And without suffering, the Paulistic/Calvinist “churches” can’t exist. Really, the entirety of the Abrahamic dogma is based on it and maintains it for their social control.
Therefore, they make sure to create it where little of it exists in order to maintain their hold on the citizens loyalties and the resultant access to their pocketbooks. I have had conversations with people who seem to actually believe that “gods” purpose behind organizations like the Taliban and ISIS and the Chechen radicals is to make people suffer under the false religions of Mohammedism, and drive them to Christianity.
It’s all about Politics, and politics is all about money and social control through the manipulation and control of it.
Religion is the ultimate means to control how people perceive the world around them by providing artificial thought filters by which those perceptions can be manipulated, always through the ideals of the individuals who control access to the deeper dogma.
The more you suffer
The more it shows you really care
Right? yeah yeah yeah
Ima Duncespews:
Considering the damage Christianity has done to humanity over the last two thousand years, this takes a lot of nerve. Maybe one day we’ll be objective enough to understand the psychology behind religion. To me it’s a twisted jumble of myths used to justify any nonsense and cruelty they choose, in order to enrich themselves at everyone else’s expense. “Boohoo, you won’t let us enslave you. Poor us.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Boohoo, you won’t let us enslave you. Poor us.”
That’s the essence of Republican fundies’ so-called “prosperity gospel.”
Mark Adamsspews:
Ummm looking at my King James it just doesn’t say what you are saying here. Mine basically says Hey Dudes I’m John the Devine and I’m writing you from the garden spot know as Patmos.
Maybe you got the verse wrong as I’m sure somewhere in the bible that is said and there is a whole lot of suffering and all that. Particularly a lot of future suffering in the Book of Revelation. All that revealing. Though I think the fact that Christianity became the church of the Roman Empire makes the book mute. It’s by the skinny of it’s teeth it became cannon. There are some cool illustrations in the book, but I don’t think Constantine particularly liked the book, but having thrown in his lot with the Christians and seeing that big Cross at the bridge and all he couldn’t get the council to have the book go the way of John’s Big Book of Jesus’s Happy Thought’s. (Yes drugs are groovy, and don’t trust anyone over 30.)
Still the statement would reflect some historical truth of the time. The Christians were not well like in Rome. While the persecution of Christians and Jews is exaggerated. Some did make it into the Coliseum. Some really did go there for their beliefs, and actually refused to fight the lion, or the fighter. The story of Christianity going from cult to the major religion of Europe and the world is amazing. It’s not always just a story of money or politics. The concept of separation of church and state comes from this past.
Yet as far as democracy is concerned it’s not likely Jesus is going to win many elections. While there are and always have been some elements of democracy in the Catholic church one has to become a bishop to become one among equals. The parishioners don’t exactly get to vote for their local priest, though they can sometimes show a bad one the door. Still the church was the second estate and had lands, money and political power when it became the Church of Rome until the Reformation and the Age of Enlightenment when God did die. The United States was founded and then came a couple of big movements here in the United States with all kind of big tents and a charismatic speakers, and folks were born again. And we are on the opposite side of that from the founders. This is where these Republican sophists cuddle to the Fundamentalists to get their votes, and hope these fine folks don’t find out about their love shack or that they hang out with the B52’s or have enjoyed some Mary Jane. Once in awhile we get one of them able to be really American and can sign “I fool you, I fool you, I got pig iron, all pig iron…” Come on Donald start singing that Johnny Cash song.
So if your a knight errant and you crash a wedding just keep in mind if you kill the bridegroom she has great tracks of land if you decide to make right to the father of the bride. Or just go to Castle Anthrax. And Camelot is a silly place, which sums up todays fake (?) passage.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
@5 Fixed the link. It’s CEV translation.
Proves the entries above Mark Adams were hogwash, typical Christian haters. Puddy loves how HA DUMMOCRETINS equate the Catholic Church and it’s Middle Ages actions as christian. They were not. They put people to death if you disagreed with their dogma. Similar to ISIS today! Puddy won’t give reference after reference because your minds are too decayed to understand history!
This very interesting comment which shows no understanding of historical relevance
While there are and always have been some elements of democracy in the Catholic church one has to become a bishop to become one among equals.
How can this be true when it’s the pope who decides which monsignor becomes bishop? Then the pope abolished this monsignor position last year. How can you be an equal if your parish flock have no say in your position and it’s a glamour game where you must bow down and kiss a ring to be considered?
Job 21:7 – “Why do the wicked live, reach old age, and grow mighty in power?”
Jeremiah 12:1 – “You will be righteous, LORD, even if I bring a case against You. Yet, I wish to contend with You: Why does the way of the wicked prosper [HA DUMMOCRETINS]? Why do all the treacherous live at ease? [Buds of HA DUMMOCRETINS]”
Habakkuk 1:4 ” The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.”
More than 760 of Clinton’s presidential donors have listed their occupation as CEO or some variation, according to a Big Crunch analysis of federal election forms.
That’s as many as have given to Republican hopefuls Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.
Since y’all rail on CEOs as being wicked and bad; it seems your candidate is all about the wicked and bad COMBINED!
“Puddy loves how HA DUMMOCRETINS equate the Catholic Church and it’s Middle Ages actions as christian.”
Like Ben Carson, the batshit crazy loon believes the pope is the Antichrist and the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon, so of course they don’t believe Catholics are Christians.
Puddybud, the disinfectant to HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
so of course they don’t believe Catholics are Christians.
Got proof Triple Pressure Packed Puker?
Puddy wrote Catholic Church not Catholic parishoners. Can’t deal with 760 CEOs on Clinton’s fundy watch list so you try to twist Puddy words? Seems your religion believes in polygamy Triple Pressure Packed Puker! What? One woman not good enough?
So did John Wesley – founder of the Methodist church! Called him “the Man of Sin”
So did Thomas Cranmer – the Archbishop of Canterbury
So did the Scottish reformer John Knox – made a slave for his beliefs
So did the “prince of preachers” Charles Spurgeon.
So did John Calvin.
DAYUM U B Stoooooooooooopid!
Mark Adamsspews:
@8 For most of the middle ages the church as there was no other was the third estate in Europe. The fact is the pope is elected by cardinals and bishops. A little democracy with a small d in the cith of God except for that period the Pope was in France. Most bishops end of the time would vote for several popes. Of course to become pope generally one has to be in the room. These guys certainly have at least as much power as todays members of the Russian Dumas and much more power than the folks in the People’s Republic of China’s representative party.
The Catholic church was certainly a major political player in the middle ages. This was good and bad. It’s not like the protestant’s who replaced the church were much better. Not like Henry the VIII didn’t just tell the pope to screw off because he wanted a divorce, he also coveted and took a lot of church land in England. Which bought him support and in fact influenced the opinion of some of the folks you mention who stated at some time the Pope is the anti Christ. The actions of King Henry started a number of crises all centered around religion in England topped off with Oliver Cromwell becoming Lord Protector of the land. Unfortunately the English aristocracy brought back the bloody king. Perhaps a democracy could have kept the American colonies and granted greater democracy to those impatient and impertinent colonists.
I don’t believe that human beings should buy some of the rot that is in the bible. In most religions one doesn’t get to elect the shaman, but being the shaman is a pretty good gig if you can get it. If this bible passage was used as a political slogan it would not go far. That guy Jesus isn’t going to be king or not one for long. Or is he King more in the likes of Assad or Idi Amin ie a dictator? You telling us that Jesus is a tin horned dictator Puddy? One we can’t even boot out of the position because he sucks. Bullshit.
Mark Adamsspews:
Actually Puddy Mark Adams is amazed that a little cult called Christianity managed to be so successful. It’s a miracle that European’s don’t pray to the Roman Gods still. Or that we don’t pray to Odin or the gods of British Isles that were not displaced by the Romans. This variety of beliefs would be most interesting and whether it would have effected the creation of these United States. Perhaps we would be living in a peaceful Europe of love because the temple of the Goddess of Love became powerful and of home and hearth, important. No invasion of the New World maybe a few souls going over to the New World and visits from the New World and some trade. Perhaps all would be happy with their lot in the world and caring and well more like the mid west Indian Tribes that some Christians came to see were living a more Christian life as pagans than Christians were.
And without suffering, the Paulistic/Calvinist “churches” can’t exist. Really, the entirety of the Abrahamic dogma is based on it and maintains it for their social control.
Therefore, they make sure to create it where little of it exists in order to maintain their hold on the citizens loyalties and the resultant access to their pocketbooks. I have had conversations with people who seem to actually believe that “gods” purpose behind organizations like the Taliban and ISIS and the Chechen radicals is to make people suffer under the false religions of Mohammedism, and drive them to Christianity.
“Indeed I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as refuse, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own, based on law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God depends on faith; that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his suffering, becoming like him in his death, that if possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead”
(Philippians 3:8-11)
It’s all about Politics, and politics is all about money and social control through the manipulation and control of it.
Religion is the ultimate means to control how people perceive the world around them by providing artificial thought filters by which those perceptions can be manipulated, always through the ideals of the individuals who control access to the deeper dogma.
The more you suffer
The more it shows you really care
Right? yeah yeah yeah
Considering the damage Christianity has done to humanity over the last two thousand years, this takes a lot of nerve. Maybe one day we’ll be objective enough to understand the psychology behind religion. To me it’s a twisted jumble of myths used to justify any nonsense and cruelty they choose, in order to enrich themselves at everyone else’s expense. “Boohoo, you won’t let us enslave you. Poor us.”
@3 “Boohoo, you won’t let us enslave you. Poor us.”
That’s the essence of Republican fundies’ so-called “prosperity gospel.”
Ummm looking at my King James it just doesn’t say what you are saying here. Mine basically says Hey Dudes I’m John the Devine and I’m writing you from the garden spot know as Patmos.
Maybe you got the verse wrong as I’m sure somewhere in the bible that is said and there is a whole lot of suffering and all that. Particularly a lot of future suffering in the Book of Revelation. All that revealing. Though I think the fact that Christianity became the church of the Roman Empire makes the book mute. It’s by the skinny of it’s teeth it became cannon. There are some cool illustrations in the book, but I don’t think Constantine particularly liked the book, but having thrown in his lot with the Christians and seeing that big Cross at the bridge and all he couldn’t get the council to have the book go the way of John’s Big Book of Jesus’s Happy Thought’s. (Yes drugs are groovy, and don’t trust anyone over 30.)
Still the statement would reflect some historical truth of the time. The Christians were not well like in Rome. While the persecution of Christians and Jews is exaggerated. Some did make it into the Coliseum. Some really did go there for their beliefs, and actually refused to fight the lion, or the fighter. The story of Christianity going from cult to the major religion of Europe and the world is amazing. It’s not always just a story of money or politics. The concept of separation of church and state comes from this past.
Yet as far as democracy is concerned it’s not likely Jesus is going to win many elections. While there are and always have been some elements of democracy in the Catholic church one has to become a bishop to become one among equals. The parishioners don’t exactly get to vote for their local priest, though they can sometimes show a bad one the door. Still the church was the second estate and had lands, money and political power when it became the Church of Rome until the Reformation and the Age of Enlightenment when God did die. The United States was founded and then came a couple of big movements here in the United States with all kind of big tents and a charismatic speakers, and folks were born again. And we are on the opposite side of that from the founders. This is where these Republican sophists cuddle to the Fundamentalists to get their votes, and hope these fine folks don’t find out about their love shack or that they hang out with the B52’s or have enjoyed some Mary Jane. Once in awhile we get one of them able to be really American and can sign “I fool you, I fool you, I got pig iron, all pig iron…” Come on Donald start singing that Johnny Cash song.
So if your a knight errant and you crash a wedding just keep in mind if you kill the bridegroom she has great tracks of land if you decide to make right to the father of the bride. Or just go to Castle Anthrax. And Camelot is a silly place, which sums up todays fake (?) passage.
Ergo Obama is Jesus.
@5 Fixed the link. It’s CEV translation.
@5 Fixed the link. It’s CEV translation.
Proves the entries above Mark Adams were hogwash, typical Christian haters. Puddy loves how HA DUMMOCRETINS equate the Catholic Church and it’s Middle Ages actions as christian. They were not. They put people to death if you disagreed with their dogma. Similar to ISIS today! Puddy won’t give reference after reference because your minds are too decayed to understand history!
This very interesting comment which shows no understanding of historical relevance
How can this be true when it’s the pope who decides which monsignor becomes bishop? Then the pope abolished this monsignor position last year. How can you be an equal if your parish flock have no say in your position and it’s a glamour game where you must bow down and kiss a ring to be considered?
Job 21:7 – “Why do the wicked live, reach old age, and grow mighty in power?”
Jeremiah 12:1 – “You will be righteous, LORD, even if I bring a case against You. Yet, I wish to contend with You: Why does the way of the wicked prosper [HA DUMMOCRETINS]? Why do all the treacherous live at ease? [Buds of HA DUMMOCRETINS]”
Habakkuk 1:4 ” The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.”
Since y’all rail on CEOs as being wicked and bad; it seems your candidate is all about the wicked and bad COMBINED!
“Puddy loves how HA DUMMOCRETINS equate the Catholic Church and it’s Middle Ages actions as christian.”
Like Ben Carson, the batshit crazy loon believes the pope is the Antichrist and the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon, so of course they don’t believe Catholics are Christians.
so of course they don’t believe Catholics are Christians.
Got proof Triple Pressure Packed Puker?
Puddy wrote Catholic Church not Catholic parishoners. Can’t deal with 760 CEOs on Clinton’s fundy watch list so you try to twist Puddy words? Seems your religion believes in polygamy Triple Pressure Packed Puker! What? One woman not good enough?
So did your hero Martin Luther Triple S.
So do many of these non-Adventists Triple S.
So did John Wesley – founder of the Methodist church! Called him “the Man of Sin”
So did Thomas Cranmer – the Archbishop of Canterbury
So did the Scottish reformer John Knox – made a slave for his beliefs
So did the “prince of preachers” Charles Spurgeon.
So did John Calvin.
DAYUM U B Stoooooooooooopid!
@8 For most of the middle ages the church as there was no other was the third estate in Europe. The fact is the pope is elected by cardinals and bishops. A little democracy with a small d in the cith of God except for that period the Pope was in France. Most bishops end of the time would vote for several popes. Of course to become pope generally one has to be in the room. These guys certainly have at least as much power as todays members of the Russian Dumas and much more power than the folks in the People’s Republic of China’s representative party.
The Catholic church was certainly a major political player in the middle ages. This was good and bad. It’s not like the protestant’s who replaced the church were much better. Not like Henry the VIII didn’t just tell the pope to screw off because he wanted a divorce, he also coveted and took a lot of church land in England. Which bought him support and in fact influenced the opinion of some of the folks you mention who stated at some time the Pope is the anti Christ. The actions of King Henry started a number of crises all centered around religion in England topped off with Oliver Cromwell becoming Lord Protector of the land. Unfortunately the English aristocracy brought back the bloody king. Perhaps a democracy could have kept the American colonies and granted greater democracy to those impatient and impertinent colonists.
I don’t believe that human beings should buy some of the rot that is in the bible. In most religions one doesn’t get to elect the shaman, but being the shaman is a pretty good gig if you can get it. If this bible passage was used as a political slogan it would not go far. That guy Jesus isn’t going to be king or not one for long. Or is he King more in the likes of Assad or Idi Amin ie a dictator? You telling us that Jesus is a tin horned dictator Puddy? One we can’t even boot out of the position because he sucks. Bullshit.
Actually Puddy Mark Adams is amazed that a little cult called Christianity managed to be so successful. It’s a miracle that European’s don’t pray to the Roman Gods still. Or that we don’t pray to Odin or the gods of British Isles that were not displaced by the Romans. This variety of beliefs would be most interesting and whether it would have effected the creation of these United States. Perhaps we would be living in a peaceful Europe of love because the temple of the Goddess of Love became powerful and of home and hearth, important. No invasion of the New World maybe a few souls going over to the New World and visits from the New World and some trade. Perhaps all would be happy with their lot in the world and caring and well more like the mid west Indian Tribes that some Christians came to see were living a more Christian life as pagans than Christians were.