Leviticus 25:44-45
And as for your male and female slaves whom you may have—from the nations that are around you, from them you may buy male and female slaves. Moreover you may buy the children of the strangers who dwell among you, and their families who are with you, which they beget in your land; and they shall become your property.
Once they are my property, can I do stuff with ’em?
This is why the South is so pissed off about losing the Civil War, because it is in the Bible to have slaves. Because the Bible says it is OK to treat other people as property, it is a god given right for slavery.
What a piece of work man is. (my apologies to Shakespeare)
The GOP’s vision of the future summed up in one paragraph.
Roy Moore’s behavior is perfectly Biblical:
1. In the Bible, females are created for the benefit of males.
2. In the Bible, female consent is not a thing.
3. Rape in the Bible is a violation—not against a woman but against her male owner.
4. In the Bible, young women are commonly given to older men.
5. In the Bible story of the Midianite virgins, the Israelite warriors are commanded to kill all the male adults and children among their defeated enemies, and all the women “who have been with a man.” But God’s anointed messenger tells them to keep the virgin females for themselves and gives them instructions on how to ritually purify the girls before having sex with them.
6. Christian tradition has long assumed that Mary was a young teen. The Catholic Encyclopedia, citing customs at the time, says that the Mary of the Virgin Birth story would have been as young as 13. Jewish tradition allows betrothal at the age of 12 and consummation at sexual maturity. Outside of sacramental mythology, a story about an uneducated human girl getting impregnated by a powerful alien being would disturb many people.
7. The Quran and the Bible largely agree on a God-given male-dominated gender hierarchy in which men can negotiate bodily rights to pubescent and prepubescent girls.
Republicans squirming to solve their “Roy Moore problem” apparently are contemplating postponing Alabama’s Dec. 12 special election to forestall a Democratic victory, and the Republican governor apparently has authority to do that.
The passage sounds like maybe it’s something my boy Muhammad would say. He was into the “young stuff” you know.
The only slavery going on now is Putin owning the Drumpf. He owns the whole family. And by virtue will one day own the Americuz.
Well sure. But “not generally”, right?
I think what everybody needs to understand is that at this point there is really nothing ignorant, sister-fucking hillbillies would not do in order to avoid having to work with a Democrat.
It’s funny, too. Because having achieved the majorities needed to operate unilaterally, they aren’t doing fuck all with them other than breaking the china. But despite all the blather about “disunity” among Republicans, there is really one enduring principle that binds them all together very tightly. That is absolute and utter refusal to make any compromise with the other party. They would rather blow up the world. And they just might.
Leviticus is often considered a “field manual’ for things like food preparations and sanitation. Apparently it is also the manual for pedophelia and slavery too.
Given that those fine upstanding Christians of Alabama will do anything to keep a great guy like Judge Roy Moore in office in order to protect their sacred Christian views, when are people going to start asking other Republican leaders, such as Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan that they claim to be Conservative Republicans and good Christians, then how many minor girls have they dated and had “relations” with? I mean if they claim to be good Christians and follow good Christian values, then they should follow the entire Good Book, right? Oh wait, no, they are all a la carte religious people. Hypocrites, every last one of them.
Wait for it… Our resident “mansplainer” Mark will come and say that passage is just a story and was not translated correctly. Piddles will shout FACTS!. Allah with get off talking about “his boy” (to which I think Allah created “his boy” just so he could diddle him).
Face it, the Bible is just a great work of fiction to control people and make excuses for abhorrent behavior.
New party in town. Or it will be soon.
Goldy, Carl no write up on this yet. You all Presstitutes for the Democratic party?
Today’s Bible verse actually reveals that the Jews never escaped Egypt, but were part and parcel of the slave trade of the time of the writing of the passage taking place in Canaan and further north. The types of slavery described in the passage were not practiced in Egypt in the ancient age. Though it could describe practices in place at the end of the Egyptian Empire just prior and during the reign of Cleopatra, and the influence of the Greeks and Romans, whose practices again do not exactly compose to the passage.
What a load of crap! Alan Watt was right: the Bible is the world’s most dangerous book.
The Golden Rule is all anyone needs to know about religion.
@1 Absolutely. They become your property. Depending on the law you can even work them to death, but some societies have laws preventing that and the laws in the Bible spend a lot of effort on those laws. And today children and teenagers are merely the chattel of their parents.
Of course you are not really Ray Moore. Or you are another Ray Moore and not from Alabama. Of course Alabama has no problem putting children and teenagers much younger on death row. Or give them long prison times for crimes, and to treat them as adults. This is wrong especially if they cannot consent to sex.
This is because children and teenagers are property of their parents and this master-slave relationship is part of our legal system. Children have no rights, Teen agers have no rights. to some extent this is necessary, and some kind of sliding scale is necessary, but the sliding scale must be reasonable. Treating teen agers as adults is not reasonable, treating them as children is far worse as it places the slaves shackles on them.
@2 Of course you can only go along with that farce if one believes that our law is based on biblical law which it is not. Anyone who believes that should have no problem with Sharia law then. Our law is based on English law and is far more based in and dependent upon Roman law than the law of a small unimportant group in the land of Canaan. And the Romans have slaves, but also got around to freeing all the slaves, and while this happened after the Empire adopted Christianity, it was the concept of individuals becoming Roman citizens that was the real reason for the freeing of the remaining slaves and making slavery unlawful. This is one of the high points of the Roman Empire.
@3 And Corporatist Democrats clap in agreement from the wings.
@6 Well “It’s good to be the Prophet.”
Though it is often better to be the King.
And Mohammed was both. Which in a nutshell is the problem Islam has,
@14 “Children have no rights,”
I can’t believe how fucking stupid your comments are. Of course children have rights. They have the right not to be abused. They have the right to not be starved, they have the right to basic human decency and not to be “dated” by adults in a position of power.
@5 The Republican’s don’t have a Ray Moore problem. Now Democrats may try to make it appear that way. The citizens of Alabama will decide this, and all the hoop la over all this is more likely to be helpful to Ray Moore. Heck if Republicans want Ray to win all Mitch has to do is threaten to not seat the man. That would guarantee Ray Moore will win the election and should the Senate not seat him. Ray Moore will win the next special election. So the Republican Governor is being very astute in letting the election proceed and not wasting any more money on delaying it, as the ballots are printed and the gears of the election are ready to go.
It’s the same kind of reaction that will occur should the Trump administration tell California, Oregon, and Washington they cannot do actions to combat climate change. It will mean those Democratic politicians in support will get a boost, and voters here love putting a thumb in the Federal Governments eye just as much as Alabamians do. It’s fun.
If Ray Moore looses they still maintain control of the Senate, and get a wake up call.
Maybe Ray Moore will wear a coonskin cap to his swearing in ceremony. Won’t that piss off Mitch. The look on the mans face will be…
@7 Poor Mr. Putin if he owns us he will quickly find out we are an unruly lot. And some of those Alabamians we are chatting about like to shoot guns, and love big explosions.
Actually what you are saying is a total crock. Though if you really think it’s true please realize you better get a gun, as you will be among the first rounded up for extermination under the Putin establishment of power. You may get to share a last meal with Hilliary Clinton, and Bill de Blasio.
Me I’ll be seeing if Patrick Swayze leads the Wolverines.
@18 Children have no rights. What you are describing is the responsibility society places on the parents, guardian or the state.
Please explain what you mean by dated by adults in positions of power. What is wrong with that. What do you mean in your statement. Adults can and do take children on dates all the time. And even if your mean just romantic dating there is nothing wrong with an adult taking a teenager on a date in this state as long as they do not go past second base. We even have an entertainment industry that encourages such dates. Win a date with the coolest actor according to Tiger Beat, Does not matter if the actor is a Democrat or Republican.
According to your statement then field trips for students from school are impossible as all the adults are in positions of power over the children and able to tell them what to do.
@10 Sorry to disappoint you. If anything I’ve already stated that the passage weakens the overall story of Moses making a great deal of the story myth. The Illyiad and Odyssey both contain truth and fiction, but I don’t think you would very happy if they were venerated under religion as the bible is.
And you also are going way overboard. The real issues you are trying to obscure. Ray Moore may have broken the law with only one of teens. The others he did nothing wrong. The key to our laws in this area is understanding that teens are the property of their parents. If he parents are ok with a fine citizen and assistant DA with dating their daughter, rather than an unemployed greaser that is their business and not yours, not mine, not really any ones business outside of the parents, suitors and children. That is what the law says. The laws do come down to protecting the property of the parents.
One of the strange things in all this is that at least in Alabama they can arrest and charge teenagers who are doing prostitution, and not all are forced into it. And the money is good if your a teen, especially if you are trying to escape your parents and some jerk water town. Right now you got teen agers practicing the trade on Highway 99 in King county., And even if charged once they go in front of the judge here the charges will be dropped until they turn 18. I think prostitution should be legal, but we have to control people here in Washington state and protect them from themselves. Very paternal. Unless they are a prostitute under 18 they can make very good bank.
14, 21,
Here’s a useful challenge for you, Shortbus:
Pull your Googlin’ finger out of your nose and look up the term guardian ad litem.
@10 So you think it’s ok to discriminate against youth? Thought you were into protecting rights and all that, unless politically useful?
@18 the Sidetalker probably has two children tied up in the basement as we speak. Big guy on Constitutionalism, but then his response to someone here stating how Drumpf doesn’t follow it, is…well Obama killed a terrorist that was an American Citizen. He claims he is some independent but then always defends a Repuke – biggest hypocrite going here. The loon is an ape-ish loon. And the Doctor – well a traitor and dumbfuck….but Abigail – a sidewinding disillusioned idiot.
Hopefully he has no kids.
Abigail sounds like a Log Cabin Boy
@20 don’t you worry about me. I’ll be having a big laugh.
Don’t count on them Alabamians – they fall for shit hook, line and sinker.
He’s one of those pedos who haven’t figured out that their Kodi box is sending file and usage details to law enforcement.
@23 A person appointed by the court o protect the rights of children or incapacitated adults, because they don’t have them. Which just proves my point. Even teenagers wanting to speak on their own behalf and capable of doing can be saddled by the courts with a guardian ad litem. It is a clear showing that children have no rights and the state works as parens patriae.
My my some of you are big on working against oppression of people unless it’s about the oppression of youth.
I do find it interesting that in order to support the attack on Ray Moore in Alabama that you HA warriors out there protecting the rights of women, minorities, gays, ect would support the oppression of youth, in such a manner.
To attack Ray Moore you throw the youth of Washington state under the bus. Yet you are befuddled over the origins of racism, slavery, ect when it stares the lot of you right in the eye. You treat youth in such a way as these other horrible things are justifiable. Perhaps it is the human condition which is what many Republican’s would argue, or is it in oppressing youth we give rise to these other horrible in the justification of the one.
The attack on Ray Moore is only sustainable in the belief that youth cannot decide things for themselves and it’s justifiable for the paternal hand of the state to oppress youth.
@14 Who is Ray Moore?
@15 ” … if one believes that our law is based on biblical law … should have no problem with Sharia law then.”
Shows how stupid you are. Ask Roy Moore if he has a problem with Shariah law.
@19 “voters here love putting a thumb in the Federal Governments eye just as much as Alabamians do”
Actually they don’t. We have huge swaths of federal land here. You don’t see our voters agitating to privatize Alpine Lakes and Olympic National Park, or turn them over to the state, so ranchers can graze their cattle there. We have a huge military presence in our state. You don’t see voters here “putting a thumb in the eye” of folks at Bangor or JBLM or Fairchild AFB. Boeing is a major defense contractor, same deal, we give them billions. You’re a nitwit.
@20 Out of one corner of your mouth, you say Putin can’t handle Americans. Out of the other corner of your mouth, you say Putin will round us up and exterminate us. Which is it? It can’t be both at the same time, it’s gotta be one or the other. And forget about joining the Wolverines, they don’t take young children, you have to be at least fourteen.
@30 Can’t even spell “etc.” correctly. Are you a product of Alabama home schooling?
I do belive we’ve found this sick hillbilly’s NAMBLA Achilles’ heel!
So Shortbus, how many children have you fucked?
With their “consent” of course!
@34 it’s just the American Gay people that Putin will round up, while all the Alabamians revolt and hang him first….makes a lot of sense.
Abigail’s comment regarding Putin exterminating Gay people, is just an attack on me…the fear tactic….his way of persuasion, that I need to join the other side. Like Doctor Dumbfuck telling me I need guns after the Orlando shooting….the only reason I need a gun (I do not own a gun and do not intend to do so unless it comes to a true civil war) is to protect myself from Alabamians and homophobes (in the sense that he really doesn’t care if we have any rights) like him.
You really are that stupid aren’t you.
Children certainly do have rights, you just choose to rationalize and believe otherwise. You twist the meaning of “dates” to twist your narrow view of the world. All this from the same guy defending the Bible by say, “”Oh no, that was a story, not a literal event.” Where is the magic decoder ring/annotated version that tells us which writings are “myth” and which are fact based? Thank goodness we have you here to explain it all for us.
You dumbfuck, every child has the right to not be abused, so much so that every damn doctor, nurse, school professional, is constantly on the lookout for such signs. Children have the right to not be stalked and groomed for sexual exploitation. People is roles of trust have done this and will continue to do this. Such as clergy, teachers, coaches, judges and so forth. I has nothing to do with take a group of children out to a field trip, but there better not be an “special treatment” for little Sally or Jimmy by a teacher or coach.
I was going to bring up a GAL but @23 beat me to it.
No wonder you love that faith-based shit, it give you license to be stupid. Christian-based law, Sharia-based law, really no difference, made up to keep the ignorant under the thumbs of others and protect abhorrent behavior.
Should there be a trial for this guy, Roy Moore, or should we just burn him at the stake tomorrow before lunch?
@36 Or maybe he’s just a pot-stirring troll who comes here to see how many chains he can pull.
Some people abuse Veterans Day, and there comes a time when veterans and non-veterans alike — the real patriots — should walk out. For example:
Nebraska: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/11/10/1714629/-Walked-out-of-Veterans-Day-Speech?detail=emaildkre
Texas: http://cityhall.blog.statesman.....lag-flies/
Here is how Jennifer Rubin, a lawyer and journalist, sums up the Republican defense of Roy Moore in two words: “Moral nihilism.”
“If you are sickened by this — both the cowering from national Republicans and the repulsive defense of Moore coming from local Republicans — you must not be a GOP ‘tribalist,’ the new brand of Republican who will justify any conduct, excuse any behavior, rationalize any rhetoric, adopt any conspiracy theory and deny any evidence to protect the ‘tribe.’ It’s nothing short of moral nihilism, not to mention disqualifying from public service.
“This has been a long time coming. Republicans put up with Trump calling Mexicans rapists, insulting a POW, making racist accusations against a federal judge, attacking Gold Star parents and boasting on tape about sexual abuse of women. They’ve chosen to ignore accounts from more than a dozen women who allege Trump engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior. Republicans have condoned lying, bullying and willful ignorance by a man some of them don’t trust with the authority to launch nuclear war. So would they let a few allegations of sexual exploitation of children get in the way of a Senate seat? You’ve got their answer.
“Let’s hope national and local Republicans reconsider their immoral and abhorrent behavior. Let’s pray they do some soul-searching about the purpose of public service and their responsibilities as human beings. If they don’t reverse course, they’ve given voters one more reason to get rid of the whole lot of them in 2018.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While a few of the relatively more principled prominent Republicans are turning their backs on Moore, I think most Republicans won’t. Rubin is correct in describing them as a “tribe.” She is correct that they care more about hanging onto a Senate seat than Moore’s abhorrent behavior or his victims. In fact, they will demonize the victims in order to help Moore’s grasping for power. I think Rubin is right about something else, too: The majority of Americans are still decent people, and electoral repudiation of the 33% constituting Trump’s deplorable base is coming.
@39 Can’t prosecute, statute of limitations, and we liberals aren’t into stake burning, as historically we’ve typically been on the getting end of that. Just send him packing. Let his wife handle it. We’ll just have to trust her to keep him off the streets and away from young children from now on.
Not a question of punishment, remember fuckhead?
Its just that you and your fellow “patriots” are so terrified of having to negotiate with Democrats that you’d sooner form alliances with pedophiles.
Thats who you are now. You’re those people.
Hey, I’m not saying Moore should drop out. Did I say that? If Alabama voters feel he represents their values, then he should stay in! (snicker) In any case, it’s not up to me, and I’m not one to mess with divine intervention (see below for details).
“Republican Roy Moore trails his Democratic opponent for the first time in polling for the Alabama Senate race …. A poll published Sunday … showed Jones with 46 percent to Moore’s 42 percent, with 9 percent undecided. … Moore [is] now tied with Jones among male voters and trailing by 6 percentage points among women voters.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think Moore would be the first to agree that God’s will be done. After all, he’s a religious man. And God’s will is for a Democrat to represent Alabama in the Senate. That’s obviously why the voices in Moore’s head are telling him to stay in the race.
Trump pulled out of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal and that’s going to hurt American farmers and small businesses.
Spending some time “down under” in Australia. I can say as a fact they view Trump as a joke. He believes a former Russian KGB agent over our intelligence agencies? His name-calling astounds. And “America First” means America is not a world leader, it’s on its own. Pacific nations are looking to China, if not out of respect, out of fear because they cannot count on us.
Serious long term damage is being done.
@ 47
That is the purpose. The selection of Fat Donny as the Republican candidate was not an accident. Bush was out, his daddy and his brother had fucked the Bush name for at least a generation, Cruz was the kind of guy that just creeped everyone out because he exuded “ick” from every pore, Perry was a man who all but admitted having sex with farm animals, Carson was a little too “ethnic” and told some pretty wild fairy tales about his career, etc etc etc…
They chose Fat Donny because he was a singularly and wholly unintelligent man who could be easily manipulated and controlled by merely stroking his ego. He reads at the level of a seven year old at best and Putin knows this, and has for a long time because Fat Donny has leaned on him and his friends for at least a couple of decades for financial support. The obvious problem with that, is that now it has become apparent that Fat Donny is also completely illiterate and almost entirely ineducable in every subject. He literally has to have pictures of and references to himself in every paragraph of his daily briefings which have been reduced to single bullet-point sentences written in the most simplistic terms out of the sheer necessity of trying to convey important information to a man who has spent his entire lifetime refusing to concern himself with anything that doesn’t make him money. Things like reading, and mathematics that don’t fatten his bank accounts. He hires people to handle that difficult work, and those people work under the gun of knowing that he will utterly destroy them if they somehow fail to make him money.
Even his own mother called him a monster, and not in a complimentary way.
“She was sixteen years old goin’ on 35, Doc”
Moore isn’t just a sick pedo who molests children. He’s a pretty shitty lawyer too.
He intends to sue The Washington Post for reporting the stories of the four women he abused when they were children and he was in his thirties. As the Republican Party nominee for the United States Senate from Alabama he is a prominent figure of inherent public interest. Any claims to a privacy interest are nullified. And as such a public figure he must be able to show to the court in his filings that The Washington Post demonstrated actual malice and a reckless disregard for the truth in the published reporting.
The reporting team first learned of Judge Moore’s habits with children when they went to his home town to do basic background research for reporting on the Senate election. When the stories of Moore seeking sexual relationships with children arose from those inquiries repeatedly they sought permission from their editors to pursue that as a separate story. Over the following months they obtained corroboration from more than 80 other sources confirming the accounts, as well as the four women who have agreed to be identified. Every detail of every personal account was checked and verified, and of course backed up with documentation.
If he’s dumb enough to file, WaPo will counter and move for sanctions under rule 11. And they’ll win on both.
@50 “He’s a pretty shitty lawyer too.”
Oh c’mon now. He’s been disbarred only twice. Once for defying a federal court order. The second time for defying a SCOTUS order. If he’s disbarred a third time — for molesting children — now that would be impressive.