Luke 19:29-34
As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’”Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, “Why are you untying the colt?”
They replied, “The Lord needs it.”
Exodus 20:15
Thou shalt not steal.
You’ve gotta watch out for so-called “Christian” businessmen. Most dishonest people you’ll ever meet. They’re already forgiven for their sins, so they have a license to cheat. At least, that’s how they see it.
The goniff wanted to sell pony rides to the goyim.
I went to to see Ant Man yesterday and there are a couple of things I didn’t get. Kind of like I don’t understand word for word of the Bible.
It says “As he approached…”, then it says “he sent two of his disciples”. Which one was it? Did he go or the disciples? Who is he? God? Luke?
Who are Bethpage and Bethany? Are they the two disciples? Or are they two lesbians?
The colts never been riden. Is he kind of hoping that the two lesbians will go straight if they try riding a horse with a penis? I don’t think the two lesbians will go for it. Does the Lord want to ride the colt? Aren’t there any mature horses the Lord can ride? Or does he like them young? Otherwise why does he want to steal a horse?
This to me sounds more about the warning of sexual addiction and what would become the proliferation of adult magazine stores.
Maybe it was Obama who was trying to steal the horses, an imposter of God.
TPM – “Obama on the Hoofbeats of History.”
@3… Bethphage and Bethany are places.
A guy I used to work with said, “When you see the sign of the fish…you’re gonna get screwed.”
@5 what Country? Do they exist today?
At the time of this story there were no Christians, though when it was written there was. The story does show a flaw in Christian thought that most Christians turn a blind eye to, or explain away. Of course the story isn’t unique to Luke but in the other books it’s the noble donkey (Jackass) the great sign of the Democratic party that the Lord rides signifying his connection with the Great Democratic party and the common man! Sawant could say it better, but it’s a powerful plug to support her! Jesus would clearly vote for Sawant so you Christians should too!
Still Jesus clearly saw the power of good publicity, and in this instance saw that even bad news is good news in the hands of the a great spin doctor.
@7 Well they both happen to be small towns in Indiana, but I think the reference is to two towns outside of Jerusalem in the modern state of Israel. They both have various Christian churches maybe established by Theodora or her husband.
And yes what the disciples did would get them shot in Texas or hung in Wyoming.
Luke 29:35
And Jesus made a horses ass of them all.
Amusing morning on the Sunday funnies, as much as I can hear, because work. I’ve heard Tom Cotton (pickin) Diplomatic Genius on 2 different shows spouting “Iran will cheat” and “They were trying to kill me” (during the Bush administration).
Turump on ABC: “If you read what I say, or watch what I say, which is even better,…” Vietnam was bad and mishandled. Says he’s always thought that. He didn’t go.
He was in the lottery. #356, he thinks. Martha Raddatz tried to push an issue of deferments before 1969, but he just repeated himself. Not sure what that’s about.
“I raised over $1 million for John McCain, but he let us down by losing to Obama.” Same reason he hates Romney. He hates losers. I hope he takes his self-loathing all the way to the general. “I will win the Hispanic vote. Because I’ll bring jobs back from China.” Welcome to the 2016 Edition of the Apprentice – FreeWorld Domination.
“If anyone asks you, ‘how will he bring those jobs back?’ say, ‘The Lord Trump needs them.’”
Jimbob Webb on ABC: Even if all these processes work,.. …have we given our endorsement of Iran getting nuclear weapons?” Why he wants to be President? To be Commander in Chief and he’ll fix the economy. Okay then.
“Thou Shalt not Deal!”
Bill Kristol on #BlackLivesMatter protest at NetRoots: “O’Malley got booed off the stage because he isn’t left wing enough.” That might be a true statement in a different venue. BK proving his BS is phoned in every time.
“He sent two of his disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a true ass tied there, to which no one has ever listened.”