Psalm 94:4-7
God, the wicked get away with murder—
how long will you let this go on?
They brag and boast
and crow about their crimes!
They walk all over your people, God,
exploit and abuse your precious people.
They take out anyone who gets in their way;
if they can’t use them, they kill them.
They think, “God isn’t looking,
Jacob’s God is out to lunch.”
Sorry Jacob, this is God, I am not out to lunch, I am busy sucking the cock of a bare chested horsey riding man. But you can call that lunch – hot sausage with some sauce.
Change “the wicked” to “the Clintons” and you’ve really got something here.
Although lunch ended on November 8th, it seems.
It starts out a some shit “clever” perverted sister fucking racist backward hillbillies say to upset the intellectual elite. Then before you can say “Grab ’em by the pussy!”, they have become what they set out to mock.
You can’t fix hillbilly.
@2 You’d think a retired radiologist would have matured by now beyond posts that look like they were written by a teenage kneejerker.
Confirmed. Doctor Dumbfuck has gone batshit fucking insane. SAD!
The last couple of lines seem to be a little off from most credible translations. They sound more like they came from Tom Waits than from King David.
Change “the wicked” to “the Clintons” and you’ve really got something here.
You have proof the Clintons committed a crime?
Oh, wait — you don’t.
You just repeat what you’ve been told about them, without the slightest consideration as to any external reality.
Live on your knees.
The last couple of lines seem to be a little off from most credible translations. They sound more like they came from Tom Waits than from King David.
“The Bible According to Tom Waits” would be the greatest thing EVAH!!!
“You have proof the Clintons committed a crime?”
I already gave Doctor Dumbfuck his chance at that and the lying traitor couldn’t name a single fucking crime. That was something like a thousand hashtags ago.
When these people get chumped, they stay chumped.
That’s because they’re too smart to get fooled in the first place.
Just ask them.
@6 Well the author is unknown. Does seem to be an odd psalm to be written by a king or as Gods right hand man on Earth. Could the psalm be referring to the King?
Well God you made us this way and there ain’t no rest for the wicked. I figure this little ditty answers your psalm pretty well.
Ain’t she cute?