Matthew 5:31-32
“It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Idiotic crap!
“This power over marriage, which came from God under our organic law, is not to be redefined by the United States Supreme Court or any federal court,” – State of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore
Huzzah for secular government and the right to pursue happiness.
So, people commit adultery. Big deal. It’s not genocide or slaughtering everyone’s first born. It’s a sort of biblical cooties. Ooh, you can’t marry that divorced woman because she has adultery cooties.
Fucking Hypocritical Bigoted Assholes.
@ 4 ” It’s not genocide or slaughtering everyone’s first born. “
Both of which are promoted in the wholly babble as being acceptable actions in warfare.
On the brighter side, according to Matt, only females can be victims. So there’s that.
Compared to Muslims, we don’t stone women to death for getting raped, so you could argue that our fundies are slightly more compassionate than their fundies.
Isn’t it odd that a man often described as celibate, unmarried, has no children is giving a view on marriage. Or was he actually married? Perhaps the second is more true for his apostles to take him seriously and some of them were clearly married.
Of course he’s saying this in a time where adultery (at least if it was the wife) where she could be stoned to death.
Three books of the bible have Jesus saying divorce is not cool. Get married stay married. Of course getting married for most folks in that area of the world at that time wasn’t just something you did on a whim. It was certainly more involved than going down tot he courthouse and getting a marriage license and waiting three days. There was the whole dowry thing. The pre-nup. You definitely would have to meet her parents…uncles…brothers…sisters….ect. Hanging out with elders at the market, church ect while those Showing you got substance, and waiting Then surprise you find out there is a mistake and your not marrying Cathy your marrying her sister Gert. Those Barbarian Roman dudes have it easy racing their fancy chariots through the streets showing off to the local babes. Thank goodness we aren’t under liberal Roman law where getting married is so easy.
All gods are dicks.
Now, now, to be fair, you have to remember the people at that time cooked their food in lead pots. They also suffered brain damage from fevers and problems at birth. It shows.
@8 Well, you can at least thank Jesus for that. Of course, the way some “fundies” (especially political office holders) behave, you’d think that either they forgot that part completely or adopted the notion that because of Jesus’s suffering a horrible death in their behalf, they are “without sin” and can throw all the stones they wish.
God never met my first wife.