Leviticus 11:20-22
All flying insects that walk on all fours are to be regarded as unclean by you. There are, however, some flying insects that walk on all fours that you may eat: those that have jointed legs for hopping on the ground. Of these you may eat any kind of locust, katydid, cricket or grasshopper.
Insects are a vital part of our ecosystem. Please plant only native plant species in your gardens. Fully a third of our plants and trees are non- native species that have escaped gardens. These plants do not provide subsistence for native animals and insects, further degrading the environment.
Trout read the Bible?
Really amazing right now is the stream of hatred, lies, and absolutely unmasked racism making up the comment stream on Breitbart’s Facebook page. And this has been a very consistent pattern in the immediate aftermath of these tragic gun violence incidents. All over prominent “conservative” social media accounts you see people, posting under their own names and with accompanying photographs, calling for hanging demonstrators and mass killings of African Americans. And zero push back from the account holders. Zip. Zilch. Nada. They are okay with it. Proud of it.
Despicable. Truly despicable.
A selection of Breitbart’s commentary:
“Niggers ruin everything”
“This is race war.”
“It’s time for Seal Team 6 to take out Obama.”
“Black lives matter, not so much. You reap what you sow so keep it up because everybody wants you dead because of your savage behavior. Kill our cops and you should be in a mass grave.”
“Relax everyone! This is an isolated incident! They are just like us! Race is a social construct! We need to get them more welfare money and job placement as rappers!”
“Black lives don’t matter to me–especially the scum that suck off of society and don’t earn their own way…and the pussies that shoot at cops!!!”
“UNLESS the BLMs want an all out “WANTED” on THEM, they better STOP this cop killing NOW…those with guns WILL COME AFTER THEM!!!”
“And no more protecting black neighborhoods…let em destroy each other….”
This is the social media commentary feed of one of the “leading” voices of “conservative” thought in America.
And they pretend to wonder how they got stuck with ignorant, racist Trump voters running the GOP. Big fucking mystery that.
@3 Bearing false witness is second nature to them. The biggest gathering of liars in the history of the world is the RepubliKKKlan convention. Such good Christians.
@3 Have you offered them some delicious grasshopper? It’s the food of peace and racial tranquility, but the grasshoppers are a bit piqued. That’s the extra spice.
PS Appears all the speech is protected by the first amendment. One would hope it lets off some steam. Please let this people sound off, it’s ok, its part of de-escalation. Still it could be we are in for a long hot summer. Turkey sure is.
Right. Calling for the mass execution of an entire race is “de-escalation”. Will you also be holding your conference in Wansee?
@4 There are still some Dixiecrats around in the Democratic party. There are some die hard southern boys who are Democrats and card carrying members of the Klan.
I’m sure some Republican’s would love to send some of those Republican KKK members back to the Democratic party. Especially the ones who don’t vote. At the end of the day if Klan members vote, then both major parties want their votes. Same with the Black Panthers. Some minor parties also vie for these votes.
There is nothing stopping KKK, Panthers, Islamist terrorists, criminals, ect from wither major party. Some minor parties are actually a bit more circumspect about membership. Both major parties have some folk that really aren’t nice people. And yes some of those people are actual candidates and party members and shakers. Democrats should perhaps pay a bit more attention to it’s own members, and candidates. Only it’s a really big tent, and certain rules are really only enforceable at the local or state level. Though some of those rules maybe unenforceable. Which is why one gets a State Auditor who is a crook or at least a bit bent, or just an innocent who is easily victimized by an out of control Federal Prosecutor out for blood, because this guy did good and got into office.
Being a Democrat does not make the soon to be former state auditor a good guy or a bad guy, just makes him a member of the Democratic party. Maybe he’s a good old boy, or he just passed through the vetting process, or no vetting took place, or the vetting process is crap.
@6 Allowing the person or organization to speak and say whatever is part of the process. It give you the opportunity to listen. Doesn’t make you best buds, but it shows respect to the individual spewing whatever they are spewing, and then eventually you can ask them how they are going to do this or that. Point out just how much work that is. Point out that in the 1800’s during the Indian wars here in Washington out East in when the Spokane and other tribes rose up, the men who killed their horse and pony heard found it hard and unpleasant work.
So have you spent your life in a bubble and not been exposed to people with these types of opinions before. Of course you will find most of those people don’t want the blood on their hands. They aren’t going to go out and do the dirty work. Have you never been exposed to the hatred that is out there about the United States? Been exposed to people with the opinions that every citizen here should be exterminated? There are people out there like that. Some of them are leaders of countries. One of those people leads North Korea. Most of those people on Breitbart are not a threat to anyone, but themselves, but what do we do about a man who spews that amount of hate about Americans. Our fellow citizens. A man who if he has the means could try to make good on his threats. Does that give us a reason to put a wing of B-52’s over North Korea, with orders to eliminate the man with the very weapon he would use on one or more American cities if he could. Or to take out our electrical grid.
These people on Breitbart aren’t necessarily your or my enemy, but that gentleman in charge of North Korea is, and many of the people under him are true believers are our enemy,
Of course if we are to be thin skinned about these people you are talking about should we not also be very thin skinned about the leader of North Korea?
As to those people on Breitbart are you going to go throw the first stone? Or do the more difficult thing and engage them and deescalate.
@7 I don’t recall saying all Democrats are angels. But they don’t consider being an asshole an asset like RepubliKKKlans. And, no, the KKK is not a part of the Democratic party. That is ancient history. No self respecting racist would be a Democrat. And respect for themselves is all they have.
You called that genocidal speech “de-escalation” implying that it was productive and purposeful. YOU need to start from there and figure out what leads you to those kind of sentiments and explain it. This has got absolutely nothing to do with tolerance for opposing view points one way or another. YOU looked at calls for genocide and called it “de-escalation”. YOU have to answer for that first. Anything else follows after. But you have to answer first.
No. Just play along. Sure, those “Dixiecrats” all voted for Obama.
You betcha!
@9 Some Democrats are ass holes. Not like President Jackson was the last Democratic asshole. Most politicians have a public persona some are jackasses. Just talk to their staff or their servants. It’s one of the reasons where White House staff or Secret Service agents are discouraged from talking about the President and his or her family. Some certainly suggest that a certain Democratic candidate is an asshole sometimes. One hopes she has a backbone, and can act appropriately in certain circumstances where the US can’t be nice.
I also have ex in-laws who are Dixiecrats and still members of the Democratic party who have KKK membership badges or hang with those good old boys. And if the local pols don’t hang out they aren’t getting into office no matter what race they are. I think you need a primer in Southern politics.
@11 Some of them did, some of them even stood up on stage with candidate Obama and later as President Obama. Some sought out his endorsement when they were up for reelection and got it.
Mark Adams is a nut!
Douche Bag. Sorry….nobody is calling to take away anyone’s right to free speech. How about just asking people and expecting people to be less vial and violent linguistically.
I don’t get these fucking moron libertarians.
Why doesn’t Mark Adams ever tell Puffyballs or Boob that they should shut their traps when they complain about what liberals and protesters say, in the name of free speech.
Mark you seem to have double standards or at a minimum are selective when you like to toss around the constitution.
“Some certainly suggest that a certain Democratic candidate is an asshole sometimes.”
You’re being duped as a credulous tool by a con man. That particular individual was employed as part of the uniformed service at a fairly low level. Now, go ahead and do as thorough a google search as you care to. See if you can find more than one or two photographs of one of the most photographed individuals in the world within 15 feet of a uniformed secret service officer. I can’t find more than one. I can’t find a single one with Sec. Clinton from her years as First Lady. Confirmed security protocols indicate that any such employee would be prevented from any close access to the principal protectees – never in the same room – always two rings of security separation away. Now consider that this individual you are relying on insists that he routinely was in the immediate company of the protectees and privy to their most personal communications. Are you sure you want to rely on that? Might make you look a little foolish and gullible. I sure hope you didn’t pay for his book.
@10 No I won’t stop. I put my hand up to defend the United States Constitution. I spent my 20 in the Air Force. I put my hand up so these twits can say these things. Speak their mind. Put their hatred out there in the light. You get to speak too. I’m not saying they are right. I also know you probably won’t change their minds, but it’s speech and they can be answered with speech.
Offer em a grasshopper and see what they say. It’s the food of peace, at least I said so. You don’t have to believe that, but maybe they will. Talk with them. Be willing to break bread with them.
There will be some people who vent this kind of hate and there most likely always will be. They frankly have rarely thought through the consequences of their rhetoric. They so hate these people they have never thought through the work and difficulty in carrying out their plan. Or thought through the problem of what to do with the thugs they will have to create. Or perhaps they have and they don’t want to admit they will then cleanse the land of the butchers they created to cleanse the land. You want to take away their power keep em talking. Get them to answer. Most of the folks talking are letting off steam help em out. Or don’t but don’t expect me to take your whining with good graces.
Looks like I hit a nerve or two so I must be doing something right.
“Why doesn’t Mark Adams ever tell Puffyballs or Boob that they should shut their traps when they complain about what liberals and protesters say, in the name of free speech.”
My theory is that he’s a concern troll sock puppet of that racist imbecile Fuckwad.
you described calls for genocide as “de-escalation”.
Everything else you blather on about is completely meaningless and pales along side that. I really feel sorry for you if you can’t appreciate that. Hutu radicals seizing radio stations and ordering all their people into the streets to start decapitating Tutsi was not “de-escalation”. That’s not letting off steam. It’s not a constructive means of venting frustration or confronting fear.
Enlightened people call it genocide. The “conservative” commentators on Breitbart are calling for racial genocide. And you call it “de-escalation”. That says something about you that you obviously don’t like to look at or think about. But hiding behind your military service or an oath will not change it one bit. Trying to change the subject to a debate about free expression won’t change it one bit. I condemned that expression. I never called for it to be suppressed or criminalized. I called attention to it and condemned it. And you defend it by continuing to suggest that demands for racial genocide are some kind of healthy exercise in political therapy.
Absolutely no healthy person agrees with you. At all.
@14 You may think I’m a douche. No biggie. Not an unusual situation to be in when one actually supports free speech. Your call for less vial or less violent linguistic language is itself an attack on free speech or at least an attempt to freeze language.
I don’t feel any particular need to attack Puffy or Boob as you and many others already are doing that. I don’t need to sign in the choir. I occassionally do end up saying something someone else has said because I didn’t see someone else’s post. I do call them on bullshit as I call you and others on the list out for bullshit.
I must be doing something right, because your post says I’m.
And I’ve tried to tell you before I’m not libertarian. I’m an independent voice, and my speech has gotten your skin. That is a good thing. Lets have some more of that.
I welcome your attack as it reveals you don’t understand what freedom of speech is about. You would cull speech. You would silence those you disagree with. You will try to label those you disagree with. I think in the light your attack says you don’t support those liberal principals you claim to support. Speech is a foundation of liberal thought, so your attack on me is an attack on yourself and those principals.
As it is I do think we are in for a long hot summer, and I’m hoping nothing torrid happens at either convention other than a lot of speech and venting.
I haven’t seen anyone here criticize free speech or call for silence. I think that’s a monstrous distortion if not an outright lie.
I’ve only seen one person applaud calls for racial genocide (although I’m sure if that Fuckwad were posting he would).
@15 You might do a little better to watch the History channel from time to time. There are these folks called cooks and other people who work at the White House. Consistently the Clintons are one of the least liked occupants of the White House as rated by staff asked off the record. Staff still catch glimpses and parts of arguments. Nor am I depending on just one report and I don’t know if I have even read the report your talking about.
I do know that a fax was sent to the white house early in the Clinton administration that some wise ass sent that was of his naked butt. Mrs. Clinton took a very major objection to the fax. She definitely tried to get the military to find this person and some pressure was brought to bear, and some time and treasure was spent on this until cooler heads finally convinced President Clinton to cool his spouse over the matter. Having been in the military, and knowing people who were in White House comm I may know a bit more about some people being an asshole than the general public. Are you calling my fellow service members liars? I would suggest some folks I know or have known know how things work in the real world.
@7 “There are still some Dixiecrats around in the Democratic party. There are some die hard southern boys who are Democrats and card carrying members of the Klan.”
Do you have their names? The party’s credentials committee needs this information for membership purposes.
@7 (continued) The Democrats kicked out the racists who didn’t leave voluntarily 50 years ago. The GOP merrily embraced them.
Quick recap:
These are the Breitbart Facebook account comments that Mark Adams describes as a healthy exercise in “de-escalation”:
“Niggers ruin everything”
“This is race war.”
“It’s time for Seal Team 6 to take out Obama.”
“Black lives matter, not so much. You reap what you sow so keep it up because everybody wants you dead because of your savage behavior. Kill our cops and you should be in a mass grave.”
“Relax everyone! This is an isolated incident! They are just like us! Race is a social construct! We need to get them more welfare money and job placement as rappers!”
“Black lives don’t matter to me–especially the scum that suck off of society and don’t earn their own way…and the pussies that shoot at cops!!!”
“UNLESS the BLMs want an all out “WANTED” on THEM, they better STOP this cop killing NOW…those with guns WILL COME AFTER THEM!!!”
“And no more protecting black neighborhoods…let em destroy each other….”
Threats to assassinate the President and carry out a military coup, calls for racial genocide, and calls for race based de-policing of specific racially targeted neighborhoods. These are indeed Constitutionally protected expressions (although I’m a little dubious about the threats directed toward the President). They are also despicable, unproductive, ignorant, and beyond redemption. Comments such as these that threaten violence and deny the basic human rights of fellow citizens cannot contribute to productive dialogue or lead toward resolution of dispute. They do precisely the opposite of “de-escalation”. They incite people to carry out unspeakable acts that are likely to threaten our democracy and civil society – things Mr. Adams claims he is proudly sworn to protect. They incite unrest and violence, and leading “conservative” publications host these comments and offer not a single word of objection or repudiation.
“Are you calling my fellow service members liars?”
If insist on being so vague and unspecific I can only answer yes. Since this has been repeatedly proved in court and openly admitted to by your “fellow service members” throughout the ranks since time immemorial – often as a prelude to discharge and imprisonment.
@18 Was it genocide when the French created Hutu and Tutsi from the same tribe by creating identity cards that placed people from the same tribe into two tribes based loosely on occupation? Our government never called it a genocide, and never tried to get the United Nations to act on an action of genocide. Or was it in part people trying to steal land from other people. It was all very criminal, and certainly could be a genocide, but not according to the United States government and most Americans at the time were blissfully unaware and did not care, just as when events that tore apart Yugoslavia were in part or whole genocide, but no the UN didn’t show up the party.
You are the one reading Breitbart I don’t know what those folks are saying only what you say they are saying. I’m just saying let them speak and encourage them to speak. I’m saying you should be on there right now fighting this good fight of yours. Offer em a grasshopper. Use your free speech to tell them they are what you are claiming they are.
You introduced this under Leviticus but I don’t see how your claims of genocide has squat to do with todays passage. But you want to o down this rabbit hole with me, then lets have fun.
You don’t free speech. You don’t understand de-escalation. You don’t understand how to have a discussion abut race relations. You mighty concerned about what is being said on Breitbart, and are upset, that those people shouldn’t be saying those terrible things, well they can, and that is the essence of free speech. Doesn’t make them or you right or wrong. Nor me right or wrong. Just means they can say those things, kicking you in the proverbial ball sack, and all you can do is use speech in response. Have you tried offering them that grasshopper yet? I guess not.
The now-deceased Baton Rouge shooter was a lone wolf with a political agenda (black separatist) who had it in for cops. Former Marine, no criminal record. Recently spent a couple years in Africa, so links to terrorist groups can’t be ruled out. At least one of the cops he killed today was black. He may be affiliated with Nation of Islam, which has turned to Scientology. Another homicidal nutjob had no problem getting an assault rifle.
Republicans will call for turning America into a police state. If we give up freedoms in the name of security, let’s start with 2nd amendment freedoms.
@22 When the Georgia, Alabama, North or South Caroline credentials committees contact me I’ll have that discussion with them. Though when you talk to them about this you might an interesting eye opening that you still have racists in the Democratic party. There was no kicking them out only some left voluntarily and others became less open about it. You could always talk to the KKK in those states about their membership though. They will let you know they still got public officials of both major parties as member or they may not. Or at least they have beers with all the local politicians at the county fair and elsewhere and the pols know their opinions.
Here is how some Republicans exercise their 1st amendment rights.
@29 Do you have some backing for these assertions?
Bad news for Puddy: “On the eve of the GOP convention, Hillary Clinton maintains a five-point national lead over Donald Trump even after a period of negative news for the presumptive Democratic nominee, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Puddy’s balloon just popped. The air went out of his tires. His hopes are deflated like a Tom Brady football.
@25 And you are also being vague about these lying military people you are talking about. Who are they, what cases, ect. Are you claiming some personal knowledge? There have been many shows on the History Channel where one or more people have worked in the White House kitchen. I don’t remember the shows name but the person worked in the White House kitchen for like 30 years through many administrations, and gave the Clintons low marks compared to other first families on how they treated the staff. I have heard other former staff say the same thing.
Yes the President and his family are kept in a bubble and some Presidents and families stay more in the bubble than others. Still information comes out that is not always what they want to come out, and shows that our President and his family are fellow human beings, and less than perfect. In spite of political spin from both parties that make all Presidents and their families something like the nuclear family of the 1950’s with or without the Beaver.
“I’m just saying let them speak and encourage them to speak.”
That is not actually true. Clearly now you wish it were. Here is what is true: in response to my condemnation of Breitbart comments calling for racial genocide you posted “Please let this people sound off, it’s ok, its part of de-escalation.” That is plainly what you posted and not worth debating. Obviously that is quite a bit more than “just” let them speak.
Look, maybe you were inarticulate. Maybe you were in a hurry and did not carefully consider how you were about to say what you hoped to say. Maybe you didn’t really believe that “it’s ok” to call for racial genocide or that such calls for violence and mass murder are “just” “part of de-escalation”. But you’ve had two and a half hours now to think that over and all you’ve managed to do is double down while trying to change the subject (French colonial history in Africa? Really?). Many times in the last 150 minutes you could have repudiated those earlier remarks and sought to clarify. But you have not. So reasonable readers are left to conclude that these are your true beliefs.
What if gun huggers held a rally and no one came?
@31 Ex in laws and if you ask folks in the south you will find what I’m saying is the truth. Of course you could go to the KKK websites or ask them. The south is not the Pacific Northwest.
Still just looking at the Cliven Bundy and their fellow ranchers sure a lot of that bunch are probably Republican’s just due to their location and economic state, but a few radicals to them or spouses maybe Democratic and hold similar beliefs to their fellow ranchers.
“You would cull speech. You would silence those you disagree with. You will try to label those you disagree with. I think in the light your attack says you don’t support those liberal principals you claim to support. Speech is a foundation of liberal thought, so your attack on me is an attack on yourself and those principals.”
I’m not silencing anyone….go ahead and spew your hate or “love” the fact that people spew hate – right on brother …..go fuck yourself (what’s the matter you don’t like that free speech?)…and I don’t think you are a douche bag, I know so…!
As it is I do think we are in for a long hot summer, and I’m hoping nothing torrid happens at either convention other than a lot of speech and venting.
good luck with the hope of ….other than a lot of speech and venting……
It might end up appearing to be venting….but the outcome will be more than venting…..we are already experiencing venting..
Mark – please apply free speech to what ISIS and all the Arab uprising….or do they not get free speech because they aren’t Americans…Do you only advocate free speech for Americans? Why report, or why do politicians tell us, the free speech of what ISIS says or terrorists….is ISIS or terrorists only venting….don’t they get to vent….why do we have to fear their venting?
Please explain Moron.
@34 First of all I have not read what is on Breitbart so I don’t know if what is actually being said there matches what you say is being said there. Frankly I don’t car if they are calling for mass genocide there or not. You are trying to make me care that these allegedly terrible people are saying these allegedly terrible things and they are conservatives and Republicans aren’t they just horrible people, and frankly I still don’t care.
Still I made a suggestion you don’t like. Perhaps you should go to this sitehttp://www.crisisprevention.com/Resources/Knowledge-Base/De-escalation-Tips
Deescaltion requires communication. If you think these terrible people are saying these terrible things please go use some of your wonderful communication skills and try a little de-escalation. YOur the one saying there is a problem so go fix it or shut about it. You have brought it up you now go clean the stables. Go for it Hercules or do you prefer Pericles. Go be a hero.
“I welcome your attack as it reveals you don’t understand what freedom of speech is about.”
Have you ever schooled any conservatives over the freedom to marry who you want? How often do you do that? Did you serve with gay people? Do you care only about freedoms specifically outlined in a 200 plus year old document, and if that document is not specific to include marriage, do you just say ok let people oppress freedom? Did you serve just to protect the constitution or freedom.
@37 I think you need a delicious grasshopper. Yummy the food of peace. Have one. I’m sure some are available somewhere in New York. Enjoy. ‘Guess we won’t be sitting down to break bread, so breaks my heart.
“You will try to label those you disagree with” – Isn’t that free speech….what’s the problem with that? Why bring it up if it’s not a problem? Conservatives have a brother Touch-P label maker in the left and right front pocket as well as their left and right rear pockets.
Don’t run away when you are losing…you need a grasshopper go have one.
“YOur the one saying there is a problem so go fix it or shut about it.”
Careful. You just dropped your First Amendment fig leaf.
@24 if there are calls to assassinate the President then please contact the FBI or Secret Service about those threats.
Most of what you put on here is constitutionally protected speech. Possible by 14 or 15 year old males on the internet trying to get your goat and succeeding. Bravo to them and their success in getting your goat.
@43 My grasshopper was delicious. Was yours?
@44 Upset I can play your game as well as you are playing. Now go on Breitbart Hero and do some work.
Adams clearly has a problem with New York, but wants free speech, that my friends is a bull shit artist and a nut
the work is right here confronting racist apologists who seek to ease the murderers into power.
@25 So you are calling RR a liar because of his service and being a veteran? Looks like you are.
@50 No you are the one wanting to tilt at windmills, and I’m calling you on it. Now go tilt at the windmills some more.
“to call for racial genocide or that such calls for violence and mass murder are “just” “part of de-escalation””
No two ways about it, this is dangerous escalation. There’s about as much chance of communicating with any of those people as there is with the loon. It is pointless.
“Mark Adams is fraud.”
Those who write for the love of their own words are the easiest to ignore.
@38 That whole ISIS and Arab spring thing. Yep we have freedom of speech, and they have it here under our laws. As far as them letting their people have it. Probably not, or some chilling effect.
Of course certain comments made by the current administration about supporting the Democratically elected government of Turkey may come back to haunt us. Particularly if the executions begin.
Of course our Frenemy Russia may bring up a little detail about our nukes being in an unstable nation. Yes CNN said there are nukes at Incirlik, and I thought I misunderstood what was said the first time, but they repeated the statement of nukes being at Incirlik. So I’m sure there will be some contact from the Russian and Chinese ambassador about these insecure nukes of ours. And would you Americans please remove them from Turkey.
Too funny.
I guess free speech is sometimes not freely practiced by the freedom fighters.
I’m sure Drumpf would have liked to end the conversation by saying that it isn’t ok for Hillary to make the same mistake because Pence isn’t running for President and he’s just Drumpf’s partner. Sounds like a same sex marriage to me.
As far as Turkey goes – the USA has been making friends with many enemies for hundreds of years, but I guess in today’s time of very turbulent times it is easy to Monday morning quarterback when things go wrong.
For the record, as I’ve said before here, I’ve never felt Turkey was a friend of the USA, but how many countries can you rely upon as friends, especially in today’s times.
For the Fraudster.
fully agreed.
But what really disturbs me is how these relatively mainstream “conservative” social media platforms and accounts tolerate this kind of stuff and to a great extent really encourage it.
Sure, for many years a kind of codified red meat of racial hatred and violence has fueled “conservative” political activism and support. But you’d think by now these mouth pieces like Breitbart and NRO would have started to reconsider it. Stirring up these racist hate mongers to get them angry with the hippies and Hollywood liberal elites is one thing. But these people are now exploiting the pretext of these tragic shootings to openly advocate genocide against our own fellow citizens. It’s really sick and well beyond the pale. It’s just gone too far. And nobody should be content to ignore it “until they get it out of their system”. That only legitimizes it. This has to be confronted every single time. And the individuals and institutions that support it whether explicitly or implicitly should be eternally condemned by it.
@55 The Republic of Turkey has never been an enemt of the United States. The United States by declaring war on Germany declared war on the Ottomon Empire and Austria.
We have 90 atomic warheads at Incirlik Airbase half of which would be loaded on Turkish planes if they are released to NATO. The Turks are not always nice people,but some of their neighboes are not nice people.
Usually when the Turkish military pulls a coup thry have their shit together, this time not so much, maybe out of practice or just maybe it was set up by the President as a false flag. And he sets himself up as President for life and brings back the Caliphate. Then again he could be replaced next election. Though at the moment he seems to have a golden ticket to do as he wishes from the Obama administration. If he brings back the death sentence and serveral thousand hudges are executed the administration may be holding the proverbial bag.
@56 You are talking to the choir. And reasonable people can disagree with your conclusions. I read what the guy in West Virginia said, and he expressed the opinion Clinton should be charged, tried and executed, People have said similar things on here and elsewhere, sometimes about Donald Trump.
Your going to go say what your saying on here on Breitbart if you really think what they are saying is so reprehensible. Or are you just throwing out red meat for democrats and not really committed to your talk? Your talking, but you ain’t walking the talk. You really think there are threats to the President have you reported it to the FBI or Secret Service? Assuming someone else did? Really think Breitbart is out instigating a race war, you complained to the FBI? State Police? Or just posturing on here making mountains out of mole hills.
I have the perfect name for Trumpty Dumbty ahead of the convention: Flip flop flim flam man.
@57 maybe I should have put it into quoted but I didn’t mean ta imply that turkey was an enemy. What I was trying to say that they haven’t been doing us any “favors” lately by bring loose with terrorists traveling easily through their country.
Sometime your best friends are really your enemies.
Today the world is a little upside down and one doesn’t really have any friends.
@60 Turkey is a nation that is pretty tough on terrorists. Still you get millions of people fleeing from a war and from a nation that is at war with its people most nations will be overwhelmed. They have this group called the Kurds in part of Turkey. These Kurds did not get their own nation after WWI despite Wilson’s 13 points. Some Kurds who are politically active are terroists many are labeled as terroists. Parts of the Turkish border are leaky mostly because Turkey is also friendly with Turkmen who are Turks who ended up on the wrong side of the border after WWI. For more fun for a very long time our jets would leave Incirlik and fly into northern Iraq and drop suppoied to the Kurds and about an hour later Turkish jets would take off and bomb those same locations.
Turkey and Greece are the two NATO nations most likely to go to war against each other. It/s a problem, but has been managed.
Turkey at least at the moment is stil a secular nation. The current President would like to change that. So the administration stating what they did maybe taken as carte blance to do that as it’s being done under the guise of democracy.
MOst of the people fleeing from Syria are just fellow human beings. many are Moslem, still they have a right to flee into Turkey under various agreements and as a basic human right. Some bad people are going to take advantage of that. There is no way to separate the good Moslems from the Bad Moslems. There is no Army of Amazons with ropes of truth that can stand at the border between Syria and Turkey or anywhere else who can do rope screening and look deep in the hearts of these people their homes.
So you all coming up to the Whatcom Superior Court for the trial of Tysen Campbell? At least that is when it’s scheduled for.
I don’t know which way this will go, but the more it’s a speech case then a portion of the Washington State malicious harassment law. So is it sarcasm or a hate crime?
It’s not a simple case, and I suspect the Prosecutor will try to say this case is not about speech at all. Which is how that law has been used successfully.
If it’s about speech I think the Prosecutors office has a hard row to how. If successful it could be very chilling, but you could then argue all that ugly hate language on Breitbart should be prosecuted. Guess you could talk to the Prosecutors office here in Whatcom or your local Prosecutor there and complain to them.
Since Breitbart is a conservative news thing I don’t go there for my news. I don’t really care what is on there for the most part. I figure it’s biased, If I were doing research on something would be the only reason I’d go to the site. So frankly I do not care what is on site, unless something on the site is about me (the human being called Mark Adams). If so please let me know.