Genesis 6:6-7
The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. So the LORD said, “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.”
Every man must reflect on their failings – but it’s not Lord’s fault. The Lord didn’t realize how much of a jerk and imperfect man could be. He didn’t realize that giving a man a penis that can ejaculate with such great joy would cause them to assault and rape. He didn’t realize that no man would want to live in a shithole – causing man to beg, borrow and steal to rise to the top at no cost to other human life and the great Universe that he created.
But one thing he did know is that men would like to dress in drag.
@1 include murder…..beg, borrow, steal and murder.
And also – the lord didn’t realize a tree (turned into paper) would destroy the world eventually.
Nature is a whore.
Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes. In retrospect, it’s obvious that after perfecting rabbits God should have called it a day.
Rabbits, by themselves, can provide this world with all the warmth and fuzziness it needs. Humans? Worse than useless.
And whatever it is I decide to wipe with, when I’m done it’s going into one of those shitholes down there.
My boy Muhammad didn’t say much about that. He believed the Sun set in a muddy spring. He was as nuts as the people who wrote your Talmud or Bible, Jews and Christians.
@2 “And also – the lord didn’t realize a tree (turned into paper) would destroy the world eventually.” Well not true since one of the operational definitions of God is he is omniscient, so he had to know that 1) trees could be made into paper and into money 2) man is flawed and imperfect and was predisposed to do stupid things like pervert nature and turn nature into a whore (nature was a bitch until man turned her into a whore)
But wait, didn’t God make man in his own image? According to Genesis 1:27 he did So if that is the case, Since god has no form or shape, image must be metaphorical and mean the gestalt, to whit, including his flaws, as well as his “looks”. I’m sure Mark can bible-splain this in greater detail.
But wait, God is supposed to be infallible, so how can he make man in his image? Wouldn’t man then be infallible?
So many contradictions, I don’t know how anybody can take that book seriously: http://www.thethinkingatheist......radictions
@1 The reason God or the Lord did not know all that is because there is no god. There have been great floods, but no flood that ever covered all the lands and al the mountains. Mt. Ararat is not the site of the remains of the ark. You are free to mount an expedition as that will help the local economy, just like bigfoot helps certain communities here in Washington. You would do better to look at the Eagles gathering along the Skagit this time of the year.
The salmon runs say the story is bunk. Where all the different animals came from. There is no explanation as to how the animals in Australia survived and then managed to get back to Australia and only Australia. Nor any mention as to how the animals and humans of the new world (the humans have been here for 20,000 years) managed to get to the ark, and then get back to the new world and then repopulate in time for discovery by the Vikings, Chinese or Chris Columbus.
The story is bunk and if HA folks actually believe in science they should totally ridicule the above passage.
They should also point out it’s totally plagiarized from the Story of Gilgamesh, which is a superior story.
I thought for sure there would be an Eagles reference. Perhaps Goldy is waiting for after the Superbowl to gloat. He should take the opportunity to gloat now. Perhaps the gloating will be sweeter, as the men using God as their excuse have done.
It’s always great to win in the ancient world. If you don’t you get carried off to Babylon. And this is historically accurate. The mono God sect though managed a surprise and survived. There are many different strategies for survival in the animal kingdom.
@2 Actually God is not particularly good when it comes to wood. When wood made it’s appearance there was a lot of it. No insects, No bacteria could break it down. There were great piles of it all over and eventually the wood from the great rain forests of the world (you can grow a lot of wood when the CO2 is up around 2000) got covered by yet more wood, soil, leaves and under pressure turned to something else. Coal. An all knowing god should have foreseen that man would find coal very useful. As we burn it and return that CO2 to the atmosphere to recreate the way the world has been for billions and billions of years. (thank you Carl Sagan.)
The fact we grow wood for paper should not be a problem as all the paper unless and until it undergoes the chemical process of combustion does not effect the global climate. Paper is a carbon sink. The fact we grow trees for paper means exactly what? Is a better choice papyrus? Hemp? Exactly how does turning a tree or thousands of trees into paper destroy the world? (And you should check out the New York paper barge that takes used paper out of the city to be recycled a couple of times a week. Lot of people using a lot of paper there in the Big Apple.) Then again a lot of trees burn in forest fires. Forest fires are part of the ecology of the American west. The forests in the climate of California have burned regularly since the retreat of the glaciers. Man had nothing to do the ending of the retreat of the glaciers.
@1 If the story of Adam and Eve is true God and his angels knew nothing about fashion. Come on furs in some sort of unisex affair. In a garden that clearly had flax, cotton, cannabis, sheep, ect. Certainly enough to send his children out of the garden in style. Certainly god also knows all about petrochemicals and he could have whipped up polyester rain coats, or better yet weather wicking raincoats, after he kicks them out of the nudist park The that other millions of humans were not allowed in. He should have sent Adam and Eve out in style. No furs and skins. See no fashion sense at all, and you expect God to think of drag? Which is totally a human thing of modernity. After all drag is not cool yet in many middle Eastern countries, but there is a centuries old tradition of it being used to escape prison or create mayhem.
@3 And once there were giant rabbits, and giant penguins. I guess the giant rabbits did not make it to the ark. That does not explain why there are not giant penguins which would have to need of an ark, and lived for decades so a year at sea would not have wiped out this top predator of the ocean. Giant penguins probably enjoyed giant rabbits for breakfast when they could get them. Probably jealous of the giant crocodiles and alligators that enjoyed rabbits of every size for breakfast. Rabbit is in fact what is for breakfast, lunch and dinner for much of the carnivorous animal kingdom. If you are a rabbit you gotta run fast. Or at least faster than the slower rabbit that gets caught by the lioness. Lot of running out there on the African savannahs.
@5 And did not stop your boy from plagiarizing. Though he did not plagiarize from the Hindus. Why don’t you claim Joseph Smith and L Ron Hubbard as your boys too? Mohammed would be in good plagiarist company. (Though Ron was a bit more original.)
@6 May I suggest reading the different version of Gilgamesh. Maybe with a good beer or mead. Or something harder if you prefer. Then you can compare a lot of the first five books to the Talmud to the legend, and then throw in the first ancient laws written in stones, and you will find god is a plagiarist. Or perhaps it men wrote the bible. Probably hints in the ancient records that much of religion is about human beings, who gets what, control, and just having some good old fashion fun, and being the social animals we are. Come one pot luck dinners are fun and you get to see people, if only they were followed by orgies like in those old time religions.
@6 Cotton Mather and a lot of folks in his generation took the book very seriously. Much to the misfortune of some in a village called Salem. That whole witch thing was not really about land was it? Did Cotton Mather make out well?
Could be something to the concept that people in power use religion to their benefit, as does government when it’s permitted to choose to support a particular set of beliefs, which will always support a government activities. Odd that it works that way, if there is a omnipotent god. Seems there would be only one religion and everyone would be like ants in total agreement.
Not on tonight’s orgy Newt gets the fat gals. or guys if her prefers. Enjoy Newt.
Thanks for the link to yet a different version of a work of fiction with a religious theme. I think I will pass, it is all the same theme and I know how it turns out.
If I’m going to read a work of fiction on religion I’ll pick up “Cat’s Cradle”, something about the satire makes it far more interesting.
I’ll pass on the religious-based orgy, they tend to be strange and quite possibly involve some freak-ass ritual and/or animals. Sounds like it is more up Dr. Bob’s or Piddles alley.
I would rather discuss the Gedankenexperiment on Schrödinger’s cat than wast time with a church potluck.
Yes, my boy Muhammad was a plagiarist. He first tried to sell his act to the Jews of th area, but, after all the business with Jesus and his crew, the Jews weren’t interested in another “prophet” trying to sell a bill of goods to them.
In short, my boy Muhammad was simply another religious fraud, just like Joseph Smith and L. Ron Hubbard, Christianity, Catholicism, or any other religious “ism” out there.
(Who the heck names their kid “L. Ron” anyway?)
@16 Same parents who would name their male child after Ayn Rand.
Considering her philosophy in total don’t understand conservatives flocking to her.
“(Who the heck names their kid “L. Ron” anyway?)” Allah, you should know that answer since you are omniscient.
People that do that sort of thing either have a distorted sense of self-importance or they want to ensure their kids would be mocked for their name and not their actions (in this case a made-up religion). For Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, it didn’t work out so well.
So where is the safe space in here. It’s very popular on campuses these days.
And just for fun maybe an occasional y tube from a conservative thinker should show up from time to time. All Republicans are not crazy, uneducated, ect.
@18 If I follow the money Hubbard’s sect is not doing badly. Probably some Imam’s are jealous. The real fun is when these two religions mix. And both have the sword in their dielectric.
@19 “It’s very popular on campuses these days.”
Yeah and so is Ayn Rand, so what? That is typical when young adults are looking to “find their own way” a way that is different from their parents way or the typical accepted social construct. Most, but not all, grow out of it as they grow up and get older.
@15 If you are into Cat’s CVadle, and you are a character as one of the children of the co inventor of the atomic bomb. Then you don’t escape at least one biblical question. Are you your brothers keeper? And no matter how hard you try that book the Bible for whatever reason has entrenched influence on western thought. I may agree that the book has too much influence and it and the Quran should be subject to the same questioning we put The Illiad, The Osyessey, Greek Myth ect under. Yet there are many human beings believe in this flood story in the bible, and they can quote it, but are unable to rationally analyze it and go ummm and realize what most Jewish Rabbi’s would tell you that they look at much of what is in the first 5 books as allegoric. It does not prevent the dietary issue of pork, but the real reason for the restriction can be worked out, and how it’s not the end of the world if you get a dab of pork in your meal at a Chinese restaurant, and how some not so traditional Jews are able to enjoy pork. It also provides reasons why warriors should cleanse themselves after battle might reduce PTSD and put some restraints on soldiers who will have to live with these people tomorrow.
In any case I have to live with my neighbors tomorrow, and challenging their basic beliefs they have been indoctrinated is a lot of work, and is not worth the time, and I might enjoy the pot luck dinner, unfortunately none of my neighbors are in any real old time religions, but the large women are yours Newt put a smle on their faces, and unleash your inner Heinlien rather than Vonnegut.
@21 If young people are looking for what you say they should try a kibbutz or commune. While universities are to help teach how to think, they are not looking in a place to give them what you are suggesting they are looking for. They should do what the Grateful Dead groupies do. Drop some acid. Get laid. Work in a cruddy low end job like McDonald’s. Pray the crazy fat woman you put a smile onto is not pregnant. And then go to university.
I am most certainly not my brother’s keeper, he is on his own.
Did far too many church potlucks and banquets as a kid, not ever going to bother going to another one.
Never got into Heinlien, Vonnegut was much better IMHO.
There was a group of folks that often tried to get kids to try a commune or something like a kibbutz and such, they wore orange robes and hung out at airports (before the security restrictions).
What do you have against fat chicks? There are plenty of crazy skinny chicks too at religious institutions.
Not everyone needs drugs, or religion, or potlucks, and try communal living, in order to find inner peace or their way in life.
As much as I like “Cat’s Cradle”, I really enjoy “Walden Two”. You want communal living, read that book:-0
Sure, I don’t dispute the religion and religious works have be intertwined in the development of civilization as we know it, however that doesn’t mean the religious text or stories are all true. Hmm, Galileo sure pissed off the church and who was proven right?
@9 “The fact we grow wood for paper should not be a problem as all the paper unless and until it undergoes the chemical process of combustion does not effect the global climate.”
As usual you don’t know what you”re talking about because you’ve failed to research the topic you’re commenting about.
Replacing natural forests with tree plantations for pulp production is NOT good for the environment. Paper production consumes large amounts of energy and water, and releases emissions into the air and produces water pollution, which is NOT good for the environment. The chemicals used in paper production and printing ink are NOT good for the environment. Recycling paper involves de-inking, which is a polluting process, and the chemicals in paper and printing inks that leach from waste paper discarded in landfills makes its way into groundwater, which is NOT good for the environment. In short, paper is NOT a problem-free substance, but rather one whose production and disposal damages land and produces air and water pollution.
@11 Most lions have never seen a rabbit, because Africa has few rabbits, and the ones it has don’t live in dry savannahs. And for a lion, hunting rabbits isn’t worth the energy expended. Lions prefer animals their own size.
@25 Well, now the perverse mind of Man has managed to invent a replacement for ink on paper that’s even more toxic. It’s called the Internet.
@25 Show me the chemistry that demonstrates that the carbon in the wood is somehow no longer in the paper? If it’s in the paper dude it ain’t CO2 and has nothing to do with global climate change. The forest burning in California released large quantities of CO2 but that a normal thing that has happened for thousands of years.
Wood then becomes paper and the carbon is still trapped in the paper. As far as tree plantations consuming large amounts of water and energy is not necessarily true. Unless you put your tree farm in the middle of the Sahara desert, but if you stick enough of these tree farms in the Sahara you will change the desert and the climate of the area and world. It has been shown tribes in the Amazon Forest area changed the previous savannah to jungle. Using human and animal energy, and some water through a canal system. A tree farm in Washington state is highly productive. Does not require a lot of water except rain, Sure planting and harvest requires some water and energy, but not necessarily any more than if you grow hemp for paper. Hemp is a good choice for paper or rope. The illegal patches in California are a lot more devastating to the environment than forestry as hemp really is water intensive. The illegal growers also use chemicals that are hard on the environment, and of course they are trying to keep it all on the down low and use the forest to hide their crop unless it interferes and then trees get chopped down or burning.
Properly run forests in the German style is labor intensive and not as environmentally unfriendly as American forest agriculture, and the German methods were adopted in some parts of the country like Michigan, but out here in the west . dominated by corporations like Weyhauser that style has never caught on. And just for fun lets blame it all on the Spotted Owl. Why not it had nothing to do with those logging jobs going away as they were going away due to mechanization. Washingtonians could have demanded that logging be done the old ways like Paul Bunyon did it, but nope it’s done the corporate way, and Paul and Babe the Blue Ox really are blue and out of a job.
@26 Lions in Africa see plenty of rabbits. Particularly this species.
Lions have no problem with rabbits being what is for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And they also to play with their food.
Aside from Antarctica the only continent rabbits are non-native and an invasive species is Australia. Where they built a long beautiful fence to keep em out of the other half of Australia. And there are no lions in Australia except at the zoos.
You really should have your rabbits together. You are an embarrassment ot your African Rabbit cousins. Who all know this is what was really said or played at a closed meeting with President Trump
Thank you Frank Zappa