Power politics hasn’t changed in 5,000 years, except now we can take out whole tribes instead of just clan chiefs, thanks to improved killing technologies.
Cheap shot Goldie. You are acting like Glrnn Beck, taking things out of context.
Well, the winners get to write the history…
Goldie is no the winner here. The Roman Bible has enough bad stuff in it without making this seem to come from Jesus.
@2 Exactly. I am acting like all the Bible-thumping Christians who routinely take scripture out of context.
With all possible respect for your Prophetic powers, this is BS.
Remember, I know all. You goofed.
Don’t have a New Testament but I’d bet this is Herod talking.
Puddybud - The One The Onlyspews:
Another text ripped out of context…
Sad Goldy sad!
I don’t know, the context does not make it look much better.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “Another text ripped out of context…”
Something you’ve never done, right?
We all know about that Leviticus verse that says for a man to lie with a man as a woman is a sin, but the Bible never said specifically anything about girl-on-girl. So, using a strict interpretation, guy-on-guy sex is a sin, but girl-on-girl is up to the discretion of those involved, right?
I’m down with that, especially if I get to watch!
Puffy Buttspews:
I don’t know – all this shit sounds like it comes from a Nazi dictatorship.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 The Nazis didn’t invent it. It’s been around for a while.
One of the amusing aspects of HA Bible Study is that Goldy quotes a bible verse and adds some “context” to it by adding, “Discuss.”
And more often then not, some imbecile accuses Goldy of taking the verse out of context.
How the fuck does adding the word “Discuss” add or change context?
Puddy @8 and God @ 2…thanks for the amusement. And you may now extract your heads from your asses.
@11, it doesn’t say it’s a sin, it says it’s an abomination. “Sin” is a creation of Christians.
The “context” here was the vice speaking in the text, not that of Jesus or the penman, the Amanuensis called Luke but a character in parable being told by Jesus as related to the penman.
But then, the familiar of a prophet must defend his truth telling even though the prophet himself does not always speak My word.
Porter Browningspews:
Oh crap… They were all barbarians. Who cares which barbarian?
Puddybud - The One The Onlyspews:
To The Anthropology Perfessa playing the part of anti-Christian lunatic… The text has a specific meaning inside the whole story of the Prince being coronated and the people hated him. And having a bunch of leftist DUMMOCRETIN anti-Christian haters “discussing” the proof text gains nuthin. They will all put snarky comments on the thread which have nuthin to do with the original meaning of the text or the full context. Another of your worthless canards trying to portray something absurd in the general context every Sunday!
Since the Sabbath is Saturday… why isn’t the weekly Bible “proof text” delivered then? God never changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday… the Catholic Church did and they admit to it. It’s not in the Bible and the Catholic Church admits that!
So riddle Puddy this y’all? Why do you circumcise your male boys? Genesis 17:9-12
9 And God said to Abraham: “As for you, you shall keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations. 10 This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised; 11 and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you. 12 He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised, every male child in your generations, he who is born in your house or bought with money from any foreigner who is not your descendant.
It is a covenant between God and man starting with Abraham. Since y’all hate God so much why do you keep one of His primary covenants?
Per IntactAmerica – a DUMMOCRETIN leaning group; it’s no longer needed. HuffPo also bloviated on the subject. Ya see, y’all are following God’s covenant whether you choose to or not.
Power politics hasn’t changed in 5,000 years, except now we can take out whole tribes instead of just clan chiefs, thanks to improved killing technologies.
Cheap shot Goldie. You are acting like Glrnn Beck, taking things out of context.
Well, the winners get to write the history…
Goldie is no the winner here. The Roman Bible has enough bad stuff in it without making this seem to come from Jesus.
@2 Exactly. I am acting like all the Bible-thumping Christians who routinely take scripture out of context.
With all possible respect for your Prophetic powers, this is BS.
Remember, I know all. You goofed.
Don’t have a New Testament but I’d bet this is Herod talking.
Another text ripped out of context…
Sad Goldy sad!
I don’t know, the context does not make it look much better.
@8 “Another text ripped out of context…”
Something you’ve never done, right?
We all know about that Leviticus verse that says for a man to lie with a man as a woman is a sin, but the Bible never said specifically anything about girl-on-girl. So, using a strict interpretation, guy-on-guy sex is a sin, but girl-on-girl is up to the discretion of those involved, right?
I’m down with that, especially if I get to watch!
I don’t know – all this shit sounds like it comes from a Nazi dictatorship.
@12 The Nazis didn’t invent it. It’s been around for a while.
One of the amusing aspects of HA Bible Study is that Goldy quotes a bible verse and adds some “context” to it by adding, “Discuss.”
And more often then not, some imbecile accuses Goldy of taking the verse out of context.
How the fuck does adding the word “Discuss” add or change context?
Puddy @8 and God @ 2…thanks for the amusement. And you may now extract your heads from your asses.
@11, it doesn’t say it’s a sin, it says it’s an abomination. “Sin” is a creation of Christians.
The “context” here was the vice speaking in the text, not that of Jesus or the penman, the Amanuensis called Luke but a character in parable being told by Jesus as related to the penman.
But then, the familiar of a prophet must defend his truth telling even though the prophet himself does not always speak My word.
Oh crap… They were all barbarians. Who cares which barbarian?
To The Anthropology Perfessa playing the part of anti-Christian lunatic… The text has a specific meaning inside the whole story of the Prince being coronated and the people hated him. And having a bunch of leftist DUMMOCRETIN anti-Christian haters “discussing” the proof text gains nuthin. They will all put snarky comments on the thread which have nuthin to do with the original meaning of the text or the full context. Another of your worthless canards trying to portray something absurd in the general context every Sunday!
Since the Sabbath is Saturday… why isn’t the weekly Bible “proof text” delivered then? God never changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday… the Catholic Church did and they admit to it. It’s not in the Bible and the Catholic Church admits that!
So riddle Puddy this y’all? Why do you circumcise your male boys? Genesis 17:9-12
It is a covenant between God and man starting with Abraham. Since y’all hate God so much why do you keep one of His primary covenants?
Per IntactAmerica – a DUMMOCRETIN leaning group; it’s no longer needed. HuffPo also bloviated on the subject. Ya see, y’all are following God’s covenant whether you choose to or not.