The preferred method of population management for the Christian Conservatives.
It certainly is much more profitable than permitting people to take a pill to prevent pregnancy in the first place. Can’t fill forced labor companies with babies who are never born.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But they’ll test them for ideological leaning first. Only liberal babies will be smashed against the rocks.
That passage sound like something my boy Muhammad would say. He was a bloodthirsty little shit, particularly when he built up a nice following of armed and crazy zealot followers.
That’s old school.
These days you don’t have to smash your baby against the rocks. You can simply let her intern for Harvey Weinstein.
The “Good Book” is filled with so much hate, violence, and intolerance, I don’t know why anybody believes in that garbage.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@4 or just leave them in the car on a 97 degree day heat wave.
Mark Adamsspews:
I think the Catholics in Northern Ireland understand this verse perfectly, or they would tell you they do.
Of course if only Beau Berghdahl had lived by this verse. He would have burst out of his prison, and killed the sons and daughters of his captors. Sons and daughters of Allah. He would be celebrated in this land if he had only kept to that part of the warrior code, and would be free on a medical discharge now, and have a six or seven figure book deal.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 This was the method of population control on many Pacific Island’s. And it was the mother who was expected to smash the babies head. That or she would not eat, as there was not enough food to go around.
What of the woman hiding from the enemy with her child in her arms, and the entire village in the building hiding with her, and should her baby cry out, she and all the villagers will be killed or whatever the soldiers plan to do. Does she allow the baby to cry our? Does she suffocate her child? Lousy choice, but it has happened. Women and men have made that choice, Sometimes the child has survived for a while longer, and joined in death. Other times the child has died and the village survived.
Mark Adamsspews:
RR are you saying liberals are prisoners in Babylon? Or are they the Babylonians?
Are they demanding that the Prisoners sing or are liberals the prisoners? Are you on the shores of Babylon and think of Zion.
Obviously this passage was thought of in the original “Blade Runner.” Should synthetics smash the heads of human babies upon the rocks? Do they count electric sheep? Believe in Allah or God. Do they pray to the Kardassians?
Mark Adamsspews:
@3 You really are slipping up here Allah. The book of Psalms is also known as the Zabur. It’s one of your books of prophecy. So this book is yours. Here are the passages from the Quran stating as mucn:
We have sent thee inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him: we sent inspiration to Ibrahim, Isma’il, Ishaq, Yaqub and the Tribes, to Isa, Ayyub, Yunus, Aaron, and Sulayman, and to Dawood We gave the Psalms.
— Qur’an, Sura 4 (An-Nisa), ayah 163[49][50]
And it is your Lord that knoweth best all beings that are in the heavens and on earth: We did bestow on some prophets more (and other) gifts than on others: and We gave to David (the gift of) the Psalms.
— Qur’an, Sura 17 (Al-Isra), ayah 55[51]
Before this We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses): “My servants the righteous, shall inherit the earth.”
— Qur’an, sura 21 (Al-Anbiya), ayah 105[48]
Thank you Wikipedia.
May I suggest Allah begin using Wikipedia as your memory appears to be fading. Or you are not Allah set loose with a laptop and connection to the internet?
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 and @5 Well the good book is filled with palace intrigue and much that is good and bad. Anyone who truly reads it should not be naïve that Henry is inviting one up to just talk business. Of course if ones daughter is inclined to sleep her way to the top the bible calls a whore. No real differentia with a slut which would be a better description. Yes sleeping with the director, ect can get you a part or the part you want. It’s not a secret, and if you don’t want to sleep with the director there is always Peroria, Iowa.
I’d suggest advice from Gertrude Stein, but she is not available. So one ultimately is left to ones own wisdom in the choices one makes.
That Cleopatra was a homely woman, but she sure set the ancient world on fire. And overall she was really trying to do the best for her people.
Mark Adamsspews:
Of course this is actually a song so here is the verse to music:
Of course there is:
Lamentation over Boston by William Billings
English text
By the Rivers of Watertown we sat down and wept,
we wept when we remember’d, O Boston.
Lord God of Heaven, preserve them, defend them,
deliver and restore them unto us again.
Forbid it, Lord God,
forbid that those who have sucked Bostonian Breasts
should thirst for American Blood.
A voice was heard in Roxbury which eccho’d thro’ the Continent,
weeping for Boston because of their Danger.
Is Boston my dear Town, is it my native Place?
for since their Calamity I do earnestly remember it still!
If I forget thee, yea, if I do not remember thee,
Then let my numbers cease to flow, Then be my Muse unkind,
Then let my Tongue forget to move and ever be confin’d;
Let horrid Jargon split the Air and rive my nerves asunder.
Let hateful discord greet my ear as terrible as Thunder.
Let harmony be banish’d hence and Consonance depart;
Let dissonance erect her throne and reign within my Heart.
@7 That’s “Bowe,” not “Beau.” Misspelling a public figure’s name establishes you as a member of the Ignorati. I hope you can keep “to” and “too” straight, which is more than not a few Trump voters can do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 No, I’m thinking forward to what America will be like if Republicans ever learn how to impose their will on this country, although frankly that’s not much of a worry given their incompetence.
The preferred method of population management for the Christian Conservatives.
It certainly is much more profitable than permitting people to take a pill to prevent pregnancy in the first place. Can’t fill forced labor companies with babies who are never born.
But they’ll test them for ideological leaning first. Only liberal babies will be smashed against the rocks.
That passage sound like something my boy Muhammad would say. He was a bloodthirsty little shit, particularly when he built up a nice following of armed and crazy zealot followers.
That’s old school.
These days you don’t have to smash your baby against the rocks. You can simply let her intern for Harvey Weinstein.
Or be a Congressional Page for a conservative Republican:
The “Good Book” is filled with so much hate, violence, and intolerance, I don’t know why anybody believes in that garbage.
@4 or just leave them in the car on a 97 degree day heat wave.
I think the Catholics in Northern Ireland understand this verse perfectly, or they would tell you they do.
Of course if only Beau Berghdahl had lived by this verse. He would have burst out of his prison, and killed the sons and daughters of his captors. Sons and daughters of Allah. He would be celebrated in this land if he had only kept to that part of the warrior code, and would be free on a medical discharge now, and have a six or seven figure book deal.
@1 This was the method of population control on many Pacific Island’s. And it was the mother who was expected to smash the babies head. That or she would not eat, as there was not enough food to go around.
What of the woman hiding from the enemy with her child in her arms, and the entire village in the building hiding with her, and should her baby cry out, she and all the villagers will be killed or whatever the soldiers plan to do. Does she allow the baby to cry our? Does she suffocate her child? Lousy choice, but it has happened. Women and men have made that choice, Sometimes the child has survived for a while longer, and joined in death. Other times the child has died and the village survived.
RR are you saying liberals are prisoners in Babylon? Or are they the Babylonians?
Are they demanding that the Prisoners sing or are liberals the prisoners? Are you on the shores of Babylon and think of Zion.
Obviously this passage was thought of in the original “Blade Runner.” Should synthetics smash the heads of human babies upon the rocks? Do they count electric sheep? Believe in Allah or God. Do they pray to the Kardassians?
@3 You really are slipping up here Allah. The book of Psalms is also known as the Zabur. It’s one of your books of prophecy. So this book is yours. Here are the passages from the Quran stating as mucn:
We have sent thee inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him: we sent inspiration to Ibrahim, Isma’il, Ishaq, Yaqub and the Tribes, to Isa, Ayyub, Yunus, Aaron, and Sulayman, and to Dawood We gave the Psalms.
— Qur’an, Sura 4 (An-Nisa), ayah 163[49][50]
And it is your Lord that knoweth best all beings that are in the heavens and on earth: We did bestow on some prophets more (and other) gifts than on others: and We gave to David (the gift of) the Psalms.
— Qur’an, Sura 17 (Al-Isra), ayah 55[51]
Before this We wrote in the Psalms, after the Message (given to Moses): “My servants the righteous, shall inherit the earth.”
— Qur’an, sura 21 (Al-Anbiya), ayah 105[48]
Thank you Wikipedia.
May I suggest Allah begin using Wikipedia as your memory appears to be fading. Or you are not Allah set loose with a laptop and connection to the internet?
@4 and @5 Well the good book is filled with palace intrigue and much that is good and bad. Anyone who truly reads it should not be naïve that Henry is inviting one up to just talk business. Of course if ones daughter is inclined to sleep her way to the top the bible calls a whore. No real differentia with a slut which would be a better description. Yes sleeping with the director, ect can get you a part or the part you want. It’s not a secret, and if you don’t want to sleep with the director there is always Peroria, Iowa.
I’d suggest advice from Gertrude Stein, but she is not available. So one ultimately is left to ones own wisdom in the choices one makes.
That Cleopatra was a homely woman, but she sure set the ancient world on fire. And overall she was really trying to do the best for her people.
Of course this is actually a song so here is the verse to music:
Of course there is:
Lamentation over Boston by William Billings
English text
By the Rivers of Watertown we sat down and wept,
we wept when we remember’d, O Boston.
Lord God of Heaven, preserve them, defend them,
deliver and restore them unto us again.
Forbid it, Lord God,
forbid that those who have sucked Bostonian Breasts
should thirst for American Blood.
A voice was heard in Roxbury which eccho’d thro’ the Continent,
weeping for Boston because of their Danger.
Is Boston my dear Town, is it my native Place?
for since their Calamity I do earnestly remember it still!
If I forget thee, yea, if I do not remember thee,
Then let my numbers cease to flow, Then be my Muse unkind,
Then let my Tongue forget to move and ever be confin’d;
Let horrid Jargon split the Air and rive my nerves asunder.
Let hateful discord greet my ear as terrible as Thunder.
Let harmony be banish’d hence and Consonance depart;
Let dissonance erect her throne and reign within my Heart.
@7 That’s “Bowe,” not “Beau.” Misspelling a public figure’s name establishes you as a member of the Ignorati. I hope you can keep “to” and “too” straight, which is more than not a few Trump voters can do.
@9 No, I’m thinking forward to what America will be like if Republicans ever learn how to impose their will on this country, although frankly that’s not much of a worry given their incompetence.