A remarkably astute phrase when taken within the context of the Christianists force-marching their constituency into the self-fulfilling prophecy of total annihilation of the human race while promoting a complete hedonist and charlatan as the greatest representative candidate for their paradigm.
Money talks, therefore money has the right to say and do whatever it damn well pleases under the First Amendment and everyone else should just shut up and be grateful for the fact that it lets them live. Even if it means destroying everything in its path along the way.
Scorched Earth politics. Burn it all to the ground, butcher the unbelievers to the last man, woman and child, for the meek shall inherit the Earth and rebuild civilization in God’s vision.
Ima Duncespews:
@2 The love of money is the root of all Republicans.
“You have plowed wickedness, you have reaped injustice, you have eaten the fruit of lies.”
How to spoil a house: fill it with thrones and gold-plate everything. Get a lifesize stuffed lion for your kid to sit on, until he’s old enough to go shoot the real thing.
Mark Adamsspews:
The verse is out of context. Sure one might want it to be about tonight’s debate, but it is not about the House of Trump nor the House of Clinton. If we are now a nation of Great Houses and little people we are as Sparta, and have strayed onto a path that is in-American. Perhaps it is time for use to put a few more red necks, whores, and bikers into high office. Perhaps they will represent the people better.
This is the old God of the old testament and not the much nicer fellow Christians pray too. The passage is about Babylon. Now if you believe America is Babylon then if Isiah is correct the whole passage will come to pass:
“Their children shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.”
Maybe it was just God’s locker room talk that Isiah was recording here. Kind of a douche isn’t he. Sometimes though you need a douche bag as the leader. Isn’t nice but gets the job done, isn’t there to be liked or loved, willing to cavort with whores, murderers, if that gets the job done. Can put the fox in the position of guarding the chicken house and can keep the fox honest.
Hurricane Pussy Grabber?
A remarkably astute phrase when taken within the context of the Christianists force-marching their constituency into the self-fulfilling prophecy of total annihilation of the human race while promoting a complete hedonist and charlatan as the greatest representative candidate for their paradigm.
Money talks, therefore money has the right to say and do whatever it damn well pleases under the First Amendment and everyone else should just shut up and be grateful for the fact that it lets them live. Even if it means destroying everything in its path along the way.
Scorched Earth politics. Burn it all to the ground, butcher the unbelievers to the last man, woman and child, for the meek shall inherit the Earth and rebuild civilization in God’s vision.
@2 The love of money is the root of all Republicans.
“You have plowed wickedness, you have reaped injustice, you have eaten the fruit of lies.”
How to spoil a house: fill it with thrones and gold-plate everything. Get a lifesize stuffed lion for your kid to sit on, until he’s old enough to go shoot the real thing.
The verse is out of context. Sure one might want it to be about tonight’s debate, but it is not about the House of Trump nor the House of Clinton. If we are now a nation of Great Houses and little people we are as Sparta, and have strayed onto a path that is in-American. Perhaps it is time for use to put a few more red necks, whores, and bikers into high office. Perhaps they will represent the people better.
This is the old God of the old testament and not the much nicer fellow Christians pray too. The passage is about Babylon. Now if you believe America is Babylon then if Isiah is correct the whole passage will come to pass:
“Their children shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.”
Maybe it was just God’s locker room talk that Isiah was recording here. Kind of a douche isn’t he. Sometimes though you need a douche bag as the leader. Isn’t nice but gets the job done, isn’t there to be liked or loved, willing to cavort with whores, murderers, if that gets the job done. Can put the fox in the position of guarding the chicken house and can keep the fox honest.