The Conservatives in the GOP, and many in the Democratic party have spent decades telling poor and near-poor white folks as well as a very small percentage of agreeable (meaning just as gullible and ignorant) non-white folks, that they deserve, and eventually will be, the millionaires that will inevitably be on top of the social pecking order. The Conservatives have been told for decades that if they support the GOP, even when it surely seems to be nakedly against their own self-interests, then it will happen. It’s bound to happen! It’s what they deserve! The Dirty Liberals are eventually going to be done away with altogether and the Conservatives are the ones that will come out on top, merely by virtue of their faith. Because the strength of that Faith isn’t in the words used to enforce conformity to the tribal moralism, but merely by the will to use physical force to enforce that conformity that can be rationalized in the words after the fact.
The words are therefore empty, and meaningless, and only the tool used to capture peoples learning patterns so those patterns can be controlled and directed to the emotions of selfishness and personal isolationism. Fear, hunger and weakness for the most part.
Social constructs that develop outside of the dominant paradigm can therefore be easily suppressed by whatever means the leadership claims is necessary. Including to the point of total destruction.
They’ve been preaching this bullshit from the pulpit since the 8th or 9th century, but somehow it never happens unless they can totally dominate the conversation and take active and often extremely violent measures to prevent anyone else from speaking, even to the point of instigating mass murder.
Is it possible that they could admit they were ever wrong? About anything? That they supported and committed murders, thefts, and indescribable destructions of history on the behalf of their own oppressors in direct contradiction to their foundation documents?
That they have been willingly sucking on the con-artists dicks their whole lives with their eyes tightly shut to the humiliation of it all?
Meanwhile, the GOP says, oh, by the way, the reason you AREN’T millionaires already is because of . . . your many enemies! Not us! Definitely not us! Probably people who are other colors or have other religions. People who root for another team like the Jews, or the Arabs and Negroes, or the Homerseckuals. Those people. The Others. It’s their fault you are being held back. It is their fault that you feel so isolated and burdened and stressed.
And these sheep believe it. They suck that shit down like it’s the sweetest milkshake in the yard. Not because it makes any goddamned sense, but because it keeps them from having to believe that they’re wrong and realizing that they’re their own worst enemies, that it is themselves who are to be held responsible for their own decisions in life.
When this is pointed out to them in conversation, they accuse the party making that point of being a “humanist” or “socialist” and immediately refuse to consider the legitimacy of any further points. But if the party is laying the blame on a social group, it is accepted without question. Especially when the party shares basic commonalities with the listener, such as skin color or a comparable upbringing.
So. It isn’t that they’re stupid, nor are they a danger to themselves and others. It’s that they’re Persecuted!
Oh, the unfairness of it all.
So, out of all of that, I have a question:
Is locking the burglar out of your house, therefore an act of oppression against the burglar?
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
No, locking a burglar out of your house is perfectly OK.
1. Becoming a millionaire has not, for quite awhile now, been a noteworthy achievement. The fact that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit claims to be one is excellent evidence in support of this – it’s a simple accomplishment if one begins saving early enough and is sufficiently diligent. It’s even easier if one includes the equity in one’s home to claim millionaire status, as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit must do.
2. For the middle three quintiles there is plenty of economic mobility. Including downward, for some, which likely explains so much of your anger, ‘froggy.
The liberal soul shall be made fat and someone other than he likely paid for the lardening.
Look at that: two comments @ 4,7 on a liberal blog thread about saving for retirement.
Was that triggering to anyone?
Perfectly Happy Sinnerspews:
@5 fuck that and them. Pastor – go blow yourself you bigot.
Perfectly Happy Sinnerspews:
@9 everyone except hillbillies. Hillbillies saving account is for moonshine – fuck the roof and need for shingles, a little water in the living room doesn’t matter in a drunken stupor with the bruised barefoot wife (girlfriend) in the corner.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
Being a millionaire today is not the same as being a millionaire in 1960. Having roughly $250,000 in 1960 was certainly enough to be worth $1 million today, taking into account the horrendous destruction of purchasing power, all engineered by the Federal Reserve.
Perhaps those class warriors who bemoan “millionaires” should start talking about the “evil billionaires” such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet. Of course, the class warriors are already doing their best to forcibly seize the wealth of conservative and libertarian billionaires like the Koch brothers. Why not go after all of the rich? Didn’t they just steal the wealth from government and the poor to begin with?
@ 12:
Perhaps those class warriors who bemoan “millionaires” should start talking about the “evil billionaires” such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet.
We bemoan the wealth of the Kochs, the Waltons, the Bush’s, the Trumps, the Rennerts etc, because they do in fact use their wealth to commit crimes, very serious crimes. The sort of crimes that non-wealthy people are imprisoned for life for committing.
50 or so people in this country, that is fifty individual persons in the United States make as much in income as the lower 50% of the rest of the entire population. 340 or so individual persons around the world possess as much wealth as 2/3 of the population worldwide. They pay little if anything in the way of taxes, and they certainly do not go out of their way to hire people to work for them until backorders and paperwork starts building up to the point where they might have to start dealing with it personally.
They wouldn’t piss in your face if your nose was on fire. It just costs them too much to do so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 So, opposing racism and segregation makes you a communist? Yeah, that’s certainly what 1960s conservative theocrats sounded like, alright. I remember those days. Back then, 200 kids were coming home in coffins every week from our righteous war against communism in Vietnam. Now, we buy t-shirts and backpacks made in Vietnamese factories.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Republicans succeed at throwing away a Senate seat in Alabama next month, their next act may be to throw away two more in Mississippi.
@16 I can how the Archbishop of Canterbury might not get it, rather Anglican of him.
Now if RR is also an Anglican he might not get separation of church and state as well, and what those darned American fundamentalists, and others are up to. Especially those Mormons. After all As head of the Church of England he says jump in England and people jump. He’s just not as fun as Adam Ant though.
Mark Adamsspews:
Shall a generous person receive back?
Shall someone who gives also receive?
Solomon believed the answer is yes to both.
Mark Adamsspews:
@15 A lot of its there. There is a split in the Republican party, and it’s been there for some time, and it may not go away, but whatever happens it will happen by a democratic process, From the bottom up. Hopefully they don’t become so involved in warfare warfare the Democratic party doesn’t have to deal with a undemocratic system that is corrupt. The Democratic party is being run top down, and the top is in a bubble. There are also factions within the Democratic party that are as serious as in the Republican party. Only the duopoly of the system has enabled both parties to forestall a third party from taking shape, stealing power from them., and that remains something both parties fight at all levels. Those mechanisms are weakening with both parties dealing with strong inner competition, to the point both parties could split.
“In reviewing these fantasy ideologies, especially those associated with Nazism and Italian fascism, there is always the temptation for an outside observer to regard their promulgation as the cynical manipulation by a power-hungry leader of his gullible followers. This is a serious error, for the leader himself must be as much steeped in the fantasy as his followers: He can only make others believe because he believes so intensely himself.
But the concept of belief, as it is used in this context, must be carefully understood in order to avoid ambiguity. For us, belief is a purely passive response to evidence presented to us – I form my beliefs about the world for the purpose of understanding the world as it is. But this is radically different from what might be called transformative belief – the secret of fantasy ideology. For here the belief is not passive, but intensely active, and its purpose is not to describe the world, but to change it.
It is, in a sense, a deliberate form of make-believe, but one in which the make-believe is not an end in itself, but rather the means of making the make-believe become real. In this sense it is akin to such innocently jejune phenomena as “The Power of Positive Thinking,” or even the little engine that thought it could. To say that Mussolini, for example, believed that fascist Italy would revive the Roman Empire does not mean that he made a careful examination of the evidence and then arrived at this conclusion. Rather, what is meant by this is that Mussolini had the will to believe that fascist Italy would revive the Roman Empire.”
Thus it is with Donald Trump. He is absolutely convinced that he can manufacture an entirely new reality based on his sincere belief in his own ability to convince people of it, by merely repeating what he believes it is supposed to be. Facts be damned.
The lie is the truth, and the truth is a lie.
Roger Rabbitspews:
1. Britain wants to leave the EU.
2. Ireland wants to stay in the EU.
3. Northern Ireland wants to align with Britain’s trade regulations so it can trade freely with Britain.
4. Ireland wants Northern Ireland to align with EU’s trade regulations to maintain a “soft” border with Norther Ireland (i.e., passports and customs houses aren’t needed).
5. Britain’s PM, Teresa May, needs Northern Ireland in her coalition to keep a majority.
6. Ireland will veto trade talks unless Britain agrees in writing to its “soft border” stance with respect to Northern Ireland.
Interesting dilemma. I wonder if Ireland has contingency plans to invade England? What will the Scots do if it does (and where is William Wallace when you need him)?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Roger Rabbit is not an Anglican, and if you’ve read this blog for more than six months, you should know that. Roger Rabbit is a naturist who worships the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit who exists in the wind, trees, and water.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 ” … the Republican party … will happen by a democratic process, From the bottom up. … the Democratic party … is being run top down, and the top is in a bubble.”
Somehow you’ve managed to visualize the grand scale of things exactly backwards.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Trump appears to be role modeling Hitler, except for the mass murder part, although who knows what’s lurking in the darkest recesses of his mind.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This, of course, was entirely predictable. It’s what happens when you elect someone with no political or policy experience to an office for which he is grossly unqualified.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Everything in the Bible and in the news, whether it be Faux News or MSNBC is meaningless when you think about the future of this. I seen this coming 30 years ago. 30 years ago I told my parents that soon androids will be replacing human beings. And I am not wrong. Watch the video of this robot being Nadia Komenichi.
And he who hath pussy grabbing hands grabath thy pussy.
Can I hire Russian hookers to do my watering?
The actual explanation.
The Conservatives in the GOP, and many in the Democratic party have spent decades telling poor and near-poor white folks as well as a very small percentage of agreeable (meaning just as gullible and ignorant) non-white folks, that they deserve, and eventually will be, the millionaires that will inevitably be on top of the social pecking order. The Conservatives have been told for decades that if they support the GOP, even when it surely seems to be nakedly against their own self-interests, then it will happen. It’s bound to happen! It’s what they deserve! The Dirty Liberals are eventually going to be done away with altogether and the Conservatives are the ones that will come out on top, merely by virtue of their faith. Because the strength of that Faith isn’t in the words used to enforce conformity to the tribal moralism, but merely by the will to use physical force to enforce that conformity that can be rationalized in the words after the fact.
The words are therefore empty, and meaningless, and only the tool used to capture peoples learning patterns so those patterns can be controlled and directed to the emotions of selfishness and personal isolationism. Fear, hunger and weakness for the most part.
Social constructs that develop outside of the dominant paradigm can therefore be easily suppressed by whatever means the leadership claims is necessary. Including to the point of total destruction.
They’ve been preaching this bullshit from the pulpit since the 8th or 9th century, but somehow it never happens unless they can totally dominate the conversation and take active and often extremely violent measures to prevent anyone else from speaking, even to the point of instigating mass murder.
Is it possible that they could admit they were ever wrong? About anything? That they supported and committed murders, thefts, and indescribable destructions of history on the behalf of their own oppressors in direct contradiction to their foundation documents?
That they have been willingly sucking on the con-artists dicks their whole lives with their eyes tightly shut to the humiliation of it all?
Meanwhile, the GOP says, oh, by the way, the reason you AREN’T millionaires already is because of . . . your many enemies! Not us! Definitely not us! Probably people who are other colors or have other religions. People who root for another team like the Jews, or the Arabs and Negroes, or the Homerseckuals. Those people. The Others. It’s their fault you are being held back. It is their fault that you feel so isolated and burdened and stressed.
And these sheep believe it. They suck that shit down like it’s the sweetest milkshake in the yard. Not because it makes any goddamned sense, but because it keeps them from having to believe that they’re wrong and realizing that they’re their own worst enemies, that it is themselves who are to be held responsible for their own decisions in life.
When this is pointed out to them in conversation, they accuse the party making that point of being a “humanist” or “socialist” and immediately refuse to consider the legitimacy of any further points. But if the party is laying the blame on a social group, it is accepted without question. Especially when the party shares basic commonalities with the listener, such as skin color or a comparable upbringing.
So. It isn’t that they’re stupid, nor are they a danger to themselves and others. It’s that they’re Persecuted!
Oh, the unfairness of it all.
So, out of all of that, I have a question:
Is locking the burglar out of your house, therefore an act of oppression against the burglar?
No, locking a burglar out of your house is perfectly OK.
Lock your doors.
Don’t drink/use pot and drive.
Don’t run with scissors.
Don’t overeat.
Get exercise 3 or 4 times per week.
Save for retirement.
Straight from the founder of the modern American Christianist movement.PDF warning.
Drink 8 full glasses of water each day.
@ 3
1. Becoming a millionaire has not, for quite awhile now, been a noteworthy achievement. The fact that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit claims to be one is excellent evidence in support of this – it’s a simple accomplishment if one begins saving early enough and is sufficiently diligent. It’s even easier if one includes the equity in one’s home to claim millionaire status, as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit must do.
2. For the middle three quintiles there is plenty of economic mobility. Including downward, for some, which likely explains so much of your anger, ‘froggy.
The liberal soul shall be made fat and someone other than he likely paid for the lardening.
Look at that: two comments @ 4,7 on a liberal blog thread about saving for retirement.
Was that triggering to anyone?
@5 fuck that and them. Pastor – go blow yourself you bigot.
@9 everyone except hillbillies. Hillbillies saving account is for moonshine – fuck the roof and need for shingles, a little water in the living room doesn’t matter in a drunken stupor with the bruised barefoot wife (girlfriend) in the corner.
Being a millionaire today is not the same as being a millionaire in 1960. Having roughly $250,000 in 1960 was certainly enough to be worth $1 million today, taking into account the horrendous destruction of purchasing power, all engineered by the Federal Reserve.
Perhaps those class warriors who bemoan “millionaires” should start talking about the “evil billionaires” such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet. Of course, the class warriors are already doing their best to forcibly seize the wealth of conservative and libertarian billionaires like the Koch brothers. Why not go after all of the rich? Didn’t they just steal the wealth from government and the poor to begin with?
@ 12:
Perhaps those class warriors who bemoan “millionaires” should start talking about the “evil billionaires” such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet.
We bemoan the wealth of the Kochs, the Waltons, the Bush’s, the Trumps, the Rennerts etc, because they do in fact use their wealth to commit crimes, very serious crimes. The sort of crimes that non-wealthy people are imprisoned for life for committing.
50 or so people in this country, that is fifty individual persons in the United States make as much in income as the lower 50% of the rest of the entire population. 340 or so individual persons around the world possess as much wealth as 2/3 of the population worldwide. They pay little if anything in the way of taxes, and they certainly do not go out of their way to hire people to work for them until backorders and paperwork starts building up to the point where they might have to start dealing with it personally.
They wouldn’t piss in your face if your nose was on fire. It just costs them too much to do so.
@5 So, opposing racism and segregation makes you a communist? Yeah, that’s certainly what 1960s conservative theocrats sounded like, alright. I remember those days. Back then, 200 kids were coming home in coffins every week from our righteous war against communism in Vietnam. Now, we buy t-shirts and backpacks made in Vietnamese factories.
If Republicans succeed at throwing away a Senate seat in Alabama next month, their next act may be to throw away two more in Mississippi.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is fine with me.
The Archbishop of Canterbury can’t see how someone can be a Christian and a Trump supporter at the same time.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Neither can I.
@16 I can how the Archbishop of Canterbury might not get it, rather Anglican of him.
Now if RR is also an Anglican he might not get separation of church and state as well, and what those darned American fundamentalists, and others are up to. Especially those Mormons. After all As head of the Church of England he says jump in England and people jump. He’s just not as fun as Adam Ant though.
Shall a generous person receive back?
Shall someone who gives also receive?
Solomon believed the answer is yes to both.
@15 A lot of its there. There is a split in the Republican party, and it’s been there for some time, and it may not go away, but whatever happens it will happen by a democratic process, From the bottom up. Hopefully they don’t become so involved in warfare warfare the Democratic party doesn’t have to deal with a undemocratic system that is corrupt. The Democratic party is being run top down, and the top is in a bubble. There are also factions within the Democratic party that are as serious as in the Republican party. Only the duopoly of the system has enabled both parties to forestall a third party from taking shape, stealing power from them., and that remains something both parties fight at all levels. Those mechanisms are weakening with both parties dealing with strong inner competition, to the point both parties could split.
“In reviewing these fantasy ideologies, especially those associated with Nazism and Italian fascism, there is always the temptation for an outside observer to regard their promulgation as the cynical manipulation by a power-hungry leader of his gullible followers. This is a serious error, for the leader himself must be as much steeped in the fantasy as his followers: He can only make others believe because he believes so intensely himself.
But the concept of belief, as it is used in this context, must be carefully understood in order to avoid ambiguity. For us, belief is a purely passive response to evidence presented to us – I form my beliefs about the world for the purpose of understanding the world as it is. But this is radically different from what might be called transformative belief – the secret of fantasy ideology. For here the belief is not passive, but intensely active, and its purpose is not to describe the world, but to change it.
It is, in a sense, a deliberate form of make-believe, but one in which the make-believe is not an end in itself, but rather the means of making the make-believe become real. In this sense it is akin to such innocently jejune phenomena as “The Power of Positive Thinking,” or even the little engine that thought it could. To say that Mussolini, for example, believed that fascist Italy would revive the Roman Empire does not mean that he made a careful examination of the evidence and then arrived at this conclusion. Rather, what is meant by this is that Mussolini had the will to believe that fascist Italy would revive the Roman Empire.”
– Lee Harris, Hoover Institution,
Al Qaeda’s Fantasy Ideology.
Thus it is with Donald Trump. He is absolutely convinced that he can manufacture an entirely new reality based on his sincere belief in his own ability to convince people of it, by merely repeating what he believes it is supposed to be. Facts be damned.
The lie is the truth, and the truth is a lie.
1. Britain wants to leave the EU.
2. Ireland wants to stay in the EU.
3. Northern Ireland wants to align with Britain’s trade regulations so it can trade freely with Britain.
4. Ireland wants Northern Ireland to align with EU’s trade regulations to maintain a “soft” border with Norther Ireland (i.e., passports and customs houses aren’t needed).
5. Britain’s PM, Teresa May, needs Northern Ireland in her coalition to keep a majority.
6. Ireland will veto trade talks unless Britain agrees in writing to its “soft border” stance with respect to Northern Ireland.
Interesting dilemma. I wonder if Ireland has contingency plans to invade England? What will the Scots do if it does (and where is William Wallace when you need him)?
@17 Roger Rabbit is not an Anglican, and if you’ve read this blog for more than six months, you should know that. Roger Rabbit is a naturist who worships the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit who exists in the wind, trees, and water.
@19 ” … the Republican party … will happen by a democratic process, From the bottom up. … the Democratic party … is being run top down, and the top is in a bubble.”
Somehow you’ve managed to visualize the grand scale of things exactly backwards.
@20 Trump appears to be role modeling Hitler, except for the mass murder part, although who knows what’s lurking in the darkest recesses of his mind.
Remember NOW kids, that this is not Donald Trump.
Just locker room talk.
If it’s the locker room at Plato’s Retreat!
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM) “standing his ground.”
“Donald Trump is unique among modern Presidents in that he has no significant legislative accomplishments to show for ten months after taking office.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This, of course, was entirely predictable. It’s what happens when you elect someone with no political or policy experience to an office for which he is grossly unqualified.
Everything in the Bible and in the news, whether it be Faux News or MSNBC is meaningless when you think about the future of this. I seen this coming 30 years ago. 30 years ago I told my parents that soon androids will be replacing human beings. And I am not wrong. Watch the video of this robot being Nadia Komenichi.
Elon Musk’s Tweet Gives Creepy Insight Into Future Of Humanoid Robots
Say good bye to Doctor Dumbfuck.