Revelation 19:17-18
I then saw an angel standing on the sun, and he shouted to all the birds flying in the sky, “Come and join in God’s great feast! You can eat the flesh of kings, rulers, leaders, horses, riders, free people, slaves, important people, and everyone else.”!
So, a phony passage from the bible planted into it somewhere around the 1300’s – 1400’s by some idiot King or pedophile Pope is something we’re supposed to be concerned with?
Gawddam ahmighty thats some dense bullshit.
Just don’t eat any bats.
Or bacon…
I’m not sure whether that sounds like magic mushrooms, mary-jane, or bath salts. Eating the flesh of kings is a bit bath salty.
I once had a cockatiel that loved beef stew. She always wanted to jump in the bowl so I gave her her own little bowl. It was a little tea cup actually. Her table manners improved after that.
Don’t forget this Christmas season, that Jesus AND Santa are White.
No damn dirty brown people allowed.
Look alive! Here comes a buzzard.
And the poor chickens, ostriches and turkeys don’t get to feast.
@1 Could you go into how you know this was added in the time frame you are referring to. Are you referring to mistranslation? The fact Revelation was canonized late by the Greek and Latin churches? That there are few early copies as the book was not copied often and there are few early copies and most of those are incomplete.
Though in fact this passage does reference events described in Ezekiel which tends to authenticate the passage as more or less original.
Are you referring to how the text would be in the Geneva Bible? As no self respecting Protestant would use the King James bible. Well they do today. Still King James has its mistranslations and other things the editors did to please the King (he who has the gold to pay for the translating opinion wins the day). Which all goes to the point that the word of god has at the least been edited and may not be all that inspired. Even god has to worry about people changing his writings, and so does Shakespeare, but he was a plagiarist extraordinaire. At least from Shakespeare we may see a hint of Voltaire’s smile when he waxes long and hard about the theft of his work
@6 Buzzards are amazing, and without them the Serengeti would be such a messy diseased infested place. They could be the reason why no Bigfoot remains can be found. They do a marvelous job with Bigfoot carcasses. Even here in the Pacific Northwest. Or perhaps our national bird is helping out there.
@4 And once your cockatiel got loose and you went all over Seattle looking for your lost cock. You had the Seattle Police Department all in a tither. Especially when they were told you couldn’t be arrested as you were looking for your lost cock.
Now before you go looking for your lost bitch please inform the SPD first.
@5 Only when I’m listening to Bing Crosby Christmas songs. Later I will listen to Nat King Cole, and remember that Jesus and St Nicholas are from the middle east. Not that the artists of the Renaissance (or earlier artists) had a problem with posing people from the bible as people who looked like them, and were dressed like them. This may in part have been to keep their patrons happy. Artists too like to eat, so there is a reason why those artists insisting on authenticity in their art are not heard of as they starved to death, while bemoaning that God and Jesus up there on the Sistine Chapel are way to white and fair.
Now Moors were always depicted as black even though most looked a lot like Italians.