Hosea 3:1-3
Once again the Lord spoke to me. And this time he said, “Hosea, fall in love with an unfaithful woman who has a lover. Do this to show that I love the people of Israel, even though they worship idols and enjoy the offering cakes made with fruit.”So I paid fifteen pieces of silver and about ten bushels of grain for such a woman. Then I said, “Now you are mine! You will have to remain faithful to me, though it will be a long time before we sleep together.”
I don’t get the bit about fruit cakes. My boy Muhammad was more interested in six-year-old girls than the desert menu.
@1- Your shtick is getting old.
Slow todsy?
Well, that certainly was a softball. A big league pitcher would have said, “Go find a faithful woman who doesn’t talk too much … ” (snark, followed by rabbit laugh)
Republican philosophy in a nutshell.
Then don’t read them.
Read what?
The question that should be asked is if Hosea got good value. Did she give good head? Was she a good lover? Was she an experienced whore?
Of course Goldie could be pointing out that Al Jazeera maybe kicked out of Israel. Ah the temple mount rises it’s head now as in the time of Hosea.
@1 Of course you don’t this is millennia before your time. Since your boy decided to recruit people of the book unsuccessfully, and went with making them at best 3rd class citizens of any Caliphate under control of one who surrenders to you. They can be taxed, enslaved, property stolen, ect while a Moslem cannot do these things against another Muslim, If this were about taxes then clearly you are a Republican as one Republican shall not tax another Republican according to Saint Ron.
@4 One should follow Socrates advice, try marriage and if it works out for you very good for you, if it does not work then you will be a philosopher. Since you are a married rabbit which are you? And yes you have to run this past Jessica Rabbit. Now if she really is Jessica and the discussion does not go well I’m available for patty cake. A case can be made that Roger Rabbit paid 15 silver and some bushels of grain for a woman who is wonderful at paddy cake. Wonderful for a tune.
@6 One should use your boys book for toilet paper, though other human beings will get all bent out of shape, and want to kill anyone doing such a thing. Oddly the hand of Allah won’t take up the sword of justice in such an act of blasphemy, because you don’t exist. Though plenty of zealots will act in your stead for their own political and economic advantage,
Was Hosea man cave in a garage? In the stable? An actual cave?
@10 “And yes you have to run this past Jessica Rabbit.”
I don’t know anybody by that name. In case you don’t know, my screen name is not derived from the Disney franchise. I’m not that “Roger Rabbit.” Is there more than one “John Smith” in the world? Same situation here. But then, this misunderstanding is to be expected from you, as you rarely (if ever) get anything right.
@10 “Roger Rabbit paid 15 silver and some bushels of grain for a woman”
This really shows, as nothing else does, how utterly dense and uncomprehending you are. Do you really think a rent-seeking vulture capitalist like me would buy a woman? She’d have to pay me, idiot! Show me the dowry, and I’ll let you know whether I’m interested.
@11 You know, a little cultural sensitivity might improve your chances of survival if you travel in Arab countries. You don’t have to believe in it, just pretend you respect it. How would you like it if they came into your town and peed on a cross in the public square?
Yes, it certainly was a slow day for comments.
In other news, Venezuela is predictably collapsing into a dictatorship with all the attached tyranny that involves. I haven’t heard a word from that ball of lard, Michael Moore, or dipshit Sean Penn about how terrible it is. Both Moore and Penn are arrogant fools.
My comment @1.
Sorry. Missed it (ignored to be honest). Who are you again?
Something wron either site or am I being blocked. I’m not getting a fresh redress of the site.
Maybe that east coast BULLSHIT filter is finally working @20!
No worries! I ignore almost everything you post, too.
Including this?
How ’bout this?