Leviticus 11:20
The only winged insects you may eat are locusts, grasshoppers, and crickets. All other winged insects that crawl are too disgusting for you to eat.
When we were kids, we used to catch bees then bar-b-que them and eat them. They were tasty. Now I’m going to hell. But as Mark Twain said “Go to heaven for the climate, but go to hell for the company.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kinda looks like God, for some odd reason, was trying to prevent cannibalism among Republicans.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ RR @ 2
Thats why she made swine.
@2 I believe you’re right. Reptiles aren’t kosher either.
Ima Duncespews:
@4 Oh, there are kosher reptiles. Rabidly anti-gay Rabbi Barry Freundel pleaded guilty to 52 counts of voyeurism for secretly filming women in ritual baths.
Mark Adamsspews:
We are here in the new world. Our insects are not covered. The only ones that maybe are the ones also found in the old world in the area of the Levant. The giant worms of the Grange are highly recommended, but they maybe endangered. A feast fit for Donald Trump.
Our shellfish is kosher as it’s not from the Red Sea or the Med. Now we occasional have some red tide stuff going on, but it’s kept track of so please come enjoy the Pacific Northwests kosher sea food.
The whole thing about swine is just weird. They are simply more valuable to get rid of the garbage in the arid part of the world, other than that it makes no sense to have pigs in that arid country they just require too much water. Doesn’t make ecological sense. So maybe here God gets high marks for being ecologically conscious, but in other areas he gets an F. Pigs in Iowa and New Hampshire should be considered kosher.
Frankly, those are the most tasty of flying insects.
Crickets? I’m ok with grasshoppers and locust but crickets are pretty gross.
When we were kids, we used to catch bees then bar-b-que them and eat them. They were tasty. Now I’m going to hell. But as Mark Twain said “Go to heaven for the climate, but go to hell for the company.”
Kinda looks like God, for some odd reason, was trying to prevent cannibalism among Republicans.
@ RR @ 2
Thats why she made swine.
@2 I believe you’re right. Reptiles aren’t kosher either.
@4 Oh, there are kosher reptiles. Rabidly anti-gay Rabbi Barry Freundel pleaded guilty to 52 counts of voyeurism for secretly filming women in ritual baths.
We are here in the new world. Our insects are not covered. The only ones that maybe are the ones also found in the old world in the area of the Levant. The giant worms of the Grange are highly recommended, but they maybe endangered. A feast fit for Donald Trump.
Our shellfish is kosher as it’s not from the Red Sea or the Med. Now we occasional have some red tide stuff going on, but it’s kept track of so please come enjoy the Pacific Northwests kosher sea food.
The whole thing about swine is just weird. They are simply more valuable to get rid of the garbage in the arid part of the world, other than that it makes no sense to have pigs in that arid country they just require too much water. Doesn’t make ecological sense. So maybe here God gets high marks for being ecologically conscious, but in other areas he gets an F. Pigs in Iowa and New Hampshire should be considered kosher.
Frankly, those are the most tasty of flying insects.
Crickets? I’m ok with grasshoppers and locust but crickets are pretty gross.
“Bats Aren’t Bugs!”