John 15:6
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
The previous verse makes it very plain!
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
You can do nothing without Jesus. Sure you loony leftist pinheads think you are thriving right now but in God’s kingdom to come you are nothing without Jesus! Flat beer froth knows this is what his daddy preached while growing up. Unfortunately flat beer froth threw those Biblical teachings away to become a useless libtard!
God bless!
Till Next Time!
Nice of the loon to spew hate at us in the name of little Baby Jesus.
“So, if she weighs the same as a duck, she must be made of wood!”
No wonder the Christians are such fucked-up people.
@1 and you are nothing WITH Jesus either. Plenty of crack smokers, wife cheaters and beaters, thieves and deadbeats that are with Jesus too – nobody is casting them in the fire. When it really matters, let me know.
Thou shall not lie.
Thou shall not steal.
Thou shall not fuck thy neighbor’s wife
Thou shall not murder (on 5th Avenue)
Thou shall not bare false witness
More like – thou shall go fuck thy self.
Good Day!
Republicans fuck ducks, too.
@5 it wouldn’t surprise me if Repukes drilled holes into clay pigeons and fucked them too.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@1 “You can do nothing without Jesus.”
I do plenty without Jesus, thank you. Well, I did have a pretty good taco yesterday by a guy with a name tag that said “Jesus” but something tells me people pronounce it “Hey Zoose”
@4 said it best.
I worry about Piddles and his ilk. When kids are young and start to claim they have imaginary friends they get taken to child psychologists, But when adults do it, they get a free pass because they claim it is reference to some deity.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Salamander @7,
Don’t worry about Puddy like shitstain steve does. The only people Puddy worries about are northern libtards, gang bangers, OWS freaks and La Raza idiots in the inner city.
Jesus said worry about the one who can kill your soul. Matthew 10:28,
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Plenty of crack smokers, wife cheaters and beaters, thieves and deadbeats that are with Jesus too – nobody is casting them in the fire.
Has Jesus come back yet hanging human tea bag licker?
Till Next Time!
Piddles has a sad because I can quore the teachings of Christ and prove that he is not actually a Christian. No amonunt of vegetarian go to meeting on the real Sabbath can change that. you lack:
And you’re a proven liar
If your kingdom of God is real, you won’t see it.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
And you’re a proven liar
Humility – is only demonstrated to those whom humility is needed. Puddy has no need to demonstrate humility to you or your ilk! Evah!
Compassion – Puddy demonstrates compassion to those whom need it. $!,000s to organizations that help the needy every year. Volunteering for those same organizations. Yet we never see flat beer froth in action or its money where its loud mouth is! All those illegals flat beer froth cheers about butt does flat beer froth offer to take a family in to resettle them. HELL NO!
Forgiveness – Forgive morons like yourselves whom advocate the death of black babies by abortion or drug overdoses?
And you’re a proven liar – Just like you flat beer froth! Apparently you prove the old adage it takes one to know one. Puddy purposefully didn’t attribute a link to the correct location and Da Perfessa of the Friday Night Comix moooooed over it. Yet you throw libtard lies on this blog every week!
Sux to be flat beer froth who just admitted to the world it really is checkmate-252. Yet before today it lied about that too! WOW!
Puddy gets libtards to demonstrate their true inner self all the time. Remember Mike Rogers!
Till Next Time!
Add bearing false witness to the list of things your god is watching.
Compassion – Puddy demonstrates compassion to those whom need it. $!,000s to organizations that help the needy every year. Volunteering for those same organizations. Yet we never see flat beer froth in action or its money where its loud mouth is!
I’m quite comfortable knowing that my charitable works, voluteering and donations are done in a much more Christlike manner than yours simply by the fact that I never toot my own horn (pride is a sin) about them.
But you’re sure that I do none of those things, see quote. You’ve witnessed my private life? False witness.
It’s like you don’t even want to pretend to follow the Lord anymore.
@9 I don’t know – not my job to keep tabs on him.
Back from where? A Drag Show?
This is a really fascinating notion that the Loon just brought up. A Christian can pick and choose to be a Christian based on the audience.
Lemmie see if there’s something in this book here, oh yeah, one of the most famous bits…
The Sermon on the Mount:
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
What Christ REALLY meant was, “Forgiveness – Forgive morons like yourselves ”
And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
What Christ REALLY meant was, “Puddy has no need to demonstrate humility to you or your ilk! Evah!”
Just piling on now. Here we have a self professed ‘Christian’ who is good for a couple times a year reminding everyone that only his sect has the true Sabath and therefore superior to other Christians, problematic by itself, and celebrating his knowledge.
Talks about his lifelong study of the Bible.
Yet doesn’t grasp the basic tenets that are taught to five year olds in Sunday school.
Do unto others…
Judge not…
ALWAYS keep Christ in your heart…
Or pre-teens
Faith without deeds..
That which you do to the least…
Carrying the book around and pretending to read it should be reserved for College or ‘War and Peace.’ Piddles has made a lifes’ work of not reading and understanding the Hily Word.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 I can masturbate just fine without Jesus. Unless he is AC/DC no abiding is necessary.
Of course the verse should not be taken literally. Though it would certainly resolve the over population, and man made global warming. Maybe that is what Jesus was talking about here. Could have been a cold day. Put a few more of those branches on the fire there men. As the women go on with their pagan dances, and the spirit grins. Happy belated Beltane.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 Buy a Duck Stamp today! Available at post offices, and many fine hunting establishments.
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 And do they use oil? Or are they manly men? Does that mean they wear tights?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “Jesus said worry about the one who can kill your soul. Matthew 10:28”
When are you going to start taking your own advice?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “I can quore the teachings of Christ and prove that he is not actually a Christian.”
You don’t need to prove it. He does it for you every time he posts.
Mark Adamsspews:
@8 Neutron stars and black holes are not mentioned in the bible, yet it would appear both can do a number on your body and soul. Even Einstein had some issues about black holes existing according to his theory.
In a universe of gravity wells does Jesus hold up well.
And how about a thank you to the Roman Empire that made the rise of Christianity possible!!! You don’t see that in the bible. Still all churches should have a up with the Roman Empire day!!! All the roads, the civilizing, and just how could all this branch burning that Jesus talks about affect the Gaul sheep herder of the time? No radio in those days. No way for him to know. Or the wonderful Vestal Virgins. Gotta keep the fire going, might need an occasional branch to do that. They probably could think of a few not so gentlemanly gents from the market that would be prime candidates to be a branch.
So untouchable, but so beautiful in the morning those Vestal babes.
Mark Adamsspews:
@10 Minor point of contention. Jesus was not a Christian. He was by all accounts a very good Jew.
Mark Adamsspews:
Come now Puddy is a good man. We should celebrate that fact that we Americans tolerate such men. Such men scare the like of Captain Jack Sparrow, but we Americans tolerate the like of the good (relative turn that depends on ones perspective) the Captain as well.
Up with your sails, and have a fine week out in America with Mr. Pappa.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Oh flat beer froth,
Ol’ Puddy only brings them up cuz FOOLS like yourself always questions Puddy on them.
“If you are such a good Christian where are YOUR contributions to charity!”
You seemed to forget you asked again above useless TOOL! All you have to do is ax the crazed creepy clueless database deala when the first ax was on Puddy and charities. You’ll find out it was over a decade ago. Puddy will put Puddy’s percentage of charitable contributions to your any day of the week. And Puddy will bring guvmint documentation under the Obummer sadministration where Puddy was audited because it was such a large value!
Till Next Time moron!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
flat beer froth has Christ’s sermon on the mount WRONG again!
Now why is that? Because libtards always need to slant the deck to show how “great” they are in their progressive “habits”. Yet we see their habits in every Antifa demonstration! Never see flat beer froth denounce his cronies!
See ya moron! You are a true demonstration of Matthew 23 flat beer froth!
Till Next Time!
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Piddles is a Christian by all accounts, just a very hypocritical one, one that is purely an “a la carte’ type. His posts prove it every, single, time. If there is a god, he will deal with the likes of Piddles in a fitting way, otherwise he will end up like every other carbon-based life form when they die.
Why all the concern about a soul? What does it matter?
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Jesus was not a Christian.
Mark you are arguing with a moron! Libtards march alike, think alike and quack alike!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Isn’t is great to see all these atheists claim to know what Christianity is and to know how to walk in Christ’s footsteps?
Now we have the salamander claiming to know about something he’s claimed to hate for a long time. Puddy knows there is a God in heaven and His Son Jesus Christ is coming back. You can’t deal with righteous indignation of FOOLS like yourself salamander!
I know I am far from perfect. I also claim the blood of Jesus spilled on the cross for my sins slalmander! You reject and abhor Jesus in every post you slew here!
Just like Eric Greitens!
So, did Jeebus have himself a sexy torture dungeon too?
Just because I don’t fall whole heartedly in line, doesn’t make me an atheist. You don’t have to label me. A good Christian wouldn’t label me as an Athiest just to exploit your agenda.
Oh miserable tool! You’ve been spewing that here for over 13 f’ing YEARS now..
He ain’t come back yet has he? It’s only BEEN 1988 YEARS give or take.
LOL! Just the other day you farted there’s been no HOLDUP!
Since 30 or 30 AD how much evil has been done? Romans? Genghis Khan? Crusades? Plagues that wiped out the natives in the new world? World Wars? Pol Pot? Mao? Stalin? Hitler? Armenian genocide? Trail of Tears? Pogroms? on and on and on..
You skydaddy and his “son” DELIGHTS in that evil you schmuck! At best they are INDIFFERENT which is its own kind of EVIL. Why else would they let it go on?
I know I am far from perfect.
O Wow! Thanks for that babbling butthole! But I bet you think jeebus is coming back in YOUR lifetime. Just for YOU! ya dumbass!
Jesus said worry about the one who can kill your soul.
The hate’s the only way pun-idiot.
The daily white nationalist and sexist whiner.
The washington always wrongist freak shreikin’
Piro, Hannity, Ingraham, etc at Faux News.
rompin’ rudy, cohen, drumpf, vapid ivanka and sleazebag son-in-law jar-jar-binks..
john ‘time for a new war’ bolton..
the mercers.
vlad putin.
The list is quite long
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Piddles, Piddles, Piddles, wow, you are really bringing the hate today. We must have really touched a nerve.
I don’t “hate” god, I just don’t believe in one. There probably was a Jew name Jesus, and he probably was a good person, but the story of, “he died for our sins” is just that, a story.
Oh yeah, there is a book that tells us what Christians are and supposed to be, based upon what I’ve read in that book, you don’t follow it very well
What I despise, “hate” if you like, is organized religion and the pious self righteous pricks (like yourself) going on and on about saving every one, Jesus coming back, making promises they can’t keep, espousing rules that others should follow, all just to control people.
Did Jesus come back for Oral Roberts? How about Jim Bakker, did a god smite him (I suppose being married to Tammy Faye was enough of a punishment)? Jimmy Swaggart is still doing his schtick as a proselytizing grifter in the name of your Lord. The list goes on, and on, and on, yet no response for Jesus or a god.
I guess everyone needs something to believe in, I believe I’ll have some pi.
You want truth, here is some for you: e^(ipi) + 1 = 0
Hey fellow HAer’s there’s good news from this thread
All we gotta do is 1) REPENT! 2) join SDA and get dunked 3) eat vegan, drink grape juice 4) hand over AT LEAST 10 percent a year and…
STRIVE to be audited by the IRS while a TWO TERM Dem is in the White House due to your charitable deductions.
easy peasy. you’re saved!
@ The SpittlePoodle @ #1
“You can do nothing without Jesus.”
No, is is YOU that can do nothing without “jesus”. Don’t project your mental illness on others. Your phony religion has no applicable effect on anyone else but you.
kult hospitals
kult missions abroad
kult group homes
kult assisted living
kult education aka brainwashing
kult low income housing enterprises
Qweshchun: does the tool have ownership stakes in any of these “charities”?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 “Isn’t is great to see all these atheists claim to know what Christianity is and to know how to walk in Christ’s footsteps?”
We can read, dolt. No one doing a side-by-side comparison of Jesus’ teachings with the GOP agenda would see any similarity unless they’re on hallucinogenic drugs. In other words, you can’t be Christian and Republican at the same time. So what’s your excuse for being a Republican?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “We should celebrate that fact that we Americans tolerate such men.”
Of course we tolerate him. Every fucking day (except sabbaths). To some extent this is involuntary, but none of us want his friends to lynch him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Time to check again how Scotty Walker’s economic revival program is working.
Hungary, a country taken over by far-right politics with Trump-like attributes — anti-immigrant, hostile to minorities. and low-wage economic policies — is depopulating. Its young people are leaving in droes, and eventually there will be no one left to support or look after its aging assholes.
Don’t be so sure. Dennis Hastert’s and Roy Moore’s GOP defenders point out that fucking around with children is “traditional”.
I don’t know if there are any actual prohibitions in their books against molesting kids. They do it a lot. The more extremist, and more fundamental the sect, the more they mess with kids. The SDA martyr Vernon Wayne Howell was all about fucking children.
I think the real GOP agenda and Christianity may have quite a lot in common. Maybe that’s why they should both be kept the fuck away from government.
@41 don’t worry, someone has or will teach them how to fish.
@41 don’t worry, someone has or will teach them how to fish.
Forgot what my name is……getting old.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
No one doing a side-by-side comparison of Jesus’ teachings with the DNC agenda …
The previous verse makes it very plain!
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
You can do nothing without Jesus. Sure you loony leftist pinheads think you are thriving right now but in God’s kingdom to come you are nothing without Jesus! Flat beer froth knows this is what his daddy preached while growing up. Unfortunately flat beer froth threw those Biblical teachings away to become a useless libtard!
God bless!
Till Next Time!
Nice of the loon to spew hate at us in the name of little Baby Jesus.
“So, if she weighs the same as a duck, she must be made of wood!”
No wonder the Christians are such fucked-up people.
@1 and you are nothing WITH Jesus either. Plenty of crack smokers, wife cheaters and beaters, thieves and deadbeats that are with Jesus too – nobody is casting them in the fire. When it really matters, let me know.
Thou shall not lie.
Thou shall not steal.
Thou shall not fuck thy neighbor’s wife
Thou shall not murder (on 5th Avenue)
Thou shall not bare false witness
More like – thou shall go fuck thy self.
Good Day!
Republicans fuck ducks, too.
@5 it wouldn’t surprise me if Repukes drilled holes into clay pigeons and fucked them too.
@1 “You can do nothing without Jesus.”
I do plenty without Jesus, thank you. Well, I did have a pretty good taco yesterday by a guy with a name tag that said “Jesus” but something tells me people pronounce it “Hey Zoose”
@4 said it best.
I worry about Piddles and his ilk. When kids are young and start to claim they have imaginary friends they get taken to child psychologists, But when adults do it, they get a free pass because they claim it is reference to some deity.
Salamander @7,
Don’t worry about Puddy like shitstain steve does. The only people Puddy worries about are northern libtards, gang bangers, OWS freaks and La Raza idiots in the inner city.
Jesus said worry about the one who can kill your soul. Matthew 10:28,
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Till Next Time!
Plenty of crack smokers, wife cheaters and beaters, thieves and deadbeats that are with Jesus too – nobody is casting them in the fire.
Has Jesus come back yet hanging human tea bag licker?
Till Next Time!
Piddles has a sad because I can quore the teachings of Christ and prove that he is not actually a Christian. No amonunt of vegetarian go to meeting on the real Sabbath can change that. you lack:
And you’re a proven liar
If your kingdom of God is real, you won’t see it.
And you’re a proven liar
Humility – is only demonstrated to those whom humility is needed. Puddy has no need to demonstrate humility to you or your ilk! Evah!
Compassion – Puddy demonstrates compassion to those whom need it. $!,000s to organizations that help the needy every year. Volunteering for those same organizations. Yet we never see flat beer froth in action or its money where its loud mouth is! All those illegals flat beer froth cheers about butt does flat beer froth offer to take a family in to resettle them. HELL NO!
Forgiveness – Forgive morons like yourselves whom advocate the death of black babies by abortion or drug overdoses?
And you’re a proven liar – Just like you flat beer froth! Apparently you prove the old adage it takes one to know one. Puddy purposefully didn’t attribute a link to the correct location and Da Perfessa of the Friday Night Comix moooooed over it. Yet you throw libtard lies on this blog every week!
Sux to be flat beer froth who just admitted to the world it really is checkmate-252. Yet before today it lied about that too! WOW!
Puddy gets libtards to demonstrate their true inner self all the time. Remember Mike Rogers!
Till Next Time!
Add bearing false witness to the list of things your god is watching.
I’m quite comfortable knowing that my charitable works, voluteering and donations are done in a much more Christlike manner than yours simply by the fact that I never toot my own horn (pride is a sin) about them.
But you’re sure that I do none of those things, see quote. You’ve witnessed my private life? False witness.
It’s like you don’t even want to pretend to follow the Lord anymore.
@9 I don’t know – not my job to keep tabs on him.
Back from where? A Drag Show?
This is a really fascinating notion that the Loon just brought up. A Christian can pick and choose to be a Christian based on the audience.
Lemmie see if there’s something in this book here, oh yeah, one of the most famous bits…
The Sermon on the Mount:
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
What Christ REALLY meant was, “Forgiveness – Forgive morons like yourselves ”
And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
What Christ REALLY meant was, “Puddy has no need to demonstrate humility to you or your ilk! Evah!”
Just piling on now. Here we have a self professed ‘Christian’ who is good for a couple times a year reminding everyone that only his sect has the true Sabath and therefore superior to other Christians, problematic by itself, and celebrating his knowledge.
Talks about his lifelong study of the Bible.
Yet doesn’t grasp the basic tenets that are taught to five year olds in Sunday school.
Do unto others…
Judge not…
ALWAYS keep Christ in your heart…
Or pre-teens
Faith without deeds..
That which you do to the least…
Carrying the book around and pretending to read it should be reserved for College or ‘War and Peace.’ Piddles has made a lifes’ work of not reading and understanding the Hily Word.
@1 I can masturbate just fine without Jesus. Unless he is AC/DC no abiding is necessary.
Of course the verse should not be taken literally. Though it would certainly resolve the over population, and man made global warming. Maybe that is what Jesus was talking about here. Could have been a cold day. Put a few more of those branches on the fire there men. As the women go on with their pagan dances, and the spirit grins. Happy belated Beltane.
@5 Buy a Duck Stamp today! Available at post offices, and many fine hunting establishments.
@6 And do they use oil? Or are they manly men? Does that mean they wear tights?
@8 “Jesus said worry about the one who can kill your soul. Matthew 10:28”
When are you going to start taking your own advice?
@10 “I can quore the teachings of Christ and prove that he is not actually a Christian.”
You don’t need to prove it. He does it for you every time he posts.
@8 Neutron stars and black holes are not mentioned in the bible, yet it would appear both can do a number on your body and soul. Even Einstein had some issues about black holes existing according to his theory.
In a universe of gravity wells does Jesus hold up well.
And how about a thank you to the Roman Empire that made the rise of Christianity possible!!! You don’t see that in the bible. Still all churches should have a up with the Roman Empire day!!! All the roads, the civilizing, and just how could all this branch burning that Jesus talks about affect the Gaul sheep herder of the time? No radio in those days. No way for him to know. Or the wonderful Vestal Virgins. Gotta keep the fire going, might need an occasional branch to do that. They probably could think of a few not so gentlemanly gents from the market that would be prime candidates to be a branch.
So untouchable, but so beautiful in the morning those Vestal babes.
@10 Minor point of contention. Jesus was not a Christian. He was by all accounts a very good Jew.
Come now Puddy is a good man. We should celebrate that fact that we Americans tolerate such men. Such men scare the like of Captain Jack Sparrow, but we Americans tolerate the like of the good (relative turn that depends on ones perspective) the Captain as well.
Up with your sails, and have a fine week out in America with Mr. Pappa.
Oh flat beer froth,
Ol’ Puddy only brings them up cuz FOOLS like yourself always questions Puddy on them.
“If you are such a good Christian where are YOUR contributions to charity!”
You seemed to forget you asked again above useless TOOL! All you have to do is ax the crazed creepy clueless database deala when the first ax was on Puddy and charities. You’ll find out it was over a decade ago. Puddy will put Puddy’s percentage of charitable contributions to your any day of the week. And Puddy will bring guvmint documentation under the Obummer sadministration where Puddy was audited because it was such a large value!
Till Next Time moron!
flat beer froth has Christ’s sermon on the mount WRONG again!
Now why is that? Because libtards always need to slant the deck to show how “great” they are in their progressive “habits”. Yet we see their habits in every Antifa demonstration! Never see flat beer froth denounce his cronies!
See ya moron! You are a true demonstration of Matthew 23 flat beer froth!
Till Next Time!
Piddles is a Christian by all accounts, just a very hypocritical one, one that is purely an “a la carte’ type. His posts prove it every, single, time. If there is a god, he will deal with the likes of Piddles in a fitting way, otherwise he will end up like every other carbon-based life form when they die.
Why all the concern about a soul? What does it matter?
Jesus was not a Christian.
Mark you are arguing with a moron! Libtards march alike, think alike and quack alike!
Till Next Time!
Isn’t is great to see all these atheists claim to know what Christianity is and to know how to walk in Christ’s footsteps?
Now we have the salamander claiming to know about something he’s claimed to hate for a long time. Puddy knows there is a God in heaven and His Son Jesus Christ is coming back. You can’t deal with righteous indignation of FOOLS like yourself salamander!
I know I am far from perfect. I also claim the blood of Jesus spilled on the cross for my sins slalmander! You reject and abhor Jesus in every post you slew here!
Till Next Time!
“He was by all accounts a very good Jew.”
Just like Eric Greitens!
So, did Jeebus have himself a sexy torture dungeon too?
Just because I don’t fall whole heartedly in line, doesn’t make me an atheist. You don’t have to label me. A good Christian wouldn’t label me as an Athiest just to exploit your agenda.
Oh miserable tool! You’ve been spewing that here for over 13 f’ing YEARS now..
He ain’t come back yet has he? It’s only BEEN 1988 YEARS give or take.
LOL! Just the other day you farted there’s been no HOLDUP!
Since 30 or 30 AD how much evil has been done? Romans? Genghis Khan? Crusades? Plagues that wiped out the natives in the new world? World Wars? Pol Pot? Mao? Stalin? Hitler? Armenian genocide? Trail of Tears? Pogroms? on and on and on..
You skydaddy and his “son” DELIGHTS in that evil you schmuck! At best they are INDIFFERENT which is its own kind of EVIL. Why else would they let it go on?
O Wow! Thanks for that babbling butthole! But I bet you think jeebus is coming back in YOUR lifetime. Just for YOU! ya dumbass!
The hate’s the only way pun-idiot.
The daily white nationalist and sexist whiner.
The washington always wrongist freak shreikin’
Piro, Hannity, Ingraham, etc at Faux News.
rompin’ rudy, cohen, drumpf, vapid ivanka and sleazebag son-in-law jar-jar-binks..
john ‘time for a new war’ bolton..
the mercers.
vlad putin.
The list is quite long
Piddles, Piddles, Piddles, wow, you are really bringing the hate today. We must have really touched a nerve.
I don’t “hate” god, I just don’t believe in one. There probably was a Jew name Jesus, and he probably was a good person, but the story of, “he died for our sins” is just that, a story.
Oh yeah, there is a book that tells us what Christians are and supposed to be, based upon what I’ve read in that book, you don’t follow it very well
What I despise, “hate” if you like, is organized religion and the pious self righteous pricks (like yourself) going on and on about saving every one, Jesus coming back, making promises they can’t keep, espousing rules that others should follow, all just to control people.
Did Jesus come back for Oral Roberts? How about Jim Bakker, did a god smite him (I suppose being married to Tammy Faye was enough of a punishment)? Jimmy Swaggart is still doing his schtick as a proselytizing grifter in the name of your Lord. The list goes on, and on, and on, yet no response for Jesus or a god.
I guess everyone needs something to believe in, I believe I’ll have some pi.
You want truth, here is some for you: e^(ipi) + 1 = 0
Hey fellow HAer’s there’s good news from this thread
All we gotta do is 1) REPENT! 2) join SDA and get dunked 3) eat vegan, drink grape juice 4) hand over AT LEAST 10 percent a year and…
STRIVE to be audited by the IRS while a TWO TERM Dem is in the White House due to your charitable deductions.
easy peasy. you’re saved!
@ The SpittlePoodle @ #1
“You can do nothing without Jesus.”
No, is is YOU that can do nothing without “jesus”. Don’t project your mental illness on others. Your phony religion has no applicable effect on anyone else but you.
@35.. Nice to know that jeebus enables the tool to troll HA.. praise jeebus.
Tool charitable contributions:
kult hospitals
kult missions abroad
kult group homes
kult assisted living
kult education aka brainwashing
kult low income housing enterprises
Qweshchun: does the tool have ownership stakes in any of these “charities”?
@28 “Isn’t is great to see all these atheists claim to know what Christianity is and to know how to walk in Christ’s footsteps?”
We can read, dolt. No one doing a side-by-side comparison of Jesus’ teachings with the GOP agenda would see any similarity unless they’re on hallucinogenic drugs. In other words, you can’t be Christian and Republican at the same time. So what’s your excuse for being a Republican?
@23 “We should celebrate that fact that we Americans tolerate such men.”
Of course we tolerate him. Every fucking day (except sabbaths). To some extent this is involuntary, but none of us want his friends to lynch him.
Time to check again how Scotty Walker’s economic revival program is working.
Hungary, a country taken over by far-right politics with Trump-like attributes — anti-immigrant, hostile to minorities. and low-wage economic policies — is depopulating. Its young people are leaving in droes, and eventually there will be no one left to support or look after its aging assholes.
Don’t be so sure. Dennis Hastert’s and Roy Moore’s GOP defenders point out that fucking around with children is “traditional”.
I don’t know if there are any actual prohibitions in their books against molesting kids. They do it a lot. The more extremist, and more fundamental the sect, the more they mess with kids. The SDA martyr Vernon Wayne Howell was all about fucking children.
I think the real GOP agenda and Christianity may have quite a lot in common. Maybe that’s why they should both be kept the fuck away from government.
@41 don’t worry, someone has or will teach them how to fish.
@41 don’t worry, someone has or will teach them how to fish.
Forgot what my name is……getting old.
No one doing a side-by-side comparison of Jesus’ teachings with the DNC agenda …
FTFY roger senile idiot wabbit!