Isaiah 55:7
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
So all one need to do is “announce” that one has become
Right With God and every crime one has committed over the years is magically wiped off the record? Every baby raped, every robbery, every murder etc.
No wonder the Sovereign Citizen types always seem to make a claim that some flavor of Abrahamic Religion immunizes themselves from the Law.
Then, you can always find the Flat Earther types doing the same shit for similar reasons.
Look at the comments.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 The big question is, Can God pardon Herself? Where is that written? It’s ambiguous at best. However, She undoubtedly has the power to pardon all her children; and it’s equally clear that most or all of them will need pardons to stay out of purgatory.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
The sheep herders lost a bit of the story over the generations when they finally sat down to write this shit. What was probably said was, “Pay off in the Garden” (meaning of course, going into the garden at Eden, and paying off the person in charge by whatever mean required, and then you would be, “good in the eyes again.” Pay off in the Garden, pardon, same thing these days. Now it is probably being done at the Rose Garden at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Republican is someone who loots a pension fund, cuts off the ex-pensioner’s food stamps, and tells him to get his lazy butt out of the nursing home and get a job sweeping floors for $7.25 an hour.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
You left out the part where they have to supply their own broom and sleep in the parking lot to be available “on call”.
Mark Adamsspews:
Of course why is God all that concerned with some thought crime some human being has on this small world traveling around an insignificant yellow sun. Why does god give a damn. Now other human beings wanting to control other humans might be concerned about controlling other thoughts and actions. Which is why our First Amendment exists and should be supported by all who think the great enlightenment was a significant watershed in human history. Letting us free of these absurd bounds. Of course that means true liberals should step up their game, and be against that which is a thought crime. This also means telling our fellow citizens when they try to control our thought to go love themselves. If that doesn’t work then get downright nasty. Tell them these unrighteous men and women are welcome and are citizens under the laws of these United States. That we will protect them under the laws.
Mark Adamsspews:
@ 1 The bible clearly states that who ever believes in Christ is assured of getting into heaven. Which definitely means Adolf Hitler is floating around in heaven. Although this whole god, heaven Christ is all a bunch of bullshit.
Which makes it harder on us human beings as that means it is just our bullshit, that no justice exists except that which we can deliver. If we are even wise enough to deliver justice, though often we manage to deliver revenge.
Still note what the above test is speaking about is just thought. Which would get you death in Judea or Israel pretty easily, just admit to coveting your neighbors wife. That would get you death, but raping his virgin daughter just makes her your wife.
Such claims do happen in this world, and in some nations some get away with terrible crimes by being right with their god. Still they then have to watch their back, especially when the state disappears, and neighbors get some pay back. In this country all that crap just pisses off or amuses the DA and Judge, though it’s perfectly ok for those folks to think those thoughts, and for flat Earthers to think their flat thoughts. Their thoughts are not a crime, and they can publish them, and enter into the market of ideas where sunshine gets thrown onto their thoughts. They get exposed to fact. These folks do something important in they keep our bullshit detectors working, and can be found to be mildly entertaining. Still like all true believers they can be awfully entrenched. Nothing a trip on a North Korean rocket trip would not cure, only now no US citizens of the flat Earth persuasion can go. Damn. They can go to Iran still that could be entertaining. Should we pass the hat around to buy tickets?
Mark Adamsspews:
@2 Well God would have to be able to ask the question. How could God who is perfect in every way (even more than an Okie from Misgohkee) be enlightened enough to ask such a question?
And since God or Gods be they him or her, or be of rabbit form is our creation why would we have God ask that question of pardoning herself. It would be absurd. It may cause us to have to question his or her existence. Or the existence of purgatory which is largely the creation of Dante.
Clearly one may need a pass to get into purgatory or hell to talk to some fun folks rather than the country club folks who would end up in heaven and run the thing. Please I must just must get away from Mrs. Ferguson trying to sign opera. She could not sign here and why the heck should that change in heaven.
Mark Adamsspews:
@3 What do you mean sheep herders writing it down. They did not write and had little need of the skill. It was the people in charge and owned the sheep who would need to write and figure out clever ways to hide sheep from the ruling government (King or whoever) who had scribes to keep track of taxes, and who has paid what, and it was those scribes who in their spare times would write stories for their King. Or ideas on how to make the sheep herders are not hiding sheep, and not paying taxes. This usually had the requirement of some local noble being in charge of that area reporting back to the King, and depending on if the noble was lazy, lining his own pockets, knew there were limits to his power, or actually liked sheepherders more than the king, would write fanciful fiction back to the King’s scribes.
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 @5 Can only happen with Democrats kissing corporate asses. Besides according to Hilliary these pensioners are the deployables, probably Republicans, and hate Unions.
Yes the Republicans are eating their base, as their base ages. Creating conundrums such as not enough political will to kill Obamacare. Or agreement on taxes. Though they do seem to have agreement on limited government except for making war. If they were to extend their limited Federal government to the military, and deep state they could accomplish something.
Though the Republicans may have returned Romney’s foreign policy to the 80’s the Democrats are the ones returning to those policies.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Shortbus translation:
It isn’t the fault of Hillbilly-Traitors if Democrats don’t stop them.
So all one need to do is “announce” that one has become
Right With God and every crime one has committed over the years is magically wiped off the record? Every baby raped, every robbery, every murder etc.
No wonder the Sovereign Citizen types always seem to make a claim that some flavor of Abrahamic Religion immunizes themselves from the Law.
Then, you can always find the Flat Earther types doing the same shit for similar reasons.
Look at the comments.
@1 The big question is, Can God pardon Herself? Where is that written? It’s ambiguous at best. However, She undoubtedly has the power to pardon all her children; and it’s equally clear that most or all of them will need pardons to stay out of purgatory.
The sheep herders lost a bit of the story over the generations when they finally sat down to write this shit. What was probably said was, “Pay off in the Garden” (meaning of course, going into the garden at Eden, and paying off the person in charge by whatever mean required, and then you would be, “good in the eyes again.” Pay off in the Garden, pardon, same thing these days. Now it is probably being done at the Rose Garden at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC.
A Republican is someone who loots a pension fund, cuts off the ex-pensioner’s food stamps, and tells him to get his lazy butt out of the nursing home and get a job sweeping floors for $7.25 an hour.
You left out the part where they have to supply their own broom and sleep in the parking lot to be available “on call”.
Of course why is God all that concerned with some thought crime some human being has on this small world traveling around an insignificant yellow sun. Why does god give a damn. Now other human beings wanting to control other humans might be concerned about controlling other thoughts and actions. Which is why our First Amendment exists and should be supported by all who think the great enlightenment was a significant watershed in human history. Letting us free of these absurd bounds. Of course that means true liberals should step up their game, and be against that which is a thought crime. This also means telling our fellow citizens when they try to control our thought to go love themselves. If that doesn’t work then get downright nasty. Tell them these unrighteous men and women are welcome and are citizens under the laws of these United States. That we will protect them under the laws.
@ 1 The bible clearly states that who ever believes in Christ is assured of getting into heaven. Which definitely means Adolf Hitler is floating around in heaven. Although this whole god, heaven Christ is all a bunch of bullshit.
Which makes it harder on us human beings as that means it is just our bullshit, that no justice exists except that which we can deliver. If we are even wise enough to deliver justice, though often we manage to deliver revenge.
Still note what the above test is speaking about is just thought. Which would get you death in Judea or Israel pretty easily, just admit to coveting your neighbors wife. That would get you death, but raping his virgin daughter just makes her your wife.
Such claims do happen in this world, and in some nations some get away with terrible crimes by being right with their god. Still they then have to watch their back, especially when the state disappears, and neighbors get some pay back. In this country all that crap just pisses off or amuses the DA and Judge, though it’s perfectly ok for those folks to think those thoughts, and for flat Earthers to think their flat thoughts. Their thoughts are not a crime, and they can publish them, and enter into the market of ideas where sunshine gets thrown onto their thoughts. They get exposed to fact. These folks do something important in they keep our bullshit detectors working, and can be found to be mildly entertaining. Still like all true believers they can be awfully entrenched. Nothing a trip on a North Korean rocket trip would not cure, only now no US citizens of the flat Earth persuasion can go. Damn. They can go to Iran still that could be entertaining. Should we pass the hat around to buy tickets?
@2 Well God would have to be able to ask the question. How could God who is perfect in every way (even more than an Okie from Misgohkee) be enlightened enough to ask such a question?
And since God or Gods be they him or her, or be of rabbit form is our creation why would we have God ask that question of pardoning herself. It would be absurd. It may cause us to have to question his or her existence. Or the existence of purgatory which is largely the creation of Dante.
Clearly one may need a pass to get into purgatory or hell to talk to some fun folks rather than the country club folks who would end up in heaven and run the thing. Please I must just must get away from Mrs. Ferguson trying to sign opera. She could not sign here and why the heck should that change in heaven.
@3 What do you mean sheep herders writing it down. They did not write and had little need of the skill. It was the people in charge and owned the sheep who would need to write and figure out clever ways to hide sheep from the ruling government (King or whoever) who had scribes to keep track of taxes, and who has paid what, and it was those scribes who in their spare times would write stories for their King. Or ideas on how to make the sheep herders are not hiding sheep, and not paying taxes. This usually had the requirement of some local noble being in charge of that area reporting back to the King, and depending on if the noble was lazy, lining his own pockets, knew there were limits to his power, or actually liked sheepherders more than the king, would write fanciful fiction back to the King’s scribes.
@4 @5 Can only happen with Democrats kissing corporate asses. Besides according to Hilliary these pensioners are the deployables, probably Republicans, and hate Unions.
Yes the Republicans are eating their base, as their base ages. Creating conundrums such as not enough political will to kill Obamacare. Or agreement on taxes. Though they do seem to have agreement on limited government except for making war. If they were to extend their limited Federal government to the military, and deep state they could accomplish something.
Though the Republicans may have returned Romney’s foreign policy to the 80’s the Democrats are the ones returning to those policies.
Shortbus translation:
It isn’t the fault of Hillbilly-Traitors if Democrats don’t stop them.