Matthew 21:18-19
Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” Immediately the tree withered.
In Russia we have fig tree. If we find with no leave we shoot it with gun. After shoot we lift head to praise Sky Daddy.
If tree have fig, we pick fig and brink to The Sky Daddy.
From Russia, with Love.
And thusly Jesus sayeth unto
Figgy‘froggy,“May you never hold a job again!”
And the Lord saw this, and smiled upon the face of the earth.
I don’t know what’s more shocking: The racist Republican voters who deliberately and gleefully created these child sex abuse camps for their pleasure; or the Republican lawyers who actually believe a six year old child can form this kind of consent, or at least think that the pretense will protect them in a court of law.
God gets hungry?
If we’re all God’s children, then a lot of his kids have birth defects.
@2 Making capitalists, one idle sloth at a time.
Hey doc, it’s Sunday morning. Why are you posting here? Why aren’t you in church with your wife? Are you an atheist?
@ 3
The racist Republican voters who deliberately and gleefully created these child sex abuse camps for their pleasure
You need to click through and read the piece. The allegations date to 2014. That’s Obama’s administration who created the sex camps, McHillbilly.
It seems likely that the same documents shown in 2018 existed in 2016 and earlier as well.
But that’s not the same because shut up. There, saved you the trouble of a reply.
Don’t blame you for lying about this shit, Dumbfuck.
It looks absolutely terrible on you. Really, really bad. Horrific.
That you would jump for joy at a policy the only objective of which is to impose immeasurable suffering on very small children and infants is quire the “image” challenge.
Bigger challenge will be convincing voters that Trumpublicans are equipped to face tough moral challenges when you sick motherfuckers so abysmally fail all the easiest ones.
Maybe you can write these down:
-Dont rip sobbing infants from their mother’s arms and turn them over to pedophiles.
-Don’t rawdog porn stars while your humiliated wife is nursing a newborn in the next room.
-Don’t beat up your wives and girlfriends.
-Don’t put Russian spies on your payroll.
Get to work on those basics and we’ll see how you do. With time and practice we can move on to admonitions about socializing with Nazis and defending the Klan. Best to start with some basics.
Should we just open the borders entirely, letting those who pass to and fro do so freely and at will?
@1 Exactly what part of Russia do you have fig trees? You mean like a greenhouse? And since there is no first amendment right to have a gun who are these Russians firing indiscriminately at unarmed fig trees. They would be jailed and imprisoned. Go have some more Vodka and dream of the Great Patriotic War.
@3 The six year old is not a United States citizen. Therefore it’s not going anyplace but in front of a immigration judge. They have a lot of latitude to accept the statement or not. Ultimately the only real question is whether the child will be allowed to remain in the states, which is not likely. Guess you think she would be safer after all back in her home town or village.
Yup. Yup. Duhr, yup.
Republican’s only options are to either throw open the borders to bomb weilding terrorists, or reluctantly resign themselves to methodically skull-fucking every last Guatemalan infant that dares present themselves seeking asylum.
There are clearly no other options.
But could you guys at least try not to giggle so much while you’re at it.
Clearly from his actions and words Jesus foresaw the plight of the Palestinians today and voiced his support of them and all their leaders including Yasser Arafat as the nation of Israel withered and died long ago, and is not more, and shall never be again.
@9 Look the policy of having these camps is decades old. They have always had some sexual abuse, most prisons do. Most jails do. The question should be does the policy of separating the kids from their parents at the border if they don’t immediately turn around and go back discourage others from coming across the border.
I assure you the countries these people are coming from will not welcome you and your family with welcome arms if you try to immigrate to their nation. They have similar or worse fates awaiting you and yours if you try to immigrate. Maybe if you have money you can bypass the unpleasant truth.
Our nations open door ended well over a hundred years ago. It has been keep these bastards out ever since. With numerous exceptions and attempts to make the policies look good and not smell bad. Generally Americans do not care. If America had accepted a ship load of Jews from NAZI Germany the worst of the holocaust would not have happened, but America was unwilling to accept that boatload out of fear of the millions that would have followed. So yes we all have that blood on our hands, to whatever degree you believe the NAZI’s were sincere in their attempt to remedy their Jewish problem. Hitler correctly predicted the US and other nations response
You are no more welcome in Mexico and most central American countries you Yankee as these people are here. The nativists won out a long time ago.
While you may not like the policies and may find them objectionable on a moral basis. Do the policies enacted do what is wanted which is to discourage further immigrants. If not the policies should be discontinued, and policies that would work implemented. Or we should reconsider the entire mess and throw our borders completely open to all. And anyone wishing to become an American citizen can do so with a minimal fee of $10, within a couple of hours take the oath to become an American.
10 – Why would a Guatemalan infant need to seek asylum? What controversial and dangerous political acts could a Guatemalan infant do to cause him/her to need to seek asylum in the US?
BTW, what’s wrong with those infants seeking asylum in the other lands and countries in Central and South America?. Why do they need to come here for asylum when their culture and religion are so different from the United States’ culture and religions? Why not seek asylum in a country where the language, culture and religion are more akin to their own?
About 80% of asylum seekers who,pursue the LEGAL process do not get granted asylum here. So maybe they should try other countries?
15, 16,
Good, good. That’s the spirit komrades. You must maintain your faith in the glorious orange reality television revolution. Hate is patriotism. Fear is strength. Violence is glory. Shortbus knows. Six-year-old D.L. is an “IT“. Forman knows the toddlers are dangerous frauds. Support your leaders and do their bidding for the homeland and your people. Make a game of it! Have fun! Look for new and novel ways of inflicting the pain and harm and you’ll find great fulfillment and joy in your work.
It doesn’t have to all be bad, this unfortunate business of torturing babies and infants. Try to enjoy it if you can./s
Comrade Eric – Yes, yes. If they no like Sky Daddy and Gun they no belong here. In my Country, must like Sky Daddy and Gun too. I come to America. America need to be like Russia.
They’ve been known to throw up a luxury resort there.
In ‘murca we done it up better.
Are those kids available for “rent” like ours?
How are the rates? Asking for Roy Moore.
@9 “-Dont rip sobbing infants from their mother’s arms and turn them over to pedophiles.
-Don’t rawdog porn stars while your humiliated wife is nursing a newborn in the next room.
-Don’t beat up your wives and girlfriends.
-Don’t put Russian spies on your payroll.”
All of this is okay as long as they get their $25 tax cuts and coal mines.
@10 Why not? They let you in, didn’t they?
@15 “I assure you the countries these people are coming from will not welcome you and your family with welcome arms if you try to immigrate to their nation.”
Ha ha ha ha ha. You’re funny. You think they treat gringos the same way they treat their own subjects. Just bring dollars and you’ll be fine.
@16 You don’t know much about Guatemala, do you?