Hosea 13:16
The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.
I was going to say Republicans have offended their God, but in fact they’ve offended every God there is. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit can’t stand them.
Do we get to rape the woman that aren’t yet expecting child?!
Hope so!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Memorial Day is a time to reflect on the sacrifices of patriots so we can enjoy our freedoms.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Trump was a draft dodger. The last thing we patriots wanted was to get stuck in a foxhole with someone like him.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
On the other hand, perhaps “Cadet Bonespurs” might have fallen unfortunate victim to a “fog of war” friendly fire incident…
during basic.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Every single member of Congress should be forced to go to the Normandy American Cemetery and walk through the grounds without any pomp or ceremony. They should walk through in silence and see the crosses and read the names and take time to reflect on what it means to go to war and to send other people’s family members off to war in a foreign land.
It sucks to be in the west bank, and the Israelis and Palestinians would like you to believe the other side is doing these atrocities. Guess Hosea was not seeing a modern Israel, just did not see that coming. Wonder if he looked forward to the Roman roads, and public works projects like the temple.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 The GOP is now a Jewish organization? I think a big part of their born again rapture folks would take you to task on that one Roger. Also there is plenty of support for the state of Israel on the democratic side if not stronger support. Maybe you should be pointing out the Republicans are sometimes a little shy in their Jewishness and support of Israel, and occassionally even support the Palestinians, and they certainly love those oil rich countries over in that part of the world.
I don’t think your argument holds a lot of water, but go for it rabbit.
Mark Adamsspews:
@3 Memorial day has little to do with patriots. It comes from Decoration day that came out of the Civil War. President Garfield asked for the day to become a holiday ( it did not until WWI) to decorate the graves of 20,000 Confederate and Union graves at Arlington. And it has been a day to remembers others who have fallen in our nations wars since then. It is not just a day for patriots though.
As far as Trump being a draft dodger or not, it’s not like you went and volunteered to join and possible go to Nam. Had he been drafted he likely would have been an officer, and it’s entirely possible he would not have gone to Nam as not everyone drafted did. He had been in a military school before college, so he may have very well in the military. Perhaps you are just jealous you could not have gotten deferred Maybe he and President Clinton have tall glasses of lemonade and piss on the graves of veterans in some po dunk cemetery somewhere. I think that unlikely, and I think it’s unlikely many of the folks who got out of the draft do so. Some may even feel guilty about getting out of it. Some may even have later volunteered in the all volunteer 1970 army. Now some real Mao supporters would never have joined the army, and may have been even caught pissing on the graves of US soldiers. Guess that is just speech right?
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 Shows what you know. A friendly fire incident during basis is just bullshit. It would have to be someone in charge, and they would likely use a vehicle, or just keep giving him KP. Try to wear em out enough to jump out a window. Now infantry training tat comes after basic, possible, but again not likely as a lot of effort is put in to ensure trainees only have live rounds rarely during training. One literally has to be in a combat zone for fragging to be a real issue, though the services do have investigators to investigate murders,
And most likely Trump would have been an officer which makes fragging, and most of the stuff bad TIs pull with enlisted even more impossible. Even fewer situations for live ammo. And if there is the possible victim likely can fire back. Rank has its privileges.
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 He made it trough military school. Most people make it through basic. Though some require a second or even third chance, Shit happens like injuries and sickness. And Uncle Sam is cheap and wants to make good the bus or airline ticket of the recruit to basic.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 Nice thoughts, and many actually do visit such places on their visits to foreign nations if only to make it an official visit rather than a holiday. I think short of each congressperson having a designated person who will go and serve in the military or are already in the military, just visiting Arlington or Normandy is not sufficient as these folks are politicians’ Ideas and concepts Socrates and Aristotle struggled with. Even used to besmirch democracy. Except they could not offer a better system.
@ 11: “He made it trough military school.”
Hardly. He was shipped there after his behavior in regular public school became seriously problematic for his father. Word is that the Police were involved, and it was serious. The “Military” school he went to was a babysitting service for rich people to send their kids to when they couldn’t stand to have them running around the house or making them look bad when they started acting like little assholes.
He was a cheap, lying punk when he was a kid, and he is a cheap lying fatass punk to this day. There is absolutely nothing redeeming or worthy of respect in the man. Nothing, whatsoever.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “Memorial day has little to do with patriots.”
Speak for yourself. As for the rest of us, we know how Republicans treat patriots like John McCain, John Kerry, Max Cleland, John Murtha, and Tammy Duckworth, among others. And we’re also very aware of GOP voters’ willingness to vote for “chickenhawks” who talk a big game but ducked when it was their turn to serve.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 In Vietnam, fragging usually was a free ride. We had two such incidents in my battalion, and no one went to the brig for it. It’s pretty hard to get fingerprints off a grenade thrown into the officer’s latrine in the dark of night. And strangely, there were no witnesses, even though dozens of soldiers were in the vicinity. When I heard the bang, I dived into the nearest bunker, thinking it was incoming. My buddies did, too. We didn’t learn until the next day that one of our battery commanders was no longer with us.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “And most likely Trump would have been an officer ”
The only way Trump could have become an officer was via direct commission or ROTC, because he never would have made it through West Point or OCS. Remember, this is a person who has devoted his entire life to being comfortable at other people’s expense, and becoming an Army officer involves more discomfort than he would tolerate. The military also is about teamwork, a concept totally alien to him. People like him didn’t last very long in Vietnam. Soldiers whose lives are at stake don’t put up with jerkoffs for very long.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Mark, I think you misapprehend why Trump attended military school. That’s where rich people send their sons when they can’t behave themselves in a normal classroom. See #12. It doesn’t mean they’re officer material.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump “speaks harshly and carries a small stick.” That’s not my opinion; read about it here:
That reminds me of what Rick Lowry, editor of National Review, said about Trump when he took office: “The good news is he’s a coward; the bad news is he’s a fool.”
You see it doesn’t matter one bit if the veteran was Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative, or any other categorization, what matters is they died while serving their country. What matters is that, “We the People…” stop and reflect and show some gratitude for their ultimate sacrifice. For one day, hell, ever one hour, can’t people stop and show some respect? The national moment of remembrance is at 1500 (3 PM local time).
Our country may not be perfect, it certainly has its issues, but I’m grateful for those that have put on a uniform and served our country and paid a the price so we can sit had spew our opinions and listen to a free press, practice whatever religion we want, and be able to defend our lives and property with rights afforded by our Constitution. The people we are to remember are true patriots in every sense of word.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Of course it’s completely lost on Trumpers that a third of our active duty personnel are racial minorities.
But they’re about to find out what happens when an economy with a shrinking workforce kicks out its immigrant laborers.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Doctor Dumbfuck learns it anew every day when his low bid, meth head “nurse” leaves him marinating in his own waste for a few extra hours every morning.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Nearly half of Republicans believe millions of people voted illegally in the last presidential election”
So they can punish them. And because they treat mothers so badly no one has children voluntarily anymore.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We almost never see political polls of active-duty military personnel, because the Pentagon generally doesn’t allow pollsters onto military bases, but apparently one was done last fall. Here are the results:
“And while polling of active-duty military members is rare, one such poll last October found 44 percent have a favorable view of the president … Trump’s approval was highest among the rank-and-file soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines (48 percent), and lowest among officers (30 percent).”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is extraordinary. Fewer than half of service men and women, and less than a third of officers, think Trump is doing a good job — at a time when he’s talking up the military, boosting the Pentagon budget, and raising their pay. It appears they know a draft dodger and poser when they see one. Or maybe they’re afraid he’ll throw their lives away in some avoidable war in some shithole we don’t care about.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
And the president that sent all those men to their death was whom salamander@3?
Did he serve?
Till Next Time!
Mark is way off the mark as usualspews:
#9 Jealous of what? Could have been deferred, chose to serve.
Unlike your nobody’s hero Cadet Bone Spurs. The only Cadet spurs serves is himself with plates of cheese burgers in bed while watching faux news.
The Rabbit served his country with an honorable discharge unlike your war zero no hero the thumper trumpster.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Pull your head out Piddles, at least direct your comment to correct person.
However, to correct your question, and to answer the real questions, “And the president(s) that sent all those men to their death was whom?”
1. Eisenhower (served in armed forces, United States Army)
2. JFK (served in armed forces, United States Naval Reserve)
3. LBJ (served in the armed forces, United States Naval Reserve)
4. Richard Nixon (served in the armed forces, United States Naval Reserve)
5. Gerald Ford (served in armed forces, United States Naval Reserve)
So your point was? All of the presidents that were involved in the Vietnam police action served in some capacity in the armed forces prior to being elected Command In Chief.
To update, substitute “GOP” for “Samaria.”
I was going to say Republicans have offended their God, but in fact they’ve offended every God there is. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit can’t stand them.
Do we get to rape the woman that aren’t yet expecting child?!
Hope so!
Memorial Day is a time to reflect on the sacrifices of patriots so we can enjoy our freedoms.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Trump was a draft dodger. The last thing we patriots wanted was to get stuck in a foxhole with someone like him.
On the other hand, perhaps “Cadet Bonespurs” might have fallen unfortunate victim to a “fog of war” friendly fire incident…
during basic.
Every single member of Congress should be forced to go to the Normandy American Cemetery and walk through the grounds without any pomp or ceremony. They should walk through in silence and see the crosses and read the names and take time to reflect on what it means to go to war and to send other people’s family members off to war in a foreign land.
@4 I doubt he would’ve made it through basic.
It sucks to be in the west bank, and the Israelis and Palestinians would like you to believe the other side is doing these atrocities. Guess Hosea was not seeing a modern Israel, just did not see that coming. Wonder if he looked forward to the Roman roads, and public works projects like the temple.
@1 The GOP is now a Jewish organization? I think a big part of their born again rapture folks would take you to task on that one Roger. Also there is plenty of support for the state of Israel on the democratic side if not stronger support. Maybe you should be pointing out the Republicans are sometimes a little shy in their Jewishness and support of Israel, and occassionally even support the Palestinians, and they certainly love those oil rich countries over in that part of the world.
I don’t think your argument holds a lot of water, but go for it rabbit.
@3 Memorial day has little to do with patriots. It comes from Decoration day that came out of the Civil War. President Garfield asked for the day to become a holiday ( it did not until WWI) to decorate the graves of 20,000 Confederate and Union graves at Arlington. And it has been a day to remembers others who have fallen in our nations wars since then. It is not just a day for patriots though.
As far as Trump being a draft dodger or not, it’s not like you went and volunteered to join and possible go to Nam. Had he been drafted he likely would have been an officer, and it’s entirely possible he would not have gone to Nam as not everyone drafted did. He had been in a military school before college, so he may have very well in the military. Perhaps you are just jealous you could not have gotten deferred Maybe he and President Clinton have tall glasses of lemonade and piss on the graves of veterans in some po dunk cemetery somewhere. I think that unlikely, and I think it’s unlikely many of the folks who got out of the draft do so. Some may even feel guilty about getting out of it. Some may even have later volunteered in the all volunteer 1970 army. Now some real Mao supporters would never have joined the army, and may have been even caught pissing on the graves of US soldiers. Guess that is just speech right?
@4 Shows what you know. A friendly fire incident during basis is just bullshit. It would have to be someone in charge, and they would likely use a vehicle, or just keep giving him KP. Try to wear em out enough to jump out a window. Now infantry training tat comes after basic, possible, but again not likely as a lot of effort is put in to ensure trainees only have live rounds rarely during training. One literally has to be in a combat zone for fragging to be a real issue, though the services do have investigators to investigate murders,
And most likely Trump would have been an officer which makes fragging, and most of the stuff bad TIs pull with enlisted even more impossible. Even fewer situations for live ammo. And if there is the possible victim likely can fire back. Rank has its privileges.
@6 He made it trough military school. Most people make it through basic. Though some require a second or even third chance, Shit happens like injuries and sickness. And Uncle Sam is cheap and wants to make good the bus or airline ticket of the recruit to basic.
@5 Nice thoughts, and many actually do visit such places on their visits to foreign nations if only to make it an official visit rather than a holiday. I think short of each congressperson having a designated person who will go and serve in the military or are already in the military, just visiting Arlington or Normandy is not sufficient as these folks are politicians’ Ideas and concepts Socrates and Aristotle struggled with. Even used to besmirch democracy. Except they could not offer a better system.
@ 11:
“He made it trough military school.”
Hardly. He was shipped there after his behavior in regular public school became seriously problematic for his father. Word is that the Police were involved, and it was serious. The “Military” school he went to was a babysitting service for rich people to send their kids to when they couldn’t stand to have them running around the house or making them look bad when they started acting like little assholes.
He was a cheap, lying punk when he was a kid, and he is a cheap lying fatass punk to this day. There is absolutely nothing redeeming or worthy of respect in the man. Nothing, whatsoever.
@9 “Memorial day has little to do with patriots.”
Speak for yourself. As for the rest of us, we know how Republicans treat patriots like John McCain, John Kerry, Max Cleland, John Murtha, and Tammy Duckworth, among others. And we’re also very aware of GOP voters’ willingness to vote for “chickenhawks” who talk a big game but ducked when it was their turn to serve.
@10 In Vietnam, fragging usually was a free ride. We had two such incidents in my battalion, and no one went to the brig for it. It’s pretty hard to get fingerprints off a grenade thrown into the officer’s latrine in the dark of night. And strangely, there were no witnesses, even though dozens of soldiers were in the vicinity. When I heard the bang, I dived into the nearest bunker, thinking it was incoming. My buddies did, too. We didn’t learn until the next day that one of our battery commanders was no longer with us.
@10 “And most likely Trump would have been an officer ”
The only way Trump could have become an officer was via direct commission or ROTC, because he never would have made it through West Point or OCS. Remember, this is a person who has devoted his entire life to being comfortable at other people’s expense, and becoming an Army officer involves more discomfort than he would tolerate. The military also is about teamwork, a concept totally alien to him. People like him didn’t last very long in Vietnam. Soldiers whose lives are at stake don’t put up with jerkoffs for very long.
@11 Mark, I think you misapprehend why Trump attended military school. That’s where rich people send their sons when they can’t behave themselves in a normal classroom. See #12. It doesn’t mean they’re officer material.
Trump “speaks harshly and carries a small stick.” That’s not my opinion; read about it here:
That reminds me of what Rick Lowry, editor of National Review, said about Trump when he took office: “The good news is he’s a coward; the bad news is he’s a fool.”
@9 “Memorial day has little to do with patriots.”
I respectfully disagree with your view on what Memorial Day is about. Per the Department of Veterans Affairs, Memorial Day, which is observed on the last Monday of May, commemorates the men and women who died while in the military service. ” https://web.archive.org/web/20100527171249/http://www1.va.gov/opa/speceven/memday/
You see it doesn’t matter one bit if the veteran was Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative, or any other categorization, what matters is they died while serving their country. What matters is that, “We the People…” stop and reflect and show some gratitude for their ultimate sacrifice. For one day, hell, ever one hour, can’t people stop and show some respect? The national moment of remembrance is at 1500 (3 PM local time).
Our country may not be perfect, it certainly has its issues, but I’m grateful for those that have put on a uniform and served our country and paid a the price so we can sit had spew our opinions and listen to a free press, practice whatever religion we want, and be able to defend our lives and property with rights afforded by our Constitution. The people we are to remember are true patriots in every sense of word.
@19 Of course it’s completely lost on Trumpers that a third of our active duty personnel are racial minorities.
But they’re about to find out what happens when an economy with a shrinking workforce kicks out its immigrant laborers.
Doctor Dumbfuck learns it anew every day when his low bid, meth head “nurse” leaves him marinating in his own waste for a few extra hours every morning.
“Nearly half of Republicans believe millions of people voted illegally in the last presidential election”
Of course they do. These people also believe in UFOs, the Rapture, and the life-changing potential of lottery tickets.
A Republican is someone who believes global warming is a hoax and election fraud is real.
Why Republicans try to force women to have children.
So they can punish them. And because they treat mothers so badly no one has children voluntarily anymore.
We almost never see political polls of active-duty military personnel, because the Pentagon generally doesn’t allow pollsters onto military bases, but apparently one was done last fall. Here are the results:
“And while polling of active-duty military members is rare, one such poll last October found 44 percent have a favorable view of the president … Trump’s approval was highest among the rank-and-file soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines (48 percent), and lowest among officers (30 percent).”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is extraordinary. Fewer than half of service men and women, and less than a third of officers, think Trump is doing a good job — at a time when he’s talking up the military, boosting the Pentagon budget, and raising their pay. It appears they know a draft dodger and poser when they see one. Or maybe they’re afraid he’ll throw their lives away in some avoidable war in some shithole we don’t care about.
This pretty much sums Trump up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29CqXrcuzbo
And the president that sent all those men to their death was whom salamander@3?
Did he serve?
Till Next Time!
#9 Jealous of what? Could have been deferred, chose to serve.
Unlike your nobody’s hero Cadet Bone Spurs. The only Cadet spurs serves is himself with plates of cheese burgers in bed while watching faux news.
The Rabbit served his country with an honorable discharge unlike your war zero no hero the thumper trumpster.
Pull your head out Piddles, at least direct your comment to correct person.
However, to correct your question, and to answer the real questions, “And the president(s) that sent all those men to their death was who
m?”1. Eisenhower (served in armed forces, United States Army)
2. JFK (served in armed forces, United States Naval Reserve)
3. LBJ (served in the armed forces, United States Naval Reserve)
4. Richard Nixon (served in the armed forces, United States Naval Reserve)
5. Gerald Ford (served in armed forces, United States Naval Reserve)
So your point was? All of the presidents that were involved in the Vietnam police action served in some capacity in the armed forces prior to being elected Command In Chief.
Stick to ‘splaining how to ghost IP addresses.