Leviticus 11:20-22
All flying insects that walk on all fours are to be regarded as unclean by you. There are, however, some flying insects that walk on all fours that you may eat: those that have jointed legs for hopping on the ground. Of these you may eat any kind of locust, katydid, cricket or grasshopper.
Somebody has been drinking from lead cups too long.
All fours is a strange phrase for a thing with 6 legs.
@ 2
I was gonna say, that Leviticus obviously couldn’t count.
Of course no one has ever pondered this before the sage HA types deigned to do so.
@4 Maybe the ancient Israelites were fooling around with plutonium even back then?
Those waters didn’t part themselves. Israel’s had the bomb far, far longer then generally known.
the bible stuff is very predictable and trite. And then God commandeth, you shalt beat the dead horse 20,567 times without relent for this proveth how smarteth we are, compareth to thoseth who not beeth of our tribeth.
it’s kind of self back patting isn’t it.
God clearly is saying you have to pull two legs off before they’re clean.
So it doesn’t count if the insect parts are in with the wheat? Would that not make the wheat unclean? How does one get around this or does one just put a blind eye to that bit of a fly’s wing in the bread, like going to the Chinese restaurant and thinking: None of that pork accidently got into our Mongolian do dah. Of course if it’s cat and dog it’s not an issue right?
A powerful argument for buying all your food local.
Of course the whole thing maybe because locusts and the other insects that were made an exception were already considered delicacies. As they already took nets into the field and caught them.
The whole four legged thing is still odd. Clearly there are six legs. Still at the time birds who were on the water were lumped in with fish. So a lot of tap dancing in that article @4. Any child would tell you a grasshopper or a locust has six legs and two pairs of wings.
So it’s ok to eat spiders with eight legs. Worms with no legs. And what of those things with many many legs. Are scorpions on the menu? Some ancients considered them delicious.
Fortunately they didn’t have a department of agriculture to determine the acceptable amount of insect parts per bushel of wheat or rye or whatever kind of corn. Of course any amount of dead fly and it’s all unclean.
BTW Doesn’t this book of the mentally deranged call for the death penalty for rape? I thought it did somewhere. Let’s ask Mike Huckabee and the Duggars. They all call themselves experts.
@10 Experts at fleecing America.
@ 10
Rape is not considered a crime at all unless the victim can bring three eyewitnesses into court to testify on their behalf.
The Conservatives, especially the hardline religious type, are extremely agitated and angry that a female would ever be disobedient to a superior male, such as a father, brother or religious leader.
Females are considered mere property, and property has no right to defend itself from being used in any manner the property owner sees fit. To Conservatives, a woman exists for the male to relieve himself into and is just a vessel to grow babies in. They have no more intrinsic value than an automobile or a pair of shoes. As such, they have no rights.
@9 “How does one get around this or does one just put a blind eye to that bit of a fly’s wing in the bread”
No, you irradiate the bread with the plutonium to kill the germs before you eat it.
@12 Pretty handy when your main objective is to build armies that will murder at will.
@10, @12 – Aren’t you guys forgetting that in rape cases it’s the woman who gets put to death?
Didn’t the Ark (of the Covenant, not Noah’s) irradiate everything? Just put it in on high for a minute and nuke it.
Mmmmmm, katydid (drool drool).
So much ignorance here.
@17 and you keep coming back for more…..hahahahaha
@17 Why do you add to it?
@9 Doesn’t really matte how germ free the insect parts are the bread would still be unclean. Besides before you irradiate for germs you have to know there are germs. Not a whole lot of mention of them in the bible. Lot more concern over corruption or uncleanliness you can’t see as it’s a spiritual thing.
@5 Plutonium would have to be considered unclean as it’s not a naturally occurring element. Man cannot be allowed to have anything not created by god. Beside the Lord hath his trade secrets, and if the ancient Israelites had a pile that would require science invalidating much of the books and well wouldn’t that have meant they would have been the worlds firs superpower rather than Rome.
“Pastor caught having gay sex in van spent stolen church money on farmer dating website: police”
“A Tennessee pastor who was recently admonished by police for having sex with another man in a church van parked in a parking lot, was arrested this week for embezzling an estimated $60,000 from his church’s coffers.”
A gay farmer dating website? Puddy may believe that to be a sign of the Apocalypse and that the end of the world is near, but it’s really just a sign that the end of GOP is near.
I do wonder about one particular insect. The honey bee and what it produces honey. So how can the honey bee be an unclean insect. Not that anyone necessarily wants to eat honey bees intentionally. Still they make honey and while raw locust is a delicacy when you have locust and honey that is a divine delicacy.
(Not sure whether to bring up silk as the Chinese were able to keep the secret of its origin long after the new testament was written. Still when that information became known did it cause any doctrinal discussions between Hebrew priests and teachers of the Torah?)
Perhaps the question is whether the church would have filed a complaint with the police if the Pastor would have been caught having straight sex and admonished or not caught at all. Assuming that this is not a sect where the Pastor must demonstrate he is the bull as in those old time religions.
@21 “wouldn’t that have meant they would have been the worlds firs superpower rather than Rome”
if they got it to work