I’m thinking of sending the imams in certain Middle Eastern countries a vision, directing them to tell Muslims not to have sex ed and driver’s ed on the same day: the goats can’t take the pressure!
Mark Adamsspews:
Yet as is often done in politics folks here are mischaracterizing the passage, and taking the passage out of context. Job says this about God. Job has begun his first steps as a whistle blower. He’s calling God out. Job tells us how the world is, and God later tells him he’s not that far from wrong, Job is the one book that you can tell the bible thumpers that not every word is the literal word of God. None of the words in Job is the literal word of God. It’s by some very bright human beings who were poets. It’s a very human book, and comes damn close to saying there is no God, but acknowledges there is wonder in the world that even agnostics and atheists. Perhaps some millions of years upon the savannahs of Africa instilled in us humans these beliefs in God and the wonderment of life.
I think dogs believe in god. I don’t know if cats believe in gods at all though. Amoeba’s probably believe they will divide from and into god. They use that new math.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 Are you saying that as you think you are safe there in New York as his missiles can’t reach there only maybe to the west coast?
Or you think he will wait until he can properly attack that bastion of world Capitalism? So we should wait to do anything until you could become dust in the New York wind? Since you seem to think he will actually use them against the United States. Should we do anything and what should we do? Perfectly ok for you to suggest the United States surrender if you are willing to be one of the many who will go to North Korea as a slave or prisoner to ensure we won’t put a wing of B-52’s and B-2s over that nation. The only alternative is to speak to our allies in the region particularly the South Koreans and find out what they want to do. I think Korea is a war that is waiting to happen. We can chose when or the North Korean dictator will choose. The North Korean leader will choose war over him being taken out and hung by his own army and people. as he reads and has been following the Dictators hand book very much to the letter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Another Republican who thinks lynching is respectable again.
@6 wow, you take me too seriously….dude, Abigail, I could care less what the guy has, will have, and what he does. If I can’t live freely in a free world in the Country that I was born, the United States of America, then I could care less if he bombs NYC, Seattle, Osh Kosh, or Omaha, Nebraska. And I could care less of all the ideas that you, your neighbor, my neighbor, or I have – they all seem to be opinions. Why ask those tough questions you ask, we can’t seem to deal with Syria….and it’s all Hillary’s fault! What makes you think that Donald doesn’t get all the sheep of this Country to think that Kim Jung Dung Fuck is all Hillary’s fault – that’s the level of debate in this Country.
This Country can’t get it’s act together – what difference does it make if we all live or die!? We can’t agree on Global Warming. So North Korea bombing has the same effect only it’s a quicker and sooner death. Big fucking deal. You need to simplify your mind and stop being so sideways.
I am God, I sit back and laugh! Nuke Bomb – sudden death!
Puddybud, the main HA DUMMOCRETIN cleanser!spews:
When brave selfless Latino Marines lose their legs I sit back and laugh.
Mark Adamsspews:
@8 Of course we can’t deal with Syria. If we could when Obama put his line in the sand down Assad would have packed his bags knowing the President meant business and would follow US protocol to use nuclear weapons in the event Syria did a NBC attack. The middle east is a more violent culture than ours. It’s also one where your word matters. If the President was not prepared to use nukes he should have said nothing and kept out of their civil war and kept everyone else on the sideline.
On North Korea the Dear leader thinks you are a soft American and he is likely to use a nuclear weapon on America. Not like we are at war with North but we are.
By your attitude you seem to be in agreement with Trump that South Korea and Japan are on their own. That they should go ahead and get some nukes of their own, and be responsible for their little part of the world. We should just sit back and wait. It’s ok if one day he pushes the button, even though we could have removed any capability. And yes that might very much mean using nuclear weapons on North Vietnam and any of their subs anywhere in the world.
You opened this can of worms. Or you just think it’s ok to die in an atomic blast. Will you think that if the North Koreans miss and you hit with the fallout and are puking your guts out, your skin rolling off you, blind. ect. It’s an old debate as to where whether the fortunate ones in an atomic attack are the ones immediately killed. A log of Japanese would tell you it’s very unpleasant.
@10 The middle east is a more violent culture than ours.
Let’s see. We (the US) have well over 100,000 documented Iraqis kills and the undocumented estimated count is in the 1,000,000 range. And around 20% of the population have fled their homeland to somewhere safe(er) since we invaded their country.
Thank God we are a peaceful nation.
Just think what it would be like if we had a violent culture.
Teabagged Againspews:
@10 when I’m puking my brains out at least I’ll know that hopefully you are too!
Is that so wrong? Hahahaha. Similar to laughing at Boob and his misery of malaise and discontent.
Also, similarly, when Kim Jung Dung Dick of North Korea sends those missiles our way….that will be the biggest laugh! Hahahaha!
God has a celestial Lazy Boy.
Is God laughing while Republicans try to make lynching respectable again?
I’m thinking of sending the imams in certain Middle Eastern countries a vision, directing them to tell Muslims not to have sex ed and driver’s ed on the same day: the goats can’t take the pressure!
Yet as is often done in politics folks here are mischaracterizing the passage, and taking the passage out of context. Job says this about God. Job has begun his first steps as a whistle blower. He’s calling God out. Job tells us how the world is, and God later tells him he’s not that far from wrong, Job is the one book that you can tell the bible thumpers that not every word is the literal word of God. None of the words in Job is the literal word of God. It’s by some very bright human beings who were poets. It’s a very human book, and comes damn close to saying there is no God, but acknowledges there is wonder in the world that even agnostics and atheists. Perhaps some millions of years upon the savannahs of Africa instilled in us humans these beliefs in God and the wonderment of life.
I think dogs believe in god. I don’t know if cats believe in gods at all though. Amoeba’s probably believe they will divide from and into god. They use that new math.
@1 Are you saying that as you think you are safe there in New York as his missiles can’t reach there only maybe to the west coast?
Or you think he will wait until he can properly attack that bastion of world Capitalism? So we should wait to do anything until you could become dust in the New York wind? Since you seem to think he will actually use them against the United States. Should we do anything and what should we do? Perfectly ok for you to suggest the United States surrender if you are willing to be one of the many who will go to North Korea as a slave or prisoner to ensure we won’t put a wing of B-52’s and B-2s over that nation. The only alternative is to speak to our allies in the region particularly the South Koreans and find out what they want to do. I think Korea is a war that is waiting to happen. We can chose when or the North Korean dictator will choose. The North Korean leader will choose war over him being taken out and hung by his own army and people. as he reads and has been following the Dictators hand book very much to the letter.
@3 Another Republican who thinks lynching is respectable again.
@6 wow, you take me too seriously….dude, Abigail, I could care less what the guy has, will have, and what he does. If I can’t live freely in a free world in the Country that I was born, the United States of America, then I could care less if he bombs NYC, Seattle, Osh Kosh, or Omaha, Nebraska. And I could care less of all the ideas that you, your neighbor, my neighbor, or I have – they all seem to be opinions. Why ask those tough questions you ask, we can’t seem to deal with Syria….and it’s all Hillary’s fault! What makes you think that Donald doesn’t get all the sheep of this Country to think that Kim Jung Dung Fuck is all Hillary’s fault – that’s the level of debate in this Country.
This Country can’t get it’s act together – what difference does it make if we all live or die!? We can’t agree on Global Warming. So North Korea bombing has the same effect only it’s a quicker and sooner death. Big fucking deal. You need to simplify your mind and stop being so sideways.
I am God, I sit back and laugh! Nuke Bomb – sudden death!
When brave selfless Latino Marines lose their legs I sit back and laugh.
@8 Of course we can’t deal with Syria. If we could when Obama put his line in the sand down Assad would have packed his bags knowing the President meant business and would follow US protocol to use nuclear weapons in the event Syria did a NBC attack. The middle east is a more violent culture than ours. It’s also one where your word matters. If the President was not prepared to use nukes he should have said nothing and kept out of their civil war and kept everyone else on the sideline.
On North Korea the Dear leader thinks you are a soft American and he is likely to use a nuclear weapon on America. Not like we are at war with North but we are.
By your attitude you seem to be in agreement with Trump that South Korea and Japan are on their own. That they should go ahead and get some nukes of their own, and be responsible for their little part of the world. We should just sit back and wait. It’s ok if one day he pushes the button, even though we could have removed any capability. And yes that might very much mean using nuclear weapons on North Vietnam and any of their subs anywhere in the world.
You opened this can of worms. Or you just think it’s ok to die in an atomic blast. Will you think that if the North Koreans miss and you hit with the fallout and are puking your guts out, your skin rolling off you, blind. ect. It’s an old debate as to where whether the fortunate ones in an atomic attack are the ones immediately killed. A log of Japanese would tell you it’s very unpleasant.
@10 The middle east is a more violent culture than ours.
Let’s see. We (the US) have well over 100,000 documented Iraqis kills and the undocumented estimated count is in the 1,000,000 range. And around 20% of the population have fled their homeland to somewhere safe(er) since we invaded their country.
Thank God we are a peaceful nation.
Just think what it would be like if we had a violent culture.
@10 when I’m puking my brains out at least I’ll know that hopefully you are too!