And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Uh, just say no to drugs?
Sounds like Darryl and his abusive powers on this blog.
Poor Darryl is overly sensitive to any characterization of a straight person. Censoring me from using the word “het#$%#sex(()”. Come on people, if characterizations can be allowed for any other group, whether right or wrong, why can’t straight people be characterized. I know we are all humans but certainly you are not going to tell me that there aren’t any differences between straight and gay people other than sexual preference/orientation, prove it with a study that we are all the same
Somebody got into the magic mushrooms.
Rush Limbaugh?
I could never figure out the horn distribution. Seven heads and ten horns, does that mean there was at least one horn per head, or does that mean there were ten horns per head? Like some 70 point buck?
And why ten crowns with seven heads?
Has anyone played these numbers on Lotto?
I played them and won. It was a miracle. From that day on I was born anew. I had strayed from my faith and calling and now worship the random number generator. Lo, it is a mighty thing.
Has anyone played these numbers on Lotto?
What? And then buy a chicken fast food franchise before boarding a doomed commercial flight out of Sydney?
@2 This is a private blog. Darryl can do whatever he likes. He can even stand his ground and shoot you.
“To get back to the warning that I received. You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish. That the brown acid that is circulating around us isn’t too good. It is suggested that you stay away from that. Of course it’s your own trip. So be my guest, but please be advised that there is a warning on that one, ok?“
Gosh these HA DUMMOCRETINS have no historical or Biblical reference or relevance whatsoever. Why is it most DUMMOCRETINS are just plain stupid about regular history, let alone Bible history? Puddy to the rescue again.
There are seven hills are where the Rome stands. So does Rio De Janiero. But the Vatican is in Italy. The Vatican stands on one of those hills and is totally inside the city of Rome. Back in the fifth century the Roman Empire fell. The Roman Nation was overrun and broke into ten tribes. Papal Rome destroyed three tribes; Heruli,Vandals and the Ostrogoths (in that order) while forming the Papacy in 538, the sixth century; literally obliterating these three tribes from the face of the earth.
Blasphemy – The act of claiming to be able to forgive sins. Jesus rightly made that claim as the Son of God. The pope claims the same thing but there is nothing in the Bible that says Jesus told the disciples they could forgive sins. He gave them the power to raise the dead, heal the sick, cast out demons, etc. Neither did Jesus give that power to the pope. The Catholic church assumed it.
History lesson over.
@10 sounds like A Harry Potter Book, you Ape.
Wrong again empty tea bag with the puffy butt bent over being driven to Newark gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman!
Wouldn’t know.. Didn’t read Harry Potter books or see the movies! Don’t believe in witchcraft or pay to see it or read about it!
Sux to be you!
Yep, The prophecy is coming true . According to this guy who may or may not have been tripping balls off the rye that had been laying around growing mold, he saw something that didn’t actually happen centuries later. Never mind that a good portion of the fall (Gaul and most of Western Europe made the rest of the fall to the Visigoths possible…they weren’t invicible after all if the lowly poor Western parts could fall) happened in the 4th Century not the 5th. Never mind that there really weren’t 10 nations that arose from Rome’s fall but more the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman and this weird thing in Western Europe where there were no nations and lots and lots of little fiefdoms (Celtics, Saxons, Merovingians, etc.) and the The Prophecy is true. Just like Nostradamus. With just enough coincidence and the passage of a thousand years we can see the signs.
Makes perfect sense. We worship you oh Sky Ghost. I get just about as accurate predictions from that lady down by the bus stop who can read my palm.
Bwaaaa, haaa, haaa. All works of art must glorify god. You know that’s exactly why the Bamyan Buddha’s were destroyed.
Good to know you think just like the Taliban. All things not directly about my Lord are sinful.
Really checkmate… Witchcraft is an art from the Lord?
Only you and your kind think like the Taliban checkmate. You want to shut everyone who disagrees with you for good, no matter the cost or the methods.
@14 The ISIS fanatics think the same way, but they’re not blowing up Buddhas, they’re blowing up people. Now there’s a worthy adversary for modern-day Crusaders and other Christian warriors. “Onward Christian Soldiers etc. …”
@15 Heavens no, no one’s trying to shut you up. It’s not possible anyway.
Hey, statistics keeper, has motormouth overtaken me in total posts yet? What do I have, about 115,000 comments on this blog? He can’t be far behind.
RR @ 16
The ISIS are in fact destroying antiquities and monuments. There are several dozens of carvings dating from the Mesopotamian period and earlier that are now little chunks of rock because ISIS is deliberately destroying any record of the past.
Only conservatives do this. They’re actually pretty famous for that.
ISIS is also apparently crucifying people. Literally. Something else conservatives have an longstanding reputation for doing.
The Puddy character misses the point. I don’t believe in your Christ but I think the original soundtrack recording of the Andrew Lloyd Weber piece about him is a seriously kick ass work. I don’t for a second believe Gandalf the Grey can summon giant Eagles and talk to moths but LOTR is entertaining, more so in print. I suppose “Fantasia” is off limits to your sect because Mickey plays a conjurer? Are you planning to boycott the Left Behind movie? Nick Cage is a self-professed unbeliever so I guess his work in a religious themed film is Blasphemy?
And you justify your beliefs through Leviticus? Wait, I thought that old Testament stuff is out the window at least as far as every bit of Leviticus NOT dealing with the gays? You opened the door. When was the last time you sacrificed an animal in your rituals?
“And he shall kill the bullock before the LORD: and the priests, Aaron’s sons, shall bring the blood, and sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar that is by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.” Your favorite the King James, written by committee some 1500 years after the fact. Leviticus. Bwaaa-Haaa-Haaa.
Or do you believe that Harry Potter ACTUALLY exists and there is some Castle in the north of England where they are teaching gifted young children the art of Sorcery? There are witches in MacBeth…BURN ALL THE FOLIOS! All art must glorify the LORD as I, Puddy understands her to be.
Oh my checkmate, you are a real moron when it comes to the Bible… And your point? Since you have no knowledge of the Bible except by Google, you have no point as always… It’s useless gibberish which no one understands or really cares about. Puddy engages you to demonstrate your real lack of knowledge on many fronts. So here goes the Bible front:
1) Jesus’ death put away animal sacrifices forever… John the Baptist said “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” Sheep, goats, turtle doves, bulls etc. ended when Jesus died on the cross and the temple veil was torn top to bottom! Butt wait, you have no idea about this in the Bible since you make idiotic comments all the time.
2) Jesus put away the 613 Pharisaic laws on the cross not God’s commands and laws. They were mens commands not God’s directives. Remember Jesus said: ‘Before Abraham was I AM.” Know where that’s found checkmate without Googling it? Jesus and His Father are one. Where is that found checkmate?
3) In both the Old Testament and New Testament mediums and spirits were not to be dabbled in.
4) gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman, you know, with no stones and the puffy butt from unnatural use always thinking black people are apes delivered Harry Potter to the thread. Or, as always you just don’t follow thread thought and are an IDIOT like Roger NoBalls? Amazing how simply Puddy can deliver the real racist gleeeeeeeeeman for all to view on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
5) There are only 4 witchcraft references in Leviticus. Sux to be you for skipping all the other 59 verses. Why are you such a moron when it comes to Biblical things checkmate…? Oh yeah Puddy knows your honor… checkmate checkmated himself long ago on Bible knowledge. It was too hard for his leetle drug muddled mind. checkmate is now demonstrating how stoooooooooooopid checkmate is to all others in Bible knowledge!
6) Puddy justifies Puddy’s beliefs through the whole Bible. It’s all inspired checkmate, no matter what your pitiful arguments espouse. What will you do checkmate when Jesus returns? Say Oopsie?
7) The Bible was written by men inspired by God 2 Timothy 3:16-17, and the Holy Spirit 2 Peter 1:21, the third person in the Godhead checkmate!
8) You tend to dwell on men’s portrayal of Jesus and God. Where is your personal relationship with Jesus? Seems Jesus called God His Father while you mock God and call Him a her! So we can conclude it’s M I A!
Shall Puddy go on making a jackASS of you checkmate? It’s so simple and you are so tedious to deal with!
Sux to be you!
Oh OWS Racist Fraggy,
It’s liberals whom want to remove God and Jesus from everyday American lexicon.
It’s liberals who want to call it Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.
It’s liberals who scream no prayer in schools especially when students want to lead them.
It’s liberals who bring up anti-religious lawsuits every where you turn.
Shall Puddy go on!
@ The Psycho @ 22
The Human Race will not begin to mature as a sentient species until the concept of faith in a belief system that is based on fairy tales, myth and hallucinations from food-borne toxins is removed from the entirety of human psychology. Just because your mommy told you that you would burn in hell for all eternity of you didn’t obey the “word of God” (as interpreted by her and her Minister) in all things doesn’t change the fact that you are merely a terrified little sheep, too scared of his own mind to allow it to function correctly or to permit it to develop any new ideas that aren’t approved by some grifting preacher.
There are a LOT of schizophrenics that come out of fundamentalist Christian households. Moreso than any other religion, including Islam, by several orders of magnitude. All you are is the local example.
Piddles is coming unhinged this morning.
Tell me, since you started this with a “history” lesson? Which Bible was inspired by God? All of them, even the Bibles that contradict each other? When the Hampton Court Conference translated the Bible into English and made a point of removing bits of Catholic Dogma per the wishes of the upstart Church of England members of the council, was that divinely inspired or a political calculation in order to end the Wars of the Roses?
Side note, did your 10 nations arising from Rome that ‘prove’ your bible include the Picts?
It’s fun being raised in a bible thumping household and coming out still thinking. It give dunderheads like the Piddles character the impression that I only know the Bible through Google.
I love when the puddibigot starts spewing about his Bibul as if it were an authoritative text.
I don’t think there is a better demonstration of his circular, fear-driven, myth-beholden, xenophobic “thinking”.
You can see so clearly how little he is, how he needs to hate ‘other’, how he needs his tribe to be backed by Big Sky-Daddy, how he gets all his answers spoon-fed to him by some grifting preacherman.
He really has the intellectual capacity of a third-grader, if that.
As a Christian I have no problem saying Marry Christmas to someone I know who celebrates that holiday. I also say happy holidays if I don’t what the person celebrates. It is called courtesy, and not inflicting my beliefs on someone who may not believe in the same beliefs. Why does happy holidays get conservatives panties in a bunch
@ TB @ 26
Because holidays are big government socialism, and happiness is a warm gun.
Who’s religion is allowed? We got Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as Indian and Far Eastern religions like Buddhism and Sikhism, Iranic religions like Zoroastrianism and Bahai, and African indigenous-based religions like Santeria, what ever the version that Mars Hill preaches, Scientology, and Pagans.
Would Puddy mind if a students want to lead sharia prayers? Who decides what the state religion is, the one that gets used the school?
I don’t think he’s thought this through.
Wow, it’s good to see old nasty schmucksmegma@25 as himself along with checkmate, racist empty tea bag and OWS Racist Fraggy. As all can see the kooks are out in full force. BTW checkmate… Puddy is in another time zone… butt then again you never pay attention to the details.
Who said Puddy was discussing Bible translations you four IDIOTS? You all did! Your four morons run at the mouth something never discussed here. Puddy was discussing the original aramaic, greek and hebrew Bibilical texts. How man translates them into today’s Bible is another story. This is why Puddy laughs at the foolhardiness of your four stoooooooooooopid IDIOTS!
As for OWS Racist Fraggy, thanks for proving libtard DUMMOCRETINS are the American talibangelists. You couldn’t have helped Puddy any better than you did!
So you read the original Aramaic? Your pastor delivers his sermons in Hebrew?
I’m moderately impressed. Or more likely, this “Bible is written by men who are divinely inspired” is total bullshit on your part. Dazzle me with your fluency in Ancient Greek and Aramaic. Funny, when you quote Leviticus it’s word for word the English Standard Version. So that’s a translation which you’ve just admitted is not the word of God.
So your Bible IS divine and infallible even though you plainly AREN’T using an original Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew version but rather one originating sometime in the 1970s? So you realize that, by your own statement quoted above, the Bible you are studying is not to be trusted as accurate? Something about man’s translation I think you said?
the puddibigot sneers @29…
“Who said Puddy was discussing Bible translations you four IDIOTS? You all did! Your four morons run at the mouth something never discussed here. Puddy was discussing the original aramaic, greek and hebrew Bibilical texts.”
He obviously thinks this is some sort of meaningful rebuttal.
If he’s not the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, then his ability to channel such a character is truly breathtaking.
“So you read the original Aramaic?”
Of course he doesn’t. Squid ink.
Demonstrates yet again what an profoundly dishonest character the puddibigot is, whether it’s an act or the bona fide ravings of an actual (very stupid) human being.
Just to be clear, we haven’t yet dealt with the fact that no contemporary original Bible exists in any language. The closest you get Piddles is 3-400 years after the fact. But I guess in your world every bronze age scribe who copied the text by hand made not a single mistake.
So goes the mystery of faith. Since the impossible can’t be proven impossible it has to be exactly what happened.
Since the King James Bible translation was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me.
Apeman @29 – you are the moron that doesn’t pay attention to any details. I wasn’t ever talking to you about the bible, or about anything. I was giving my opinion of saying merry christmas or happy holidays. They all out of bananans in your newly located time zone – I didn’t know the twighlight zone was a real time zone.
@31 – too funny! He needs his bananas.
@22 “It’s liberals whom want to remove God and Jesus from everyday American lexicon.”
Lexicon doesn’t mean much of anything when those mouthing it do the opposite of what they preach.
@29 “Puddy is in another time zone”
Puddy is in another zone.
Personally, I think the puddy character just pumps out filler, whatever pops into the vacuum of his mind, in hopes of someday being crowned as HA’s most prolific poster.
Screams from the morons of HA.
Our pastor refers to the original translations all the time. And yes Puddy owns Strong’s exhaustive concordance translation. It’s a big thick book, kind of expense even for 1976! Puddy has owned this since 1976 you morons!
Puddy included empty tea bag in the discussion because you are one of the stooooooooooopid ones!
Keep screaming about something y’all never open or read!
This is
Hey NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
You are continually in the senile zone!
Notice Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit@37 didn’t disagree with Puddy’s calling libtard DUMMOCRETINS the American Talibangelists, and thanking OWS Racist Fraggy for that direct response proving Puddy’s thoughts on the comment! DUMMOCRETINS definitely want to remove God and Jesus from everything!
the puddibigot sneers above…
“Our pastor refers to the original translations all the time.”
He obviously heard/understood NOTHING of the rational discussion above.
“…original translations…”
His ability to channel a a comically un-self-aware sneering Bibul-thumper with hate in his heart may actually exceed that of Tina Fey.
I love when the puddibigot character tries to trot out bullshit like “original translations” in his attempt to mount the ‘appeal to authority’ logical fallacy.
As if succeeding in said logical fallacy is a way to win an argument.
pussibigot spews above…
“It’s liberals whom (SIC) want to remove God and Jesus from everyday American lexicon.”
Lexicon? Sure, talk about Sky-Daddy all you want.
I just want your ‘my god says I can hate _____’ out of my government.
the puddibigot’s Jesus told the world, according to the particular Bibul translation that the sect I was raised in used, “Love your neighbor.”
When will the “Christians” like the puddibigot start doing that, rather than hating on everyone they label “other”?
Wow, Piddles, your pastor reads from you from the original? And you believe him when he tells you that? What original? The one written in the hand of actual people living at the time? Oh yeah, that doesn’t exist. We’ve been over that.
So he reads to you in Aramaic (I’ll even give you greeg) and you understand it? I mean, if he’s not speaking the exact language from the text and you don’t also speak that language, how can you be sure he’s translating it correctly? He could be a man’s translation which you have already agreed aren’t necessarily accurate.
And finally, you deflect criticism by claiming to have bought a translation, a big translation, that came out in the ’70s? You do know I’m making fun of you for claiming a translation is the perfect word of God, right? Who told you that translation you have is accurate? Was it a man or God made flesh for the purpose of informing you alone that this translation is perfect? Did they have some secret document in the actual hand of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John that no other scribe in history has had when they made your epic translation from the 70s?
You are a funny character. (I have the word of God. Translations are the work of men inspired by god. The work of man may not be exactly the word of god. I have a translation. I have the word of God. That’s exactly the circle your character went around.)
The real American Taliban are those who insist that the laws of the country follow their understandings of their holy book and any art which includes blasphemous themes is base and must suffer destruction. Just like the Bamyan Buddhas were destroyed as an affront to the current religion. And the Puddy character has drawn two complete circles. An impressive feat actually.
Wow checkmate and schmucksmegma,
Still on the deflection rants… Why yes my pastor does read from the original translations. It seems you have a real hard on because of that. These originals are all around the world for all to see. Funny thing is Puddy can find the EXACT same words in Puddy’s Strong Exhaustive Concordance, which everyone can see you decidedly skipped right over. Then Puddy delivers 2 Timothy and 2 Peter verses and checkmate skips right over the Biblical texts! Why? It doesn’t fit checkmate’s silly argument. Sux to be you checkmate!
Now onto schucksmegma rants… This FOOL forgets the original discussion from Goldy. It’s always about schucksmegma! If you don’t believe it, read schucksmegma rants above! Any other commentary schucksmegma screams hey, I, schucksmegma, am running the commentary now, back to what schucksmegma wants you to discuss. Narcissistic as always!
Apparently this scumbag schucksmegma has no real religious experience and it’s readily described by schucksmegma’s own words above… Aramaic was translated into greek and hebrew, hebrew was translated into greek. These translations can be found and corroborated all over the world. Those are the same translations and original versions used to create the King James and other MODERN translations. Not only does it sux to be schucksmegma but looooonacy reigns there! Puddy knows schucksmegma doesn’t own a Strong’s book!
schucksmegma also doesn’t understand what Jesus hated… Matthew 23 comes to mind. You schucksmegma are just like the pharisees. schucksmegma words all over this blog prove it everyday! See if schucksmegma can figger it out!