Obama will be beloved and remembered for generations. You will be a shit stain on history that nobody will remember.
Whether I am remembered really isn’t an issue for me, and nor should it be for you. It’s the shit stains Obama made out of so many of his own colleagues, and the GOP policies that will become rule of law over the next few years as a result, that are the issue. For your side at least. For my side it’s pretty much the reward.
Nearly everyone is forgotten. I can live with that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 When you die or ride off into the sunset, you will be replaced by a robot troll who doesn’t have to be paid by the word, and we will forget you within 24 hours.
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
Obama didn’t cause Democrats to lose anything.
This was even stoooooooooopid from the teabag licker!
Politically Incorrectspews:
What, no imagination today progressive trolls? I was expecting:
“We suffer because Cheeto Jesus is our king.”
Are you guys hung-over or something?
Happy New Year to all HA trolls: liberal progressive idiots, Fundamentalist Khristiansist asshole consevatives and everyone in between!
Elijah Dominic McDotComspews:
“…the GOP policies that will become rule of law over the next few years…”
Kinda looking forward to it, now that we have your guarantee.
@11: and back atcha!
I’m wishing for a peaceful New Year, myself, but I’ll take anything that isn’t 2016. Apart from Istanbul, it seems to be going OK so far. I think it’s lulling me into to a false sense of security.
Mark Adamsspews:
Too bad the actual verse doesn’t say what Goldie’s version says:
“9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle of Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. ”
These trials and tribulations may only have been similar to a first year medical student, or a new friar at some monastery, and they have those on Patmos established 100s of years after John’s death.
Forbes had this to say about the island:
Forbes magazine, in 2009, named Patmos “Europe’s most idyllic place to live”, writing that “Patmos has evolved over the centuries but has not lost its air of quiet tranquility, which is one reason why people that know it return again and again”.[14]
Now its sister city Glastonbury, UK that is a much more miserable place. Heck there is probably a very nice nude beasch on Patmos far away from where you could find Christian tourists and all that. Though a Christian nudist has it made, and only has to deal with going to the beach first, and the cave later or vice versa and whether asking for forgiveness for going to the nude beach is required. In any case looks like a very nice island with a Kokomo Beach with or without the Beach Boys.
Such a nice place to ummm suffer life’s adversities. Sun, women and drink and I think John of Patmos was a bit of a fool if he did not partake fully of the glories of the island. Then there is Patmos, Arkansas.
Or has fake news been around for a long long time, and is an old occupation in that part of the world.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Our new president has the mentality of a schoolboy craving attention.
The individual to whom this article refers, is a notorious bank robber and high-end art thief who is wanted in something like 30 countries for everything from murder to antiquities theft and armed robbery.
I wonder how many of those long-lost Masters paintings and shit would the proper authorities find in the Don’s houses?
Betcha he’s got more than one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 I always figured he was in it for money. What the hell, granddaddy Bush sold oil to Hitler. Treason for cash is a Republican thing.
Mark Adamsspews:
@18 Hold on @15 you have Trump with the mentality of a schoolboy and @18 you have him acting very sophisticatedly for a schoolboy. Which is it.
And by the way once upon a time the US was the world’s largest exporter of oil and we sold oil to Japan, Italy, and Germany and anywhere else that had the money to buy it from us. Only after a declaration of war could such activity be treasonous, and that would not include companies fulfilling contracts and shipments in progress. Most likely tankers in those nations ports were seized, and crews imprisoned, and we did the same to German, Italian and German registered ships and crews in our ports.
It’s all relative.
We suffer because Obama wasn’t as good a leader as Putin. And we suffer because Drumpf isn’t as good a leader as the dear leader of North Korea.
North Korea Rings In New Year With Promises Of ICBM
Yeah, well, a lot of people suffer because of Jesus.
A whole shitload of Democrat politicians suffered because of Obama.
Seems fair.
@3 Obama will be beloved and remembered for generations. You will be a shit stain on history that nobody will remember. Chew on that.
How many congressional, senatorial, gubernatorial, legislative, county, mayoral, dog catcher positions did Obummer lose for DUMMOCRETINS again?
Sux to be you!
Nah. Obama didn’t cause Democrats to lose anything. Repukes created the caustic results that are Drumpf.
No mandate – Drumpf lost by close to tens of millions in Popular vote when you add up everyone that voted against him.
Leave it to dumbfucks to live in a bubble of bullshit.
Yep, they sure do suffer alright.
Must be rough having to suffer like that.
@ 4
Obama will be beloved and remembered for generations. You will be a shit stain on history that nobody will remember.
Whether I am remembered really isn’t an issue for me, and nor should it be for you. It’s the shit stains Obama made out of so many of his own colleagues, and the GOP policies that will become rule of law over the next few years as a result, that are the issue. For your side at least. For my side it’s pretty much the reward.
Nearly everyone is forgotten. I can live with that.
@8 When you die or ride off into the sunset, you will be replaced by a robot troll who doesn’t have to be paid by the word, and we will forget you within 24 hours.
Obama didn’t cause Democrats to lose anything.
This was even stoooooooooopid from the teabag licker!
What, no imagination today progressive trolls? I was expecting:
“We suffer because Cheeto Jesus is our king.”
Are you guys hung-over or something?
Happy New Year to all HA trolls: liberal progressive idiots, Fundamentalist Khristiansist asshole consevatives and everyone in between!
“…the GOP policies that will become rule of law over the next few years…”
Kinda looking forward to it, now that we have your guarantee.
@11: and back atcha!
I’m wishing for a peaceful New Year, myself, but I’ll take anything that isn’t 2016. Apart from Istanbul, it seems to be going OK so far. I think it’s lulling me into to a false sense of security.
Too bad the actual verse doesn’t say what Goldie’s version says:
“9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle of Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. ”
These trials and tribulations may only have been similar to a first year medical student, or a new friar at some monastery, and they have those on Patmos established 100s of years after John’s death.
Forbes had this to say about the island:
Forbes magazine, in 2009, named Patmos “Europe’s most idyllic place to live”, writing that “Patmos has evolved over the centuries but has not lost its air of quiet tranquility, which is one reason why people that know it return again and again”.[14]
Now its sister city Glastonbury, UK that is a much more miserable place. Heck there is probably a very nice nude beasch on Patmos far away from where you could find Christian tourists and all that. Though a Christian nudist has it made, and only has to deal with going to the beach first, and the cave later or vice versa and whether asking for forgiveness for going to the nude beach is required. In any case looks like a very nice island with a Kokomo Beach with or without the Beach Boys.
Such a nice place to ummm suffer life’s adversities. Sun, women and drink and I think John of Patmos was a bit of a fool if he did not partake fully of the glories of the island. Then there is Patmos, Arkansas.
Or has fake news been around for a long long time, and is an old occupation in that part of the world.
Our new president has the mentality of a schoolboy craving attention.
@15 You give him too much credit.
@ 15 & 16
Don’t let the act fool you. Pretty much every single time The Don utters a spoken word, it is a guarantee that it is a deliberatly false statement.
Ladies and Gentlemen, your next President.
The individual to whom this article refers, is a notorious bank robber and high-end art thief who is wanted in something like 30 countries for everything from murder to antiquities theft and armed robbery.
I wonder how many of those long-lost Masters paintings and shit would the proper authorities find in the Don’s houses?
Betcha he’s got more than one.
@17 I always figured he was in it for money. What the hell, granddaddy Bush sold oil to Hitler. Treason for cash is a Republican thing.
@18 Hold on @15 you have Trump with the mentality of a schoolboy and @18 you have him acting very sophisticatedly for a schoolboy. Which is it.
And by the way once upon a time the US was the world’s largest exporter of oil and we sold oil to Japan, Italy, and Germany and anywhere else that had the money to buy it from us. Only after a declaration of war could such activity be treasonous, and that would not include companies fulfilling contracts and shipments in progress. Most likely tankers in those nations ports were seized, and crews imprisoned, and we did the same to German, Italian and German registered ships and crews in our ports.