Genesis 6:4
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
by Goldy — ,
I thought that the Bible forbade miscegenation?
Great floods, giants (Titans), children of (the) god(s), characters who live hundreds/thousands of years… themes that run through every religion born of the Mesopotamian cradle pre-Common Era… lather, rinse, repeat.
@ 1 HL
It’s not miscegenation, everyone was white. Especially Jesus.
Thank one of God’s three heads.
In this case science and the Torah agree, Modern man originated with a very few sapient people (thinkers, speakers). They bred with no speakers and even with Neanderthals.
Accepting My truth is a good thing.
@ 5
You assume that Neanderthal man had no language? There are some forensic anthropologists and geneticists that seem to think that the entire human race is descended from a couple hundred survivors of some huge calamity, like an asteroid strike or a supervolcanic eruption that would have all but eliminated any competing species.
All human DNA traces to Africa, particularly an area in whats now known as Kenya.
Ah Goldy, we miss you over at S.
Crazy crazy stories in those old books! As a previous poster stated, all humans alive today are most likely the descendants of a very small band of humans, who suvived a catastrophic event.
We had a bottle neck, millions of all kinds of humans and then POW! Only a couple thousand humans in the entire world.
Nelson Mandela: ‘A giant among men’
Such a silly old book, embellishing the way it did.
This is one of the most famous early cases of “things were better (or at least more interesting) in the old days”. So often revisited in fantasy in particular. Beautifully crystallized in Tolkien, (who knew the northern sad sagas and the bible like few others): these corrupt days are a sad reflection of the glory that was the past. It makes for some of the best story telling if there were giants and dragons who lived, now alas gone, just over that hill.
Sounds like something out of J.R.R. Tolkien’s works.
Alack and alas! And so it was….
Personally, I think all the guys at the Discovery Institute are envious wannabes, who still have their Halloween Batman and Superman costumes from grade school hanging in their closets.
@7 When robots replace workers, only the one-percenters who own the machines will be necessary, and the other 99% of humanity can be gotten rid of through voluntary sterilization, abortion, and if necessary starvation. This will reduce the human population from 7 billion to 70 million, which will be good for the environment and extend the remaining life of nonrenewable resources. When the 99% are no longer needed or useful, there’s absolutely no reason for them to stick around! With the working classes gone, the one-percenters will have this world to themselves. That means the best beaches and vacation spots will be less crowded, and freeway congestion will be a thing of the past. And seats on the 50-yard-line will be easier to obtain. Plus no more paying taxes for food stamps or unemployment benefits! The robot age is arriving just in time, because climate change will ravage the world’s agricultural areas, and soon there will be enough food for only the one-percent. However, the Masters of the Universe may want to keep a few girls around for their amusement, and to perpetuate their own kind.
Speaking of giants, there are reports that giant bank J. P. Morgan Chase refused to make loans to, and now is closing accounts of, people who work in the adult film industry for “moral” reasons.
This is rich! One of the world’s worst banks, which has paid billions of dollars of fines for what amounts to criminal activity, is getting all preachy and sanctimonious about porn movies!
Whaddya wanna bet that Chase bankers are big consumers of porn? Hmm, maybe that’s it, maybe the Chase bosses’ motive is they can’t get their bankers to do any work because they’re all busy watching dirty movies at work. I actually think we should pay them to do that, because they’ll do less damage to society if they don’t do any banking.
Abracadabra and hocus pocus
re 13: When they don’t have the 99% to harass and kill, they’ll go after each other. A tiered social system still needs a ranking system.
I just love this part of Genesis.
‘K, here’s the Torah: “It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth — when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who fore them offspring. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown.”
What’s really funny is what comes next: “The Lord saw how great was man’s wickedness on earth, and how every plan devised by his mind was nothing but evil all the time.”
After God admits he’s done something really stupid, then came Noach and the Hebrew version of the flood story.
and of course it’s “bore”, not “fore.”
Nephilim means, broadly, demigods — hosts, or angels.