Leviticus 25:44-46
Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
I suppose this was a step forward from the previous “Club them and eat them.” policy.
Leviticus is OT and we don’t need to worry about that. We’re Christians and he wiped away the OT. But a man lying with a man is and abomination! Harumph!
You stupid humans worship weird gods. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit never said it’s okay to own slaves. Pets, yes, as long as you feed ’em and love ’em and take ’em for daily walks. But no slaves.
A day after the New York Times published shocking revelations about the white supremacist candidate’s sordid history of womanizing, GOP leaders are scrambling to tell us we should look past the candidates’ personal flaws and, as RNC chairman Reince Preibus says, “I think that, you know, as Christians, judging each other I think is — is problematic. I think it’s when people live in glass houses and throw stones is when people get in trouble.”
So I assume this means they’re not going to pound on Hillary’s emails, right? Er, doesn’t it? Hmmm … ? Maybe the real question is when do people stop listening to bullshit.
I’m gonna git me sum slaves!
Trump Organization workplace policy manual.
I had no idea the bible said it was OK to have green card holders as slaves. Can I have Emma Watson?
I think it’s cute that his recent discovery that the Republican Party is now dominated by
“…a white-identity politics more explicit than anything America has seen in decades”,
leaves Ross Douthat a bit confused and searching for answers.
Answers to real puzzlers such as this one:
What do you owe to people who are guilty of being wrong?
Easy. You owe them the frank acknowledgement that they are wrong. For as long as it takes to make them see it. And nothing more until such time as they can demonstrate they have internalized the truth of this.
What you don’t owe them is a handy release valve for venting the anger and fear that are an inevitable consequence of being wrong. You don’t owe them an accommodation for their wrong. You don’t owe them rhetorical gymnastics or the false pretense of victimhood.
deBoer gets Liberalism wrong. Though there is a meritocracy to human ideas and the values they inform, there is no “meritocracy” to basic human dignity and respect. This turn of the Republican Party and its establishment elites toward racism, bigotry, intolerance, and nativism is a wrong idea. As it is, it has no merit. So while Republicans and “conservatives”, like everyone else, deserve basic human dignity and respect, these evil ideas they have come to embrace do not.
@2: Actually, slaves and slavery infest the bible throughout.
Search for “servant” to see what I mean.
In almost all cases the original greek or aramaic word meant slave.
Jesus himself condoned slavery and among other things prescribed when to beat disobedient slaves.
Of note to current politics: The bible was cited extensively and often (and not just by the Southern states) for the hundreds of years of the American slave system. We didn’t kill nearly enough of these people (say the lieutenants and up) when we had the chance.
“I mean I hired a few broads who turned out to be talented enough to promote so that PROVES I’m great with women. Women love me and I love their figures….shit…balance sheets. By the way, didja getta lookat my daughter. Pretty hot right? And that skirt in accounting, someone get me her spreadsheet if ya know what I mean. I met a girl in the emergency room, she was a great Doctor, one of the best. I offered her an injection and she thought it was great.” Donald Trump, or words to that effect.
@9 It was the religion we should have killed for the good of mankind. It’s a malevolent mental illness.
Yet no one questions why the Israelites didn’t question god about this whole slavery thing as they had recently been released from bondage. Certainly the generation that had known slavery would know it’s wrong. Why did not they tell god to stick it.
Perhaps the story is embellished. Perhaps it’s fiction. Yet it’s the basis for three of the worlds religions. Of the three Judaism is more ambivalent about some parts of the Torah. Yes they actually question some parts and there is room to discuss, and it’s the long term traditions that is important. Christianity has generally been hostile to slavery. It was Christian thought that ended slavery in the Roman empire. It was also Christians that formed the core of the abolitionists in the United States. They were not impressed with the use of the Bible in support of slavery. They eventually prevailed.
Islam has a different history with slavery. It brought slavery back from the grave. It allowed and encouraged slavery in support of the state and that it was good thing to enslave non Muslims. It was this form of slavery that was introduced into the new world, and was part of the old south. Slavery is back with us though it never left, but it’s now in vogue in parts of Africa and the middle east.
The original crusades were a reaction to Islam’s take over of Christian lands and the enslavement of Christian’s and others. Generally Islam prevailed and would have prevailed in Europe but the European’s fought. The fact we have gone into the middle east today actually is a Crusade. If we are going in to fight ISIS or these others because they hold slaves then we are Crusading. They are true believers and it’s not likely they will just turn the other cheek. They are willing to die and go to paradise in support of their beliefs. At least some are. Most are Moslems are not true believers in this sense and they know they and theirs are more likely to be killed by the true believers than the folks the true believers rail against. In the caliphate there is no separation of church and state and there is no such thing as toleration. Even the most virulent Christian or Jewish state has to have some degree of separation of state and a concept of toleration. After all to be meaningful people have to be able to go sin. So you cannot take those choices away. They should be readily available in a true Christian or Jewish state.
Under Islam with surrender to Allah there should be no bad people or rabbits. Christianity demands toleration of bad people. Anyone reading the bible has to come to the conclusion that bad people and other religions certainly existed in Judah and Israel and there were plenty of opportunity for men and women and rabbits to sin. There was some toleration for the Great Mother Rabbit in the local communities although God had his shills say otherwise. They were certainly louder than the rabbits shills. That is what you get when you hire a shy stag to be your spokesman. Fist virgin he comes across and he’s either dinner, lost in fairy or has run far far away. Rabbits need the Kardashians as their spokespeople. Just stay an arms length away so you don’t get turned into a purse. and you should be fine.
@7 I think perhaps you have that backwards. While she may spend short stints in the US she may or may not be performing with a green card. She spends her time and works mostly in Britain and lives there. It would be better if you move to Britain get the appropriate documentation and she buys you. Doubt you have ten million pounds in the bank. She maybe a Capitalist though and generally Capitalist’s discovered paying people a wage is a better kind of slavery than the old fashion total ownership kind. After all you can’t just fire a slave.
Nice to know I am more morally advanced than God.
A day after the New York Times published BULLSHITTIUM revelations of Donald Trump, their story has fallen apart!
Once again the senile one was front and center eating another load of NY libtard BULLSHITTIUM!
A day after the New York Times published BULLSHITTIUM revelations of Donald Trump, their story has fallen apart!
Once again the senile one was front and center eating another load of NY libtard BULLSHITTIUM!
Hey Liar. So what about all the other women in the story?
Hey Liar, the woman says she was mischaracterized but doesn’t dispute the quotes.
Hey Liar, What about the other women in the story?
Hey Liar
Hey Liar
Hey Liar
Hey Liar. Good to see you’ve come around and your ready to support a guy who doesn’t want you counting his money because, well, you’re black.
Those weren’t other women.
They were only suggestions.
Oh dr checkmate… The lead lady claimed the NY Slimes slimed her and took her comments out of context.
You lose sucka!
Oh you still haven’t found the audio yet> You haven’t searched May 3 links through Google yet?
Wow it must suck to be one of your patients!
The Clintons want me dead.
If you layer Final Net hairspray with Rustoleum Neverwet it affords protection against small caliber firearms.
Out of context as in, “Yes, he had me change into a bathing suit just like they said and then he introduced me as his Next Trump girl just like the NYT printed but I wasn’t offended personally and so not a single person should find such behavior at all creepy. They swore it wasn’t a hit piece but it pretty much happened exactly the way they printed it but I wasn’t offended so it’s all good, amiright ladies?”
How’s that flying with women voters, Liar? Liar, would you think twice before letting your daughter “audition” for Donald Trump?
You can’t say they didn’t take that to heart.