Well, they do make ritual cannibalism a part of every Sunday. And they threaten to take it away if you don’t have their approval for the sex you are having. I can’t believe I’m typing this in the twenty first century.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sounds like Leningrad in the winter of ’42 after they ran out of horses and dogs.
I have reservations about eating my sons and daughters, but I think I could probably nom my brother-in-law. With a nice Chianti.
Don’t tell Cheeto Jesus about this.
@5 Right. He’d claim he thought it up.
“Right. He’d claim he thought it up.”
Little wonder Trump’s thing for his daughter doesn’t bother evangelicals. If he fucked his sons too, he’d be idolized for fulfilling Biblical prophesy.
Ima Duncespews:
That absolutely absurd “Noah’s Ark” opened with dinosaurs in cages lol. Now tell me about abortion when you spend $101 million dollars on this bullshit that could have been used for unwanted children you fucking worthless hypocrites.
Mark Adamsspews:
Well cannibalism doesn’t break any of the 10 commandments. People of that area even at the time when the books were actually written and the myth of Moses immortalized knew what starving people did. Some will commit cannibalism. “Moby Dick” is in part based on the whaling ship Essex that was attacked by a sperm whale and the some of the crew resorted to cannibalism.
Same thing happened in Leningrad. This passage isn’t some god saying he knows what humans will do if they pray to idols but written by humans that know that some humans undergoing starvation will resort to cannibalism.
Now verse 26 38 states:
And they shall fall one upon another, as if were before a sword, when none pursueth: and ye shall have no power to stand before your enemies.”
So why aren’t those folks who protest at funerals for our service members aren’t seeing this happen there. Certainly this would make the news. Is this what is happening in Israel. Some Christian preachers say Israel is blessed by god and this is the explanation for all of their success in war since 1948 and is the bases for so many books of the end is coming. Yet they overlook one simple fact. That today’s Israel is a secular country. One that is pretty liberal, and one where the majority of citizens desire peace with their neighbors. Couldn’t have that if they follow the lords commandments.
Mark Adamsspews:
@7 Well that is not covered in the ten commandments. It’s covered in other parts of Mosaic law. The problem you run into is there are points in the book of Genesis that incest is an integral part of the story and has to be. Adam and Eve. After the flood. Abraham. Other stories in the bible that show incest going on in the Kings house.
This reflects that incest happened in the ancient world. It was not always though of as wrong. Particularly by elites trying to stay on top and keeping the goodies in the family. Think the pharaohs. Although the Greeks in their tragedies look at incest as at least a blemish in the eyes of their gods, it was not unknown that wealthy and powerful families would arrange to keep things in the family. The same is true of the Roman and the Roman Emperors.
All of the royal families of Europe were at least a little incestuous. Some to the point where certain traits good and bad became common, and at least one Queen of France was possible encouraged to bed someone other than the king and have a child.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 Apparently God also wants billions of dollars, but I still can’t figure out what for, how he spends it, or why he can’t collect when I throw a dollar up in the air for him. (I like to use dollar coins) He has yet to take his share. Appears I’m more likely to be mugged than God will collect his share.
Thank goodness the Commonwealth of Massachusetts no longer collects for the church. They probably would have had no sense of humor in this sort of frivolity or proof of god.
Willy Vomitspews:
TheRandom Reviewer It’s good to educate the blacks on the history of America and the history of their people in America. The blacks are such a disruptive piece of today’s society because they are like an orphaned child acting out in violence and opposition for attention and recognition in America. Look at their blood thirsty brethren in AFRICAN nations, they are all demon/pagan worshipping killers who rape kill and steal from their own people, their own nation. If blacks really wanted to get some respect they would go back to Africa and try to change things for good. Instead blacks want to wallow in their self made poverty, drugs and hardships, blaming the white man for all their short comings in America. The average black female has no husband, an average of three kids from two father’s, and costs the government up to $95,000 a year in welfare, food stamp, section 8 housing and medical insurance for 18 years of her kids life. After the youngest hits 18yrs old all benefits and monetary support stop, then the black woman claims disability or social security, claiming her back/knees/neck injuries or mental disability so she doesn’t have to work here whole life. The cycle is done by both males and females and when executed correctly the black individual can live FREE for LIFE without ever working a real job. Mexicans do this system to. I’ve seen it in action, in person.
This is the attitude that the Trump campaign is actively fostering. Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and the like are saying similar things and many of the old-school evilangelicals are expressing identical attitudes. Donald Trump’s entire Kitchen Cabinet is made up entirely of White Supremacists and pseudo-educated religious lunatics.
But the reality is, is that there is apparently no Law too trivial, or so inconsequential in the United States that the Police do not have blanket permission to shoot someone dead to enforce it.
Especially when it’s a Black man.
This is the system set up when Nixon first really declared War on the drug trade. This is the system strengthened and massively increased in its scope by Ronald Reagan and the George Bushes. It has always been rationalized and seeded into the various flavors of the religious belief systems and has been a means of steering public monies into their institutions. Really, religion is the largest, most lucrative industry in the country right now.
Religion is the most socially toxic and economically destructive force ever created by Man. When someone tells me that I’m going to burn in hell for all eternity if I don’t find Jesus, all I want to do is slap their stupid face, good and hard.
Because all they’re really telling me, is that they’re admitting that they’re really willing to send me to hell at that point where they think they can get away with it. It means that they’re obviously insane, and should be locked up and medicated into a semi-permanent coma.
I’m sure our pet Schizo would have all sorts of reasons to disagree.
*In context* it is not a command from God–He is not instructing them to do this. If they fail to obey him, they *will* eat their own children. That sounds awful to us and it would have sounded awful to the people Moses was speaking to. He is either referring to the detestable human sacrifices in Baal/Molech worship, or to the terrible extremes people would take when their cities were laid under siege. Either way, it’s a warning of what they will do; it’s not a commandment of what they should do.
Red Menacespews:
What’s for dinner? Chinese?
God continues to be a dick. An depraved, vicious lying dick.
Brains! God wants brains!
Well, they do make ritual cannibalism a part of every Sunday. And they threaten to take it away if you don’t have their approval for the sex you are having. I can’t believe I’m typing this in the twenty first century.
Sounds like Leningrad in the winter of ’42 after they ran out of horses and dogs.
I have reservations about eating my sons and daughters, but I think I could probably nom my brother-in-law. With a nice Chianti.
Don’t tell Cheeto Jesus about this.
@5 Right. He’d claim he thought it up.
“Right. He’d claim he thought it up.”
Little wonder Trump’s thing for his daughter doesn’t bother evangelicals. If he fucked his sons too, he’d be idolized for fulfilling Biblical prophesy.
That absolutely absurd “Noah’s Ark” opened with dinosaurs in cages lol. Now tell me about abortion when you spend $101 million dollars on this bullshit that could have been used for unwanted children you fucking worthless hypocrites.
Well cannibalism doesn’t break any of the 10 commandments. People of that area even at the time when the books were actually written and the myth of Moses immortalized knew what starving people did. Some will commit cannibalism. “Moby Dick” is in part based on the whaling ship Essex that was attacked by a sperm whale and the some of the crew resorted to cannibalism.
Same thing happened in Leningrad. This passage isn’t some god saying he knows what humans will do if they pray to idols but written by humans that know that some humans undergoing starvation will resort to cannibalism.
Now verse 26 38 states:
And they shall fall one upon another, as if were before a sword, when none pursueth: and ye shall have no power to stand before your enemies.”
So why aren’t those folks who protest at funerals for our service members aren’t seeing this happen there. Certainly this would make the news. Is this what is happening in Israel. Some Christian preachers say Israel is blessed by god and this is the explanation for all of their success in war since 1948 and is the bases for so many books of the end is coming. Yet they overlook one simple fact. That today’s Israel is a secular country. One that is pretty liberal, and one where the majority of citizens desire peace with their neighbors. Couldn’t have that if they follow the lords commandments.
@7 Well that is not covered in the ten commandments. It’s covered in other parts of Mosaic law. The problem you run into is there are points in the book of Genesis that incest is an integral part of the story and has to be. Adam and Eve. After the flood. Abraham. Other stories in the bible that show incest going on in the Kings house.
This reflects that incest happened in the ancient world. It was not always though of as wrong. Particularly by elites trying to stay on top and keeping the goodies in the family. Think the pharaohs. Although the Greeks in their tragedies look at incest as at least a blemish in the eyes of their gods, it was not unknown that wealthy and powerful families would arrange to keep things in the family. The same is true of the Roman and the Roman Emperors.
All of the royal families of Europe were at least a little incestuous. Some to the point where certain traits good and bad became common, and at least one Queen of France was possible encouraged to bed someone other than the king and have a child.
@1 Apparently God also wants billions of dollars, but I still can’t figure out what for, how he spends it, or why he can’t collect when I throw a dollar up in the air for him. (I like to use dollar coins) He has yet to take his share. Appears I’m more likely to be mugged than God will collect his share.
Thank goodness the Commonwealth of Massachusetts no longer collects for the church. They probably would have had no sense of humor in this sort of frivolity or proof of god.
TheRandom Reviewer It’s good to educate the blacks on the history of America and the history of their people in America. The blacks are such a disruptive piece of today’s society because they are like an orphaned child acting out in violence and opposition for attention and recognition in America. Look at their blood thirsty brethren in AFRICAN nations, they are all demon/pagan worshipping killers who rape kill and steal from their own people, their own nation. If blacks really wanted to get some respect they would go back to Africa and try to change things for good. Instead blacks want to wallow in their self made poverty, drugs and hardships, blaming the white man for all their short comings in America. The average black female has no husband, an average of three kids from two father’s, and costs the government up to $95,000 a year in welfare, food stamp, section 8 housing and medical insurance for 18 years of her kids life. After the youngest hits 18yrs old all benefits and monetary support stop, then the black woman claims disability or social security, claiming her back/knees/neck injuries or mental disability so she doesn’t have to work here whole life. The cycle is done by both males and females and when executed correctly the black individual can live FREE for LIFE without ever working a real job. Mexicans do this system to. I’ve seen it in action, in person.
This is the attitude that the Trump campaign is actively fostering. Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and the like are saying similar things and many of the old-school evilangelicals are expressing identical attitudes. Donald Trump’s entire Kitchen Cabinet is made up entirely of White Supremacists and pseudo-educated religious lunatics.
But the reality is, is that there is apparently no Law too trivial, or so inconsequential in the United States that the Police do not have blanket permission to shoot someone dead to enforce it.
Especially when it’s a Black man.
This is the system set up when Nixon first really declared War on the drug trade. This is the system strengthened and massively increased in its scope by Ronald Reagan and the George Bushes. It has always been rationalized and seeded into the various flavors of the religious belief systems and has been a means of steering public monies into their institutions. Really, religion is the largest, most lucrative industry in the country right now.
Religion is the most socially toxic and economically destructive force ever created by Man. When someone tells me that I’m going to burn in hell for all eternity if I don’t find Jesus, all I want to do is slap their stupid face, good and hard.
Because all they’re really telling me, is that they’re admitting that they’re really willing to send me to hell at that point where they think they can get away with it. It means that they’re obviously insane, and should be locked up and medicated into a semi-permanent coma.
I’m sure our pet Schizo would have all sorts of reasons to disagree.
Oh, by the by…
So if we are still talking about this verse…
*In context* it is not a command from God–He is not instructing them to do this. If they fail to obey him, they *will* eat their own children. That sounds awful to us and it would have sounded awful to the people Moses was speaking to. He is either referring to the detestable human sacrifices in Baal/Molech worship, or to the terrible extremes people would take when their cities were laid under siege. Either way, it’s a warning of what they will do; it’s not a commandment of what they should do.
What’s for dinner? Chinese?
God continues to be a dick. An depraved, vicious lying dick.