Numbers 15:32-36
While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly, and they kept him in custody, because it was not clear what should be done to him. Then the LORD said to Moses, “The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp.” So the assembly took him outside the camp and stoned him to death, as the LORD commanded Moses.
Finally – something that is comprehensible. Take stone, throw and kill.
Hail Hitler!
Not a fun one this week.
Nowadays the LORD is referred to as Allah. Moses has morphed into Mohammed. Or Muhammed. Or…
@2 Allah or Mohammed or Muhammed = The Lord = Republican……not referrals but true equivalents.
Fake news. There’s no wood in deserts.
No wood in the Dumbfuck Rabbit bedroom for well over two decades, either.
@5 Sez the weirdo who daily fantasizes about utilizing patient catheters as his personal drinking straws.
@4 Depends on the desert and ones definition of desert. You can find wood in much of the American southwest. Now finding wood, or any vegetation in the great wadi is challenging, unless it is immediately after a rain. And just because someplace is now a desert does not mean it was not at sometime a forest, and a lot of wood is to be had just for the taking.
The real reason the man was stoned is because he was a penniless artist. He was just gathering wood for his project, not working, and he would have brought avant guarde art to the people of Israel and this was dangerous to the folks in charge. Does not matter if they are NAZI’s or Capitalists, or Communists art is dangerous and must be controlled by those in charge.
Oh and Democrats also try to control art and artists. They also get upset with artists who don’t conform to their view of the world, and are very capable of being the NAZI’s they say they despise. Forgetting the fundamental role that tolerance plays in a Republic that is democratic with a little d. And their parties name.
@8 is that an admission that Repukes aren’t tolerant? Or do you guys think your tolerant but just don’t have to be when you don’t want to be?
@7 “You can find wood in much of the American southwest.”
Moses trekked across New Mexico?
@8 Yeah, we suspend their artist licenses if they paint conservative pictures.
It’s Ritalin’s fault! Ritalin made him do it! Ban Ritalin, not guns!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’ll look like an idiot if it turns out these school shooters never took Ritalin, but most sensible folks already think he’s an idiot.
@12 Oh, and abortion. Abortions are to blame, too. But not guns. Gun violence is never about guns.
Moses, during his trek across New Mexico, ironically founded the city “Truth or Consequences”?
It is nice to see Shortbus ramp up is game @7, even for him that was an inane comment.
Clearly this passage is about the time of Moses and he and his tribe wandered in this desert:, I doubt there is much wood there, but that was before climate change and global warming.
Nice to see the Lord practicing tolerance. Speaking of that, how is Piddles still with us if stoning to death is the punishment for working on the Sabbath? There is documented evidence he has broken that rule; ergo, there must not be a god. Thanks for clearing that up for us Piddles.
Maybe the wood that they came across was of their own hard cocks.
That’s why the Lord was so upset.