Matthew 21:18-19
Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” Immediately the tree withered.
I think the same has happened to Sarah Palin, only she is taking a while to wither.
And this passage has spawned a slew of t-shirts that have Jeses saying, “No, I said I hate FIGS!”
Oops thats Jesus. We dont want to piss off the Almighty in the new year.
Like father, like son.
Seems kind of petty
@2 lol
It’s a parable explaining what happens to business in an economy of $7.25-an-hour laborers.
So why hasn’t there been a science experiment where you take devout Christians alive in the spirit of Jesus and take them up to a fig tree when they are hungry and before the time of the fig tree fruiting and see if they can wither a fig tree, This would be called using the scientific method to see if what Jesus is saying about prayer is true. If this is found to be true then we have some potential slide areas that need to be moved and we can then see if they can move those mountains. Do we have any Christian volunteers for the experiment? Fig trees are pretty hardy and we will be recording this so we should be able to see the withering. We can try it with and without touch. Hey how about that quarter back. (I think it’s Tebow the one who thanks god for touchdowns. Personally I think it’s doryoku and God doesn’t give a fig about who wins.)
Jesus seemed to be prone to random rages. Definitely the beta version of a savior.
As a person who grows fig bushes I can testify that with the exception of the Spring they bear fruit until they lose their leaves (wither?). To expect for a fig bush to produce fruit out of season is just plain dumb. Jesus is being a dick to a poor defenseless shrub.