Leviticus 15:19-20
When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening. Anything she lies on during her period will be unclean, and anything she sits on will be unclean.
Misogynist and Bigot that old Leviticus, Puffy’s cousin.
As I understand it, what happens after sundown is legit.
No nookie in daylight, but hit it hard at night.
I learned a new word today: “hok”. Stuff (rules) that’s in the bible that makes no logical sense whatsoever. I think you pronounce it by sticking two fingers down your throat.
Mmmmmmmmmn, Red Wings!
I wasn’t going to go there, but you did!
Yes, by all means, take all the bedding down to the turd filled river and wash them next to a dead mule. Everything will be “clean” then.
The makers of certain feminine hygienic products would like to point out that this was not the basis of a briefly considered Superbowl ad blitz. With a line of products in team colors and logos. So watch the game and there could be a surprise ad for a feminine hygienic product, but it won’t be at all based on this bible verse. If so there could be a mysterious run for these products at 7-11 during halftime, confusion, long lines causing protests. This fear along with fear of the Comstock Act and possible FCC canceled the proposed project.
Go Seahawks!
Like the former Fire Chief of Atlanta, I too am determined to freely exercise my religion in whatever way my God and His Prophets command. Therefor, and henceforth, I’m afraid I’m going to have to dismiss all the fertile females in my employ unless they can provide me with medical proof that they have had their uterus removed. I must make daily prayer several times each day. And to do so in a state of uncleanliness would be the highest form of blasphemy. The presence of female impurity in my workplace makes the state of devout cleanliness commanded by my Lord impossible. So I’m afraid they must go.
But that’s just the way it has to be. You can’t expect me to weigh their rights against my own. And you can’t expect the law to do it either. At least not if you believe fundies like me. My right to religious freedom trumps everything else. And presumably the public interest in protecting my right to religious freedom trumps all other public interests.