly, Hal Lindsey thinks these are helicopter gunships.
Revelation 22:13 (Which is a repeat as it’s said at the beginning of the book) “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the dne, the first and the last.”
Seems to cover everything.
Or I could reply that Aristotle would and identify that China has elements of oligarchy and tyranny and not much democracy in the mix.
While all cats are gray after midnight the Chinese stock market isn’t a real stock market and not all that many Chinese people sink much money in it, unless they like a good gamble and nothing more than that.
The Chinese military is a big participant in the economy and has fingers in all kind of pies. How big a participant is unknown, and gives the military more clout. It also forces other businesses and owners to play ball with them or suffer consequences.
The state is still very much the player in the game. It’s still a planned economy and there is still a five year plan. Just the oligarchy is the communist party.
So perhaps it’s good to remember Mao statement: “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”