And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Godzilla after partying with Cthulhu.
Been over 2k years. Where’s jeebus? No shortage of sad folks been fed a line and swallowed it whole.
Kind of like that fucking wall.
Kind of describes what I saw after setting the clock forward this morning …
Fuck DST!
Why Republicans think it should be easy to get a gun and hard to vote, instead of the other way around.
Sounds like someone standing on the edge of Washington D.C. and seeing Trump rise from the new swamp he has created.
@5 I really feel for the blue collars who will lose their jobs when Trump starts a trade war, but I did everything I could to talk them out of voting for him, and I’m powerless to help them now.
Normally I would have empathy for the blue collar workers, but this time I don’t. They get what they deserve. If they were too stupid to do their due diligence on the background and behavior of Trump, then you can’t help those that don’t want to be helped.
It has nothing to do with political leanings, these are the same type of people that voted for Sound Transit 3 and didn’t bother to read the fine print and got stuck with a shitty deal, it is about the ignorant electorate.
@4 They don’t take their gun control measures from the Ayatollah Khomeini?
Clearly this passage is the key to Goldie’s March Madness picks. Clearly the Dragon is the NCAA. Takes full advantage of young athletes. Double points if they are gay, or of color. He must like a team in California. A team by the sea. Some team associated with the number 7 or just the 7 bracket. A cat, could be the Cougs.
@7 Stop your whining the Democratic party could have gone with Bernie who would support workers, but it did not. Your candidate offered little for workers, and was shamed into offering something more. She did not visit workers in Michigan. Obama did not put on a pair of sneakers and march with workers in Wisconsin. Nary a word from either about the teachers striking in West Virginia. Obama has not walked with workers since getting out of office, and his library is going to gentrify his old neighborhood in south Chicago. No offer that the majority of the construction jobs will go to local firms and will hire from the south side. Not much walking the walk from the Dems in support of labor, so you all walked away from labor before labor walked away from you. Now you have to earn labors trust.
While you may disagree with the remedy at least Trump is walking the walk, and honoring the promises he made to workers. He maybe right and his policy may work. He is more than talking the talk. Your candidate only offered labor more of the same. She lost, And now Trump is making good on his promises. Hope it works, and maybe a trade war is what America needs, a business guy who may believe business is war is going to shake things up. Feel shook up guys as he has started a trade war. Maybe China is the market place of the world, but not yet. The communist party is doing a very traditional trade policy. Worked for centuries until the Brits discovered one product the Chinese government could not control, and that product brought the whole house down. Maybe a painful trade war is exactly what the doctor ordered, and it will be fun. Hopefully it won’t bring about a big war, just some small ones on the periphery.
@7 An they are the people that once they get pissed off will come looking for people in their big office buildings with their billions of dollars. They will come for the people who have sold then down the river. Their fate is likely your fate, so will you join them when they storm the house of Bezos? Of Gates? Of Soros?
@5 Actually it’s written by someone who saw or knew of the temple being sacked and destroyed by the Roman’s and he is in a sulk over that. He makes predictions, but was unable to see that Christianity would become the religion of the empire, thus making his rant and predictions mute. Why is it in the Bible or the New Testament? Could be Emperor Constantine had a sense of humor.
Piddles wanna-be: just one thing, Hillary was never “my candidate.” For that matter, Trump was never “my candidate either.” Both terribly flawed. However, out of Sanders, Clinton, or Trump, Trump would have never earned my vote.
Trump is a showman, a huckster, and the blue collar workers bought into what he was selling. Trump has never done anything directly for the benefit of blue collar workers, there has always been a hitch or perk for him. Walking the walk, yeah right, walking the walk to line his pockets for his businesses or cronies, more so than the Clinton’s have done or Sanders for that matter. Besides, DC is “pay to play” and has been for a very long time.
Advocating for a trade war, nice. Next up economic depression, yeah, that cure what ails you. What will you advocate next, a little thermonuclear war to clean up some of the riff-raff?
Shortbus for sure.
“Takes full advantage of young athletes. Double points if they are gay, or of color.”
For one they aren’t athletes, they are students. Do me a favor, please name a handful of present professional athletes, NBA/NFL/MLB, that are gay.
Actually the framing on the issue is not the whole story. if you want to talk about this leading to thermonuclear war well we got crews on the flight line in places like Guam, in missile silos and on SSBN’s ready to go. Ready to show what they can do. in part what Trump is stating here is we have to ensure we have the capability to build subs, main battle tanks, aircraft carriers, ect. That we can build fighters, bombers ect in a time of war. So this is not merely about helping out the workers. if China or Russia thought similar actions were in their best interest would they hesitate to do them? And both nations leadership view trade as a kind of war, even more so than most American business people.
I believe you were a Sanders proponent. He would be doing things to help workers. he got the shaft, and Trump got in and he made promises to American workers, and this in part keeps his word. He is not acting as your typical pol. in this case it’s good. A trade war maybe unavoidable, it’s preferable to real war.
And I support Trump’s wanting to jaw jaw jaw rather than war war war with North Korea. Maybe he pulls something off, or kicks the can down the road a couple of months, but he’s actually trying something that could resolve my fathers war, that we are still in.
@15 “I believe you were a Sanders proponent.” No, I wasn’t, incorrect again. I’ll make it easy for you, I was a proponent of “anybody but Trump.”
Well at least we agree that a real shoot-to-kill war is undesirable.
Let’s be clear, our nuclear triad is always ready to go, it has nothing to do with who is the Commander in Chief. Our crews train non-stop for the “go code”. I put my trust in the the US Navy, the Air Force just has too many issues with their nuke crews:
So with a steel and aluminum tariff, I suppose you are all for keeping the Jones Act as-is?