Genesis 5:1-3
This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, and after his image; and called his name Seth.
Dr. Orpheus’ script with Tampermonkey on Chrome looks to be a complete success!
So if you are a chrome user head on over to the Chrome web store and install Tampermonkey. Once that’s installed you can install Dr. Orpheus’ script. You’ll find it in the Dec. 29, 2015 Drinking Liberally at comment #3 or here:
Chrome users can rid themselves of the hatred, violent threats, and adolescent sexual goat fantasies of that Fuckwad troll with one simple click.
Thanks again Doc! Best “Fake War on Christmas” gift ever!
In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
Except Ted Cruz. Cruz was created in the likeness of Oswald Cobblepot.
I think it’s amazing how much this god looks like the great apes. What a coincidence! And for those that wondered, Seth rode a T-Rex to school, where he was the only member of the soccer team.
Which one? Mark Bolan?
It took him 25 years to figure this out, but a pro-life minister has come to realize that the GOP’s gun culture isn’t compatible with Christian teachings.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Christ didn’t pack heat. He wasn’t in favor of open carry, either. Or taking guns into kindergartens and movie theaters. And even though he was a Jew, he probably wouldn’t have shot a Nazi who came to kill him. He just wasn’t that kind of messiah. All of this flies over Republicans’ heads; they don’t grasp any of it.
Seth? Who the hell is Seth? Where’s Able and Cain?
What if a new scroll is discovered that reveals God created only females, Adam was a transgender, and it took another million years of evolution to separate the genders? What will the bible thumper bigots do then? After all the X and Y chromosomes look suspiciously similar.
@2 Cruz was created in the image of a porn ingenue.
Somebody got their computer back.
“Chrome users can rid themselves of the hatred, violent threats, and adolescent sexual goat fantasies of that Fuckwad troll with one simple click.!”
Thank you to you and Dr. Orpheus. At last, good riddance to the hate-filled batshit insanity.
All thanks are due to Dr. Orpheus.
His blessings abound. Amen.
Seth married his sister. Gross. If I were writing a book that would serve as the basis for a religion, I’d stay well away from that sort of ick.
@12 Puleeeeeze. They were all fucking anybody and anything they could get their grubby hands on. They still are.
@1 Is this a good thing though. Does not a good man need to hear the laminations, complaints, and thinking of his neighbor. Does the thinking man shut himself in a house with only those with similar opinions? I think not. Does not a good man or woman have the responsibility to respond to those messages of hate and ignorance and if by shutting themselves off from those messages have they not done evil?
So please keep the troll messages in thy sight and be willing to respond. If one pays them no min one is no better than the typical German citizen in NAZI Germany. Who did not know of the horrors of the concentration camps. To what degree they willingly shut their eyes is debatable of course, but the NAZI’s didn’t put the camps in the middle of Berlin but out in the countryside often in obscure out of the way places, behind double fences, and used propaganda to make it appear these were country clubs.
@3 There is no mention of the T-Rex or any other dinosaur in the bible. There are some mentions of giants in the book of Genesis and some other books mention dragons, These kind of mentions are well in the context of any other Mediterranean civilization of the time. The association of dinosaurs with our ancestors is a 20th century development. It was an argument at the Scopes Monkey trial, but a passing reference. We see cartoons that are not religious that have men riding dinosaurs or science fiction. Often the depiction are like the one from the Time Travelling Bong with a T-Rex and the human participants decide not to become the T-Rex’s next meal.
All of the human riding T-Rex obscures what makes many human beings uncomfortable. That the theory of revolution has one unsettling fact in it. That species become extinct. That god does not step in to prevent or fix the situation should the last DooDoo become extinct. Humans brought the American Bison back from the brink not god. And we will soon have that creature as our national mammal. Will it go back on the nickel?
@14 I agree we need to hear evil and see how common it is. But I’m not sure enough people recognize it. Evil is always portraying itself as sacred and hate as righteousness. And though you point to history for examples, the German people roared with approval when they heard the hate. After all, they were taught to hate as children. It’s no coincidence it was the Jews and homosexuals that filled it’s prison camps.
@5 Which Jesus are you referring too? How about the one that upturns the tables in the temple? The one out picking grain on a Sunday out of a farmers field? The true meaning of turning the other cheek? Seems this Jesus may have been willing to pack heat.
The man was crucified with two brigands. Which is a specific kind of criminal under Roman law. Today we would call them terrorists or revolutionaries.
Of course the problem for most following the Christian faith is that this Jesus is a lefty and is a revolutionary and wants to change the world.
Of course the Jesus did not meet the Jewish expectations of being the Jewish Messiah. That mantle arguable belongs to others. Maybe some of those who died at Masada. Or in Jerusalem when they tried to throw off the shackles of the Roman empire and ignored cooler heads.
Juda Maccabeus, Simon of Peraea,Athrongas, Menahem ben Judah now these guys were Messiahs. Odd how some of their stories are in the gospels. Could our Jesus be a composite of different people or a blank slate to put our views upon.
So which Jesus? If you believe in the Jesus of Thomas Jefferson and the teachings of that Jesus perhaps the priest has seen the light. Still that opinion would be from a man holding slaves.
@6 Adam and Eve had sex at least three times. Possible they had sex more often but they had at least three offspring. Of course no mention is made of the daughters. The Arab texts definitely do mention these daughters and point out there was going to be incest and the whole fight between Cain and Able was over who got which sister.
Of course if one really reads the Bible it appears there are other human beings in the world who would take revenge upon Cain, so did Adam and Eve fuck like rabbits with rabbit like success or were there other human beings and tribes and this is just the story of one tribe of human beings and its beginnings? This would certainly be a major strike against the Book of Mormon in its truthfulness.
@7 Basic biology says you are wrong. Human beings are animals. Human beings are mammals. Human beings are relate to apes. Most animals have male and female. Mammals are male or female, Human beings being mammals are male or female.
A very few very simple species can change sex to suit conditions. Of course it’s critical that the proper chemicals be present during gestation or you get a female even though there is an XY chromosome, so biologically the female would appear to be the basic template.
Fortunately most trees and flowering plants don’t have these issues as they have both. Perhaps Prince is really a beautiful purple tree.
@12 Arguable if you place brother and sister on an isolated island with enough resources to sustain them. With or without the belief they are the only human beings in the world what do you think will happen between brother and sister when it comes to sex?
Of course the islands rabbits will prevent this union as they are the true masters of the island and seek hegemon.
Sorry. I call bullshit.
That Fuckwad troll has absolutely nothing to contribute other than hate, empty threats, and mindlessly repetitive falsehood.
That piece of shit has been unmasked, rhetorically unmanned, and surgically refuted in these threads so many times over the years it is impossible to count. And its only reaction has been to repeat the same falsehoods. There is literally no point in responding to it. As such, there can be no point in reading it’s posts.
But that’s just me. If you find some value in engaging with it you go right ahead. For me there is certainly no challenge in it. And wading through all the mindless reactionary hate, violence, empty threats, bigotry, and intolerance for the sake of an easy layup is unrewarding. Especially when the only response it is capable of is flopping around crying foul in caps-lock, and insisting that the score doesn’t count.
How can Trump or anyone else make America great again when we have these people running our corporations?
I’d chime in but I really don’t understand any of this shit. Speak English please!
@16 I don’t know if they roared with approval. Some people in Berlin roared with laughter. After WWI things were very DA DA in Berlin. Berlin was very cosmopolitan. Things were very liberal, and in part the Nazi’s were a reaction to this. Also don’t forget they started with the mentally ill, and don’t forget the gypsies.
@21 So you have an issue with the marketplace of ideas? Perhaps you disagree that sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Too bad we can’t go and speak in front of North Korea’s upcoming party convention. I have some things I’d love to share. I’d even try to put them into proper socialist thinking. Still I don’t expect to get an invite. Doubt you have an invite either but I’d love to speak to those folks. Sure they don’t want to hear what I have to say. Maybe Puddy would speak to them.
In any case I support the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution. You don’t have to read what he says that is your choice. Still what is protected is not the speech you like, but the speech you don’t like. Doubly so if you are the government.
You don’t have to read what he has to say or what I have to say. I’m just not cool with censorship, and that is what you are doing however well intentioned.
@22 Ahhh the second Gilded Age has begun! Hurrah for the titans of industry! They have triumphed and their methods continue. HURRAH Rockerfeller! HURRAH Morgan! Hurrah Westinghouse!