Nahum 1:2-6
The Lord is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and rage. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and continues to rage against his enemies!The Lord is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished. He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm. The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet.
At his command the oceans dry up, and the rivers disappear. The lush pastures of Bashan and Carmel fade, and the green forests of Lebanon wither.
In his presence the mountains quake, and the hills melt away; the earth trembles, and its people are destroyed.
Who can stand before his fierce anger? Who can survive his burning fury? His rage blazes forth like fire, and the mountains crumble to dust in his presence.
We know that Piddle’s god is a mean, vengeful, and spiteful entity. Given this quote, “[A]nd he never lets the guilty go unpunished.” Sounds like Piddles has quite the surprise waiting for him when he meets his maker.
I dunno if I wanna “friend” this deity. I prefer a lord and master who’s a little more sedate. In fact, a lazy god is the best kind.
At his command the oceans dry up, and the rivers disappear.
Ted Kennedy could have used that, at least once. Of course, there would still be that bridge.
In the days that followed Mary Jo Kopechne’s death, why did Ted Kennedy wear that cervical brace? Wouldn’t a snorkel and mask have been more useful to him?
@3 “Of course, there would still be that bridge.”
You should know all about that, because you yourself go off the rails every time you post a comment.
@4 “why did Ted Kennedy wear that cervical brace?”
Probably because one of your pals prescribed it for him. He couldn’t have been much of a doctor, because whatever he prescribed for you didn’t work.
You’re a doc, you should know why.
Still stuck in the past eh. News flash, they are all long dead and nobody really cares anymore except bitter old angry white men.
Ted paid a price, he never was able to become POTUS. I mean if a Republican like Norm Maleng can see fit to spare the life of a serial killer like Gary Ridgway, surely you can see fit to forgive Ted Kennedy for an unfortunate accident, can’t you? Didn’t think so.
@ 7
I will forever be appreciative of what Ted Kennedy did to Jimmy Carter in 1980.
Laura Bush killed a guy under even more dubious circumstances, involving cars, alcohol, and reckless driving yet never faced any consequences.
And you’re okay with that.
So meh.
Just can’t be bothered with Roypublican, child molesting, PornFucking, restroom prowling, cross burning, abortion soliciting, moralizing hypocrisy anymore.
You idiots burned it all to cinders in your big orange dumpster fire.
You need a new act.
@ 9
Laura Bush burns in living hell. She has two daughters, a fate worse than death.
Oh, and she’ll never, ever be president. Just like Ted.
@10 Sounds like the daughters you don’t have are very fortunate that you don’t have them.
Fuckin Drumpf only ran to be Head Pussy Grabber because he was jealous.
Today I probably saw tax payers money being wasted. The tDrumpf helicopter landing on one of the helipads on one of the piers on the West side, along the Hudson River. Out came a few adults with a bunch of toddlers, that were whisked away in a Chevy Suburban with flashing emergency lights on the front grille. I’m sure it was headed to Dump Towers. And I bet if I went out to this same spot on about the same time that it’s more than infrequent occurrence. I’m sure Old Dumpy benefitted by charging the tax player. Hopefully Bob can verify and correct this for us; you know the miracle worker doctor can do magic.
@2 You pagan. If the Roman gods had just done more miracles Christianity would not be a major religion. And the jealous part worked. Rather than just picking up a new god and continuing belief in the old gods, Christianity made sure to make it only one god. At least that is what some expert on Christianity on NPR said a few days ago.
No Roman Empire probably Christianity would just be a small sect in what is now the middle east.
So you talking to your bunny friend at Number One Observation Circle?
@1 Actually this god is not Piddles god, it’s the Jewish version of God. Christian’s version is something else, and seems to come in multiple flavors. Like being in Baskin Robins do you like the chocolate or the vanilla. Or for the more adult version hang out with the Blues Brothers.
@3 Ted just didn’t believe, all he needed to have was all the stuff any Yes they take their eyes off the road, their hands off the steering wheel, and leave the driving up to the Virgin Mary. Oddly this usually works out well for the taxi driver. Could be the Virgin Mary is just a better driver, or self driving cars have been around for decades in Naples, Italy. Those taxi drivers have a lot of faith. Maybe Ted didn’t have that kind of faith.
Why is He a jealous God?
’cause not everyone gets to spend 65 years in bed with Milfs.
Milfs celebrating 65th wedding anniversary
@7 I think there is reasonable doubt that it was an accident Prosecutors have certainly sent other men to prison on even less evidence than they had in that case. They never even went in front of a grand jury. They would have embarrassed Mr. Kennedy as everyone knows a good prosecutor can convince a grand jury of ham sandwiches that there is probably cause.
So those bitter old men issue is not with Kennedy, but one of justice. why we have kids marching against guns. Why there rhetoric, heat, and not much action with police shooting people of color. Are the same people or same kind of people in charge there in that little Podunk New England town. Probably the kids or grand kids of those that were in charge then. Wonder if the scales of justice are the same.
@9 Last time I checked Lady Justice is to be blind when it comes to prosecuting the guilty and she is not to give a shit about party affiliation of the accused. Of course prosecutors have that thing called discretion. Could be in both cases the Prosecutor believed he could not convince a jury of the individuals guilt. And again prosecutors are not supposed to make these decisions putting any particular weight to party affiliation of the accused or the feelings of partisan members of the public.
But as a song said “…I ain’t no Senators son.”
See, that is the reason religion is bullshit. The whole idea behind monotheistic religions is that there is only one god</b. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim; only one god, that is part of the reason they like to kill each other, in the name of their god. So it is Piddles god, that mean, petty, jealous, vengeful, and spiteful god. Piddles can have him, I have no need for the stuff.
At 16. Are you disclosing that you want to sleep with Mr. Milfs?
@12 What do you mean? You said the Drump helicopter. Dou you mean the marine helicopter that the President uses? Or a company helicopter? On the first there are taxpayer dollars being spent whether the President goes anywhere or not. It’s a Marine helicopter and the money comes out of the Marines pool of money. It it’s a Trump business helicopter then the Trump organization pays for it. Are you suggesting the US is paying for use of the pier, or do you mean the Trump organization? Could be either or none as the pier maybe a public landing site for helicopters. Or a nice place to land a helicopter and off load and get the heck out of there before the port can get someone over there to charge a dime.
The fact people got off and got into black SUVs could mean it’s Trump or part of the Trump entourage, or could be a Secret Service get together celebrating their families sacrifices over the past year. could be participants in the protest marches. Could be something to do with Trump or nothing at all to do with him. Wit the President and family being in New York often it’s entirely possible that the Secret Service has rented one or more helicopter pads in the area for security and in the event they can’t land at Trump tower. You can find out real quick by walking over to the pier and walking up going into the landing area. You will end up face down on the pier, so don’t eat to much gravel, and please take a camera man with you.
PS The tax payers pay a good bit of change anytime a sitting President goes outside the White House grounds. Secondly nothing in your post gives any indication that Trump or the Trump organization could have benefitted financially from anything you stated in the post, you just threw that in. Your post is really about nothing other than a helicopter landing on a pier on the west side and people getting out and being whisked away in a convoy. Stuff like that happens in New York every day, not particularly newsworthy. However now that we know more it’s entirely possible a algorithm has noted your post and forwarded it to Facebook, which then forwarded it to Homeland Security, and a analyst there or in the Secret Service is interested in your post.
@16 @20 Just who the heck are the MILFS? Probably no one Stormy Daniels knows and hangs out with. Has her profession made the marriage happier? Perhaps, but I doubt anyone on Whidbey would ask the couple.
Funny, I thought being married to a POTUS that started a war against a country that did not attack us was a fate worse than death.
Why do you hate women so much? Mrs. Dr. Bob not put out? Or does she see through your bullshit? What is wrong with daughters? What a mysogynistic prick. Maybe you should move to China, they seem to hold a grudge against females there.
@13 Rabbits are naturists, not pagans, dummy. We worship the earth, trees, and sky. Everybody knows that.
So there it is. People are imperfect. They lie, drink, gamble, cheat, and whore around.
And you idiot trailerbillies probably aren’t doing yourselves any big favors by pretending that political parties are the way to confront that. Or that this or any of your dear leaders should be raised up as moral examples.
Problem is, without that what have you got?
If you aren’t about family values, or small govt, or personal responsibility, or free trade, then all you have left is trans-vaginal probes, bump stock carnage, English first, and Tiki Torches.
That’s not a political party.
It’s a yard sale in a trailer park.
A Republican is someone who thinks Juanita Broaddrick is telling the truth and Stormy Daniels is lying.
I have clients who’d like to meet the lawyer who cuts $130,00 checks to women his client has never met. I also know of a bridge for sale.
@21 not marine 1. A helicopter with the Drumpf logo on the tail below the rotor. At the helipad complex between 29 and 31 streets (use arial map yourself to view)
I said “probably”. I also said Bob could investigate for us.
So yes it could have been anyone like you say.
My suspicion is that it was Drumpf family and friends. Not anyone has a suburban with red and white flashing lights in the front grille, like secret service does. Or in other words, anyone ordinary wouldn’t have been whisked away with flashing “police” lights. But I guess.
Drumpf using golf carts at his own clubs at taxpayers dime. And taxpayers paying for all the travel for Ivanka and two sons on all their little excursions. It’s not going out on a limb to think that the taxpayers didn’t pay for that little helicopter ride either.
If Obama’s were benefitting in this same manner, with all this family beyond two young children the bigots would have gone crazy. Not so much because it’s something to get crazy about but because you morons are s bunch of crazies.
And I was just out for a leisurely stroll not my fault I had to witness this abomination.